anti-Semitism chad conspiracy theory creepy incels misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles

“The Jews are behind the simultaneous hypersexualization and sexual segregation of fertile teenagers from the wider male population,” incel declares

We live in an age unusually receptive to conspiracy theory — with a veritable army of QAnoners caught up in baroque, sadistic theories of retribution against political and cultural elites; with the vast majority of Republicans believing (or purporting to believe) that, actually, Donald Trump won the election; and with a cohort of Americans convinced that Bill Gates is planning to plant microchips in their bodies with a vaccine shot.

Despite all of this competition, incels still manage to put forth their own conspiracy theories that are just as creative as any flat-earther’s. And the incels’ theories have the added benefit of kind of making you sick to your stomach whenever you encounter them in the wild.

Consider the “blackpilled” antisemite calling himself GameDevCel who recently proposed, in a post on the BlackpillClub forums, that “[t]he Jews are behind the simultaneous hypersexualization and sexual segregation of fertile teenagers from the wider male population.”

In other words, he’s complaining that the Jews allegedly in charge of the entertainment business and cultural norms are hypersexualizing “fertile teenagers” — a.k.a. underage girls — yet not letting older dudes fuck them. Which is clearly, in the OP’s mind, a terrible way to simultaneously frustrate and oppress the hapless adult male, especially if he’s an incel.

GameDevCel tries his best to explain the consequences of this dastardly Jewish plot in a rant that is muddled and confusing and wrong on every count.

yeah its called feminism and the (((elite))) have been pushing it for extra sheckles in taxing women’s labor and breaking up the family unit for easily controllable docile citizens.

You know, if you plan to be an out-and-proud antisemite, you should probably know how to spell “shekels.”

These state run indoctornation factories called schools are used to mold the young minds in the way the government wants along with welfare programs to incentivize shitskin [Black] like breeding strategies.

What what what? Even if we set aside the racism here, none of this is making any sense. The “(((elites)))” are “hypersexualizing” teen girls in school? How? Why?

Seriously, dude, the only people here “hypersexualizing” teen girls are you perverts. It’s telling that the only examples of this sort of “hypersexualization” anyone in this thread can offer are 1) the movie Cuties, 2) parents taking their kids to gay pride parades, and 3) a St. Louis couple teaching their 3 and 5 year old daughters to pole dance.

But let’s get back to GameDevCel’s rant

It is why colleges are pushed so hard so white women can get fucked by multiple Chads and settle down with some beta provider in late 20s and have a few autistic kids in their 30s.

The point of higher education is to provide a place for “white women [to] get fucked by multiple Chads?” Why would colleges even bother to teach anything if that’s the goal?

They love any fornication except for an older established man mentally and financially ready to start a family with a 14 year old virgin, which is the hallmark of stable well adjusted societies.

Are you Woody Allen, because this sounds suspiciously like the plot to Manhattan. (Oh, but the girl in that movie is supposed to be 16. Sorry.)

The kikes hate this, hence all the shit they spew in the mainsteam media.

Ok, I guess this isn’t Woody Allen writing this.

>tl;dr marry a virgin no matter how young and homeschool the children

Don’t even consider marrying anyone, incels, until you’ve drained all the toxic sludge from your brains.

Naturally, several other commenters offered their own take on the alleged evil of keeping middle-aged men from raping “fertile teens.”

According to a commenter called Nihilistcorpse,

Only Chad can get something like this

Something like what? A 14-year-old bride?

while an Incel would be caught before it even began or if he’s a rich motherfucker with Joolywood connections, it’s the only reason why you see Chads deflowering virgins left and right while a non-Chad doesn’t even get the chance.

Either way, it’s over for us and stuff like this ain’t in our own favor.

Another commenter, berserkercel, offers his reflections on what he calls the “lie of ‘female independence,'” suggesting that the forces of world capitalism (or perhaps the alleged worldwide Jewish conspiracy) were pushing women into the workplace for short term monetary gains. For some reason the alleged (((elites)) also insist on

Making ages 12-17 “paedophilia” in the eyes of the UK public. So men only marry used up foids who can’t pairbond with the inevitable subsequent divorces of roastie foids. Creating legal fees and inheritance tax for the tax-man under the guise of “feminism” and “protecting vulnerable women”. …

Not to mention lowering the western birth rate (successfully) by using women’s own nature artificial, and socially unacceptable (back in the day), hypergamy against them. By saying they- foids- are entitled to Chad as a boyfriend, fuck buddy and Father sperm donor through shit femsperg magazines on any Supermarket shelf.

Hence the rise of the facebook dog lady.

It’s over.

If any of that makes sense to you, well, I’m impressed. I read this shit for a living and I can understand only about half of that word vomit.

