bad science misogynatomy misogyny that whole area down there

I’m back from vaccine land and on an unrelated note here’s something weird about uteruses

Sorry to have vanished for a few days. I had my second COVID vaccine shot on Wednesday and it kind of messed me up for a couple of days. But in two weeks I will be INVINCIBLE. (I think that’s how these things work.)

I wish you all happy vaccinations of your own.

And now for something completely different: a screencap from some dude who has a rather unique take on uteruses and virginity.

Sorry, u any man who says they don't care about whether a girl has a flat stomach or not is lying. They absolutely care. And before any angry feminists try to attack me, don't even bother. Wanting a girl with a flat stomach doesn't make us bad or superficial. It's just evolution. It's not like we can help it. If a girl has that "bump" on her stomach, it's a dead giveaway that she has lost her virginity, and even if some guys nowadays try to deny it, a virgin female has always and always will be the ideal mate for a man. That little bump is their uterus showing, and it appears when a man ejaculates inside her vagina, because when the sperm enters her uterus, it will swell so much that it becomes visible through the skin. Take it from someone who's taken his fair share of virginities over the years, lol. Non-flat stomachs are only ever hot if you're the reason they aren't flat anymore. (Not including pregnancy, because pregnant bellies frankly look gross.)

Wow. I must have missed that day in sex ed. Or maybe a whole week.

H/T — @shaindelr via @TabbyLavalamp

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Sheila Crosby
3 years ago

A teaspoon of sperm makes a noticeable bulge? I don’t think so.

Still no vaccine for me here in Spain, but I’m on an island with 1 active case per 10,000 inhabitants, so I’m not too worried. Theyve done care home staff and patients, general healthcase worksers, other front line workers and over 70s. They’re supposed to be doing general population 65 years and up but the phone line is saturated and my husband can’t get through for an appointment. I’ll be in the next group. I’d really like at least one shot before I have to go to Tenerife in July,
3 years ago

This sort of thing seems much more rare with male than female anatomy. I wonder why

3 years ago

I’ve said it before, but it applies here.

I know more about the female reproductive system than this, and I haven’t been near one since the Kennedy administration.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

And just like that, I might be getting jab 1 next Friday.

3 years ago

I managed to show up at the wrong Shoppers Drug Mart but the right hockey arena to get my first dose.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

Surplus, I’m so glad for you!! Stay safe. ?

3 years ago

Surplus to Requirements: congrats on getting an appointment!

Although Canada has fully vaccinated very few people, the reason is that the country has quite on purpose prioritized getting first doses to partially protecting twice as many people rather than fully protecting half as many people. We’ve got quite a decent lot of doses out, no slouch by any standard.

3 years ago

Congratulations, Surplus! That is good.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
3 years ago

This uterus thing is idiotic.
I signed up for a vaccine cancellation waitlist at an area pharmacy on Monday, March 8 and was able to take someone’s cancelled appointment and get my first dose of Moderna that Wednesday, March 10, and I got my second dose on April 7. I had a week of arm soreness both times, and the day after my second dose I had an elevated temperature and stayed home from work. Oddly enough, the elevated temperature came without any other widespread immune effects-no unusual fatigue, no flu-like symptoms, no headaches beyond the ones my sinuses give me on a regular basis, no general crappy feeling.

3 years ago

1st Pfizer dose 25 Feb, nothing worse than a sore arm, Kevinsson, more older type vaccine, Covid symptoms again for 24 hours.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
3 years ago

@ Sheila Crosby

A teaspoon of sperm makes a noticeable bulge? I don’t think so.

It’s like feeding ducks with bread, they say don’t do it because the ducks eat until full on dry bread and then it swells in the stomach.

Having sex with women expands the sperm like chia seeds in utero, but on crack. It’s a little-known, severely understudied survival mechanism of some exceptional sperms, like deploying an inflatable jacket to help them get into the Fallopian tubes more easily. It’s also why the number one thing women always say after sex with men with this recessive trait is, “Oh, damn, the cramping! It’s worse than my worst period! Let’s never have sex again.”

This is also an indistinguishable side effect of having with an MRA as well.

3 years ago

So, if this guy’s stupidity were actually correct, couldn’t you “avoid the bump” by using a condom?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Congrats, Surplus! Hope it goes smoothly. I also hope everyone else who wants a vaccine can find an appointment soon.

Re: tummy bumps, how does he explain their existence in children?

