The incels.co domain is down, at least for now, but the regulars are still unhappily chatting away on the backup domain Incels.is. And they still have stories to tell one another about men, women, and Chad.
One inventive historian of the future called Iamnothere000 presents his vision of the sexual revolution he believes is already underway — one that will knock women down a peg or two.
“The sexual revolution,” he begins,
will eventually lead to a society where most women will only be interested in dating the top % of men. They will have no need to settle for less attractive men since they can provide for themselves via work/welfarestate/onlyfans.
I’m pretty sure that income from onlyfans — which looms so large in the incel imagination — accounts for roughly 0.000000001 percent of total GDP.
The big winner of this scenario is obviously Chad. He can pick and choose from an unlimited buffet of women without the need to invest any emotional or financial resources himself. Women chase him, he does not have to woo them. This means he does not have to respect or value them in any way. They are utterly replaceable to him.
Lucky Chad, able to be the asshole that incels only aspire to be
This is, if you think about it, a horrible situation for women: They only have a tiny chance to be with a Chad (because many women want him), and only during the short timeframe while they are in their prime.
Most incels seem to think that a woman’s “prime” only lasts from her late teen years until her mid twenties. Better move fast, ladies!
Women can be quite vicious towards each other so it will be a horrible competition.
And even if they win the Chads attention, they will have to please him constantly, no matter how he treats the women. If she displeases, annoys or bores the Chad, she will just be replaced. A current example would be Leonardo DiCaprio, who never has a girlfriend older than 25 years of age. Even the formation of harems will not mitigate the competition, because the Women/Chad ration is so steep.
Too many women, not enough Chads.
This may sound like an inversion of the current male-female dating dynamics, where men chase women and women select men. But it is even worse: The competition for Chad will be much fiercer since women are unwilling to settle for anything less (and still be happy). Also, Chad can beat the shit out of his women if he so pleases.
Oh that’s lovely.
Additionally, such a sexual liberated era will forever cement the animal/whore-status of women.
The what/what status of women?
No objective observer (historians for example) male or female will be able to genuinely respect women when they use their new found sexual freedom to collectively go for the men who are physically most attractive while disregarding (or at least neglecting) any other qualities a man could have. Women choose partners like animals do, for superficial traits alone.
I’m sure most animals are better judges of character than your typical jncel. And given the poison incels spew online about women, human women have very good reasons for avoiding you guys.
You may think that (sub 9) men are the biggest losers of this new era. The vast majority of them will not be able to find a partner and is therefore condemned to a live of inceldom. But, at least for me, the worst thing about being Incel is the sheer abnormality of it. WTF is wrong with me when I, despite all my achievement, cannot land a single date while my abusive neighbor can have one gf after another that he can drag over the floor by a fistful of hair?
Why are you so jealous of men who beat women? This is the second time it’s come up in this brief manifesto.
If however inceldom were so common and public that it is no longer considered abnormal, this feeling of wrongness would be mitigated.
There are a lot of people out there not having sex — especially in this pandemic. But the overwhelming majority of them would never claim the incel tag for themselves because it’s associated (and rightly so) with violent misogyny and toxic self-hate. That’s what makes you guys undateable, not the exact shape of your chin or the size of your wrists.
With good copes I could live quit content like this. Not happy, but content.
Stop acting like creeps and people will stop treating you like creeps.
I also think that, emotionally speaking, women need male attention much more than the opposite. Almost all men can (and have to) get used to long stretches without being in any form desirable to women. Virtually all Women however are always somehow desired/liked by men.
Not true, as countless incel discussions about the undesirability of old — over 25 — women and so-called “landwhales.”
They cannot cope with being undesirable because they never had to. On an emotional level: A Women needs a strong man to hold/support her. A man wants a tender woman who he can hold/support.
Well, that’s a pretty crude (and retrograde, and wrong) summing up what draws people together.
So the divide between the genders will hit women much harder then men.
In the coming decades being female will be synonymous with misery and despair.
Not likely. It’s the incels who are the true experts at making themselves miserable.
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Why did the miggies pick the name “Chad” anyway? It isn’t an “alpha” kind of name to any women I know. It makes me think of the Florida 2000 ballot and the much-less-hunky Lowe brother.
Point of interest: Leonardo DiCaprio has dated a 29 year old and a 31 year old. He has also on occasion dated women older than himself in his younger years. Not saying he doesn’t have a distinct taste for younger, but he has deviated. Not that this really means anything except, Hey Iamnothere000, Google much?
Also, funny you mention animals being better judges of character than incels, as I was recently at an animal shelter where a little dog that had been abused by a man and avoided many other men, nevertheless was all over me (me is dude). I don’t like dogs, but I was flattered that this little furball thought I was A-OK.
@GSS ex-noob:
Why did the miggies pick the name “Chad” anyway? It isn’t an “alpha” kind of name to any women I know. It makes me think of the Florida 2000 ballot and the much-less-hunky Lowe brother.
Here’s what Dictionary.com has to say on the topic:
Chad seems to have originated in Chicago slang and was popularized in the 2000s thanks to a 2006 satirical website dedicated to a fictional social club, the Lincoln Park Chads Society. The web site featured numerous posts by a user named Brent having “Chadtastic” adventures around Chicago and was based on the equally fictional Lincoln Park Trixie Society. The name Chad is used as the male equivalent of the older Chicago “Trixie” slang used to describe upper-class, trendy, young, white women.