The only thing that’s clear is that these guys really do need to be, well, segregated from “fertile teens” and adult women alike.

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Acid Kritana
3 years ago


@Acid Kritana

That is… a really bad poll. It’s not just the questions being too few and too general,

I was originally going to have many more questions, but then I learned that I could only have 10. I had to cut out more than 20 questions. I am poor/have no money, so I had to go with the free plan, but once I have enough money, I shall be able to create bigger surveys.

Also, how do you think I could make my questions less “too general”?

it’s that they (especially the political ones) involve categorical errors – mistaking a tiny region of the political graph for the whole.


e.g. “3. Would you describe yourself as more of a… (Very Liberal <=> Very Conservative)”

My closest fit is “democratic socialist”, which is well off to the left, but not at all liberal. I don’t just want a welfare state; I want a controlled economy, the abolition of stock markets, banking that’s exclusively public sector and not profit driven, the abolition of the Presidency as the office of a single indisputable head of state. And that’s just for starters.

These are not liberal positions, they’re waaaaay out to the left of e.g. Bernie Sanders (and also not nearly as far afield as what you’ll see from syndicalists, anarcho-communists, or state communists).

Ah, I see. You just remined me of socialism. And I am basically socialist, in a way lol

And also not even representative of what’s “normal” for other DemSoc folks. “Liberal” isn’t just inadequate and incorrect, it papers over a huge range of political beliefs, many of them wildly conflicting.

Huh. I will do better in my next survey.


I don’t think you understand what I meant by a “biased sample”. I do not mean “some of the individuals you are surveying will have biases”, that’s trivially true of any survey. We all have biases.

Yes, I am a little confused about that.

When you do a survey, you are trying to gather information about a population. In order to do so, you need to ensure that the sample is representative of that population. This is usually done by something like random sampling, e.g. if the total population you’re interested in were ten thousand, you might randomly choose 100 of them.

Ah, I see what you mean. But that was not my goal – it was mainly comparing feminists/MRAs on several areas.

What population are you even interested in? “People who call themselves feminists and/or MRAs”? For one, that’s not nearly the entire spectrum of possible views on gender issues.

Well, yes, but also egalitarians/humanists/secularists/other. That was the other identifications.

For two, you’re not going to get a representative sample of that by coming here or to whatever other site you get, at best you’ll get a sample of “whichever WHTM readers cared to click your poll”.

Well, this wasn’t the only place I posted it.

That’s not even a representative sample of readers of this site!

I agree with everything Naglfar said about the poll questions being badly formed or leading, also.

Ah. Good to know. (Sorry I forgot the Judaism part.)

This is statistics 101 stuff. You’ve got a lot of learning to do.

Thank you for what you have said so far. This was all very good. I shall take this into consideration the next time I do a study.

@Elaine The Witch


I’m going to say this cause I now know how you are and that you have a massive hate boner for me and the last time you were here you tried to speak to me. I want to ask you, why would I want to talk to you? I try to be nice to you cause I realized your a kid with a lot of issues I use to have, and you write post upon post about me being a narcissist. you called me a psychotics narcissist. you called me a narcissist bitch. you referrer to me as Lainy the Narcissist, even when I just simply annoy you. Why would I want to talk to you or respond to you? all you want is attention and fuel to stroke your hate boner to and I’m not about it. You’re just annoying and a troll. You really need to try and go get your attention needs from your mra, or mgtow or something.

All I did was ask people to fill out a survey. I didn’t come here to traumatize you. If you don’t want to represent feminists – fine.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

@ Alan

Hopefully your survey is done by someone who’s actually taken a college course on research and ethics and not just some c highschool student who wants attention

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


Your about aa traumatizing as a splinter. My post is just to tell you your annoying and your behavior and hate boner you have formed for me is something I’m not going to deal with so maybe stop running off to your little blogs to call me all the things your to chicken shit to say to my face like a big boy. But i know you don’t want to get band because where would you get attention from then. You need some material to strike a hate boner to.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ Elaine

Hopefully your survey is done by someone who’s actually taken a college course

Well it’s from the Government; so I wouldn’t bank on it.

3 years ago

You ever see this ad?comment image

Mom had a copy on the wall at work ’til she retired. (She worked for an organic farming advocacy group)

tim gueguen
3 years ago

I’m a bit surprised that anyone thinks Elon Musk, or any of the other ultrarich, actually intend to go to colonise Mars. They won’t be able to take their fancy yachts, luxury foods, and celebrity friends to Mars. I think Musk wants to send out a colony group to prove how much smarter he is than the rest of us, the folks at places like NASA especially. It’s the same reason he came up with that half baked scheme to rescue the Thai kids trapped in a cave, and then made accusations against the expert diver who helped the actual rescue.

