4chan alpha males beta males cuck eugenics evo psych fairy tales incels misogyny

A 4chan anon makes the case for cuckoldry: “It isn’t a fetish; it’s the natural order”

4Channers are so obsessed with calling people “cucks” that you can’t help but wonder if some of them are just projecting their own secret — or perhaps not-so-secret — fetishes on the world.

But today one /pol/ anon breaks the silence — suggesting not only that there is nothing shameful about cuckoldry but that it’s also, just maybe, a way to save the world?

Let’s take a look at his argument. (If the wall-o-text below looks daunting, skip ahead to the part where I break it down into more manageable chunks.)

OP here begins his little manifesto by asking “Is cuckoldry a good thing?” And then he answers the question with an enthusiastic “yes.”

“Cuckolding has got to be the most based fetish to come forward in the last couple of decades,” he declares.

It’s absolutely not degenerate and if normalised will be an immeasurable force for good in society.

Well, he’s partially right here; cuckoldry isn’t degenerate, whatever that means. It’s a rather common fantasy (58% of men fantasize about sharing their partner with another man, according to one Kinsey Institute study), even if most of those who get turned on by the idea don’t actually try it out in real life. It probably would be good for society — if not immeasurably good — if more people were open about their fetishes, including this one.

/pol/ constantly complains that high quality people are breeding less than the low quality people, well this is the best method for dealing with that.

And now we start going down a deep dark path into eugenics territory.

Evolutionary psychologists have proven that women want a masculine alpha male to impregnate them but they also want a sweet kind beta supporter as well to raise the baby.

Evo Psych hasn’t “proved” shit about fuck. But do continue.

With cuckolding we could allow this natural dynamic to play out, only high quality males can impregnate females while the rest of us can support our partners the best we can. It isn’t a fetish it’s the natural order reasserting itself.

No, it really is a fetish, and it’s best treated at a fetish rather than as some sort of weird master plan to bring humanity to a new level. You can’t foist your fetish onto other people and declare that the world’s been saved.

Monogamy is a deeply patriarchal social construct which limits women’s choices. They either marry the beta who can’t get them wet or get pumped and dumped by a bad boy who they’ll never see again. Now they can have their cake and eat it too, it’s eugenics in action and its fantastic.

True, some people just aren’t wired to do well in monogamous relationships. Other people are. You can’t impose cuckoldry — or any form of nonmonogamy — on the world and assume everyone will like it any more than you can impose any other fetish, from spanking to furry sex, on people who don’t want it. It’s not everyone’s piece of cake.

Also, there’s nothing fantastic about eugenics.

Imagine marrying [Lana Del Rey] while she carries the seed of a superior male, what an honour.

That is your weirdly specific fantasy, dude, not mine and certainly not Lana Del Rey’s. She isn’t going to marry you under any circumstances, even if you promise to be a good cuckold and never pester her for sex, because you’re a weirdo creep who hangs out on 4chan and thinks eugenics is ‘fantastic.”

Let fetishes remain fetishes. And leave poor Lana del Rey out of it.

H/T — I found this screenshot on the IncelsWIthoutHate subreddit. The commenters there were pretty “meh” on Anon’s idea, although some of them liked the eugenics of it.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

He thinks cuckold fetishes are only a couple of decades old? Okay, sir.

epitome of incomrepehensibility

He thinks cuckold fetishes are only a couple of decades old? Okay, sir.

My thoughts too, @weirwood. Leopold Bloom from Ulysses, anyone? (Yes, I’m the kind of nerd who reads that stuff.)

…Although James Joyce, despite being progressive in a lot of ways, apparently had this weird jealousy about the men his wife slept with before he & she got together. So if this “cuckolding” idea turned him on, it also kind of bothered him.

I know, the character isn’t the author and all that. But there’s some similarity in this case.

3 years ago

I’m 90% sure this is supposed to be what they think leftists/feminists believe. It reads a lot like MRA attempts at sounding like feminists.

Either that or this guy just has a really extreme cuckolding fetish he wants to justify.

Joyce had a whole host of fetishes, his love letters are rather entertaining for this reason.

Last edited 3 years ago by Naglfar
Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
3 years ago

Remind me again what the hell “based” is supposed to mean?

3 years ago

I don’t believe this is real. This is someone either imitating what he thinks feminists believe, or trying to get as much negative attention as possible.

(Also, hooray! Someone else read Ulysses!)

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

That kinda seems backwards to the rest of the manosphere, so I’m going to agree it’s just this guy’s fetish. Although I doubt he has an actual fee-maale for another man to come along and Chad all over her while he watches.

