We live in an age unusually receptive to conspiracy theory — with a veritable army of QAnoners caught up in baroque, sadistic theories of retribution against political and cultural elites; with the vast majority of Republicans believing (or purporting to believe) that, actually, Donald Trump won the election; and with a cohort of Americans convinced that Bill Gates is planning to plant microchips in their bodies with a vaccine shot.
Despite all of this competition, incels still manage to put forth their own conspiracy theories that are just as creative as any flat-earther’s. And the incels’ theories have the added benefit of kind of making you sick to your stomach whenever you encounter them in the wild.
Consider the “blackpilled” antisemite calling himself GameDevCel who recently proposed, in a post on the BlackpillClub forums, that “[t]he Jews are behind the simultaneous hypersexualization and sexual segregation of fertile teenagers from the wider male population.”
In other words, he’s complaining that the Jews allegedly in charge of the entertainment business and cultural norms are hypersexualizing “fertile teenagers” — a.k.a. underage girls — yet not letting older dudes fuck them. Which is clearly, in the OP’s mind, a terrible way to simultaneously frustrate and oppress the hapless adult male, especially if he’s an incel.
GameDevCel tries his best to explain the consequences of this dastardly Jewish plot in a rant that is muddled and confusing and wrong on every count.
yeah its called feminism and the (((elite))) have been pushing it for extra sheckles in taxing women’s labor and breaking up the family unit for easily controllable docile citizens.
You know, if you plan to be an out-and-proud antisemite, you should probably know how to spell “shekels.”
These state run indoctornation factories called schools are used to mold the young minds in the way the government wants along with welfare programs to incentivize shitskin [Black] like breeding strategies.
What what what? Even if we set aside the racism here, none of this is making any sense. The “(((elites)))” are “hypersexualizing” teen girls in school? How? Why?
Seriously, dude, the only people here “hypersexualizing” teen girls are you perverts. It’s telling that the only examples of this sort of “hypersexualization” anyone in this thread can offer are 1) the movie Cuties, 2) parents taking their kids to gay pride parades, and 3) a St. Louis couple teaching their 3 and 5 year old daughters to pole dance.
But let’s get back to GameDevCel’s rant
It is why colleges are pushed so hard so white women can get fucked by multiple Chads and settle down with some beta provider in late 20s and have a few autistic kids in their 30s.
The point of higher education is to provide a place for “white women [to] get fucked by multiple Chads?” Why would colleges even bother to teach anything if that’s the goal?
They love any fornication except for an older established man mentally and financially ready to start a family with a 14 year old virgin, which is the hallmark of stable well adjusted societies.
Are you Woody Allen, because this sounds suspiciously like the plot to Manhattan. (Oh, but the girl in that movie is supposed to be 16. Sorry.)
The kikes hate this, hence all the shit they spew in the mainsteam media.
Ok, I guess this isn’t Woody Allen writing this.
>tl;dr marry a virgin no matter how young and homeschool the children
Don’t even consider marrying anyone, incels, until you’ve drained all the toxic sludge from your brains.
Naturally, several other commenters offered their own take on the alleged evil of keeping middle-aged men from raping “fertile teens.”
According to a commenter called Nihilistcorpse,
Only Chad can get something like this
Something like what? A 14-year-old bride?
while an Incel would be caught before it even began or if he’s a rich motherfucker with Joolywood connections, it’s the only reason why you see Chads deflowering virgins left and right while a non-Chad doesn’t even get the chance.
Either way, it’s over for us and stuff like this ain’t in our own favor.
Another commenter, berserkercel, offers his reflections on what he calls the “lie of ‘female independence,'” suggesting that the forces of world capitalism (or perhaps the alleged worldwide Jewish conspiracy) were pushing women into the workplace for short term monetary gains. For some reason the alleged (((elites)) also insist on
Making ages 12-17 “paedophilia” in the eyes of the UK public. So men only marry used up foids who can’t pairbond with the inevitable subsequent divorces of roastie foids. Creating legal fees and inheritance tax for the tax-man under the guise of “feminism” and “protecting vulnerable women”. …
Not to mention lowering the western birth rate (successfully) by using women’s own
natureartificial, and socially unacceptable (back in the day), hypergamy against them. By saying they- foids- are entitled to Chad as a boyfriend, fuck buddy andFathersperm donor through shit femsperg magazines on any Supermarket shelf.Hence the rise of the facebook dog lady.
It’s over.
If any of that makes sense to you, well, I’m impressed. I read this shit for a living and I can understand only about half of that word vomit.
The only thing that’s clear is that these guys really do need to be, well, segregated from “fertile teens” and adult women alike.
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@An Impish Pepper
I don’t know if anyone else here has seen Cuties, but I have. I actually wrote a review of it last year and then just… forgot to publish it, so thanks for the reminder, I’ve actually done so now.
Short version is, it’s a messy film that tried to address some serious and important issues. I thought it had some serious problems that undermined its messaging, and I can’t exactly say I’m a fan, but it didn’t deserve the bad-faith dogpiling it got in the media (nothing does).