Last edited 3 years ago by tim gueguen
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ dali

Ooh thanks; that’s wonderful! I can get some use out of that; especially with the beef reference.

I have actually heard not implausible arguments, even from eco-minded folks, that limited use of DDT may still have a place in areas with rampant malaria. They might want to rebrand though.

Did you know that Roundup, the weedkiller, is essentially just agent orange?

Acid Kritana
3 years ago

Well, I created a new study, one that focuses on MRAs, and I hope it addresses the problems that many of you brought up.

Last edited 3 years ago by Acid Kritana
Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


That shit is dangerous. It gave one of my uncles cancer after being exposed to it for year on his job.

3 years ago

@Acid Kritana

All I merely trying to find is the statistical sections within feminists/MRAs/other. You wanted specific proof that plenty of MRAs are LGBT, and so I am trying to do that.

Once again, your poll proves nothing. Internet polls are notorious for the fact that it is pretty much impossible to get a representative sample, which would be necessary to prove anything.

Can you please tell me how it’s questioned strangely?

Because 1. it completely ignores intersectionality and 2. the idea of who “has it worse” is extremely vague. It’s a common misrepresentation among MRAs that this is what feminism is about, making it a bit loaded.

I was merely looking at conservatives/liberals.

I don’t think you’ll find many of others here.

I brought up “assigned sex at birth” because it allows me to trace identity, and to see who is trans and who is not.

Then ask whether someone is trans or cis.

Also, I know that intersex technically isn’t a “third sex,” but for those who are born that way, they can still identify that way.

Yes, but it’s still not a gender identity, which is what your poll asserts. Most intersex people who identify with the gender they were assigned at birth refer to themselves as ipsogender.

How about you represent other people like you in the study?

I can only represent myself, by definition.

That way it WON’T end up biased.

There is no way you get an unbiased result out of this. Please take a basic statistics course and come back.

Also, how do you think I could make my questions less “too general”?

Learn a bit about the kinds of people you want to survey?

And I am basically socialist, in a way lol

For a socialist you don’t seem to know much about left wing politics.

But that was not my goal – it was mainly comparing feminists/MRAs on several areas.

In that case, that would be your population of study. Population in this context doesn’t mean everyone, it means a subset of society you are trying to study. If you actually wanted this to be statistically relevant, you would need thousands of feminists and MRAs to take the survey and would need to show that they are representative of their respective group. Since those are really 2 separate populations, having one survey for both doesn’t make much sense anyway.

Well, yes, but also egalitarians/humanists/secularists/other. That was the other identifications.

There are also many different kinds of feminists, though IIRC last time you didn’t know what those were and made up a bunch.

Well, this wasn’t the only place I posted it.

Still doesn’t sound like you’re getting a representative sample.

Edit: and your new poll has almost all the same problems as your old one, not least of which is your lack of methodology or representative sampling. Maybe take a statistics 101 course and come back?

Last edited 3 years ago by Naglfar
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ Elaine

Indeed; and DDT is still present in people in the US today. This is one of the things we should maybe mention in our response.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


he’s like a junior in high school, he won’t be taking those classes for at least another 3 years. And that’s assuming this kid is going to go to college.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


Yeah, he the beat the cancer and bought his new fishing boat with the money he got for compensation when they linked it to cancer, but it still happened.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ elaine

I’m glad some good came of it*. But cancer, ugh. I hate it viscerally; as if it were personified. I literally wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I confirmed that when Limbaugh shuffled off this mortal coil. I found I couldn’t celebrate. Which is ironic because if he’d been hit by a bus or something I’d be all distasteful.

(*I’m happy for him he got a boat; I’ll blot out the fishing.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

@Acid Kritana

The age section should be less granular. That’s a lot of 5-year tranches to scroll through. There’s not much statistically meaningful difference between a 53 year old and a 56 year old, or a 19 year old and a 21 year old (who you have in two different categories). Usually surveys split people up into age cohorts, like high school (14-18), college-ish (19-24), young adult (25-34), and so on.

“Do men or women have it worse?” is, as Naglfar pointed out, vague and loaded. What is the “it” in this scenario? Is it something quantifiable? Men have worse outcomes in some areas, women have worse outcomes in others. It’s like asking whether blue or yellow is the better choice. The answer is “it depends”.

And lastly, what are you hoping to prove, or what questions are you hoping to answer with this survey? Are you trying to find out if different flavors of MRAs skew towards certain demographics?

3 years ago


And lastly, what are you hoping to prove, or what questions are you hoping to answer with this survey? Are you trying to find out if different flavors of MRAs skew towards certain demographics?

