anti-Semitism chad conspiracy theory creepy incels misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles

“The Jews are behind the simultaneous hypersexualization and sexual segregation of fertile teenagers from the wider male population,” incel declares

We live in an age unusually receptive to conspiracy theory — with a veritable army of QAnoners caught up in baroque, sadistic theories of retribution against political and cultural elites; with the vast majority of Republicans believing (or purporting to believe) that, actually, Donald Trump won the election; and with a cohort of Americans convinced that Bill Gates is planning to plant microchips in their bodies with a vaccine shot.

Despite all of this competition, incels still manage to put forth their own conspiracy theories that are just as creative as any flat-earther’s. And the incels’ theories have the added benefit of kind of making you sick to your stomach whenever you encounter them in the wild.

Consider the “blackpilled” antisemite calling himself GameDevCel who recently proposed, in a post on the BlackpillClub forums, that “[t]he Jews are behind the simultaneous hypersexualization and sexual segregation of fertile teenagers from the wider male population.”

In other words, he’s complaining that the Jews allegedly in charge of the entertainment business and cultural norms are hypersexualizing “fertile teenagers” — a.k.a. underage girls — yet not letting older dudes fuck them. Which is clearly, in the OP’s mind, a terrible way to simultaneously frustrate and oppress the hapless adult male, especially if he’s an incel.

GameDevCel tries his best to explain the consequences of this dastardly Jewish plot in a rant that is muddled and confusing and wrong on every count.

yeah its called feminism and the (((elite))) have been pushing it for extra sheckles in taxing women’s labor and breaking up the family unit for easily controllable docile citizens.

You know, if you plan to be an out-and-proud antisemite, you should probably know how to spell “shekels.”

These state run indoctornation factories called schools are used to mold the young minds in the way the government wants along with welfare programs to incentivize shitskin [Black] like breeding strategies.

What what what? Even if we set aside the racism here, none of this is making any sense. The “(((elites)))” are “hypersexualizing” teen girls in school? How? Why?

Seriously, dude, the only people here “hypersexualizing” teen girls are you perverts. It’s telling that the only examples of this sort of “hypersexualization” anyone in this thread can offer are 1) the movie Cuties, 2) parents taking their kids to gay pride parades, and 3) a St. Louis couple teaching their 3 and 5 year old daughters to pole dance.

But let’s get back to GameDevCel’s rant

It is why colleges are pushed so hard so white women can get fucked by multiple Chads and settle down with some beta provider in late 20s and have a few autistic kids in their 30s.

The point of higher education is to provide a place for “white women [to] get fucked by multiple Chads?” Why would colleges even bother to teach anything if that’s the goal?

They love any fornication except for an older established man mentally and financially ready to start a family with a 14 year old virgin, which is the hallmark of stable well adjusted societies.

Are you Woody Allen, because this sounds suspiciously like the plot to Manhattan. (Oh, but the girl in that movie is supposed to be 16. Sorry.)

The kikes hate this, hence all the shit they spew in the mainsteam media.

Ok, I guess this isn’t Woody Allen writing this.

>tl;dr marry a virgin no matter how young and homeschool the children

Don’t even consider marrying anyone, incels, until you’ve drained all the toxic sludge from your brains.

Naturally, several other commenters offered their own take on the alleged evil of keeping middle-aged men from raping “fertile teens.”

According to a commenter called Nihilistcorpse,

Only Chad can get something like this

Something like what? A 14-year-old bride?

while an Incel would be caught before it even began or if he’s a rich motherfucker with Joolywood connections, it’s the only reason why you see Chads deflowering virgins left and right while a non-Chad doesn’t even get the chance.

Either way, it’s over for us and stuff like this ain’t in our own favor.

Another commenter, berserkercel, offers his reflections on what he calls the “lie of ‘female independence,'” suggesting that the forces of world capitalism (or perhaps the alleged worldwide Jewish conspiracy) were pushing women into the workplace for short term monetary gains. For some reason the alleged (((elites)) also insist on

Making ages 12-17 “paedophilia” in the eyes of the UK public. So men only marry used up foids who can’t pairbond with the inevitable subsequent divorces of roastie foids. Creating legal fees and inheritance tax for the tax-man under the guise of “feminism” and “protecting vulnerable women”. …

Not to mention lowering the western birth rate (successfully) by using women’s own nature artificial, and socially unacceptable (back in the day), hypergamy against them. By saying they- foids- are entitled to Chad as a boyfriend, fuck buddy and Father sperm donor through shit femsperg magazines on any Supermarket shelf.

Hence the rise of the facebook dog lady.

It’s over.

If any of that makes sense to you, well, I’m impressed. I read this shit for a living and I can understand only about half of that word vomit.

The only thing that’s clear is that these guys really do need to be, well, segregated from “fertile teens” and adult women alike.

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3 years ago


I don’t like a lot of European architecture because it looks so dated, formal and stuffy – part of what I don’t understand and hate about European architecture is, why so much exposed stone? I prefer East Asian, modernist or futuristic architecture. I understand the hate towards brutalist architecture too (Soviet and even some British residential skyscrapers can exemplify this too).

Would be nice if America adopted some futurist designs, but since there’s not much to like about America politically and culturally, brutalist architecture is more than fitting for its buildings.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
3 years ago


Give up. You don’t have the education or background to properly weight a poll. Weighting polls is not something farmed out to high schoolers. It’s done by professional pollsters who want to accurately represent groups that are underrepresented in polls. Groups such as immigrants, the homeless and housing insecure, the very poor, children, etc. groups which are not reached by traditional polling in representative numbers. I don’t know what you are trying to accomplish with your poll, but the very fact that you have stated your intention to weight it with no idea of what you’re doing or why it is ever done is telling me that you have no fucking clue.

I looked at your “new and improved” poll, and it is a pile of hot shit. “Who has it worse?” you ask, as though “worse” is some kind of objective word that everyone agrees on the meaning. Worse in what way, genius? Domestic violence worse? Paycheck worse? Homelessness worse? How much puppies love us worse? “Worse” is a meaningless word unless you have some kind of standard by which you are measuring it. The fact that this didn’t occur to you at all means that you’re not qualified to write my next letter to the editor, let alone a fucking scientific poll.

mcbender is correct: internet polls are 99% useless. You’re not reaching anyone who doesn’t have access to the internet, and anyone can take the same poll 100 times and skew your results across the solar system. Anyone who can’t be fucked to feed your ego (like myself) isn’t going to take the poll. You can draw zero legit, scientific conclusions from an internet poll, so you’re wasting everyone’s time including your own, and you didn’t even realize that when you started.

You’re a hack, at best, and a disingenuous twit at worst, who knows exactly two things about feminism: jack, and shit. Socrates would have been embarrassed by you.

3 years ago

It is why colleges are pushed so hard so white women can get fucked by multiple Chads and settle down with some beta provider in late 20s and have a few autistic kids in their 30s.

This is so besides the point, but why would college affect this at all? Women who don’t go to college can have sex, get married, and have children, in whatever order.

I suppose I’m expecting too much logic from someone whose whole deal is “I’m unhappy, so it must be Jewish people’s fault.”

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


Because Incels have decided that if women have any freedom at all, they just use it to fuck people that aren’t the incels.

To be honest though I will use my freedom not to fuck an Incel all the time.

3 years ago


One of Trump’s last acts in his post-loss flurry of activity, was an order to favour graeco roman architecture for federal buildings.

Republicans: Government should be small!
Also Republicans: Government buildings should mimic the grandeur of the Roman Empire!

rabid rabbit
rabid rabbit
3 years ago


Because college collects all the Staceys and Chads in one place (since all colleges have football teams for the Chads to be on), so the carousel process is streamlined. Also something-something-cultural-marxism.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


In all fairness the horniness on my campus has gone up a lot. I get hit on when I’m like in the laundry room or getting a drink from the machine and let me tell you. These men can’t even see my face and I’m buried under layers of warm clothing. It got warm enough one day for me to wear a dress so I did and the amount of complements that I got was through the roof. This is the year of horniness so I think the chads are getting the same amount of partners as the incels

3 years ago

@Elaine The Witch
since by your own words, you get complimented through the roof and hit on a lot in college as a woman despite colleges having more women than men on average, however, which leads to no actual real results to the boys and to them just masturbating alone, would you argue, that a backhanded compliment would get your attention more?
like negging?
what improved approach way would you suggest to your son or daughter, since normal socially approved interaction leads to nowhere, by your own words?

Last edited 3 years ago by redmanticore
3 years ago


since by your own words, you get complimented through the roof and hit on a lot in college, however, which leads to no actual real results to the boys and to them just masturbating alone, would you argue, that a backhanded compliment would get your attention more?

like negging?

what improved approach way would you suggest to your son or daughter, since normal socially approved interaction leads to nowhere, by your own words?

  1. That’s really fucking creepy, dude.
  2. Have you considered that maybe people don’t want random sexual advances from strangers? Maybe teach that to children.
3 years ago

What even is this? There’s absolutely nothing in Elaine’s “own words” that asserts anything about the effectiveness of an approach. She was just remarking on experiencing an uptick in advancing behavior at her uni, and for some reason this spurred an embittered “but what about muh dick” response from you. Barf.
Seriously, please return to the trash can from which you crawled out.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


Okay first, many of the men who hit on me were very nice looking, fit, and polite men. If I wasn’t a married woman I might have flirted back to some of them. I am a married woman so I either showed them my ring and told them that or politely declined.

