A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do, and sometimes that thing he’s gotta do is to write a 1300-word rant about evil single moms who want to find new fathers for their kids.
It takes him a little while to get to the point, but life isn’t about the destination; it’s about the journey. Although, to be fair, his rant is less a ride down the highway of life as it is a ten-car pileup.
So I’m sitting here, I guess you can say a bit free. Free of the spell, of having a warm BODY to lay with.. Warmth is nice. Having a warmno body to lay next to, feel, is a nice thing.
A nice, shapely woman to put your hands on, is always good. it’s not very fun to put your hands around something very large. Say you’re going to lay down, and you have to place your arms around a whale of a being.
He hasn’t even gotten in the vicinity of the point yet, but he’s already digressing.
( I’m not knocking fat chicks, not my thing.) (( but I’ve been there.)) – Well, I had me a whale of a woman at one time, roughly, 13 years ago, when I was a young punk shit, and couldn’t get…..
…. let’s say I just evolve Beyond what that lady was for me. Some guys like whales.
Oh yes, single mothers. Sorry. I met the jackpot of single mothers. Blond. Petite. Green eyes. Like to to go on motorcycle rides…
But there was just one goddamn motherfuking problem. I’m looking into the eyes of some fucking child. Some fucking bastard child. A child, that is longing for a father. A child, that would come up to me with his iPhone, trying to show me YouTube videos.
Whose responsibility is it, to supplicate the love that is necessary for this thing?
Uh, “supplicate” means “ask or beg for something earnestly or humbly.” Not sure that’s the word you mean here, chief.
I’ll tell you whose responsibility it is not. It is not mine. Here is a clue I’m going to drop on you guys.
When I met this Psychopathic bitch we will call, the single mother. Don’t get me wrong. Loved her too fucking death. She is fucking beautiful. And amazing in every way, and a motherfuking artist, literally she sells paintings, is educated, speaks two languages, did my laundry, clean my fucking room, showed me some good food…..
So she’s “amazing in every way” except also, somehow, a “psychopathic bitch.”
….. but there was this fucking kid. This fucking child in the way.
Gosh how could you possibly have foreseen that coming while dating a single mother. What might have clued you in to the fact that SINGLE MOTHERS tend to have CHILDREN.
I’ll get back to that in a second. Before you call me some heartless, senseless, shitbag. An analogy. When I was a security guard, 10 years ago, I stumbled upon a litter of kittens. They were cute, adorable, full of life.
Aw, fuck, now he’s got tiny adorable kittens all mixed up in his bullshit.
These kittens, we’re about five of them, in a bush. I picked up one of these kittens, and because they were feral, the motherfuker bit me on my goddamn fucking finger. Blood squirted the fuck all over the place and I feared I got rabies.
I guess even tiny baby kittens can tell that you’re an asshole.
Life Goes On. And as beautiful, put together, strong, independent, cunning, intelligent, artistic, athletic this single mother of a woman I met, she is still a mammal. And what do mammals do in the wild? They make fucking litter of kittens.
Once again, our hero here seems somehow surprised that a single MOTHER would have at least one CHILD.
The absolute universal law, that governs every molecular manifestation that we as human beings live for today, involves, that same invisible, unexplainable driving force. Is procreation. That being said, the most motherfuking, goddamn, fucking draining thing ever, you can do in this life, is to attempt, to utilize your life resource, in bringing up the life of another.
So maybe you could try NOT DATING SINGLE MOTHERS.
Imagine, if I were to take on, adopting one of those stupid fucking kittens that I picked up in the wild? How many hours would it take, to raise this kitten, from placing it in a box, winning it on regular milk, heading it so that it would adapt..
Heading it?
I don’t even care what he meant to say there because I”m just glad he didn’t teke those poor innocent kittens in and then yell at them for being kittens.
Do I sound like the kind of guy, who has the patience for this fucking shit? Now imagine, investing the time and life effort into bringing up something, that has nothing to do with your own personal genealogy, Legacy, or spiritual imprint you’re going to leave on this Earth, rather that of another man?
Wait, are we still talking about kittens? Because if we are I’m getting very confused. Your cats aren’t going to help you pass your precious genes on to the next generation. And hopefully no human woman will either.
