double standard racism white supremacy

White ladies! Don’t mess up your chance of becoming a TradWife by wantonly offering your precious body to men, founder of warns, a dating site for the melanin-deprived, is apparently suffering from a serious woman shortage — with only one gross racist woman for every dozen gross racist men.

But Liv Heide, the site founder, warns white women that even such a lopsided ratio doesn’t mean that the women on the site can easily snag themselves high-quality TradHusbands.

“But, white ladies, don’t be overconfident,” Heide writes in a post on American Renaissance.

White trad wives are the most desired creatures on the planet, but many white women still manage to blow it because they have never been told the rules that were invented by our female ancestors to protect their daughters.

So what are these important rules? Basically, the aspiring TradWife needs to look, dress and act a bit like a current-day Stepford wife. As Heide puts it,

She dresses and behaves in a feminine way and is pleasant to people around her. Long, hair, modest but chic clothing, and a lovely smile are always assets. She encourages a man to make further moves without overloading him with information; she would rather let him find out step by step.

So definitely do not tear off your top and thrust your breasts in your date’s face while crying out “boobie time!” That’s way too much information for a man to process all at once.

A women who isn’t a wanton slut knows she needs to let men make the first move — and the second, and pretty much all of the rest of the moves.

The white woman should be reactive, which is the opposite of the sexually aggressive, dominant, promiscuous, vulgar, emotionally empty woman that modern media have taught us to be.

And whatever you do, don’t offer your precious body to anyone, no matter how white they are.

A wise woman does not pressure a man. She would not take the initiative to suggest a date, ask for his number, call, or offer her precious body. She makes herself elusive but is sweet and smiling.

So again, body-offering is right out. Don’t even think of it.

But if you’re able to pull off a decent enough imitation of a Stepford Wife, you’ll be in like Flynn, able to

bewitch a man so that he does not even know why he feels so attracted and sees this lady as the mother of his children rather than a fling.

So asking for a guy’s number is simply not done. Using feminine wiles to turn a man into a helpless slave, a-ok!

Oh, and don’t expect men to live up to your standards. They’re men, after all.

Men appreciate women with standards and values they want transmitted to their children even if they themselves are not 100 percent up to these standards. Women set the bar.

Well, get to work, white ladies, the future of your race hangs in the balance!

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Paradoxy Intent - Resident Cheeseburger Slut
Paradoxy Intent - Resident Cheeseburger Slut
3 years ago

And you should also know how to bake a mean swastika meatloaf that somehow tastes like cardboard and the tears of your bitter racist ancestors! [/sarcasm]

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

You know, back in the day they understood the value of being concise. Their 1930s counterparts expressed the same in just three words: “Kinder, kuche, kirche”. :/

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Paradoxy Intent:

And you should also know how to bake a mean swastika meatloaf that somehow tastes like cardboard and the tears of your bitter racist ancestors! [/sarcasm]

One-pot meals: that was officially endorsed (and enforced) Nazi cookery:

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

I offered up my precious body (with short hair and no makeup) to a white man once.

Reader, I married him.

But he does dishes and sometimes laundry, and we don’t have kids, so obviously all the above is why I failed as a Tradwife.

Thank God.

@Surplus: mic drop

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

@FM Ox: And yet the modern Crock-Pot was invented by, wait for it… a Jewish man!

Because Jews have been doing one-pot stews and things once a week for centuries, since they weren’t allowed to cook on Shabbas.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@GSS ex-noob:

Note further that potatoes (provided they were German-grown) were welcome in Eintopf; the potato has seamlessly become a global citizen (to the extent that it’s available in a lot of Stock Ahistorical Medieval-European Fantasy—Lord of the Rings being a famous Ur-example,)

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
3 years ago

If trafdfwives are the “most precious creatures” why doesn’t anyone want to be one? As usual with this chuds he spills a lot of ink describing how women should be and what we should do but has nothing to say about how men are to behave to best attract a mate. I think that might be the main issue.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

Didn’t Judgy Bitch do a whole tradwife thing? I was reading through the archives and I seem to remember that.

3 years ago

So definitely do not tear off your top and thrust your breasts in your date’s face while crying out “boobie time!”

I’m tempted to do exactly that next time I go to an adults-only party.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
3 years ago

Didn’t Judgy Bitch do a whole tradwife thing? I was reading through the archives and I seem to remember that.

Til she buggered off with her personal trainer, yes.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Yeah, Judgy Bitch had a perfect domestic life. Remember when she posed in a swastika T-shirt in her home right next to her “Live, Love, Laugh” graphic? She gave ladies advice about how to snag a man. She got her husband at least in part by doing his laundry while they were both college students. And then — oops, she’s gone off with another man.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements

You know, back in the day they understood the value of being concise. Their 1930s counterparts expressed the same in just three words: “Kinder, kuche, kirche”. :/

You made me laugh. You also made me think of Strunk and White/The Elements of Style: “Omit needless words.”

The fiftieth edition of that book came out in 2009.

The new edition of The Elements of Style also includes a compilation of praise for the book from writers over the years. Wallraff’s favorite remark is from Dorothy Parker, who reviewed the guide for Esquire magazine: “If you have any young friends who aspire to become writers, the second greatest favor you can do them is to present them with copies of The Elements of Style. The first greatest, of course, is to shoot them now, while they’re happy.”

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

Okay; if I have this right, aspiring tradwives are supposed to beguile and manipulate men into marrying them—and, last I checked, beguilement and manipulation are supposed to be two of the sneaky and insidious reasons that women are evil?

