What’s the point of living, many people wonder, if you’re not, in some small way, making the world a better place? One Red Pill Redditor recently spelled out his particular contribution to world goodness: saying “no” to fat women who want to date him.
“Fucking fat girls validates their fatness” wrote exegol24,
and in my humble opinion, that is wrong because I place a lot of importance on physical fitness and health for both genders. We are organic creatures of life…letting yourself live a disgusting, unhealthy life is a failure. You owe it to nature to be in peak physical health for as long as humanely possible.
Girls who are a little thick are OK. But fat? No. Absolutely not. I have overweight girls hitting on me and trying to get with me all the time, because they see me as an average-looking guy (5-6) who would maybe give them sex. But I am strong enough to say no, because I believe it’s wrong. I refuse to validate through sex a girl’s fatness.
What a sacrifice! What a humanitarian!
Thank you for your service, Red Pill man!
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What is with the persistence of the completely false notion that if fat people are just made to feel bad enough about their weight, they will become thin?
Actually never mind, I know why it persists. People want an excuse be cruel to fat people. Nothing more, nothing less.
Transphobia is the cherry on top of the asshole sundae.
@ Karalora,
Its amazing (= horrible and sad) to me how pervasive this prejudice is, given how recently, comparatively speaking, our society has changed from which types of bodies it celebrates.
This is the genesis of my weight as well, as a consequence of years of childhood abuse. It turns out that even once you’re psychologically ready to get rid of it, it’s devilish tricky persuading your body to let go.
It feels sort of dystopian when your computer asks you to prove you’re not a robot.
The number of women he’s turned down is, I’m sure, non-negative.
(Zero is not negative.)
I think you mean “what a humaneitarian.” 😉
@rusalka: I spent a month working with an internist who specialized in weight loss during my training (he only took people who had other medical issues that were being worsened by their weight), and his wife (a weight-loss psychologist) had a very similar theory- that some people subconsciously make themselves fat to drive off ass-hats like this.
I was never sure how common that was (and I agree- it’s definitely a ‘harmful internalization’)- but it seems to be part of the picture as well. And this particular jerk is feeding into that. He’s not helping anyone- he’s being judgemental and self-righteous, which are two extremely unattractive characteristics.
Are they ready for the other type of ass-hats? The one I, as a lifelong fat woman, got some really unpleasant run ins with especially in my teens?
The one that deliberately preys on fat women because we aren’t supposed to have any standards and/or nobody would believe us if we told them we got (sexually and other ways) abused?
I suppose that does feed right into ‘negging’ and PUA techniques like that, doesn’t it? Find someone who (at least supposedly) already has low self-esteem and chip away at it.
@Malitia- it really doesn’t seem to be a good strategy to me, and I’m not sure anyone makes themselves obese consciously- the argument I’d heard was that it’s a subconscious response.
I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t apply to all obese people- I’d be a bit surprised if it applied to more than a small minority of obese people, because it’s a complicated subject and there’s a great deal that goes into it. Rusalkas comment suggests it’s true for some people.
@Joekster: I believe you. Heck, I even believe that the reaction exists. It’s literally based on the other side of the fatphobic cultural belief that leads to the existence of the ass-hats I mentioned.
ie. What society says: “Fat women are unfuckable (etc.)”
What a woman might hear: “If I get fat I’ll be undesirable so the creeps will avoid me.”
What a (cis) man might hear: “If I creep on fat chicks nobody will believe them, and they can’t afford to be choosy anyway. Easy prey!”
@Malitia: pretty much. It’s something of a feedback loop, I think.
@ Big Titty Demon: I’m so sorry about that. And yes… after the operation my friend lost a lot of weight but still struggled. She got into therapy a while ago and said pretty much the same.
Obesity is unhealthy (and I think some things that we see as unattractive are because we have some hardwiring to perceive unhealthy things as unattractive)… but with this dude, he’s just being cruel and bitter. He’s probably way unhealthier and fatter than anyone else! I bet he is so desperate that even if a “my 600 pound life” contestant winked at him he would be after her in a second! I can’t take dumb people like this seriously. I know ladies that weigh almost 300 pounds and their hubbies adore them and get jealous when other men look at them! He is much uglier and more unattractive than any of the poor people he is mocking.