man strike MGTOW misogyny

You can’t teach women a lesson by ignoring them, MGTOW warns; you can manipulate them more effectively by dating them

MGTOWs, or a good portion of them, anyway, have convinced themselves that they’re really teaching women a lesson by largely staying out of the dating market.

If enough men go MGTOW, the thinking goes, women will end up so desperate for a man, any man, that they’ll mend their ways, crawling back to the men they once ignored and begging for another chance.

This is, of course, ridiculous; none of these men really are the great prizes they sometimes imagine themselves to be, and most women who’ve even heard of MGTOWs are more likely to say “good riddance” or “who are you again” to these men rather than “please take me back.”

In a recent posting in the MGTOW2 subreddit — the supposedly more thoughful sibling of the original MGTOW subreddit, one MGTOW called GefaehrlichesWunder breaks this news gently to his woman-avoiding brothers. “If you are part of MGTOW to teach women a lesson, read this,” he writes.

Sometimes I get the impression that some men who GTOW take themselves out of dating women to teach them a lesson as in “you won’t get me until you improve”.

The thing is that women who are beautiful just wait for another guy. And this other guy will come, sooner than you say “but”.

And chances are good that this other guy will be a lot more appealing than any MGTOW anyway. Because how could they not be?

The “teaching her a lesson” would only work, if all men sided with each other and singled out certain women until they changed.

But you cannot rely on other men.

They will just see you avoiding women as an opportunity, as you were an obstacle anyways.

Other men not in the MGTOW mindset will just be happy that you are not in their way.

Those dirty scabs!

But GefaehrlichesWunder has some advice for MGTOWs who aren’t willing to give up the dream of teaching women a lesson: Instead of “going their own way” literally, these guys should become the manipulative boyfriends of any of these women who will take them.

In other words, the only way to teach a woman is to start dating her to then educate her and use punishment and reward. You might be able to mold a better woman.

That’ll work out great. Women just love being treated like a Pavlovian dog.

A commenter called reaper555 isn’t convinced that this plan will work out quite as smoothly as GefaehrlichesWunder imagines it will.

MGTOW should not be about teaching women a lesson. Because there is an ample supply of blue simps and chads at their behest. If you are a not good-looking guy you are not teaching them a lesson – they could not give a fuck about you. These guys just enable her twisted behaviour.

Someone called Ricksalab89 is a little more optimistic:

The way I look at it is if all men went MGTOW, then women would just have to follow men. I think it would just be natural. They would never actually learn, but they would follow. So your happiness should be the main goal of MGTOW, women following is just an effect imo

But cleats4u doesn’t want any advice; he’s already living his best life — without women.

Let Rico, Tyrone and Chad have a go at her (all 3 together). Who cares. What happens to her in life is a spectators sport. Nothing I would want to get involved in even if I had the opportunity. I am nothing special for her (no one is). I know she would wipe her ass on me. I won’t stand in a line to be someones toilet paper. Been there done that. I’m good. Lol. Now I just count my money and all the free time I have. Don’t call me…I’ll call you sweetie.

Somehow I don’t think the women of the world are losing much sleep because guys like these have taken themselves off the market.

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3 years ago

“Don’t call me…I’ll call you sweetie.”

Translation: I’m sure those grapes are totally fucking sour and I never wanted them to begin with. You hear me? NEVER!

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
3 years ago


I knew that eventually their racism would inspire them to create a latino stereotype to correspond with their Tyrone stereotype.

Now I’m waiting for the east Asian stereotype. Maybe Jackie?

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Now I just count my money

This is terribly upsetting. I must have access to this man’s money.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Google Translate tells me that GefaehrlichesWunder is German for “dangerous miracle.”

Dangerous? Could be. Some manospherians kill women.

Miracle? Oh hell no.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

This is minor, but what in the world do they mean by a “blue simp”? Blue? What?

3 years ago

@BiH : probably “democrat” I think.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

Thanks Ohlmann, that would make sense (or, as much sense as mgtows ever make)

3 years ago

Crip Dyke – different ethnic variants of “Chad” have been done to death in incel lingo. I see them occasionally come up when I follow the Twitter account Expelincels. Most are some jokey version of “Cha***”, such as Chang or Chadpreet.