From what he’s said, I think he’s still hung up on trying to prove to me that there are loads of LGBT MRAs, and I guess he gave up on “the list” so this is his next effort. It seems that’s what he’s trying to prove.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

I don’t think he’s going to come back and answer you guys. the kid is a coward with a fragile ego. Your typical mra

Last edited 3 years ago by Elaine The Witch
GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

I read the headline and thought, “The words are all English… and it seems grammatically correct… but…” and then luckily Don Draper (who would think these guys are WAY too chauvinist and pervy) expressed my feelings.

Rule of thumb: anything anyone blames on “Teh Joos” is projection of something they’re doing themselves, or would like to. For centuries.

@Elaine: I LOL at your “they attracted to braces, acne, baby fat, new body odor problems, and awkward sweating.”

I’d have made a terrible child bride, considering I didn’t have a period till age 15.5.

@Naglfar: which means my dad wouldn’t have gotten any goats in trade for me. I was way too old for the likes of developing countries before I could breed. And aren’t the countries that do have lots of child brides inhabited by people with a lot more melanin than the RWNJ like? They want us to be more like Niger and Bangladesh?

@Alan: Let’s go right to the point and call it “Croatoan 2”. There’s a Roanoke now thanks to later suckers, so let’s be more blatant.

Having people dependent upon you for everything is very appealing to men with giant egos. If they have to depend on you even for air, that’s more funner.

But I suspect the first colony on Mars will be entirely Mandarin-speaking.

DDT has one good use that I know of, and that’s if it’s carefully targeted in areas with rampant malaria (and the mosquitoes there aren’t immune to it). I don’t think that applies to Britain.

There was DDT in the floor wax my mom used when I was a baby. That I crawled around on and then stuck my fingers in my mouth. Pretty sure it led to a lot of my autoimmune issues, along with all the other toxic chemicals that were so fashionable back then.

3 years ago


That’s a possible reason, but I think there may be another motive at play: feudalism. Musk has already publicly said he’s interested in potentially having indentured servitude there, in which people would work for him to pay off the costs of the trip. With no labor laws, Mars would be an easy place to proclaim oneself dictator and also to get away with all kinds of human rights violations, up to and including slavery.

I expect that a Mars colony, in its early years, would be a place where someone treating people that badly would quickly meet with a fatal “accident”.

3 years ago

@alan A couple of things I remember from my chemistry of industry class (granted this was almost 3 decades ago):

1) I get why DDT was so popular. It is very toxic to most bugs you want to kill, particularly mosquitoes, and not very toxic to bees. But it’s extreme persistence in the environment makes it extremely problematic. I get why it’s tempting to use on mosquitoes to cut down on malaria transmission, but those molecules are going to be out in the environment causing problems for a long time.

2) The agent orange used in Viet Nam was made by a fairly sloppy process, so it was actually a mixture of similar compounds, rather than a single compound. There was never much effort to isolate and study the various compounds in the mixture, so it is not surprising it was bad for folks. Processes are more precise today, so while Roundup is plenty bad for you (and neighboring crops), it’s not quite on agent orange’s level.
(Edit: Roundup and agent orange are a bit more chemically different than I remembered, but my point about agent orange be particularly bad due to sloppy formulation still stands.)

Last edited 3 years ago by moregeekthan
3 years ago

Mars exploration: I can’t help but feel like the issue of low gravity is often being ignored because this will quickly cause humans to have muscles that could prove debilitating for use on Earth.

Step Tohill
Step Tohill
3 years ago

@An Impish Pepper

I watched Cuties and was an am a huge fan of the film. I liked it as a coming of age story and watching a young girl battle between two very different worlds.

I also like the back story with the mother’s distress at her husband returning with a second wife.

I genuinely do not understand the uproar about the movie nor how people have claimed it is a paedophile dream.

3 years ago

@tim guegueguen : I do think Elon Musk specifically want to go to Mars. The other might have better sense than him, but there’s a couple of reason for them to go, like glory seeking, the potential for them to be unpunished abusers, the ability to better keep the new nation under their controls, things like that.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

One of Trump’s last acts in his post-loss flurry of activity, was an order to favour graeco roman architecture for federal buildings. You can write your own papers on the sentiments behind that.

But now brutalism is back on the menu.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ moregeekthan

Kurt Vonnegut mentioned agent orange a lot in interviews. He thought it was an example of how science would always be abused. That was on the basis that AO was supposedly just invented for agricultural reasons then got adopted by the military. He implied that his brother had been involved. And his brother is often an insert in the stories as the scientists who carry out work without thinking of the consequences.

Although as far as I’ve been able to find out, his brother just invented cloud seeding to make it rain. So maybe Kurt was generalising a bit.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw