boobs butts incels misogyny

Women’s “most desired political agenda” is to show off their ass cracks, laments ass-averse incel

It’s Saturday night (where I live anyway) so let’s play a little drinking game. I’ll post a long rant about “ass culture” I found on the forums. You drink every tune the author uses the word “ass.” Easy peasy. Let’s begin.

Why should w*men be allowed to show off their bodies and reveal cleavage and wear skintight pants to show off ass and pussy lips?

Men don’t walk around with their chests visible to everyone. Men don’t wear pants that show off their butt cheeks and raging bulges. So why should w*men be allowed to do that?

I guess w*men are treated like retarded children so they can’t be hold accountable for their behaviour. You know maybe there is nothing else in w*men except their biologically attractive bodies. Maybe cumrag is the thing they want to be. Showing off their tits and ass is their greatest achievement it seems doesn’t it.

It’s the only thing they worry about. They want it to be safe outside so they can walk around showing off their ass cracks and tits.

Even female athletes wear skintight ass crack “clothing” because female sports is a joke and nobody would ever watch it without the soft porn aspects.

It’s their most desired political agenda to show off more ass crack. So many of them are now obsessed with working out their ass cracks. You can see millions of holes on instagram who have a dedicated their lives to working out their asses.

They buy new gym clothing to show off their asses for the general public. It’s ass culture. When w*men are liberated and free they become obsessed with their own ass holes and they want to show off their asses to everyone.

Their entire existence revolves around ass hole. They don’t produce high culture, fine art, new inventions, discoveries. They produce instagram photos of their asses. All of the gym toilets identify as their ass crack. Yoga pants are a symbol of female liberation and empowerment.

Imagine if men were equally obsessed with showing off bulge. All men would wear skintight pants to show off bulge and post a new instagram photo showing off their bulges in their new pants. “Omg guys look I bought new BulgePants the fabric is really nice! It shows off my bulge nicely! I’m a liberated and empowered man!” But that is exactly how w*men behave and think.

Not even soy “men” believe w*men are human. They don’t question the ass culture at all. They don’t think w*men are human and our equals. If they did then they would ask why is it so important to show off cleavage and ass crack?

Even the “allies” of w*men, the simps, the soy cucks, they subconsciously believe w*men are retarded subhumans. They don’t hold them for same standards. Whatever w*men do these soy simps accept it because they know w*men are not human and they shouldn’t be expected to behave decently and have any moral standards. W*men are expected to do as they as please (show off ass crack, wear war paint, reveal tits to general public) without any standards or consequences.

If men went in public wearing skintight clothing, reveal chest, have a visible raging bulge and their ass cracks were wide open, people would be “shaming” them and these men would get arrested.

I guess it’s natural for w*men to identify as their tits and ass because there is nothing else in them. They don’t possess any intellectual value. Their only value is a visible pair of titties and skintight yoga pants.

Sorry. That was too many asses. Too, too many asses.

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GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
4 years ago

@Alan: I read that. I bet the MAGAts don’t realize she’s just called them all unreasonable idiots. Talk about throwing people under the bus. Tr*mp must have stiffed her on the legal fees, like he does to them all.

“I am not guilty, because I was only riling up fools on behalf of a delusional manchild to get myself on TV!” is… I mean, I’m not even surprised at this point.

3 years ago

The first thing I wonder is, has this man never watched a ballet with male dancers? Or seen a body building contest, maybe a boxing match, or male gymnasts? And has he never considered that yoga pants might be better for, I don’t know… doing yoga effectively?

It seems he’s also never considered that he views women wearing “revealing” clothing as provocative because he’s been conditioned to think of women’s bodies as sexual objects. I don’t speak for all (heterosexual) women of course, but I think the majority of us don’t assume that a man in a tight shirt is wearing it to get our (specific) attention. When a guy posts a shirtless photo on social media, we might think he’s showing off, but isn’t he allowed to do that? And maybe it’s just because he feels proud of the way he looks and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a woman, or another guy, or a non-binary person who sees the picture and also thinks he looks good.

One of the most interesting things to me about this is that women’s breasts and butts are only considered sexual things because people have been conditioned to think of them that way.

I’m from a country where people have traditional celebrations with topless women, and while there are many people here who view breasts as being exposed to create sexual arousal, there are also many people who simply see them as another part of the body, or as assets in childrearing. People take family photos in traditional garb with men and woman shirtless and post them on social media. (I should add though that when the traditional garb is taken off and replaced with a low-cut top for instance, the same thoughts that it is done for the male gaze come back. Weird how the context changes people’s thought patterns about what a person is allowed to put on their own body and how we should view that person’s body and character.)

But I stand by my point: It’s a social construct that this guy is getting upset over. Even in Edwardian times in England for instance, women’s legs were considered much more sexual that their breasts, because people we conditioned to think that way. It was not uncommon for women of respectable homes to have paintings done with a nipple showing. It was not titillating or scandalous.

Last edited 3 years ago by JellyBean
3 years ago

I’d almost put money on this long-ass ass rant being inspired by those Brazilian scrunch butt/booty scrunch leggings that are all the rage these days, thanks to a TikTok trend that’s since hit the mainstream, causing the internet to go wild about them. What do you all reckon..?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ LustStarr

those Brazilian scrunch butt/booty scrunch leggings that are all the rage these days,

They’ll never replace tying an onion to your belt.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

I feel like the standard for “are those clothes appropriate” should be:

1. Does the person wearing the clothing in question like what they are wearing?
2. Can the person wearing the clothing in question do the activities they want to do in those clothes, while wearing those clothes? (Thinking of, say, athletic clothes).

Everything else is cultural norms, both positive and negative.

3 years ago

I suspect I need to get drunk before even starting this game.