What I really want is to give a standing ovation to:

Evo Psych hasn’t “proved” shit about fuck.”

I mean, I wouldn’t phrase it like that in my mom’s hearing, but the sentiment and the truth of it is perfect.

Also I would send some brain bleach to Ms. del Rey, but I suspect she gets so much of this crap that she buys it by the barrel.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

…women want a masculine alpha male to impregnate them but they also want a sweet kind beta supporter as well to raise the baby.

I wonder if this could be a projected turnabout version of the Madonna-whore dichotomy?

3 years ago

@Crip Dyke

Remind me again what the hell “based” is supposed to mean?

Alt-right parlance for “very cool” or “true”.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

ok this one is baffling, to me
I would not have expected one of these guys to “argue” for this

3 years ago

Evolutionary psychology or how to justify your prejudice. Shown here once again.

Most of it isn’t a science because they cannot do verifiable predictions. Its validity is on par with the bible, science-wise.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

Alt-right parlance for “very cool” or “true”.

Is it strictly alt-right parlance? Because I have seen it pop up all over the place (which the alt-right also tends to do), spreading like some linguistic mold.

3 years ago

@Battering Lamb
AFAIK that’s where it originated, I only started seeing it elsewhere in the last couple years. It’s one of those terms that has leaked into the left, which I’m really not a fan of.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

AFAIK that’s where it originated, I only started seeing it elsewhere in the last couple years. It’s one of those terms that has leaked into the left, which I’m really not a fan of.

Agreed. Much like ‘simp’ or ‘SJW’ (though I’m not sure that originated on the right, it has definitely been co-opted). These are words that at best provoke an eye-roll in me.

3 years ago

Did a “superior male” write this? Seriously, it reads like he wants to be the impregnator but is pretending to be a cuckold.

3 years ago

So… is he using eugenics to justify the cuckoldry fetish or using the cuckoldry to justify his eugenics fetish?

That's a Moray
That's a Moray
3 years ago

@Battering Lamb, I’m pretty sure it’s from 4chan originally, 2hich isn’t necessarily alt-right but does have a bunch of them around

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

I have no idea how to even respond to this. It’s just profoundly strange

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

I’m somehow reminded of the chapter in Jean Shepherd’s In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash (the basis for A Christmas Story) in which the narrator tries to impress his sixth-grade teacher by reporting on a big fancy book full of archaic language he sneaked from his parents’ bedroom.

The poor kid doesn’t even remotely have the context to understand Boccaccio’s Decameron:

“This is the best, most interesting book I ever read. It is by a Italian and I think this book is very interesting. It is about these people that tell stories about knights and friars and cuckolds.”

(I figured this was a nice touch, since I knew Miss Bryfogel liked birds.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Full Metal Ox
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
3 years ago

I’m pretty sure it’s from 4chan originally, 2hich isn’t necessarily alt-right but does have a bunch of them around

4chan is tolerant of the alt-right, which makes them alt-right. Anyone who tolerates fascists is indistinguishable from a fascist.

3 years ago

Also, even outside of the tolerance, 4chan is almost entirely fascists and cryptofascists. The non fascists left years ago at that point.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

Cute little game recommendation: “Water Connect Puzzle”, for (at least) Android devices. Puzzle game, non-violent — make plants grow! No time limits or lives or anything, just solve each one at your leisure. Has ads but they are easily circumvented, just put your widget in airplane mode first before launching the app (and don’t play if you’re expecting an important call, etc.) and everything works but the ads.

Meanwhile, what’s with the blank post from Alan Robertshaw? Is there supposed to be an embed there that failed to embed, maybe?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Some Newsmax bloke having a go at Major Biden!

3 years ago

Evolutionary psychologists have proven that women want a masculine alpha male to impregnate them but they also want a sweet kind beta supporter as well to raise the baby. With cuckolding we could allow this natural dynamic to play out, only high quality males can impregnate females while the rest of us can support our partners the best we can. It isn’t a fetish it’s the natural order reasserting itself.

None of his going on about high quality males and degeneracy and natural orders makes me believe this man would be a good “sweet kind beta supporter” style parent. Like, does OP really picture himself as sweet and kind?

I guess what I’m saying is if I get to choose whether OP is the biological father of my children or an active part of raising them, I choose neither.

Last edited 3 years ago by Viscaria
GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

@TheKnd: as the GIF goes, “why not both?”

@Surplus: thanks for the rec. I’m about to finish a game and am looking for a new one that’s low-key.

@Alan: just when you think they can’t go any lower, they go after an elderly dog.

Newsmax has literally just kicked a dog.

As was said about a previous fascist: “At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”