boobs butts incels misogyny

Women’s “most desired political agenda” is to show off their ass cracks, laments ass-averse incel

It’s Saturday night (where I live anyway) so let’s play a little drinking game. I’ll post a long rant about “ass culture” I found on the forums. You drink every tune the author uses the word “ass.” Easy peasy. Let’s begin.

Why should w*men be allowed to show off their bodies and reveal cleavage and wear skintight pants to show off ass and pussy lips?

Men don’t walk around with their chests visible to everyone. Men don’t wear pants that show off their butt cheeks and raging bulges. So why should w*men be allowed to do that?

I guess w*men are treated like retarded children so they can’t be hold accountable for their behaviour. You know maybe there is nothing else in w*men except their biologically attractive bodies. Maybe cumrag is the thing they want to be. Showing off their tits and ass is their greatest achievement it seems doesn’t it.

It’s the only thing they worry about. They want it to be safe outside so they can walk around showing off their ass cracks and tits.

Even female athletes wear skintight ass crack “clothing” because female sports is a joke and nobody would ever watch it without the soft porn aspects.

It’s their most desired political agenda to show off more ass crack. So many of them are now obsessed with working out their ass cracks. You can see millions of holes on instagram who have a dedicated their lives to working out their asses.

They buy new gym clothing to show off their asses for the general public. It’s ass culture. When w*men are liberated and free they become obsessed with their own ass holes and they want to show off their asses to everyone.

Their entire existence revolves around ass hole. They don’t produce high culture, fine art, new inventions, discoveries. They produce instagram photos of their asses. All of the gym toilets identify as their ass crack. Yoga pants are a symbol of female liberation and empowerment.

Imagine if men were equally obsessed with showing off bulge. All men would wear skintight pants to show off bulge and post a new instagram photo showing off their bulges in their new pants. “Omg guys look I bought new BulgePants the fabric is really nice! It shows off my bulge nicely! I’m a liberated and empowered man!” But that is exactly how w*men behave and think.

Not even soy “men” believe w*men are human. They don’t question the ass culture at all. They don’t think w*men are human and our equals. If they did then they would ask why is it so important to show off cleavage and ass crack?

Even the “allies” of w*men, the simps, the soy cucks, they subconsciously believe w*men are retarded subhumans. They don’t hold them for same standards. Whatever w*men do these soy simps accept it because they know w*men are not human and they shouldn’t be expected to behave decently and have any moral standards. W*men are expected to do as they as please (show off ass crack, wear war paint, reveal tits to general public) without any standards or consequences.

If men went in public wearing skintight clothing, reveal chest, have a visible raging bulge and their ass cracks were wide open, people would be “shaming” them and these men would get arrested.

I guess it’s natural for w*men to identify as their tits and ass because there is nothing else in them. They don’t possess any intellectual value. Their only value is a visible pair of titties and skintight yoga pants.

Sorry. That was too many asses. Too, too many asses.

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North Sea Sparkly Dragon
North Sea Sparkly Dragon
3 years ago

Wow, that’s a bag of scrabble letters vomited on to a screen. Vomit being the operative word.

Do they never come up with anything original? Have they never seen any historical paintings or statues, men have been showing off their bulges and arses forever.

I do like that donkey in a hole though, and I’m glad it got out. How did it get in there?

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

On campus when I go for runs or to the gym they have i see a lot of the guys wear these like scoop neck tamk top things a lot. It hangs so low it barely covers their nipples. I’m assuming and not surprised if this incel just doesn’t go outside much, doesn’t go to gyms or in runners paths and just only pays attention to attractive women or only really see women in porn.

Now to be fair the only guys that I do see wearing these type of shirts or going shirtless are the attractive fitness type guys.

Though I have volunteered at the pool at that gym to help teach classes that help people learn how to swim or swim better. I’ve taught guys in those classes who were over weight or really skinny and poor dudes were insecure about taking their shirts off for the pool. I just told them everyone I’ve met here has been really nice and no one is going to judge them for their body. It’s all about that lack of confidence cause people are jerks to women and fat people in general

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

Men don’t walk around with their chests visible to everyone. Men don’t wear pants that show off their butt cheeks and raging bulges. So why should w*men be allowed to do that?

My dude, nothing is stopping you from walking around in tight pants and an open shirt if that’s your jam. No need to be jealous.

Even female athletes wear skintight ass crack “clothing” because female sports is a joke and nobody would ever watch it without the soft porn aspects.

Athletes wear skin tight clothing for performance reasons, not because they want to be ogled. In sports that are decided by hundredths of seconds, or sports that are partly judged on body line, form, and control, they’re not gonna be wearing huge flappy sweatpants. The only people athletes actively want looking at their butts are the competitors they’re passing in the race.

“Reduce her to a hole” is such a weak ego defense mechanism. Everyone who ever lived has an asshole (including the OP), along with other assorted body parts. So what? The fact still remains, female athletes can spike a volleyball and run a 10 second 100m, and he can’t. Having a body doesn’t negate the extraordinary things you do with it.

I bet he’s also been complaining loudly about the Lola Rabbit reboot not being sexy enough. It must be miserable being the center of the entire universe, and still the universe refuses to cater to 1% of your whims.


Male athletes would never show off their bodies!

Right? Clearly he’s never been to a post-competition figure skating exhibition and gazed upon a sea of leather pants.

Last edited 3 years ago by Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ North Sea sparkly dragon

I’m glad it got out. How did it get in there?

No-one seems sure. The incident was in Switzerland a few years ago. There was mention of an enquiry but haven’t seen any follow up from that. The inquiry was because a manhole (or should that be asshole!!!!) cover had been left open in a public place.

But his name is Nilo and he was 13 back then. He lives on a local farm/petting zoo and safely went back there after his ordeal,

Donkeys are very good at getting out and going for walks; lots of webcams from the donkey sanctuary of them figuring out how to get door locks open and going for a nosey.

comment image

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Ok, keep it moving, nothing to see here, folks

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

Oh by the way, that donkey got safely rescued.

Thanks for that. It was bothering me. 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by Battering Lamb
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ buttercup

Athletes wear skin tight clothing for performance reasons

Well I’m no athlete, but…

Click this at your own risk!

3 years ago

I have such a personal history as an artist with this subject that I can’t even begin except to say that these jerks have no fucking idea what they are talking about.

And yes displaying my body in tight clothing IS not just art for me but a political statement with deep spiritual meaning. And as if it’s just that “tight clothing” as if it’s all the same.

Like there’s no artistic design involved with color and contour?!?


Oh yeah here I go again oppressing other people because I’m wearing a bodysuit and tights and carrying a whip and existing.

3 years ago

The argument here seems similar to the ‘affirmative action is the discrimination of lowered expectations’ argument by the ‘I’m not racist’ crowd.

Mixed in, perhaps, with a dose of sexual frustration.

3 years ago

Alan, the assorted bits and bobs of knowledge you bring to these threads is delightful.

Thanks for letting us know the donkey is doing well. The adorable little escape artist!

And I think the mountain with a dapper little cloud hat was also you, so thanks for that, too.

3 years ago

I am embarrassed that I am the same species as this person. They would see half the things that they say are not real if they actually went outside and existed in the world.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ contrapangloss

Aww, thank you; I just like to ramble.

The adorable little escape artist!

Oh, aren’t they just.

I like how they help their friends out too though.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

This rant just screams “I have no life outside of scrolling photos of women on Instagram”

Edit: Mogwitch put it better:

You can tell these guys don’t get out and have an intellectual diet consisting entirely of porn, Instagram voyeurism and sub-literate Internet forums.

Last edited 3 years ago by Lumipuna
Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
3 years ago

I like how they help their friends out too though.

There was an experiment recently publicized where they taught some kind of bird (I want to say gray parrots) how to trade tokens for food. They then paired up the birds so that in each pair, one bird had 10 tokens that could be traded for food and the other bird had zero. In all cases, the bird with lots of tokens shared with the bird with none so that everyone could eat.

Animals make better people than people, sometimes.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago


Rats perform better on the Milgram experiment than humans do.

But here’s the study you mentioned; and yes, gray parrots.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@Alan, do you happen to have a reference handy about the rats and the Milgram experiment? Sounds interesting.

3 years ago

Wow. After reading that…diarrhea…of verbiage, I’m glad I didn’t treat it as a drinking game.

If I had, I’m pretty sure I’d be in the ICU with a bad case of alcohol poisoning–and I’d still be more coherent than who ever dreamed up that screed.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ cheesynougats

Here’s one paper…

Rats don’t just avoid harming other rats; they’ll help them out too. There’s a recent experiment where rats had a choice of eating chocolate or freeing another rat from a cage and generally they freed the other rat.

3 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw : AFAIK the Milgram experiment on human is discredited, and if you don’t manipulate the test subjects you don’t get anywhere near the original result.

As for the share thingie, IIRC ravens can do that too. I also remember a study on rats who showed that there were three type of personalities, the bullies that specialize in stealing food, the victims who specialize in finding food and just immediatly yield to bully, and the independants that get their food themselves but fight back bullies if needed. In a test setup to emulate that without real bullying the humans tended to do the same, but have way more specific strategy, including some taking the risk to defend their brethen from steal.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

@ Crip Dyke,

Women lived through 150 years of codpieces. Men can live through a decade of yoga pants.

You’re assuming these dudes have any knowledge whatsoever about any time period in any place’s history. That bar is just way, way too high ?

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

Huh, that’s weird. Crip Dyke, I thought I replied to you; I saw my comment appeare but it seems to have disappeared.

It wasn’t anything particularly important, though.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

Oh there it is…

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Right? Clearly he’s never been to a post-competition figure skating exhibition and gazed upon a sea of leather pants.

I mean, I’ve been on co-ed diving teams, so I’ve seen quite a few male athletes in teeny tiny Speedos.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Bookworm in hijab:

On my device, a freshly posted comment will appear at the top of the page regardless of posting order; it’s necessary to Refresh to see it in sequential order (and edit if need be); perhaps something similar is going on with yours.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

This guy is even stupider than the usual run of incels if he thinks a) men don’t show off their ass cracks. Pants On The Ground, anyone? Plumber’s crack? Obese guys who don’t buy appropriately-sized clothes? or b) enjoy showing their bulges and chests.

Men of all shapes and sizes walk around shirtless all the time in warm weather.

Are we sure this isn’t an AI who’s never seen a picture of an actual human?

I liked the disco years when attractive specimens of the male gender showed all that off, thanks. Baggy jeans weren’t nearly as fun. I strongly suggested to my husband that he not wear them.

And, gosh, the Olympics.

Chris Reeve Superman is still best Superman. Talk about tight clothes. Mmm-mm.

@FM Ox (better sound than AM Ox?): yep!