Brace yourself now. We’ve got a sharp fucking curve coming up.
And while you are doing that job, do us all a favor, ask a black man with a 10-foot dick, to come in the room bang your girlfriend, while you watch and suck your thumb, then pay him while he does it.

That is the equivalent of if you are going to become involved in another man’s child’s life.
No, it really, really isn’t.
[Edit: For Racially sensitive woke bots. This previous comment was not “Singling out the black man.” In fact, I am complimenting the black man for having superior dong sizes. If only I could have a penis the size of my forearm. My apologies. I digress.]
Yeah, nothing racist going on here.
There’s not enough words for me to describe the Slime that is a man, who allows a public court system to have his child taken away. Such was the situation when I met the aforementioned I’m speaking of.
What was the situation? Whose kid is this now? What are you talking about.
but a year was enough. One day I was driving in my car, having another Dramatical, emotionally charged, rollercoaster of a conversation with the single mother I was dating, and all of a sudden these words slipped out of my mouth.
” I will never raise another man’s child.”
Say it with me Brethren, and say it loud.
Now that particular combination of words, must have been potent enough to elicit a grading of emotional response from the receiver, because we have not talked nore seen each other in two weeks. I think she got the message.
Maybe you should have given her this particular message before you started dating her. And certainly before stringing her along for a year.
I was not trying to be flagrantly abusive, rather I was driving down the road when she was sending me some texts about, “not being man enough”, “accountable enough”, nor having the “emotional capacity” to love a family etc etc. …
Thee words just pooped out.
They pooped, that’s for sure.
It’s been a few weeks. I’m not going to lie. I do miss having a nice warm body to lay down next to, and give slight kisses on the cheek, exchanging “sweet nothings.” – but this one, I forgot, comes at a heavy price.
A heavy price you could have avoided altoether by just not dating single moms as I believe I might have mentioned one or two times before
That is the price of being cucked. CUCKED into an expectation of a role that I have no motherfuking interest to fulfill. Hell, why don’t you just make me go become a substitute teacher.
While we’re at it, let me buy 10 pairs of khaki pants, participate at the local elementary school as a softball coach, and donate my weekends to knitting classes at the local Senior Center.
What are you even talking about?
( those are all Noble Deeds, don’t feel bad if you do any of those actual things.)
Yes, I’m sitting in the parking lot right now eating my pita chips and hummus. With my Trader Joe’s salad pack.
What relevant details.
One thing I would like to say, is that, I will not blame a woman for her actions in the reproductive game. When we are caught up in the midst of chemical neurosis and the smell of pussy, we’re not seeing the big picture.
Dude, you’re not even seeing the little picture.
little Timmy needs a daddy, and Mommy’s income just got cut in half. If you say you did not see the signs, you are a stupid fucking idiot. And don’t take that personally, because I willingly chose to be a stupid fucking idiot.
The first thing you’ve said that I agree with.
Now I have no regrets because, I was able to exchange bodily fluids with a European princess, who, unfortunately, has a young prince that needs guidance. But I’m no knight, I’m the guy who was shoveling manure outside of the castle courtyards so the crops will grow better for the kingdom Harvest.
This isn’t a metaphor; it’s just free association.
the dating strategy for single mothers will always be complex and evolve. Maybe the new single mothers don’t realize the implications of having a small human life and how it may become Kryptonite for a man, so they don’t really try to hide it at first.
I’m sure whatever strategy they come up with will work best if it enables them to avoid guys like you.
After enough guys have bounced, they stop putting it on their Tinder profile. ( or do they? I’m not sure.)
If a single mother is looking for a hookup, she might leave it off. But any single mom who’s looking for a long-term relationship is going to leave it on, because otherwise they might get stuck with a guy like you.
– every single mother has a right, to tell every man, “My child will always come first.”
And Every Man Has a right to say’ ” SEE YA!”
And everyone together has the right to say “you’re really kind of an asshole!”
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@ Elaine
This is a popular clip with my military friends.
That was beautiful
Ahh, Dark Star. Saw that on screen at the Princess Cinema back in Waterloo, which was an old second-run theatre. Fun stuff.
