
We’re through the looking glass, people!
At least according to one ever-so-slightly paranoid Reddit MGTOW, posting in the MGTOW 2.0 subreddit (a supposedly smarter spinoff from the original r/MGTOW), who is convinced that the COVID pandemic is turning men worldwide into pathetic, woman-worshipping simps.
“Is it just me,” asks Alpha9302, “or does the ‘pandemic’ massively increased [sic] the simping done by men globally?”
Consider his, er, evidence.
I got a feeling that simping is starting to be a new standard of interactions between men and women, especially online. And in combination with the rise of onlyfans accounts, continued isolation and a lack of human contact, I fear for a change in society where the genuine attention and contributions from men will no longer have any value and women on a large scale will use men like toys in a toy store and dispose of us when we are no longer needed and go to the next one. Instead of appreciating us for who we are and what we can give and show their respect. Like now it feels like massive hypergamy. This is just how I felt online before I deleted several social media apps recently.
And he thinks the Chinese have their fingerprints all over this pandemic, which is also (in his view) totally fake. Responding to a commenter who took issue with him using the word “pandemic” at all, Alpha9302 declared,
The only reason that I used the word ‘pandemic’ instead of something like ‘plandemic’ is because I was afraid Reddit would flag it as inappropriate or because it may have attracted some negative attention in this group. I actually don’t believe in the common narrative that the mainstream media is trying to make us believe. Its utter nonsense. Its very clear that China uses COVID-19 as a tool to gain more control over the west with the goal to become the most powerful country in the world in terms of resources and economically. Many parties are involved.
Onlyfans, hypergamy, the Chinese government — this conspiracy theory has it all.
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All I know about OnlyFans is the youtube video about it, below. I won’t watch it again to get the exact quote, but one of the content creators interviewed said something like “we’re monetising loneliness”. The whole thing seemed pretty sad and dysfunctional to me, but admittedly my perspective (as someone who avoids human connection) is pretty skewed.
@Alan Robertshaw:
I think I’ve heard of something like what you’re describing. IIRC the title was Das Kapital.
That is one of the most irksome of recent trends: the tendency of people to hide more and more stuff inside of big, opaque, monolithic mp4 files that you can’t use control-F to find things in, or copy and paste from, and that guzzle data like nobody’s business, especially when compared to a few kb of text and perhaps a few tens of kb of accompanying jpegs.
It’s easy to make an educated guess as to who’s flogging that trend behind the scenes. Qui bono? Mobile providers who gouge by the gigabyte for data, obviously.
Exactly. A twenty minute video can be summed up in a three paragraph transcript.
Ah, yes, sex work, famously a very new profession just recently on the rise.
Have you tried crochet? Keeps your hands and mind busy, especially when you need to count stitches on a complex pattern and there’s background noise.
@ rv97
What are your thoughts on the outdoors? I’m a big fan of walking. It really chills me and de-clutters my mind. Mainly I just wonder about and enjoy the walk itself; although sometimes I will target a particular area of interest, like some archeological site or similar.
It’s nice to get away from tech and just zen a bit.
Sometimes though I will take podcasts to listen to. Quite often I never get round to them; I’m just enjoying the quiet. But if I’m walking back in the dark they give me something to do when there’s nothing to look at. I’ve also got into Clubhouse a bit. That’s perfect for me as it’s all done by voice. So you can be having a nice discussion with people without having to type anything.
And a great thing about walking, from a Yorkshire perspective, is it’s free.
I paint. Very badly, but who cares – it’s relaxing. Doesn’t cost a bunch, either – pound shop paint sets and a cheap pad of paper work just fine for messing around at first, so couple quid and you’re set for a while.
@rv97 : note that capitalism failed to eradicate exploitation, but didn’t even close to start it. Aristocratic and caste system had just as many stories of people forced to do stuff they didn’t want and/or people exploited to the bone, and I am not aware of any society with big communities without exploitation problem.
(that have to do with how humans have a soft cap of people they can care about, which vary between 20 and 200. Structures bigger than that will have an easier time degenerating into exploitation just because they are big enough that nobody think the entire structure as their community, just the closer parts)
For videogame, I shill for Factorio, which is quite an experience. And can lead to thinking about productivism and ecology.
