homophobia misogyny PUA red pill

Red Pill dude worries: Will going to a mostly female college turn me into a girl?

Checking out the new guy

Today we return to the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, in which wannable Red Pill alphas turn to their more experienced brothers for assistance in the art of alphahood.

One fellow I recently ran across there wasn’t entirely sure that he’d picked the right college to go to. “Is going to a college with 80% females bad?” asked Pteronight.

I’m 18 and applied to some college that was around the area that I’m about to move to. It was the only one with good reviews so I applied.

Huh. Is this the way the youngsters pick a college these days?

I looked up the school on Instagram and seen that it was all females. I looked that the gender ratio was. It was 80% females and 20% men.

This sounds like the premise of some forgotten 80s sex comedy. Not that Pteronight is amused.

I feel like half of the men are probably gay.

Well, that would give you even more variety in your dating life.

But that’s not what poor Pteronight is thinking:

I’m worried that I’ll get there and start acting more feminine since I’ll be around females all day (hang around shit you’ll start to smell like shit).

Dude, dude, dude. That shit stink isn’t coming from them.

In any case, that’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.

Should I apply to another college or is this a good thing

Better idea. Forget college. Find yourself an isolated area. Dig yourself a man-sized hole there, and just go live in it for a while. You know, like the Unabomber’s brother.

Hope that helps!

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Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
3 years ago

… well, fools are noted for this date.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

(hang around shit you’ll start to smell like shit).

I think this more apt to describe someone who hangs around the manosphere

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

More from OP:

Do you think it’s better to live in a dorm or at home w your parents. Cuz like Shi im tryna save money but I’m also tryna clap cheeks and have a rotation

Of course you’re tryna have a rotation. Should be very easy for a charming guy like you. There’s no way they’d see your hatred of women.

Also, there is absolutely no way — should two or more of them have sex with you (hahahahahahahaha) — they would find out about the others in your rotation and show up at the same time and place as you and loudly shame you, thus ending your career as a ladies’ man and sending you scurrying back home to Mom and Dad, where you sit and think a lot about the terrible, awful, disgusting choices you’ve made and the pathetic, deceitful life you’ve led.

Okay, yeah, I admit that part about you thinking really is close to impossible.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

So if attending a college with a predominantly female student body turns you into a girl, would going somewhere like Vassar or Bryn Mawr automatically transition trans women?

Anon Get-it-On
Anon Get-it-On
3 years ago

Hi David,

I know you have written about these WN schmucks before…

They sound like criminals, very nasty people indeed.

3 years ago

TBH that look like a significantly easier way to transition than the normal one.

3 years ago

@Full Metal Ox @Ohlmann

They are always terrified of scenarios that are actually nicer than reality itself! XD

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ full metal ox

Bryn Mawr

That’s such a cool name for a college. It makes me imagine that for the final exam you have to have a duel with claymores, then compose a saga about it.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

“I’m tryna clap cheeks and have a rotation but worried that being vastly outnumbered by girls is going to get in the way of my plans.”

I hope he isn’t planning to major in math.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I have also heard that attending UC Santa Cruz slowly turns you into a banana slug?

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
3 years ago

Evidently this dude has never heard the song “Surf City,” in which a mere 2:1 female-to-male ratio is cause for excitement and rejoicing. (If true, this would also seem to imply that surfing was even more popular among women than it was among men at the time?)

3 years ago

Ok, so I’m not from the US but shouldn’t the major you want be more relevant to which college you choose? I would only ever look at reviews if I’d go to a small private academy or something for some special training…

Also @ Kat: I’ve seen the argument that these a**holes would never get to sleep with anyone anyhow because they’re waving a million red flags around and while I generally wanna agree, I also fear that there are more than enough women – especially when they’re young, inexperienced, socially awkward and away from their home for the first time – who’ll end up falling for their shitty act. Women are brought up to excuse shitty behaviour and play nice after all and these particular guys spend their free time discussing how to take advantage of that. I’d rather believe differently but I fear that a couple of guys will make bad experiences with this guy 🙁

Oh and… when I read David’s text I wondered for a moment why a Red Piller like this guy isn’t happy about a “full table”. The I read the comments about “clapping cheeks and having a rotation” and yeah… why am I never surprised by this shit…

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
3 years ago

… I generally wanna agree, I also fear that there are more than enough women – … – who’ll end up falling for their shitty act.

Word. It’s college. They want to get laid, and they’re going to ignore red flags like a colourblind mule to that end.