There’s an old line about “have you ever watched the news reporting on some subject you’re familiar with, and winced at how bad it was? What makes you think any of the rest is any more accurate?”
And that’s for news, which is at least supposed to be accurate. TV dramas don’t even have to try. People have been complaining about ‘the CSI effect’ for years, that the show has conditioned people to believe that CSI investigations are a lot more likely to be reliable proof than they actually are.
(Up here, at least, one of the infamous lawyer complaints was with the Murder, She Wrote episode “Witness for the Defense” which took place in a Quebec City court… which messed up matters of language as well as law, given that Quebec City is predominantly French. Everybody speaking in American or British accents they could have gotten away with in Montreal, but not in Quebec City. And they did mess up matters of law as well, more than just the one that’s mentioned on the IMDB page about ‘Commonwealth prison’.)
Plus ça change…
“We’ve ‘prentices for raw recruits
The squaddies were good journeymen
If the half of them had a job at home
Ye’d never see them back again”
Dog Soldiers is fun. The Descent will always be my favorite Neil Marshall movie though. It’s one of my favorite movies overall, actually.
Since we’re doing recommendations, everyone feel free to drop me some foreign (to me, anything not from the US) recs. For my new year’s resolution, I decided to try and watch a horror movie from every country I can find a movie to stream from. Preferably a movie I have not yet seen. I’ve already watched so many great movies. Some of my favorites so far have been Seoul Station (animated companion to Train to Busan) from Korea, Demon from Poland, Sputnik from Russia and Tigers are not Afraid from Mexico.
It’s only horror in the broadest sense; more of a satire really, but the Norwegian film Trollhunter is wonderful.
@Weirwoodtreehugger (for your Horror Around the World list) and Elaine (for your Fun Bad Movie list): for some raucous backyard-budget goofiness from Taiwan, I happily recommend Kung Fu from Beyond the Grave, about a young martial artist who helps some ghosts take down the occult serial killers who murdered them. It’s exactly the kind of movie the title implies, cranked up to eleven; standout performances include the scenery-chewing Taoist necromancer and a cameo appearance by Count Dracula (whom the necromancer summons with an offering of U.S. dollars.)
Do you mind animation? You could give Vampires of Havana a try. It’s not exactly horror – but it’s funny as hell and totally odd. Had us in hysterics when we saw it. Pretty sure there’s an English subbed version out there.
@Threp: I think my favorite detail of Vampires of Havana was the emo vampire mafioso who’d strike a dramatic pose and transform into a butterfly.
Thought of another one— not horror, but I recently saw Get Crazy (1983), a screwball ‘80s comedy that takes a plot about the staff of a beloved concert theatre trying to bring off a big New Year’s Eve show while a greedy real-estate mogul tries to wrest control of the property, and packs it with as many Mel Brooks-type gags as will fit: stage divers during a punk-rock number are rated by a panel of judges in the balcony; Malcolm MacDowell plays a Mick-Jagger parody named Reggie Wanker and Lou Reed plays a Bob Dylan-esque folk legend who spends almost the whole movie just getting to the theatre, while one of the other bands was apparently booked to play NYE 1969 and are very very late for the gig. There’s an assistant stage-manager who’s despondent over still being a virgin at nineteen (!) but at least he doesn’t use any coercion or deceptions to try and get laid (he eventually gets approached by Reggie Wanker’s girlfriend, which is probably unrealistic, but this is also a movie in which one of the characters is a seven-foot-tall anthropomorphic joint).
Apparently the backers deliberately sabotaged the marketing because they were pulling a Producers-style scam and needed a flop, which is why nobody’s heard of this (the friends who stumbled across it a few weeks ago think it at least deserves “wacky cult fandom” status), but it is findable on YouTube.
@Moon Custafer
That sounds like a lot of fun, I’ll keep that in mind for my next movie night.
Despite typing so many words (he has the best words, everyone says so), he doesn’t understand one: “mother”.
But the woman and child have dodged a lot of further abuse there. And the child may grow up to learn to avoid/not be That Guy.
This creep defines C,WAAH.
I’m sorry the kitten didn’t give him rabies before he wasted this woman’s year.
