One thing you can say about manosphere meme-makers: despite years of practice, they never seem to get any better at it. Consider the following memes I collected today from an assortment of places from Pinterest to Twitter.
The graphic design is often a little on the crude side. And the content is if anything even less sophisticated than the design.

Next, WALLS-O-TEXT. Manospherists often forget that the whole point of a meme is to grab the viewer’s attention quickly, not to wear wear us down with excessive verbiage in tiny type.

Sometimes these meme-writers forget to include any graphic content at all.

That’s no meme, son; that’s just a couple of paragraphs of blurry type.
But you don’t need a lot of tiny words to render your memes unreadable — just some basic design ineptitude.

But I have to say that my favorite manosphere memes are the ones that feature me.

I wish I still had that hoodie. I wore it until it just plain wore out.
H/T — @TakedownMRAs on Twitter, who inspired this post and alerted me to the meme artistry of The Awaken MAN; I found most of these examples on his Twitter feed.
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This reminds me of a book I read (ok, part of, a bit difficult to get through because of the subject) called Vigilante Gender Violence, which was doing case studies of violence against women in different countries. This same point about rapid change was central to the book; India was a case study for it, but so were incels and such in the west.
I should check if David was quoted anywhere in there it seems likely.
Whatever floats that one particular boat.
In the image with the title “Fix a society that hates us?” is the guy walking off a pier? Because that’s what it looks like to me. They might want to reconsider that one…
ISS has one. So did the shuttles, when they were in use, in case of a catastrophically bad deorbit – it’s considered better (for those on the ground, at least) that a lot of little pieces hit the atmosphere than a couple big ones punch on through and make large holes in things.
Yeah, women dont refer to their parts as “holes”. ANyone who uses that expression loses all credibility and I will cease to take anything they say seriously. Probably block them when they cease to amuse me as well.
MLBlue, exactly. The only people who say that are intending to dehumanize us!
@Alan: your canal-related contributions today are top-notch.
@Bookworm: either that or walking into the ocean to drown himself in the briny deep.
(The Mr. got his propeller hat after we became friends with the guy who invented and popularized them. You can buy them lots of places on line.)
> numerobis & Full Metal Ox
Thank you for the answers ! (At work, my researches are quite limited, sorry)
@Surplus : blowing the boat up is litteraly order of magnitude more expensive than unjamming it.
To start with, you need to evacuate the ship and find enough explosive to blow it up. It’s 220.000 tons, and full of various kind of object, so it’s a long and costly operation. You can’t find enough TNT in an hour, and maybe not even enough in a day.
Then you need to repair the canal, since, you know, you just blowed up 220k tons of debris into it, and the explosive altered strongly the integrity of the canal too. That can take weeks or month.
So, best case scenario of that “solution” is a lot more costly and longer than unjamming it. People didn’t leave the boat intact because they were worried about cargo or anything, they did it because it’s the rational solution.
And that’s not considering all the myriad way it can go horribly wrong. You could capseize another ship with the blast, even one rather far away, because of the gigantic amount of force. You could fail to explode the boat, and need several explosions, which is what happened when people tried that solution with a whale. The dust cloud could cause problem in a lot of different way. There’s probably a lot of other problems I didn’t think of.
@ threp
That’s very altruistic of the astronauts. Personally I’d spend my last minutes ascertaining who was responsible for the problem and aiming the station at their car.
How did I forget about the exploding whale? I love the exploding whale story. Well, I don’t love stranding events or deceased whales washing up, but it’s still a good story.
I’m going to try using the spoiler thing to see if I can avoid squicking anyone out who isn’t strangely excited about exploding whale disasters.
What Ohlmann didn’t say is that a bit of the whale totaled a car.
Life lesson: if you want to take tnt to a whale, tow it FAR AWAY from shore!
Also, I had to specify purposeful explosion because, well, don’t leave your dead whales to sit in the sun, because whale decomposition (if the digestive tract is intact) naturally is a bit… explosive.
The best known urban whale explosion was Taiwan in 2004 because it spontaneously exploded IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN while being transported, but whale-splosions are a well known thing in the marine bio community.
Like, we definitely had a day of war stories and home videos of beach necropsies where step one was making sure to release the pressure before it became dangerous, to varying degrees of success/desperation for a shower.
