It’s Saturday night (where I live anyway) so let’s play a little drinking game. I’ll post a long rant about “ass culture” I found on the Incels.co forums. You drink every tune the author uses the word “ass.” Easy peasy. Let’s begin.
Why should w*men be allowed to show off their bodies and reveal cleavage and wear skintight pants to show off ass and pussy lips?

Men don’t walk around with their chests visible to everyone. Men don’t wear pants that show off their butt cheeks and raging bulges. So why should w*men be allowed to do that?
I guess w*men are treated like retarded children so they can’t be hold accountable for their behaviour. You know maybe there is nothing else in w*men except their biologically attractive bodies. Maybe cumrag is the thing they want to be. Showing off their tits and ass is their greatest achievement it seems doesn’t it.

It’s the only thing they worry about. They want it to be safe outside so they can walk around showing off their ass cracks and tits.

Even female athletes wear skintight ass crack “clothing” because female sports is a joke and nobody would ever watch it without the soft porn aspects.

It’s their most desired political agenda to show off more ass crack. So many of them are now obsessed with working out their ass cracks. You can see millions of holes on instagram who have a dedicated their lives to working out their asses.

They buy new gym clothing to show off their asses for the general public. It’s ass culture. When w*men are liberated and free they become obsessed with their own ass holes and they want to show off their asses to everyone.

Their entire existence revolves around ass hole. They don’t produce high culture, fine art, new inventions, discoveries. They produce instagram photos of their asses. All of the gym toilets identify as their ass crack. Yoga pants are a symbol of female liberation and empowerment.

Imagine if men were equally obsessed with showing off bulge. All men would wear skintight pants to show off bulge and post a new instagram photo showing off their bulges in their new pants. “Omg guys look I bought new BulgePants the fabric is really nice! It shows off my bulge nicely! I’m a liberated and empowered man!” But that is exactly how w*men behave and think.
Not even soy “men” believe w*men are human. They don’t question the ass culture at all. They don’t think w*men are human and our equals. If they did then they would ask why is it so important to show off cleavage and ass crack?

Even the “allies” of w*men, the simps, the soy cucks, they subconsciously believe w*men are retarded subhumans. They don’t hold them for same standards. Whatever w*men do these soy simps accept it because they know w*men are not human and they shouldn’t be expected to behave decently and have any moral standards. W*men are expected to do as they as please (show off ass crack, wear war paint, reveal tits to general public) without any standards or consequences.

If men went in public wearing skintight clothing, reveal chest, have a visible raging bulge and their ass cracks were wide open, people would be “shaming” them and these men would get arrested.
I guess it’s natural for w*men to identify as their tits and ass because there is nothing else in them. They don’t possess any intellectual value. Their only value is a visible pair of titties and skintight yoga pants.

Sorry. That was too many asses. Too, too many asses.
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Was Disco not a thing in the States?
Do men not have butts? Why is the equivalent of a female butt a male bulge? Are men walking around butt-less all the time and I just hadn’t noticed it?
Many of the men I know post pictures of pussy.
The Internet is for cat photos, after all.
Alan: Disco *was* a thing a long time ago.
Men walking around showing off their chests is more a macho thing though, pre and postdates disco by a mile.
This seems as good a time as any to cite the Redditor who gained infamy for documenting the number of wardrobe malfunctions at a Magic: the Gathering tournament (warning for graphic displays of moonrise over the horizon):
Note both the poster’s expression of pious dismay and the gender overwhelmingly at fault.
ETA: Ooh, that’s a bit bigger than I thought. Still, BRB, have some Donna Summer to listen to.
I am now curious where Mr Incel lives. I live in the northern Midwest and a lot of men spend the summer shirtless and they don’t get shamed or arrested. If I go topless I can be arrested.
I take it this guy never noticed what assorted male entertainers (musicians, dancers, magicians, etc.) usually wear when onstage. Some of those outfits leave little to the imagination.
Oh by the way, that donkey got safely rescued.
(Just in case you were wondering why I wasn’t banging on about it)
I don’t dye my hair neon pink.
I don’t paint my Space Marine miniatures as friggin’ Ultramarines.
So why should other people be allowed to do that?
Flawless logic.
Like these?
Male athletes would never show off their bodies!
Men who are overweight or not conventionally attractive tend to get shamed for wearing speedos or sexy clothing, yes. People also occasionally whine about some overweight dude exposing his chest, though they rarely shame him directly. As far as I’ve seen, that sort of thing doesn’t happen to conventionally attractive men, unless it makes them look like some kind of gay stereotype. Also in my experience, attractive men who show off their bodies tend to be weirdly forgettable and/or invisible to quite a lot of people. But it stands out to me a lot; as a bisexual person attracted to both men’s and women’s chests, it feels weird to see men freely exposing their boobs in public but the women around them not doing so. It’s like a soft CFNM scene. ?
“It’s their most desired political agenda to show off more ass crack… Yoga pants are a symbol of female liberation and empowerment.”
This sounds like a political party I could get behind.
(See what I did there? *Smirk smirk*)
My husband very much wears pants that shows off his ass. He’s got a dump truck of an ass though and the bulge thing? Incels. There is a reason women love men in grey sweat pants.
Do you even Insta, Bro?
Women lived through 150 years of codpieces. Men can live through a decade of yoga pants.
Well, you might survive all the repetitions and variations on “ass”.
But if you add in his usage of “w*men” (is he frightened of the letter ‘o’ there?) you’re dead. Far too much alcohol.
It makes me sad because I’m naturally big on bottom and I’ve been trying to hide my curves since puberty to avoid harrassment. This is not an attack against women who wear yoga pants, I think it’s great when a woman wears whatever makes her feel awesome. But does that guy know about empathy?
OP hasn’t heard of ‘builder’s bum ‘ then, on this side of the Pond it refers to a habit among workmen of wearing trousers that show off a significant amount of arse crack whenever they bend over.
Where I live, lovely climate, lots of outdoor cafes, and if the writer wanted to focus on men in tight lycra showing off their bodies for a change, he would be spoilt for choice – the place is chockers with blokey cyclists stopping for coffees and some chat
Every time he says that men don’t go shirtless or wear tight and/or lowhanging pants… Has he ever been outside?
Has he never seen men construction workers, British men who like soccer, any young men in the 90s (sagging pants) or 00s (skinny jeans)?
Has he never seen a Pride March?
@ Kevin Overhere they call it “pavers´ cleavage”. Also: is this guy aware of male fitness influencers? They´re topless ALL THE TIME. Not that I´m complaining. Then historically we´ve had brightly colored cod pieces and the bum-ticker coat which was *specifically designed* to accentuate and frame the crotch…
If he ever read an actual newspaper, read a scientific journal or listened to a podcast, read novels, poetry, visited an art gallery, went for a walk – in fact observed any human behaviour and culture not precisely designed for his sexual or ego gratification – he might be amazed at what women get up to.
You can tell these guys don’t get out and have an intellectual diet consisting entirely of porn, Instagram voyeurism and sub-literate Internet forums.
Yeah you do. Men go shirtless all the time.
@Kevin: in some areas of the states we call that “plumber’s crack”.