I predict that there will first be a bunch of billionaires trying to settle Mars, all will fail, and maybe later a smaller scale operation by a national space agency like NASA or the ESA will succeed.
And their debt is passed onto their children like in Trish Trash: Rollergirl of Mars? It’s the kind of system only a nice and sensible person agrees with.
I swear to go if I have to read one more line of anthropology and theory my eye balls are going to fall out of my skull.
I’m gonna need a citation on this. Child marriage does occur in a lot of cultures (including many states in the US still) but I can’t think of anywhere or any time in which the middle aged man + minor girl marriage was a norm. Other than a few cults which are clearly not stable and well adjusted.
@Chris Oakley:
… ?
@Lukas Xavier:
Interesting. Not only do they have a single character for “sh”, they even have a single character for “el”, which appears to be the character for “e” with an added diacritic.
The fossil fuel industry? Fox and a lot of that is the Murdochs, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the sOILdi Royal Family, and much of the rest is the Mercers, who are in the employ of the Russians, whose big export these days is natural gas. Add in the Kochs, with their vast coal and oil holdings in America, and a pattern clearly begins to emerge …
This is an awful lot of words for saying “I want to fuck children and don’t want to get called on it, so I’m going to blame a vast conspiracy against MEEE for the fact I can’t.”
Nor can I. It’s a common misconception (as seen in the thread with Lenona) that this was common, but it actually wasn’t ever very common.
Not exactly. Yes, there is a single character for sh, “ש,” but Hebrew is an abjad (a script where vowels are not written in most contexts). So the last character, “ל”, represents the “l” sound, while the character before, “ק”, is for the “ke” sound, with the “e” vowel implied. The mark you’re referring to as a diacritic, “י”, is the letter for a y or i sound.
Hebrew is also read from right to left, so the formatting might be screwy here.
Yeah, even the idea of the Romeo and Juliet couple. Romeo was like 17 and juliet was like 13. It’s still an age different that people would be concern for their daughter dating that big of age gap now, but they were both still minors in modern day legal sense. Romeo wasn’t some 50 year old man lusting after Juliet’s virginity to breed her until she turns the dread 18 and is used up.
In fact someone in that play was concerned about Juliet being up for courting at all cause she was barely just starting puberty.
As he’s known of ’round these parts:
When my mother did a lot of genealogy research, she found that Colonia-era Americans of Western European origin did have a lot of marriages where the groom was older… but it was a case of the braide being 18-20 and the groom 25-27. Nothing like what these scuzzoids want.
(I know this is different from the post, but please bear with me. Some of you will like it.)
If you identify as a feminist, MRA, or other, please complete the survey below. All answers will be analyzed, and no matter the results, the study will be published.
Thank you for explaining the Hebrew, that comment was bugging me but I couldn’t think of a concise way to answer it!
@Acid Kritana
I don’t see any way you won’t get an unusably biased sample for a survey like that. I’m not opposed to studying these things, but I don’t think you’re going to get any meaningful result out of it. (PZ Myers used to love proving that property of internet polls back in the day.)
Edit: having visited your website, I regret responding to your poll. You’re a hopeless buffoon.
My bulldog knows his daddy is coming home soon cause I keep getting things ready and now ever night I swear he’s looking for him. My poor boy has been looking out the window watching the street like he’s waiting for him.
@Acid Kritana
Why do you keep trying to post off-topic comments in the middle of threads? Is it because you got tired of necroing old threads? Seconding what mcbender said about how your poll will be statistically useless.
In addition, your poll has a laundry list of other issues. For instance, the 2nd question and its idea of “who has it worse” is phrased very strangely, and is clearly a loaded question. The 3rd question seems to ignore the fact that politics is more complicated than conservatives and liberals, for instance leftism is omitted. The question about political parties is irrelevant outside the US, the question about religion omits Judaism while meanwhile Catholics and Mormons are both subsets of Christians. Assigned sex at birth doesn’t seem relevant, but intersex isn’t a third sex so much as an umbrella term for variations that don’t fit the male-female dichotomy and is also not a gender identity.
Ignore Acid, he’s just trying a new trolling tactic.
I understand that some of the results will be biased, and I will also try to weight them as such. This study is merely a comparison of the two. Like I said, I’m going to publish the results no matter what.
I hope it is meaningful, but not necessarily.
I have no idea who PZ Myers is.
Thank you for completing the survey! I’ll try not to get biased results, and people responding, such as feminists, will help me with that. After I have received all of my answers, I will weigh them, and publish them. This is also to help know how much of MRAs/feminists are LGBT or atheist or something.
Thank you to everyone else who responds.
(P.S. I don’t care what you think about my site. Go ahead, hate it, no one will kill you or anything. All I’m here for, currently, is the study.)