My must-keep-busy hobby is cross-stitch. It’s easy to pick up the basics and buying all-inclusive small kits is not expensive. All you need to start is a hoop that fits your kit and some needles; some kits actually include these so you don’t need anything at all except the kit.
@Rabid Rabbit:. I’ve heard these kinds of news stories referred to as “Poverty Porn”.
@Alan Robertshaw:. I’m a walker, too. I find it calming. In particular, I like to watch the seasons change. I’ve also seen black bears 3 times, over the last 7 years or so.
@ dormousing_it
Oh gawd yeah. I’m very lucky in terms of mental health and general wellbeing. But I think walking plays a big part in that. If I have to miss for more than a day I’m going up the walls.
Me too. Especially when I’m on a regular walk. Then you really notice how things are changing; and reminisce about all the different weather conditions you’ve been caught in. Like when you’re in glorious sunshine and you remember the time of the blizzard etc.
No bears here unfortunately. Meet a few badgers though. There’s also a goose, whom I think has modelled his behaviour on the one in that video game.
Your mileage may vary, but if we’re talking hobbies/stuff to do:
Hobbies that keep the brain busy in a relaxed way:
Podcasts of chill relaxed vibes (Levar Burton Reads, The Greatest Generation – A Star Trek Podcast, others), while walking dog/cleaning/doing other things.
Doodling dorky comics that will never see the light of day.
Working on a design for a popsicle stick trebuchet to hurl marbles for fun. (50% design almost done!)
Working on a design for a popsicle stick pedestal crane with rudimentary hydraulics (1% still deciding specs).
Practicing instruments! I got a pair of Woodi penny whistles (C&D) off the interwebs for $10, and love them dearly. I still suck at crans that aren’t at the e position, but I’m getting better!
Hobbies to NOT think, just do:
Dog walking, no music (can sub just walking if roads are safe and no dog)
Baking easy recipes (because I am bad at baking, but aggressively rolling out dough is a stress relief).
Knitting/crocheting after initial proficiency gained (can be stressful until initial skills acquired).
Playing with dog! Pre dog, bouncing a clean tennis/stress ball off walls (multiple) was still a thing when I needed to do SOMETHING.
Cleaning, no podcast. Not a fun hobby, but an essential thing that must be done and is sometimes weirdly relaxing even though I usually hate it.
Singing stupid songs to my potted plants. (Milt and Russ and a short row of unnamed turnips).
Editing to Add: I love walking, which is good because dog. I used to never walk with music, because in Alaska you need to hear the moose coming.
It’s been weird but nice to be able to shove a headphone in one ear and walk without fearing a pancake-ing, and I highly recommend it if you don’t have moose (rural) or scary people/drivers (urban) to worry about.
Sorry for the late response. I don’t know if I’ll consider programming (Python and Rust maybe) or another language (Esperanto) although they can get stressful at times for me. I like walking, especially when the weather is more forgiving and I can dress how I wish, but generally wish to try and avoid people sometimes.
I’ll keep thinking about it.
@ contrapangloss
I always enjoy reading your posts; but don’t your paws get in the way when you type?
For relaxation, I’m working on a paper-folded mobile for my new niece. They’re not terribly impressive, but my sister tells me her son likes the one I made for him a few years ago out of post-its and printer paper, so ?♂️
re: hobbies
I’ve recently started the Japanese course on Duolingo and would recommend it (haven’t taken any of their other languages, but I’m assuming the experience is fairly uniform). It’s challenging enough to keep your brain occupied but not so hard it’s frustrating and because the lessons take 3-5 apiece, you can spend as little or as much time as you want on it. Also, it’s free, so that’s nice.
I stumbled across this video today, and was amused/dismayed to learn that there’s a long tradition of instructing women in how to respond to unwanted advances.
(Hope the video shows up!)
When it comes to hobbies, having a few that don’t involve a screen is really good for your mental health. I sow and knit. If you want to do something more physical, walking is a great one that has already been suggested. But also Yoga is really nice.