Marine bio is smelly work, even if it is super cool, and I’m a little sad to have switched to a different field. I have a different tldr for that though.
Okay, time to hit post and edit out the ook if the spoiler tagging fails!
Not exactly sure they were ever asked … 😛
But nah – most of them are pilots. Dropping chunks of your craft on unsuspecting people is considered a bit rude.
Course, if people have shot you down you aim for them.
Note that for asteroids, dividing in smaller asteroid seem likely to make the impact deadlier. Might be because asteroid big enough to be a problem are far bigger than the ISS.
And yes, the whale thing is hilarious to me too. The car part is a reminder that if you use force big enough to deal with several tons of stuff, the side effect can be similarly apocalyptic. Here imagine what a 20k ton fragment of that shit hurled in the air could do.
@Contrapangloss – Oh yeah, I remember seeing a video about that! I imagine exploding the whale into smaller pieces would just spread the bad smell around and make the remains harder to clean up, not to mention the poor person/people who got their car damaged.
As for the memes, the 3rd one is especially confusing because it doesn’t distinguish between speech and labels. Like, the man has the words “Beta I LOVE YOU” written on his figure, and it seems “Beta” is meant to be his label and “I LOVE YOU” is what he’s saying, but it’s not clear because it’s all in one place. RIP, readability.
I figured simply putting a bomb in it and setting it off would be naïve; my thoughts were more along the lines of shaped charges, likely with the intent to cut out a large middle section and move it downstream, and leaving the end pieces much smaller, lighter, and easier to deal with.
The other “obvious” approaches would be raising the water level in the canal (if possible, would depend on terrain among other things) and lightening the load (by getting cranes onto the shore near it and removing containers, perhaps to another ship). Were any of these tried?
@ surplus
They did consider using floating cranes to offload the containers; as a fall-back position. But apparently the experts said this would add weeks to the operation; and also the high winds made this option unsafe.
In the end they just dredged underneath her whilst waiting for the full moon and the highest tide and then towed her off the bank with 14 tugboats.
Although I think really all credit should go to that little bulldozer. It’s easy to open a jam jar once someone has loosened the lid for you.
Yay! A meme post! Thank you thank you thank you thank yooouuuu!!!!
The “parental alienation” is extra creepy when you consider the “men’s groups” who “denounce it” are made up entirely of abusers who were separated from their children because… well, because they abused them.
Other than that, I can’t stop looking at the “Most women are hardcore feminists”, particularly at the ellipsis. It would seem we have a classic two dot ellipsis, but wait! What’s that on the bottom line? Is it the missing dot? Is it just another random design failure? Does the author even know…?
Apropos nothing; but people might like this.
@Alan, the suffrajitsu clip is brilliant! (For some odd reason I can’t see a lot of your clips in my usual browser, but I’m glad I tried opening this comment in a different one 🙂 )
The 498A is a reference to a anti domestic abuse law .
You know I think it´s kinda ironic that MRAS/MGTOWS are a thing in India and even funnier that they use the same talking points as their western counterparts like women are goldiggers and whinning aboutdivorce rape.
Specially considering this country as huge Dowry Abuse problem, where men and their families often demand large sums of money or gifts as dowry, and will abuse their wives if they aren´t satistified.
In this case it´s the men who are the goldiggers and screwing over women and her realtives fianncially.
Tons of women have died because of this
But what these men are getting mad about, is about women fighting back so that there are legal consequences for abuse. Note that not one of them guys have anything to say about how men should refuse dowries.
If you ask me, if a dude accepted a dowry but then she divorces him and he has to pay alimony, she isnt´stealing his money…. she is simply asking for the return of her dowry that rightly belongs to her.
And like their western counterparts of course they are gonna say those abuse cases are false and tons of men are getting destroyed (despite the fact that the conviction rates are really low)
If you think western manospherians were already delusional, they got nothing on these guys.
Alan, that clip is great! Will now share far and wide. ?
@Alan: love that old clip! I hope a lot of suffragettes learned that — it’d be even more effective back then when most Western people had never heard of those martial arts. Obviously it’s easier when the man just stands there and lets her do it, but she’s still flipping him over.
And may your whales never explode.
Most of the time, in fact, they get exponentially worse.