Second, I said this was an increase of horiness, not that these men were not polite in the interactions with me. Most of them had things to say like “you have really pretty eyes” and “your glasses are cute.” Most of this is just a general that I am being approached for conversation a lot more by men for flirting. Places that I normally wouldn’t have been flirted with before, Like the laundry room or the mail box.

These interactions had been polite except for one where one guy told me that “that was a cute thong” when I was pulling my laundry out of a dryer and he was waiting to use the machine. That interaction I found inappropriate and Creepy.

Then there was the guy who offered to hug me when I apologized for being rude to him because I had just competed a hard exam and I was exhausted. That was way to forward.

90% of the men that come to interact with me are just being far more forward and openly flirting in situations that they might normally do because they are interacting with far less people. People aren’t going outside. they aren’t going to bars. They aren’t going to parties. We aren’t even having hardly any in person classes. Normal social situations where you might meet a new partner or hook up are not happening. These men are respectful and most of the time have kind comments to say. If I was not married or dating anyone I would probably flirt back and see where it would go. I think the way that they shot their try was appropriate and a good way to meeting some new. Politeness, kindness, confidences, and with a respect for my boundaries. The same way my husband caught my attention the first day we met.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

But also sense you asked. I would tell my children that if they are looking for a partner to be kind, polite, confident and to respect boundaries. Pay close attention when you do start flirting with someone if they seem uncomfortable of disinterested to stop what they are doing right then. I would teach my sons about consent and how to be a gentleman. I teach them the same manners that their father has that impressed me. I teach my daughter that is alright for her to make the first move or to be the one to initiate sex if that is what she wants. I’d also tell her that it’s alright to have sex on the first date if she desires to and feels safe enough to. My husband and I did, and that there is no shame in women having sexual desires.

I’d tell them both to keep their standards high for how their partner should treat them and not to settle for someone who is “meh alright”. They should keep their standards for someone that loves them as a whole person, flaws and all and who inspires them and drives them to be better. Someone that helps them grow, like my husband and I are for each other. I teach them both to have so much confidence and self respect that when some guy tries to bring them the concept of negging they know how disgusting and stupid it is. That it doesn’t work and even if it did they would never use it because it is not respectful to anyone, not even for a hook up. I would teach them to treat their sexual partners bodies with the same amount respect that they treat their own. I would teach them that backhand complements are a red flag that someone is an abuser. I teach them to be aware of your bullshit.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ Elaine

I either showed them my ring

Be careful with that. The next thing you know you’re schlepping all over Mordor at the behest of some wizard that won’t do his own dirty work.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


If Samwise carries me up a mountain I have no problem with that. Even if I lose a finger. I’ve got 9 other ones.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

I like your positive thinking!

comment image

3 years ago

First rule of mythic survival: when some weirdo in a fancy robe starts going on about noble deeds or quests, or worst of all destiny, that’s the time to take to your heels and not stop running until you’re on another continent.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
3 years ago

Also known as the Rincewind System. (Although it doesn’t actually work for him all that well…)

3 years ago

@Dalillama : I fear that’s the recipe to become an offscreen casualty.

Maybe it’s because I readed the greek stories too much, but trying to refuse the call of destiny seem to alway end badly.

(well, it can start well enough to do that ; just ask Oedipus. But it will end horribly ; just ask Oedipus)

3 years ago


How would you react to those parents who want their children, regardless of gender, to save sex for marriage and procreation or even opposition to children touching our own genitalia out of self-stimulation or curiosity? Although never explicitly discussed, I am under the impression that this would be the attitude they’d hold although they’d definitely be against us even just self-stimulation or similar solo activities of a sexual nature. I don’t even want to ask in case I get more pissed off.

I personally don’t want to have sex with anyone even though I desire it, but am pissed with those who don’t let adults have consensual sex with each other (I am glad though my parents would at least take rape seriously). There’s also the pressure to marry and have kids which also pisses me off, which neither me nor my younger siblings seem to even want at least as far as I’m aware.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

@ Alan,

Be careful with that. The next thing you know you’re schlepping all over Mordor at the behest of some wizard that won’t do his own dirty work.

Have you seen the Hillywood LoTR/Frozen video? ?

What I watch when I’m wasting time on the internet…

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


what is survival when there is adventure to be had!

3 years ago

The definition of adventure is someone else having a really dreadful time somewhere far away.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


I don’t have to reach anyone. Other people’s children are not my responsibility. I can’t raise them. I can only raise my own and teach them how to be healthy about their sexuality. I’m only in control of my own thoughts and actions. Wanting to control others is not healthy.

People will raise their kids like that but I can’t do anything about it. I only get to control how I raise my own children. That’s my only concern.

3 years ago

@Elaine I’m more focused on wanting others to stop forcing abstinence on their children.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

Elaine can teach her kids not to date anyone who’s been raised that way, and to vote those who think that out of office.

I just had a thought…

how do these guys explain Jewish incels?!