Check out my piece on the Atlanta spa shooter in the Washington Post.
As an explanation for mass murder, it’s a head-scratcher. According to police, after being arrested, Robert Aaron Long told them he carried out shootings at three spas in the Atlanta area on Tuesday because he’d been feeling overwhelmed by his own sexual desires. “He apparently has … what he considers a sex addiction,” a sheriff’s department official said, and viewed the spas he targeted as “a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate.” Long has been charged with the murder of eight people, six of them women of Asian descent.
Long evidently wants us to believe that he is the real victim here, a perpetually frustrated man with a “sex addiction” who could not help but lash out at the women he blames for his problems. As bizarre as this reasoning is, Long isn’t alone in embracing it. It’s a logic I often see among the misogynists I’ve been tracking on my blog, WeHuntedTheMammoth.com, for more than a decade.
Warren Farrell makes an appearance, along with The Thinking Housewife (remember her?).
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I got my first covid shot
Congratz. Try not to dislocate anything celebrating.
@ .45
You have no idea fella. I tried to ride my husband the other day and my hips & knees started sounding like fucking fire crackers. Then this fucker looks up at me and says
“you really are secretly dead and your body cracking from the Rigor Mortis isn’t it?”
He makes this stupid joke because My skin is always cold like a corpse.
@Mogwitch : certainly, as long as someone can understand the risk, rewards, and effect of a product he or she should be allowed to take it. The danger is more that it could hide the symptoms and let the cause continue to cause troubles.
@victorious parasol : theses extremists have a lot of implicit assertions. I don’t have quite a bit of them, which make their saying particulary hard to follow. Like, at which moment the fact he had a “porn addiction” would change anything ? I guess the answer is particulary ugly and racist, and they don’t explicitly say it because of that.
Well, then tell him if he doesn’t like it, he can do all the work then.
On a more serious note, to basically repeat what everyone else is saying: He had a bad day?!?! No, his victims had a “bad day”, he was just a religious fruitcake who figured the best way to solve his problems was to kill people who did nothing to him.
It’s ironic, a lot of these MRAlt-Right characters (for want of a better label) are obsessed with the Joker, the Batman character. You see all the memes; and that guy who shot up the cinema. But this whole ‘one bad day’ thing was the central premise of The Killing Joke; the moral of which was everyone has bad days, and they don’t crack up.
“I’ve proved my point. I’ve demonstrated there’s no difference between me and everyone else! All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.”
“He’s fine. Despite all your sick, vicious little games, he’s as sane as he ever was. So maybe ordinary people don’t always crack. Maybe there isn’t any need to crawl under a rock with all the other slimey things when trouble hits. Maybe it was just you, all the time.”
The connection to conservative Christianity surprised me, though I guess it probably shouldn’t have in retrospect.
(I will say that those folks who blame women for temptation aren’t being particularly good Christians, given that guidance that’s *explicitly given* in the Bible by the Big Man Himself for these sorts of situations is literally ‘cut off your genitals if they’re causing you to sin.’ It’s all on you, guys, not the women!)
As far as I can tell, they think what women want is to have power over men, so we use our power over men to have power over men.
Styx, a now-defunct perfume by Coty, had a blatantly witchcraft-themed marketing campaign in the U.S. in the 70’s; I’m still amazed that the stuff was available at the corner drugstore.The product line, packaged in black with a logo suggesting a devil’s tail, included the likes of “Destiny Drops”, “Spell-Spinning Spray”, and “Bewitching Bath Brew”. Each bottle came with an incantation that you were supposed to recite while applying the product; Styx’s pitch clearly spoke to an old-school Screw-The-Rules-I-Have-Magic approach that had never heard of the Wiccan Rede.
“I summon the spirits, the powers that be, Whisper my message, enchant him for me.”
“Styx river, Styx water, mystery double – turn him my way or bring him trouble!”
The idea of occult-power-in-a-bottle was mightily intriguing, but where were they hiding the potions that would allow you to fly, shapeshift, or conjure lightning? To Full Metal Calf, Summon Boyfriend seemed to be a downright anticlimactic end goal.
one of my tattoos is Matthew 5:30. From the King James Version. That passage says
” and if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee. For it is profitable to you that one of thy members should and not thy whole body should be cast into hell.
I got that tattoo to cover up some of the scars from my sexual assault. Because looking at the scars caused from that were contributing to my depression and making me want to kill myself. As everyone knows, suicide is a big no no for Christianity. To a lot of Catholics, Tattoos are also a big no no. Many asked me why I have tattoos and consider myself a Catholic. That quote was interrupted by me that if having those scars covered by tattoos brought me peace and helped me to heal Then god has no problem with them. If they are apart of the thing that keeps me from committing the bigger sin of suicide that would cast my soul into hell then it’s a good thing.