Doing some sort of craft can help. I don’t have much time for it now, but I paint. I paint animals, mostly a lot of birds cause their easier for me and it’s relaxing to do so.
With things on screen you can give writing a go. I’ve written a lot of fan fictions that will never see the light of day, but I also post to Archive of our own and get lots of helpful feed back and get to talk to others who enjoy the same stories as I do.
Learning how to do makeup is also fun for me. I don’t wear a lot of make up that’s not nail polish and lipsticks in my ever day life but just learning how to do something and improving it helps me a lot.
Just remember we are humans and ever skills that we pick up we will slowly get better at it just by continuously doing it.
My husband enjoys chess and target practice. He goes down to the rang a lot when He’s home. We live near a place that has areas for both gun target practice and archery.
hobbies that keep your hands busy are great. But also a hobby that gets you outside for fresh air and sunshine, and a physical one that will help wear out your energy and keep you help (also help you sleep at night) are wonderful for mental health.
Also I just have to ask why were you envious of Katniss. She was a like 17 year old disabled girl who had to go into a death match for others enjoyment so that her 12 year old sister wouldn’t be slaughtered. Her mother was a dissociated mess from everything that was happening so she was basically raising her sister before this. And her father was dead. Ever moment of Katniss life in the books was full of struggle and survival. She had panic attacks, anxiety and if I would have guest extreme ptsd. Katniss is a character to look up to but not to be envious us.
@ Elaine
Remind me to let him win.
I envied Katniss because she is quite used to a rougher life than I am and also happens to have better survival skills. I left an economically developing country at a young age and even then came from a relatively affluent background and compared to her I’m quite spoilt. Plus, gender issues.
I live in the UK so while shooting is something that would interest me, it’s not easy to get into. Plus I hate how it’s only generally conservatives who are only into shooting and survival.
I wanted to make fanfics of Winx Club and an original fic but writing isn’t something that I’m quite passionate about, and I’ve got strong feelings of disappointment with regards to Winx Club’s current creative direction that brings me pain sometimes whenever I think about it or even try to rewatch the series.
I’d probably make a story based open ended video game but also you did recommend I take time away from the screen, and I am lacking motivation to do much these days.
I could take this opportunity to just take long naps – while great for my physical health, it wouldn’t be great for my mental health and wouldn’t be making the most of my spare time.
I’m also a big fan of walking as a hobby. I’ve just recently started a nature journal, so that’s been fun to take out and about.
A friend taught me how to knit years ago when we were snowed in, but I never got past the “frustrating tangles” stage, lol.
Alan, did you say you’re in Yorkshire? Will I be a total dork if I mention how much I love books by James Herriot? I always enjoy his descriptions of that landscape.
@ bookworm in hijab
I was born in Bradford; but like a lot of Yorkshire people I would do anything for that county except actually live there. So I moved to London; and now down in the south west.
I do love the Dales though; and the Moors. We used to trudge up to a place called Top Withens a lot. Where there’s a wonderfully grumpy sign along the lines of “Although people think this is Wuthering Heights, it isn’t. So stop asking.”
But I was brought up on “All creatures great and small“; and the stories are pretty accurate depictions, not just of the environment, but also the county. There’s plenty of people today in North Yorkshire who look like they’ve just stepped out of the books.
I think your mistaken about this. Once you get into it you’ll actually see there are people from many different back grounds and beliefs into shooting and survival. Also the nice part about it is that it’s pretty solitary. You won’t have to interact with anyone much if you don’t want to.
The guy at our gun shooting place has this big sign that says
“explain your political beliefs”
“I want the black gay married couple to be able to defend their pot crops with guns”
He always wins.
Regarding hobbies, I got really into ceramics after going to a clay studio in my local area – it helped me a lot when my husband was ill. I did illustration at uni but I find creating art stressfull most of the time because I’ve never practiced enough to get as good as I want to be (initially laziness, then life getting in the way). Clay kinda takes out that element because you have to let go – you can finesse and perfect and then… It explodes in the kiln! The whims of the kiln gods makes you weirdly Zen.
I grant you pottery is pretty inaccessible though, especially at the moment. Polymer clay you can bake in the oven, which might be a better bet.