
Guilty Verdict in Minneapolis: Open Thread

UPDATE: Guilty on all three counts. Discuss.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Just got online now.

If the jury don’t convict on the major count then they were watching a different trial to me.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago


Guilty on all three counts.

ETA: Sentencing in 8 weeks. Bail revoked.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
3 years ago

This is great news. Of course, I hope it holds up on the inevitable appeal, but for now it’s great news.

3 years ago

So happy to see this. My daughter’s school is virtual the next three days as a precaution. I hoping this means no violence tonight, but there are still demonstrations scheduled, and the local police like to mix it up with peaceful protesters when they think they can get away with it.

Sheila Crosby
3 years ago

I was just explaining to my Spanish husband that I can’t remember a single previous case of a white cop being found guilty of the actual crime he’d obviously committed against a black person.

It’s still only once, but now all the cops know that this might happen to them too, if they’re flagrant enough.

Muscovy Duck
Muscovy Duck
3 years ago

I have… slightly more faith that the US is (just barely) beginning to make progress??? I say this because I was bracing myself for them to somehow let him off, and at least the guy who murdered someone in front of the whole world is being held to account; we’re still a nation built on blood and lies but at least the facade is crashing down.

3 years ago

Thank gods… I never thought I’d live to see the day. I hope so, so much that this sets a precedent.

3 years ago

There will be a lot of angry cops looking for revenge over this verdict. Stay safe.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
3 years ago

Speaker Pelosi thanked George Floyd for his “sacrifice.”

Nancy, no. Just … no. He wasn’t Rosa Parks. He didn’t volunteer.

3 years ago

Good, now the rest of the cops and the system that lets cops get away with abuse and murder.

3 years ago

Won’t hide my satisfaction. It don’t change the world, but one good news is alway a good thing.

3 years ago

speaking at presser with CBC: Thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice…Because of you and because of thousands, millions of people around the world who came out for justice, your name will always be synonymous for justice.

What is this bullshit Nancy Pelosi?

3 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

Yeah, I saw that 😐 Every time I think she and the moderate Dems can’t get more heartless and tone-deaf, they manage to surprise me again.

3 years ago

I haven’t lived in Minneapolis going on three years now, but I lived there for 33 years and I’m all too familiar with how the police operate there. I didn’t realize how long I’d been holding my breath until I just let it out.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

Thank God. I didn’t expect this at all! I honestly thought they wouldn’t convict him.

From this article:

For a country whose legal system rarely holds police officers to account for killing on the job, especially when the victims are Black people, the case was a milestone and its outcome a sign, perhaps, that the death of Mr. Floyd has moved the country toward more accountability for police abuses and more equality under the law.

I sincerely hope so. It shouldn’t have needed so many deaths to do so, though. It shouldn’t have needed any.

3 years ago

I’m seeing some more cynical takes – that the only reason why the Chauvin verdict was guilty was due to the video. If the US is becoming a better more accountable place, it’s not because of the people, but because of the proliferation of cameras. It could go either way, really.

3 years ago

the exact Pelosi quote is actually somehow worse than this tweet: “So again, thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice. For being there to call out to your mom, how heartbreaking was that, call out for your mom, ‘I can’t breathe.'”

Bruh. Just, bruh

3 years ago

How could Pelosi fuck this up so badly? Does she have zero empathy for PoC?

3 years ago

The Mayor is also as bad.

Mayor Jacob Frey


George Floyd came to Minneapolis to better his life. But ultimately his life will have bettered our city. The jury joined in a shared conviction that has animated Minneapolis for the last 11 months. They refused to look away and affirmed he should still be here today.

3 years ago


How could Pelosi fuck this up so badly? Does she have zero empathy for PoC?

Yes, she has zero empathy for PoC. On the available evidence she has less than zero empathy for PoC, in fact. This is the principal reason she has spent her career preventing any changes to the deep structural racism of US policy.

3 years ago

I did not expect this. I am glad to have been wrong.

Edit: To clarify, the case seemed clear cut to me. But it only takes one person on the jury to change the outcome, and we have such a bad history.

Last edited 3 years ago by Contrapangloss
GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

I was sure this was going to go the other way, and am relieved.

@Sheila Crosby: the white cop who killed Oscar Grant (with the old “can’t tell gun from Taser” bullshit) was found guilty, but only of involuntary manslaughter and did less than a year in prison. And only because of video a lot of bystanders took.

Between that murder and the trial, I was on the BART and we stopped at Fruitvale Station (where Grant was killed, and the title of the great movie based on it), and the large young Black man sitting next to me (who would terrify Karens) looked up at the sign and sighed “Fruitvale…” I replied “Oscar”, and we nodded at each other. (And then we both went back to ignoring each other, because that’s what you do on public transit.)

But things have changed a bit, because we all saw Rodney King get the crap beat out of him on video and those cops got off on the excessive force charges.

Also, Nancy, learn to read the damn room. Or just shut up.

3 years ago

So, while the Chauvin verdict was being read, police in Columbus murdered a 15 year old girl who called them for help against domestic violence. they yelled “Blue Lives Matter” at the witnesses. The entire institution must be destroyed.

Last edited 3 years ago by Dalillama
Robert Baden
Robert Baden
3 years ago

Here’s hoping Amber Guyger’s conviction is upheld.

3 years ago

Dalillama: BCI is on the scene conducting an independent investigation . . .— as they do with all CPD-involved shootings

I “love” how the Columbus mayor points out they have a well-practiced system for dealing with police shootings.

In brief: never ever call the police for help if you aren’t white and even if you are white, probably still don’t call them. Which inevitably leads to self-defence groups, aka gangs, which are moderately more accountable until they get too powerful.

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