This quote also has another teaching as well though. This guy should have crushed his hands, cut of his genitals, Had himself locked away, anything if it would have prevented him committing the bigger sin of taking a life. Or harming another person. That’s what conservative Christians should be saying instead of trying to find excuses for what he’s done.
@Alan Robertshaw:
But this whole ‘one bad day’ thing was the central premise of The Killing Joke; the moral of which was everyone has bad days, and they don’t crack up.
Not to mention that the other characters’ bad day came about by the Joker’s deliberate choice. And that Barbara Gordon would later, in one of the greatest Canon Saving Throws ever, reinvent herself as a crime fighter and pioneer the role of Tech Support Superhero.
@Full Metal Ox
And later she faced the Joker and won.
“Oracle online. Attitude at optimum.”
@ Elaine
One of my friends has a tattoo of the verse in Levitcus saying not to get tattoos.
@Alan Robertshaw:
One of my friends has a tattoo of the verse in Levitcus saying not to get tattoos.
”All Cretans are liars”, said the Cretan.
Argh, I’ve lost The Game!
(Cretan paradox > Prize for seeing a donkey but not thinking of its tail > game)
@Alan Robertshaw:
And now I’m reminded of a Doctor Strange|Spider-Man story that began with Strange making an inspection of various dimensional planes—including a blank white un-dimension that he needed to check to ensure that Nisilette the Unimaginable had not yet been imagined. (Lest something happen too awful even to tell us about, because then we’d go and imagine it.)
@ full metal ox
For somebody ‘unrelenting’ she sure likes to put her feet up.
Notice the exact same “men” who preach about “titty power” ruining their lives also get profanely angry when women who have actual pain and difficulties with their daily activities get breast-reduction surgery.
Hopefully the also-racist cop gets his ass fired.
@Elaine: I see why you love him so.
@Full Metal Ox: I know! Flying or being invisible would have been way more useful! Maybe being able to stop time during math tests!
Also, that Dr. Strange bit makes my head hurt. Tautological much?
And now this comes out: those wicked exotic temptresses ranged up to 74 years of age (and the seniors killed may well have been there as plain old therapeutic massage clients):
(Not that conventionally attractive young women, even if they’re using massage as a context for sex work, are rightful prey either; it’s just that the facts erode this guy’s professed excuse even further.)
It’s begun.
Apparently at a spot in the middle of nowhere named Geldingaladir. So, not a threat to lives or livelihood.
No doubt about it. There’s nothing else that this could be.
The Epimenides Paradox (aka the Cretan Paradox) always drives me up a wall. When I first heard it, I had to spend an hour with google just trying to understand where the supposed paradox is.
For those unfamiliar, it is:
“All Cretans lie all the time,” says Epimenides, a Cretan.
So? Well, according to the so-called “logic” of the “philosophers” of the ancient Mediterranean, if all Cretans lie all the time, then Epimenides, as a Cretan, must be lying. But that means that”all Cretans lie all the time” is a lie, well then all Cretans must tell the truth all of the time, in which case Epimenides is telling the truth and all Cretans lie all the time and so on and so forth.
This, apparently, was considered an unsolvable logical paradox, and one philosopher supposedly worried himself to death over it. Even though the “logic” involved is laughably stupid:
“If ‘all Cretans lie all the time,’ is a lie, then all must Cretans tell the truth all the time.”
For FUCK’S SAKE, you ancient nincompoops. This isn’t a game of “Knights and Knaves,” where everyone either says nothing but truth or nothing but lies. People can do both. The rest of us learned this at approximately the same time we learned what a lie IS.
If Epimenides is lying, then that at least one Cretan tells the truth at least some of the time. Like, people, y’know, observably do. It does not in any way indicate that Epimenides must be telling the truth right now.
There, I solved your damn paradox in five seconds because I understand that “All A are Y” being false does not necessarily mean that “All A are X” must be true. I understand this because I am able to observe reality. Seriously, your “logic” follows the exact same path as “If ‘all cardinals are red’ is not true, then all cardinals must be brown” despite having seen both red and brown cardinals.
@Surplus to Requirements:
Context, please: what’s “it”? Is this the show that you were grumbling about having been denied? “Geldingaladir” yields a complete null on Google.
@Alan Robertshaw
It should also be noted on how much of an asshole the Joker traditionally is to the women in his life
He beats, mocks, and degrades, Harlequin for instance.
The type of asshole these mra-alt right types cry about the only ones attracting women as opposed to “nice guys” like them.
them identifying with a girlfriend beating monster helps show “nice” they’d probably treat any woman who’d shack up with them
No, it’s the volcano in Iceland finally waking up that I was also waiting for.
TV? That seems to have become a complete wasteland of reruns lately. I don’t know how some of the shows I routinely watch are even going to make it to 22 episodes by early June, given how few they’ve aired thus far since last September and how few weeks are left until then. Especially inexplicable is tonight’s MacGyver being a rerun when they could have aired the missing episode from last week! Why wait any longer than that?
The following statement is true.
The preceding statement is false.