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

So definitely do not tear off your top and thrust your breasts in your date’s face while crying out “boobie time!” That’s way too much information for a man to process all at once.

I dunno, that sounds pretty effective. And hilarious. I’m pretty sure my partner wouldn’t stop laughing for at least a minute.

3 years ago

Long, hair, modest but chic clothing, and a lovely smile are always assets.

This is obviously just a typo, but I’m amused by the idea that a proper tradwife has to be long. Be long, have hair, be a Nazi, and you’ll be well on your way to having a terrible life catering to some other Nazi who doesn’t see you as fully human forever.

Buttercup Q.Skullpants
Buttercup Q.Skullpants
3 years ago

Men appreciate women with standards and values they want transmitted to their children even if they themselves are not 100 percent up to these standards. 

In other words, “We’re ruthlessly unforgiving, but we expect you to be endlessly forgiving.”

It will never stop being hilarious that these sites have dozens of male profiles for every legitimate female profile. They can’t figure out why more women aren’t getting in line for this amazing deal. In exchange for a lifetime of self-denial and walking on eggs, what do they have to offer in return? “Hey, we *might* not insult, abuse, or kill you.”

These transactional con artists take and take and take, but never deliver. Women are so much better off keeping their self esteem intact and enjoying the occasional guilt-free donut.

3 years ago

So definitely do not tear off your top and thrust your breasts in your date’s face while crying out “boobie time!”

But… But… But… That’s the best part of a date!

3 years ago

@Full Metal Ox : only in the movies no ?

It’s my pet peeve to laugh at any fantasy work with potatoes, tomatoes or corn. It’s common in video game but a lot less so in actual books. And if there’s potatoes mention in the LotR book I really spaced through it !

Professor Fate
Professor Fate
3 years ago

So definitely do not tear off your top and thrust your breasts in your date’s face while crying out “boobie time!”

A nice laugh to start the day. Thank you. Of course in my case I’m so shy and repressed that if a woman had did that to me on a date I would probably just keel right over from embarrassment.

3 years ago

Liv says this while knowing (surely) that a large portion of the male Nazi users will insist that their date put out for them before marriage is even discussed. She tells women to keep it in their pants but says nothing about men pressuring women for sex.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I love how white supremacists can’t stop giving advice to women on how to snag a white supremacists when women aren’t clamoring to snag them in the first place.

Right wingers pretend that they’re so rational and they love to talk about interpersonal relationships in transactional terms, yet they don’t appear to understand the simple concepts of supply and demand. The supply of single white male supremacists is far greater than the demand. Therefore, by their own sexual market economics theories, they have to compete for the buyers (women). We don’t have to compete for them. They’re still out here acting like white supremacist men are the rare and precious resource women want to complete for. White supremacist men are not going to ease their excess supply problem by raising the cost on their peen. They either need to lower the cost of their peen (accept just about anyone who actually wants them), or they need to change the product (become a non-terrible person that a woman might want to be with).

Maybe we can deradicalize these dudes by starting an economics based dating advise service and trick them into changing their entire personalities.

3 years ago

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

They can’t figure out why more women aren’t getting in line for this amazing deal.

I feel like this is the same kind of logic that some people have about unemployed people. There’s supposedly something just great about these white supremacist men, something so awesome that you don’t even have to explain why all the white women should be competing for them. Just like having a job is supposed to make your whole life worth living, no matter how low the pay and inconsequential the actual work. It just goes without saying.

It’s either that or there’s just no way to explain what’s so great about the white supremacist men, or having a “job” which is actually some sort of in-job training for a position you will never get, for no actual pay.

3 years ago

@Ohlmann– Right in The Two Towers:

‘Sméagol won’t grub for roots and carrotses and – taters. What’s taters, precious, eh, what’s taters?’

‘Po-ta-toes,’ said Sam. ‘The Gaffer’s delight, and rare good ballast for an empty belly. But you won’t find any, so you needn’t look. But be good Sméagol and fetch me some herbs, and I’ll think better of you. What’s more, if you turn over a new leaf, and keep it turned, I’ll cook you some taters one of these days. I will: fried fish and chips served by S. Gamgee. You couldn’t say no to that.’

‘Yes, yes we could. Spoiling nice fish, scorching it. Give me fish now, and keep nassty chips!’

‘Oh, you’re hopeless,’ said Sam. ‘Go to sleep!”

Last edited 3 years ago by Nequam
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

If we’re doing potato quotes….


Look at this, what is it?


I’m surprised you’ve forgotten my lord.


I haven’t forgotten, it’s a rhetorical question.


Nah, it’s a potato.


To you, it’s a potato. To me, it’s a potato. But to Sir Walter bloody Raleigh, it’s fine carriages, luxury estates and as many girls as his tongue can cope with! He’s making a fortune out of the things: people are smoking them, building houses out of them… they’ll be eating them next!

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
Buttercup Q.Skullpants
Buttercup Q.Skullpants
3 years ago

Normally, demand only affects the price of the goods or services being supplied. In whitepeenomics, it affects both sides of the equation. The very act of demanding, (because they define it as weakness and supplication) puts negative downward pressure on their own perceived value. The only way out is to artificially suppress women’s value and inflate their own by negging…but then demand for these dudes goes down, because they’re unpleasant misogynist assholes that no one in their right mind would want to spend five minutes with, let alone a date, let alone a lifetime. They’ve put themselves into an interesting pickle.


Maybe we can deradicalize these dudes by starting an economics based dating advise service and trick them into changing their entire personalities.

That’s a brilliant idea! First lesson: inelastic demand.

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