Obviously, this line of jokes was originally inspired by the Chad-Tyrone distinction. I gather that Chad was the original manospherian stereotype of unfairly attractive man, because white is the default ethnicity for everything, and there was already some sort of white yuppie man stereotype named Chad. But then some manosperians made a point of adding a separate stereotype of attractive black man, presumably because they felt very specifically threatened by black male competitors. Meanwhile, others just weren’t interested in thinking outside whiteness, so Chad remains the primary enemy.

3 years ago

I find it amusing any of them think they have ever been an “obstacle” to me.

Just sayin’.

3 years ago

It’d be really great if these guys left women alone and went their own way.

3 years ago

Hi, Pecunium! Long time no see.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
3 years ago

Sour grapes keep growing in the MGTOW vineyard.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Crip Dyke:

Now I’m waiting for the east Asian stereotype. Maybe Jackie?

At the risk of making myself part of the problem, one possibility would be Wang (Which, as a common Chinese surname (王, meaning “king”, or , meaning “vast”) is correctly pronounced more lik “Wong”, but respect would be the opposite of the point here.)

@Ohlmann; @Bookworm in hijab:

”Blue” simps probably refer to people who’ve taken the Blue Pill (and there are a couple of trans women who’d like their metaphor back, please.)

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

Like any of these guys are ever going to get a woman to date them more than once. If that.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

If MGTOW is about going your way, happily single and not about hating women, then why do they need to teach women a lesson at all? Even that last guy, who was so close to having some awareness about how truly going their own way would mean not obsessing about teaching women a lesson couldn’t resist undercutting his own point with that “don’t call me, I’ll call you” comment.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

@FM Ox: I was under the impression that most miggies don’t think there ARE any Asian Chad-equivalents, because racism.

To which I say, “I’ll have one order of Daniel Dae Kim, thanks.”

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

If a MGTOW rejects women in the forest, and no one is there to learn a lesson, should he do it again, but louder?

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
3 years ago

Thanks, Lumipuna & Full Metal Ox.

3 years ago

Just wanna say, y’all are all in rare form tonight!???? These responses gave me a good laugh today. Keep up the good work!

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
3 years ago

Don’t call me, I’ll call you, Sweetie


Please don’t. Ever.

3 years ago

Who says all conventionally attractive cishet women want to (conventionally) “date” in the first place?

Last edited 3 years ago by StaceySmartyPantsTwiceRemoved
3 years ago

@Bookworm in hijab

This is minor, but what in the world do they mean by a “blue simp”? Blue? What?

Ohlmann may be right, but I read it as blue pill as opposed to red pill.

Does that spectator sport metaphor make sense to anyone else? It is totally incomprehensible to me.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

Does that spectator sport metaphor make sense to anyone else? It is totally incomprehensible to me.

I read it as meaning he would not help, but only watch (and point and laugh) if anything bad happened to any of the women he interacted with. Based on his line “what happens to her in life”; something about that felt very cold and detached to me.

3 years ago

Oh, yes, that makes sense, thank you. I thought he was saying that we women are spectators in our own lives, like living is a spectator sport for us. I realize now that that was silly of me, since it would have required him to acknowledge that women have inner lives and experience things as subjects and not just objects.

2 years ago

you can fuck right off Futrelle! I’m not “teaching anyone”(including women) ANYTHING.
I just stopped giving a shit. When I was young enough to care, dating was nothing but dehumanizing shit tests , in a world where straight white men are LEGALLY discriminated at every turn, including establishing a career and disposable INCOME ,while modern women STILL generally attribute MALE STATUS to. My moment of Liberation occurred after I DID attain material success (in spite of 3 decades of gender&racial DISCRIMINATION) but then realized modern “well travelled” women not only weren’t WORTH chasing , they had become a legal LIABILITY. So no thanks. I’ll keep my house, vacation property and pension intact . rescue pets provide me loyalty and love.