In 2008, an Urban Dictionary user added an entry on Chad that described him as a young, white man who is popular with women. In 2013, Chad resurfaced as part of the “Chad Thundercock” meme that centered on stereotypical alpha males. Often shortened to just Chad, this hyper-masculine stereotype was a contrast to the stereotype of antisocial beta males (“virgins”) that supposedly make up the majority of 4chan users or incel communities. These “Chad vs. Virgin” memes have further popularized the name Chad as an exaggerated stereotype of an alpha male.
wait. if men just “want” a woman to hold and support and they don’t “need” one for companionship and sex, then why are incels a thing? they obviously don’t need it. This one just said it.
@Elaine The Witch
I think it’s great that incels have figured out that they don’t need a woman. Now they can STFU about us.
They can.
But they won’t.
I feel compeled to say that 0.000000001% of the world GDP is about 750$ per year. Onlyfan as a whole is probably more gross income than that, albeit the perfomer doing more than $750 per year aren’t that numerous.
“A sexy revolution” :
Kate Beaton is awesome.
Yes, if there’s one thing cis men, and incels in particular, are known for it’s for staring at a potential partner across the room and thinking what a great conversationalist they would be. Incels and the rest of the manosphere have spent years telling each other that it doesn’t matter how old a woman is or how much she weighs, as long as you have matching interests. I’m pretty sure straight men masturbate to women’s scientific theses.
We’re going to get self-aware AIs before we get self-aware incels.
I don’t think they will. They will just keep obsessing that someone turn them down in 9th grade and use it as an excuse to hate all women.
As it turns out, when something is making a woman miserable, she’s actually capable of choosing to do something else.
Weird, but true! Certain academics are now labelling the phenomenon “Freedom”.
@Crip Dyke
Sorry, “Freedom” only applies to Manly Men like Mel Gibson who are being torn into pieces by the forces of tyranny while faking Scottish accents.
@rabid rabbit
I never got why that movie was so popular. It could be because I had an interest in the medieval period and had read a book on those events beforehand and spent most of the movie going “Well, that’s not historically accurate” or maybe it is because it was kind of boring. For that matter, I never really got into any of Mel Gibson’s movies or thought much of him as an actor.
What with Mel Gibson then coming out as himself, I eventually felt kind of vindicated with that attitude…
There’s always a lack of talk of the standards men hold in the manosphere.
There’s never any talk about any of the animosity a lot of men have if they are not the primary breadwinner in a relationship or in sim form a position of supremacy..
I can’t help but think how people can enjoy not having sex or sometimes even masturbating (owing to my background). Thing is I’m particularly pissed off by those who believe sex should be only for marriage and/or procreation and they decide to blame victims if any incidents of sex abuse happens. I don’t prefer to have sex at the same time though because I don’t exactly feel attractive and have my own demons to deal with, but wish I didn’t have the drive for it because I’d have less issues to deal with.
I’m fortunate that virtually everyone I’ve encountered though doesn’t hold problematic attitudes towards dealing with sex abuse however, but I don’t think their views towards withholding all non-procreative sex acts would be bearable at least for me.
And this, children, is why when you are going to pretend to be making a scientific argument by mimicking scientific language, it’s very important that you make sure you get the words right.
@Tabby Lavalamp
I’ll put my money on the AIs any day.
Are you one of those annoying people who talk through historical films and mock their lack of accuracy?
By “annoying”, of course, I mean AWESOME. ? We should have a movie night. I’ll bring the popcorn to throw at the screen…
Janelle Shane, who does hilarious and interesting things with neural nets, recently posted about training them to generate pick-up lines. I particularly like “I will briefly summarize the plot of Back to the Future II for you” and “Do you like…pancakes?”
@Bookworm in hijab
I may resemble that remark. (Well, actually I try to comment on and correct any movie…)
Anyway, I was rather into swords, armor, castles, etc, as a kid, so while I am often clueless as to dates, names, and historical events, I recognize such things as when someone allegedly belonging to the 2nd century and living in Ireland is wearing 15th century German armor and waving around a fantasy sword that has no place in history anywhere. (I made that random example up, but you get the idea.)
As a birthday gift (to the rest of us), we watched The Core with our friend with the PhD in high-energy physics.
It was a thing of beauty….
@ .45,
No, no, I think I’ve watched that one! ?
@Ox: Thanks. So they got it at least third-hand. Unimaginative, like everything else they do.
@Kat: If only. Do go your own way boys, don’t look back, don’t write about women, don’t even think about them. Be totally free! FREE-DUMB!
@Bookworm: She really is.
@.45: I am certain I saw that one too. I know it was Irish. Some TV show where I pointed out 8 glaring historical mistakes in the first 7 minutes. My husband gave me a Paddington Bear Hard Look and I piped down.
He has accepted that in any movie/TV show set before a certain period, I’m going to mutter “Stirrups”. Because they hadn’t been invented yet.
@ GSS ex-noob
I suspect part of that is the difficulty in finding actors who can ride without the aid of stirrups
There’s however a big trap in historical authenticity in which a lot of people fell : the dates for styles are often very approximative, and the apparition of stuff is often earlier than conventional wisdom. Sometime much earlier, since for example stirrup are pretty much never out of place in movie, except maybe in Quest of Fire.
(the earliest example are like -200, and given they weren’t in metal yet it’s pretty likely that it actually was invented well before that. They weren’t mainstream at the time, but they would not be anachronistic either)
In general it’s pretty harmless to chide them for not having done their work, but remember that the dark side of it is people chiding movies and video games for having non white people in medieval setting, with the same misguided basis that we clearly have a very solid idea of when something appareared and what was the style at the time.
(here again there’s proof of black people in the english isle by -200, and I really want to do a joke about them not being in metal yet, but I fear that become too dark too fast)
@ Ohlmann,
, absolutely. I think it’s more people criticizing glaring costuming/weaponry errors, but I think you’re completely right that there’s could be a nastier element to some people’s criticisms. I’m confident no one on here is doing that, at least. ?