Charming men! Be on the lookout, because the men of the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit have declared war on you.
“Isn’t it obvious,” a commenter called d_b60 recently wrote,
that men who’re sweet talkers, and who sweep women of their feet are perhaps the biggest sissy boys.
Now I’m not talking about the alphas or the ones who slay women despite acting like jerks or bad boys.
I’m talking about those men who seem to be highly polished, work in cushy jobs, and women pleasers.
Damn these men and their sweet-talking, woman-pleasing ways!
“Women love feminized men who speak bullshit all the time and are able to act excited about the dumbest things,” agreed CoinSwapTrader.
Joroda added some post-apocalyptic pondering to the mix:
Ah yes, those oversocialized “management material” guys will be the first ones swept away when the cracks in civilization’s veneer start getting bad. They are memorizers but not thinkers…superficiality is all that’s there. They jive with women because they’re just like them
Jjaaayy somehow managed to work in a reference to his masturbatory habits.
i dont ususally believe everything i find on this sub,but this post is terribly relateable ,the core reason i avoid most girls and guys , after i just jerk it off and call it a day, literally none offer anything aside from looks and appeal,no intellect no nothing, most guys are able to talk to them ,because they are at same level,so i don’t talk to most people altogether and avoid drama and keep a very small social circle
What a bunch of deep thinkers these fellows are! No wonder women hate them.
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When the cracks in civilization’s veneer get bad, it’s keyboard warriors like him who’ll be the first to go because they’re more likely to starve to death than have anything even vaguely resembling survival skills.
To be fair, if you are a woman who sweeps other women off their feet, that is gay.
Wait, I thought women only liked manly alpha Chads. Someone needs to get their weird reductive disconnected from reality social models in order.
You heard it here folks. To be a real man, you have to be crude, a career failure, and make women less than pleased.
So I guess that means I wish I was gay?
Weird. This fancy future-version Kindle just fell through a hole in the time space continuum from a point a thousand years from now, and it said:
Fun fact: There’s an AMC Theater about a 15-minute Uber ride from my apartment that currently runs an average of 17 shows per day.
And it STILL does less projecting than the average MGTOW.
I can clear this up easily. If you’re a man, and gay, then everything you do is manly and gay. If you’re a man and not gay, everything you do is manly and not gay. I’d say “stop worrying about silly things like this and just go be a man” except some of them appear to believe “real man = rapebot” and I’d prefer they didn’t.
Seriously though, “easily excited by little things” is one of the most attractive personality traits anyone can have. I love spending time with people who get excited when they see a cute cat in a window or smell freshly baked bread from a bakery or stop to look at the stars. I don’t want to hang out with cynical, stoic people who are never impressed with anything.
I have a feeling “able to get along with a wide range of people” would actually be a highly sought after skill in any apocalypse. More so than whatever intellectual skills they imagine themselves possessing.
Knowing a non-zero number of gay people (both men and women) and observing that they are all very charming people who make themselves attractive (even though the gay men are not attracted to women) my conclusion is yes, it’s gay to sweep women off their feet with your charm!
@Nicholas Kiddle : in an apocalypse, you want a balanced set of skill me think. Being social certainly help since presumably you will have to cooperate, and with the same people for a long time, but it’s also very useful to do a bit of everything since the specialist might be away / recovering from an injury / dead. And intellectual skills are not to be discounted as long as they are with someone who have a bit of practical sense. Like sure being an electrician by trade isn’t directly useful without electric centrals, but knowing how it work mean you can use safely a generator, have better ideas of how to do a safe lightning rod, and could contribute to rehabilitate or create new source of electricity.
Theses bozos are balanced in another way : they are bad at everything.
@Nicholas Kiddle
It is. By far the most valued people I’ve seen in (way too many) bombed out/destroyed towns have been the fixers and the mediators. The people with skills are highly valued (and can often be pretty shitty people TBH, since they can get away with it), but the ones that can keep people working together and always have a smile and a kind word for everyone are protected.
So… didn’t they just debunk their own theories on how women want “alpha” assholes that will treat them badly?
And didn’t they also admit that women don’t like “masculine” guys like them, and prefer sensitive, “feminized,” “beta” men who will do things like listen to them/take them seriously?
What is these guys’ point exactly? That they’re unlikable, unattractive assholes, but they’re better at survival after society collapses? Citation needed there, but ok.
The list of hypothetical reasons to subscribe to these guys’ worldview is getting smaller and smaller every day.
Sweeping people off their feet is very dangerous if you don’t have fall protection.
Is it gay to cause traumatic brain injury to your beloved?
Let me see if I have this:
“Is a man gay if he has sex with women who like him?”
No, he’s just the polar opposite of you useless miggies.
Besides having bad personalities and woeful ignorance of everything, I really do wonder how many of the miggies are self-hating gay males who haven’t realized/totally repressed it.
Good looks, charm, and being able to relate to other people are useful in every society throughout human history, be it cavemen or the post-apocalyptic future. In a survival situation, people who whine, sulk, yell and don’t do their share of the work tend to suffer mysterious “accidents”.
@Chris Oakley: LOL. There’s a 20-plex near me, with 5-6 shows a day in each theater plus IMAX, and it projects less.
@ Threp,
Daycare and kindergarten teachers. Who do not get NEARLY enough respect for the work they do. My son’s early teachers are superheros as far as I can tell.
Off topic, but as I’ve mentioned in the past, maybe a couple times a year I binge-read the trashfire webcomic that is Sinfest just to see how Ishida’s off-the-rails take on feminism and US politics has evolved since I last did so. I tell myself I probably shouldn’t, but for some reason I can’t help myself and always end up doing so anyway.
This time it appears to be one of the weirdest “No U” takes I’ve ever seen. The MAGAs, who have barely appeared at all up until the late 2020 comics, are being depicted as nice, friendly, fiercely-protective-of-children rednecks who are gradually breaking away from the “right-wing patriarchy” similar to how the “feminist underground” broke away from the “left-wing patriarchy” long ago. They’re disorganized and hampered by the fact that the “Q-anon scam” has been leading some of them astray, but they’re getting better. Meanwhile, the “left-wing patriarchy”, made up of Antifa, BLM, and the “Church of Woke”, are currently going around attacking people because “you’re not like me, and it’s making me uncomfortable”. The MAGAs are their prime targets now, but they occasionally loot DevilTech stores or attack various randos.
Another change is that the Trump administration has been long depicted as Uncle Sam being constantly drunk and AWOL, pining for Lady Liberty who left him years ago. The Biden administration? Uncle Sam got turned into a little kid and is now the smiling, cutesy face of Big Brother lite. “?? Reconciliation means reporting your family to the government! ??” …whatever. I know, I could have just left it at “trashfire”. ? ? ?
“Fellas, is it gay if you’re cis and straight?”
Sinfest is such a bizarre path from grossly objectifying to kinda OK to “Holy balls, the fuck happened?”
To answer the question – not if you change gender first.
At a point misogyny he does seem kind of gay. There are bunch of men sitting around talking to each other about how they don’t like women. ?