If it’s “just evolution” to want flat bellies and think pregnant bellies look gross, how does that work, exactly, as far as perpetuating the species?

Will these guys ever stop trying to turn their personal preference for young teenaged girls into some grand evolutionary theory that absolves them of responsibility?


So many cis men love fantasizing about the destructive power of their penises. They’re body parts, not cursed sceptres.

Oh, I know! Somehow their penises are so powerful that they not only alter women forever, they can alter other penises that come into contact with these women. Sex to them is an extravagantly wasteful act, like shark finning or throwing away the whole jar of peanut butter once the smooth surface has been forever marred by a knife.

(Speaking of bad biology, has anyone seen that rumor going around Facebook that coming into contact with vaccinated people causes miscarriage? I literally spent my 15 minute vax waiting period arguing with idiots who were pushing this harmful misconception. They were unable to explain the mechanism behind it, or produce any studies. It was all anecdotal information, neighbor’s cousin’s sister-in-laws who mysteriously lost their baby after being around someone that got the shot 4 weeks ago, “which is just as good as science!”)

@Sheila Crosby

A teaspoon of sperm makes a noticeable bulge?

I’m trying (and failing) to sing this in the voice of Mary Poppins.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

I got my second vaccine on Friday and apparently it’s the worst for people of child baring age.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


Doctor’s can’t even determine what causes miscarriage’s in most cases. Pregnant people unfortunately have a lot of them. They don’t even know what effect the vaccine has on pregnant people at all, let alone simply just coming into contact with a vaccinated person. That is so stupid.

3 years ago

I’ll be getting my second jab of Pfizer a week from today which means I’ll be fully vaxxed and protected by my birthday. First one made me sleepy and sore in the arm the day of and after, but I was pretty much fine the next day although the arm soreness lingered for a couple of days. Same for Husbeast’s first shot.

For fellow Mammothers in the US looking to get a shot through local drugstore chains, we were told by several friends that they open up their new appointments after midnight and to try scheduling (online) then. It worked; Husbeast got us both appointments for both of our shots the first try. We had to travel a bit for mine (nearly 30 mins. from home, his are a bit closer) but we’re getting it done.

We passed on the advice to some other friends and they, too, got appointments right away. These were through both Walgreen’s (ours) and CVS (theirs).

Good Luck, everyone!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@Elaine – Miscarriage is very common, unfortunately. 10-15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, often before the woman even realizes she’s pregnant. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. I had two before having my twins.

It’s a very short journey from “being in contact with a vaccinated person causes miscarriage” to accusing people of witchcraft. I’m starting to doubt people who claim humanity is evolving at all.

3 years ago

I’m trying (and failing) to sing this in the voice of Mary Poppins.

“A teaspoon of semen makes the abdomen get round, the abdomen get roooouund, abdomen get round.”

tim gueguen
3 years ago

You can add me to the jab number one list as well. Pfizer vaccine. Got mine Saturday, so far no effects other than brief periods of sore arm Saturday evening and yesterday. So far 359,819 first does have been delivered in Saskatchewan.

3 years ago

I was lucky enough to get mine (Pfizer) about two months ago. At the time, distribution centers were instructed conflictingly to both not waste vaccine doses and also not vaccinate anyone out of turn, which led to informal solutions like people working at vaccine centers calling everyone they knew in the event that [x] doses were going to be wasted that day, “so hurry up here in the next two hours…” First shot was no problem, the second one left me feeling under the weather for half a day.

It’s weird now, but totally expected, to see the inversion of demand and supply now. Back then the vaccinators were worried about having enough to go around, and now they’re having some trouble filling all of the appointment slots for the day. Georgia, while nominally blue, is still quite red, and we’re about to hit the saturation point of everyone but deniers getting their shots.

epitome of incomrepehensibility

Good news about your vaccination!! I don’t think I’ll get one until June.

I’m not currently on great terms with my uterus. It woke me up with sharp cramps at 6 AM as if to say, “Look, I know you don’t usually suffer much from PMS, so why not right now when you’re already behind on sleep?” And then it stole my wallet and ran away.

Okay, not that last part. But it still makes more sense than the Bad Anatomy weirdness above.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

I signed up for 3-4 vax lists and they’re texting and emailing me like mad now that I don’t need one. No way to unsign, though. Of course, I live in a very blue part of a blue state, so there are fewer RWNJ to refuse.