The blokes are just as bad.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ moon custafer

this would also seem to imply that surfing was even more popular among women than it was among men at the time?

As someone who lives in a place where surfing is considered a legitimate university degree*, I can attest that it it may well have been.

comment image

(* Seriously. )

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

Literary Fun Fact: In the world of Scott Lynch’s Gentleman Bastard series, the sea god is understood to favor women—with the result that an actual majority of sailors are women (four of seven pirate captains who convene for a parlay are female, including one I’m pretty sure is supposed to be Lesbian! Pirate! Jacques Cousteau), and it’s considered catastrophic bad luck to put to sea without at least one woman on board. (Should that be absolutely unfeasible, at least bring a cat—the sea god likes cats, too.)

This may also have something to do with the custom that contrarequina, the gladiatorial sport of sharkfighting, is practiced exclusively by women.

Last edited 3 years ago by Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

I think college might be more expensive than medically transitioning at this point

3 years ago

Much easier to get financing for, though.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


That happened to me my freshman year of college but it wasn’t a guy doing it. It was a lesbian I had asked out and it was going okay until I started noticing some red flags. Then one night after there has been some kissing that suggested an escalation I stopped her to talk about triggers I had because I had been trying to move past my sexual assault. She didn’t know I was bi and had a problem with it as it turned out. She really didn’t like that there had been a penis inside me at a point and then started acting like I disgusted her.

…..yeah that hurt.

Sheila Crosby
3 years ago

Any chance you could translate that to English?
What is GAWI? WN?
The little I saw of the rest of the blog makes me want a shower.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ full metal ox

the gladiatorial sport of sharkfighting, is practiced exclusively by women.

Ah, that’s nice that they’ve replaced the poor sharks. I guess it’s like drag hunting?

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

the gladiatorial sport of sharkfighting, is practiced exclusively by women.

Ah, that’s nice that they’ve replaced the poor sharks. I guess it’s like drag hunting?

Of course an animal rights supporter would catch the “Aren’t you forgetting somebody?” element in that statement; my apologies. (For their part, the sharks get fed humans who’ve crossed the local mob bosses, so there’s that.)

And here’s a mutually consensual hunt from Wonder Woman #3 (1943). (Since the images show up even with the security s: Warning for a parade of Marston’s kinks—of which he had a crapton. Amazons cosplaying deer are hunted by their fellows and brought back to camp to be “skinned”, “cooked”, and “served”, although nobody actually gets eaten):

comment image

comment image

@Elaine the Witch:

That happened to me my freshman year of college but it wasn’t a guy doing it. It was a lesbian I had asked out and it was going okay until I started noticing some red flags. Then one night after there has been some kissing that suggested an escalation I stopped her to talk about triggers I had because I had been trying to move past my sexual assault. She didn’t know I was bi and had a problem with it as it turned out. She really didn’t like that there had been a penis inside me at a point and then started acting like I disgusted her. 

…..yeah that hurt.

Why, hello, Purity Culture and (M/F) Slut-Shaming! I’d like you to meet Biphobia and TERFism! I’m sure you’ll all hit it off like wildfire!

Last edited 3 years ago by Full Metal Ox
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ full metal ox

the sharks get fed humans who’ve crossed the local mob bosses

Heh, I can imagine the scene now. The mob are having a sit-down in some warehouse on a pier down the docks. The sharks swim under the pier; and one of them yells “He’s wearing a wire!!!”

As for the Wonder Woman thing. Er… There’s a lot to unpack there!

That is how drag hunting is supposed to work though. Someone runs laying a scent trail.

Sometimes though the trail accidentally crosses a real fox’s scent trail and then the hounds and horses end up chasing after the real fox. That only happens occasionally though about 100% of the time.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

I never have understood why they won’t just ride a damn steeplechase. They can even have a pack of dogs running about and barking their heads off, dogs like that sort of thing.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Sheila Crosby:

Any chance you could translate that to English?
What is GAWI? WN?
The little I saw of the rest of the blog makes me want a shower.

GAWI=Getting Away With It.

WN=White Nationalism.

Linking to a blog full of bigotry and graphic dick pics without an express content warning=pretty damn inconsiderate.

3 years ago

I looked that the gender ratio was. It was 80% females and 20% men.

Woo-Hoo, you’ve got the dating market cornered.

I’m worried that I’ll get there and start acting more feminine since I’ll be around females all day (hang around shit you’ll start to smell like shit).

And now you’ve lost it.

Seriously why would any woman, or man, want to be in a relationship with someone whose masculinity was so fragile.