@Acid Kritana
That is… a really bad poll. It’s not just the questions being too few and too general, it’s that they (especially the political ones) involve categorical errors – mistaking a tiny region of the political graph for the whole.
e.g. “3. Would you describe yourself as more of a… (Very Liberal <=> Very Conservative)”
My closest fit is “democratic socialist”, which is well off to the left, but not at all liberal. I don’t just want a welfare state; I want a controlled economy, the abolition of stock markets, banking that’s exclusively public sector and not profit driven, the abolition of the Presidency as the office of a single indisputable head of state. And that’s just for starters.
These are not liberal positions, they’re waaaaay out to the left of e.g. Bernie Sanders (and also not nearly as far afield as what you’ll see from syndicalists, anarcho-communists, or state communists). And also not even representative of what’s “normal” for other DemSoc folks. “Liberal” isn’t just inadequate and incorrect, it papers over a huge range of political beliefs, many of them wildly conflicting.
I don’t think you understand what I meant by a “biased sample”. I do not mean “some of the individuals you are surveying will have biases”, that’s trivially true of any survey. We all have biases.
When you do a survey, you are trying to gather information about a population. In order to do so, you need to ensure that the sample is representative of that population. This is usually done by something like random sampling, e.g. if the total population you’re interested in were ten thousand, you might randomly choose 100 of them.
What population are you even interested in? “People who call themselves feminists and/or MRAs”? For one, that’s not nearly the entire spectrum of possible views on gender issues. For two, you’re not going to get a representative sample of that by coming here or to whatever other site you get, at best you’ll get a sample of “whichever WHTM readers cared to click your poll”. That’s not even a representative sample of readers of this site!
I agree with everything Naglfar said about the poll questions being badly formed or leading, also.
This is statistics 101 stuff. You’ve got a lot of learning to do.
I’m going to say this cause I now know how you are and that you have a massive hate boner for me and the last time you were here you tried to speak to me. I want to ask you, why would I want to talk to you? I try to be nice to you cause I realized your a kid with a lot of issues I use to have, and you write post upon post about me being a narcissist. you called me a psychotics narcissist. you called me a narcissist bitch. you referrer to me as Lainy the Narcissist, even when I just simply annoy you. Why would I want to talk to you or respond to you? all you want is attention and fuel to stroke your hate boner to and I’m not about it. You’re just annoying and a troll. You really need to try and go get your attention needs from your mra, or mgtow or something.
I stated that I knew that it wasn’t relevant, but I couldn’t find another place to put it. I just saw that this was the newest article, and it seemed okay.
All I merely trying to find is the statistical sections within feminists/MRAs/other. You wanted specific proof that plenty of MRAs are LGBT, and so I am trying to do that. This is not necessarily a comparison to the population – it is merely a look at the two, and a comparison of the two. If you respond, you add to it, which means that you add another LGBT feminist to the list, does it not?
So, if there is still a way for it to be statistically useless, I would like to know.
I shall address each. I did ask for people to tell me what they think, and so I am glad you are.
Can you please tell me how it’s questioned strangely? Whenever I would look at other studies on this, the question would be the same. Could you also please tell me how it’s loaded?
I was merely looking at conservatives/liberals. I know I could have gone beyond that, but that was not the point. Thank you for pointing this out, though.
Wait, I left out Judaism? Oops. I thought I put it in…sorry.
I brought up “assigned sex at birth” because it allows me to trace identity, and to see who is trans and who is not.
Also, I know that intersex technically isn’t a “third sex,” but for those who are born that way, they can still identify that way.
How? I am merely trying to study people. How about you represent other people like you in the study? I’m not trying to sound rude or anything, but you could at least answer it. That way it WON’T end up biased.
@ Naglfar
Kid has obession issues.
@ elaine
My dear departed doggo used to hear me coming home from miles away according to my neighbours. If I was in the Landy then that might not have been surprising; but sometimes I’d walk. Even then she’d somehow sense my approach ages before. Then she’d come bounding down the lane to meet me. It was ever so sweet. Unless it was dark. Then she’s just clatter into my knees. So we’d end up with me limping home and her all dizzy.
“The N-word is the most offensive word in human history. No one will ever come up with something even worse.”
“Hold my Deutsches Reichsbräu.”
I’m so sorry for your lost of dog friend. Yeah our guy is so excited. He’s such a smart boy, he knows what I mean when I talk to him. He knows when I’m on the phone with my husband. He really is my husband dog first. He had him before I met him and now he’s our dog but he is most certainly my husband’s baby. When my husband gets home he will probably not leave my husband side the entire month and two weeks that he home and he will cry when he gets left out of the bedroom.
Ah, there’s an irony. I just came here to invite people to take part in a survey.
But anyway, theoretically aimed at Brits, but nothing to say anyone else can’t give their thoughts. HM Govt are seeking consultation on pesticide legislation. We’re putting in a full response. But it would be helpful if as many people as possible could chip in.
I am of course assuming that people are generally a bit eco friendly round here. This might bite me in the ass.
“In a surprising result, 95% of respondents supported the use of DDT; and 5% said we should nuke the site from orbit, on the ground it’s the only way to be sure.”
But here it is anyway.