What’s the point of living, many people wonder, if you’re not, in some small way, making the world a better place? One Red Pill Redditor recently spelled out his particular contribution to world goodness: saying “no” to fat women who want to date him.
“Fucking fat girls validates their fatness” wrote exegol24,
and in my humble opinion, that is wrong because I place a lot of importance on physical fitness and health for both genders. We are organic creatures of life…letting yourself live a disgusting, unhealthy life is a failure. You owe it to nature to be in peak physical health for as long as humanely possible.
Girls who are a little thick are OK. But fat? No. Absolutely not. I have overweight girls hitting on me and trying to get with me all the time, because they see me as an average-looking guy (5-6) who would maybe give them sex. But I am strong enough to say no, because I believe it’s wrong. I refuse to validate through sex a girl’s fatness.
What a sacrifice! What a humanitarian!
Thank you for your service, Red Pill man!
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I’m sure larger women are relieved that he has decided to keep his dick to himself. Now he needs to work on his attitude.
“But I am strong enough to say no.”
Hmmm… So you do want to do ’em then? Maybe you should ponder that a little.
Yeah, they don’t want you, either.
PSSSH like there’s a single fat woman on Earth who would give this shitbag the time of day.
Fat women are nowhere near as desperate as these bozos.
And these bozos usually aren’t “in peak physical health” either.
But this guy totes has girls hitting on him all the time. They really exist. They, uh, just go to another school and live in Canada.
No, you don’t.
Eww. Or at least, would be eww if he weren’t lying.
The attitude is still gross, though.
Pathetic fallacy much? Nature really doesn’t care if humans have a six-pack or not.
I love how he’s convinced all women are as thirsty as he is and constantly prowling for sex. How much do you want to bet those women “hitting on” him are cashiers and waitresses forced to interact with him?
Heh. I’m picturing this guy going around stamping women’s hands with VALIDATED. It’s always the very worst people who appoint themselves as quality control for the human race.
Indeed, peak physical health is relative. If you do endurance running, you want a decent amount of fat, while if you scale walls you want to be as light for your strength as you can. Similarly, if you need to lift big boulder you only care about the strength of your muscle, while if you travel the efficiency is important too. And sickle cell trait (the benign version of drepanocytose) would seriously be considered necessary by me for peak physical health in a malaria-infested region, but indifferent or problematic elsewhere.
And peak physical health for baby making is rather on the thick side
That being said, the conclusion of “don’t have sex with people you don’t find attractive” is good enough, even if the path to it is as shitty as it go. The whole post is an exercise in making common sense look as shitty as he can.
I wonder if he would validate my parking at Tescos?
(I refuse to commit to buying three quids’ worth of stuff before I know what’s in the bargain bin)
In fact, if Nature actually did have a preference, it wouldn’t be for people with six-packs. Fat gets you through lean times, which Nature will throw at you on the regular – minimal fat means minimal ability to outlast a famine.
Civilization – especially modern agriculture, transportation, and medicine – have given first-world folks the luxury of forgetting how Nature rolls….
I can see it now
Cashier: Here’s your receipt. Have a nice day.
exegol24: NO! I will not have sex with you! You’re too fat and are betraying mother nature with your butt!
Cashier: ???
I agree it adds to the goodness of the world for him to not inflict his toxic attitudes on fat women or any women.
Just another dudebro with no understanding of nature or how the world works. /yawn
I can think of an even better way he could give back to the world but it might make some of our regulars cross.
Fat shaming does not work, and is cruel to people who may well be hurting already. It’s a form of punching down, and it’s not Ok.
Obesity is a significant public health problem in wealthy nations- but it’s rooted far more in relative poverty, genetics, and other factors the person in question has very little control over than it is laziness, which is what this ass-whipe is implying.
Also, an individual’s health is between that individual and whomever they choose to consult about it- and it’s no business of random busybodies.
As others have noted larger women everywhere are grateful that he isn’t trying to date them. Still I feel bad for women that he judges suitable for his manly essence – they have done nothing to deserve that.
I know I’m not exactly a regular these days, but Nequam? Can we not?
Saying “I’d say something but it’d be against the rules” is essentially saying that something.
And then people feel like they have to push back because it’s essentially saying that something, and if David ever gets accused of fostering that something despite it being against the rules and nobody pushed back…
It’s a whole obnoxious and viscous cycle, and I’d rather we not, if you’d be willing?
*I was going to edit because I misspelled a word. But heck. Viscous and sticky describes the cycle just fine so…
Plus, if it’s what I think it is, that don’t help anyway.
Paging the Department of Redundancy Department 😛
Give the man the benefit of the doubt; perhaps he’s been in contact with some silicon-based life somewhere…
Now now … Real Dolls have feelings too, you know.
That sounds like something terminators would say as they tried to blag their way into your undeground bunker.
(Why didn’t the human resistance just ask them ‘which squares contain a traffic light’?)
As a very fat dragon (who people assume is a woman), I’m very pleased that exegol24 has decided to not date fat people. Given that he probably thinks anyone with a waist that would make a Victorian who tight-laced their corsets (not that common actually – I have seen some fab videos by historical costumers on the subject) go pale with shock at the tiny size, is a ‘landwhale’, I suspect all those women begging to have sex with him – sorry ‘begging for him to give them sex’ – are actually average sized or smaller. Fat people have so much experience dealing with fatphobic arseholes, our radar goes off when they get within a hundred yards. Basically, most people. Even when they don’t want to admit it.
Health and weight are different things. It is entirely possible to be thin and unhealthy, and fat and healthy, no-one can tell what your health is like from looking at you. And forcing your body to shrink is highly unlikely to be successful in the long term, with approximately 95% of people who go on a weight loss diet regaining the weight, and more, in the long term. Weight cycling also does more damage than just being fat, including increasing insulin resistance, damage to the cardiovascular system and increasing the chances of disordered eating and eating disorders.
I have a friend who says that her weight had been a way of protection against possible abusive assholes taking an interest in her (she’s since got her stomach stapled and dramatically lost a lot of weight). Really makes me mad how this bozo proves that harmful internalization right. Also kinda ironic how it’s assholes like him who made my friend wanna hide behind a “wall of fat” (her words).
@ Joekster: That’s why it’s extra pitiful how these people like to pretend, that their assholishness is a service to mankind. As if these guys really care if a fat woman decides to loose weight to get some idiot to like them. I think they indeed just like kicking down and I doubt this guy would suddenly respect that woman as an equal. The whole premise is about putting women in their place.
I mean. With that logic I could argue that me, not dating or fucking assholes, is a service to mankind as well. But nope. It’s just a service to me and my mental health.
“May I take your order?”
“She’s hitting on me.”