Another brilliant insight from the alternate reality known as the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit: the definitive answer to the question of why there are relatively few women in STEM fields.
Our MGTOW brain genius figures that it’s because they can’t use their sexy feminine wiles to manipulate computers the way they can manipulate men.
ZarBandit explains:
Once you understand that most women have one tool in their toolbox: manipulation, you might have an idea why they don’t do stem. You can’t manipulate computers into doing what you want. A mathematical proof can’t be manipulated into being correct.
As far as I can tell, the only thing that will get a computer doing what I want is for me to shut it off and turn it on again.
However, softer science subjects that involve teamwork are infested with women because they can manipulate group dynamics. Coding is a solitary pursuit. Mathematics is one of the most solitary of the sciences. I know of a Mathematics dept where a homeless man lived there for a year and no one noticed.
I’m not sure that’s making the point you want it to, dude.
She’ll never be the best scientist or thinker. But she can be the best manipulator, especially in a group of men. Queen bee. There are plenty of drones who will work for her.
Besides, “thinking too much gives you wrinkles”.
I’m pretty sure the real reason a lot of women stay away from STEM is that they don’t want to be surrounded by idiots like this.
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Sort of related; Transport for London (who are quite arty and quirky) have a little in-joke where, no matter how many stairs a station has, they always say it’s the equivalent of 15 stories.
I don’t think women have a great time at work or at any environment as long as they’re surrounded by misogynists.
That said I’m struggling to get over my envy of conventionally attractive cis women, the post image of what presumably the woman is wearing being one reason. I’m somewhat lucky my workplace at my temp job is a little accepting, but I’d still not like to be read as a man too easily most of the time
There’s another confounding factor in the search for truth – Ant Country.
@Alan: do they have a sign that says “Another Damn Cathedral”?
@PoM : I agree with the assessment that they don’t get that STEM isn’t only computer. I would add that computer science and other STEM field are actually very different. Then again, actual computer science is very different from what theses bozos think it is.
@Surplus to requirement : I like that definition, but note that with it, some things are true in context. Like Newton’s gravity is very true if you’re building bridges or houses, but false if you’re calibrating a GPS.
The context is important, and can lead to unforeseen problems quite often. Like, we have found ~70 cm flying insect ; but they could not fly nowaday, because there’s much less oxygen in the air than back then. I don’t have any reasonable idea that would prevent something like an apatosaurus to work right now, but it’s not impossible that some very trivial problem now get in the way !
If you don’t mind, I would like to see social networks like Twitter go after your university and try to basically cancel everyone in the top positions there, and anyone sympathetic to them responsible for the bullshit that happens in your university. This would require you to reveal this university publicly, but if you don’t want to do this, then I hope something else will help solve the situation.
For instance, I think classifying evopsych as a pseudoscience (especially when you consider how much it’s been fueled by racism) may be a step forward.
@Alan Robertshaw:
Artist Amber Share has created a whole body of retro travel posters inspired by grumbling visitor comments: https://subparparks.com/
Some samples:
@ full metal ox
Oh, I love those!
Reminds me of this lass’s work.
@FM Ox: I’ve been to at least half of those — some more than once — and they all are worthy of 5 star reviews. LOL.
“You can’t manipulate computers into doing what you want” says a dumbass who has never done any coding. That’s actually really funny on the level of how wrong it is. Everything computers do is the result of manipulation. Computers do what we want literally because we manipulate them.Though when someone has a victim complex tied to no actual victimization, it’s not a surprise they don’t understand the definition of manipulation. Computers do what they’re told to do, they’re manipulated. In fact most science relies on one form of manipulation, or an another. You manipulate the variables to see what the outcome is so you can prove, or disprove a hypothesis.
These guys only understand manipulation as an abusive tactic, because that’s all they can do.