I bet if she copies and pastes his entire rant onto her dating profile, she might find some actually decent man who’d love to be a step-parent. Like @Seth S.
Also, any number of men have willingly raised others’ children, as have even more women. They didn’t feel the need to rant about it over parking lot hummus.
If this woman actually exists outside his garbanzo-filled imagination, she definitely dumped him. Hard.
@Lumipuna: funny!
@GSS ex-noob:
Garbled, please resend.
I want to also recommend “Dark Star” (so much), “Dog Soldiers” and “Trollhunter”. But they’re actually good, not so bad they’re good.
And WandaVision (only 2 more episodes!)
@Surplus: “Christ, what an asshole”.
The Afghan I’ve been making for my husband is almost finished. Jesus Christ my fingers hurt guys. I need some of those competitive gloves that like athletes wear to help their joints but like just for crocheting.
I also wanted to tell you I really appreciate you all taking some time to give me recommendations for shows and movies and sharing other stories and things like that with me. I feel very lucky to have a small online community of kind people I can talk to and get support with. I’m glad I can kind of call you all my online friends. You all have helped me a lot through this lonely first year of my marriage while I’ve been sperate from my husband. You all have beta read my wedding vows for me, listen to my problems, helped me through it when I had to put old boy cat asleep, celebrated job changes and opportunities with me and I just really appreciate it.
I’ve been struggling with my mental health this year and I haven’t been able to see the small things I have going for me in my life, It might sound silly but this blog is one of them. This blog is a safe place to ask for advice from, get personal with and yet still have a mask to protect my privacy. This blog and you all allow me to talk about things I can’t really do on other corners on the internet and it feels very personal the interactions I have with you all. So while I’m feeling hopeful and joyful again, I want to tell you all that appreciate all you do. I am grateful for the warm community the comment section gives me. I am grateful to have you all in the small part of life.
It is really nice to have a place I can go to on the internet and gleefully shout about my husband coming home or complain about the struggles of being a military spouse and to be met with such compassion.
I hope it never seems like I take it for granted or that I am not appreciative of the emotional labor many of you have done for me over the years, because I am. I hope that I return the same support back onto all of you when you end up down in the dumps some days as well.
I don’t know if it counts as horror per se, but if you’re looking for a genuinely creepy Canadian movie, Backcountry is very good. Couple gets lost in the woods, which are stalked by a very cranky bear. The bear hardly ever actually appears, but the tension the filmmakers manage to create is remarkable — at least half the film is just buildup. Also, the couple are one of the most realistic I’ve ever seen, very sweet, goofy, with all the little tensions that exist between people, leading to some incredibly believable clashes, none better than the moment when the woman accidentally reveals she’s always thought the man wasn’t as smart as her. Which, to be fair, he really, really isn’t.
It’s not foreign or sci-fi, but The Hitcher is a fantastic horror film (in the traditional sense, rather than the splatter sense).
Also, although not horror but deeply weird, the film Dark City is one of my personal favorites.
I really need to watch Kung Fu From Beyond the Grave one of these days because it’s got a lot of the late actor Addy Sung Gam-loi in it. He didn’t have the looks to be a leading man, especially given his slightly odd eyes, but he did have a long career as a character actor in kung fu films.
Lo Lieh was one of the big bad guy actors at the height of the kung fu boom. He did play the occasional good guy, such as in King Boxer, marketed in the West as Five Fingers of Death.
As for the star, Billy Chong, his career didn’t last all that long. He was actually from Indonesia, which is where Lo was born as well. The Hong Kong and Taiwan kung fu and action films films had quite a bit of international involvement. Besides Hong Kong and Taiwanese actors working in both places the film makers recruited actors from other Asian countries. Yasuaki Kurata was the most prominent of a handful of Japanese actors. Hwang Jang Lee and Casanova Wong(real name Kim Yong-ho) were the best known South Koreans. Not to mention the occasional Western actor when the plot demanded it or if it was an international co-production.
@ Alan R, your Sharpe clip brought back memories! My sister and I spent our winter break (when we were in high school) watching every episode in rapid succession. I still have the DVDs somewhere…
@ bookworm in hijab
“Binge watching the box set of Sharpe; now that’s soldiering.”
@tim gueguen:
On a tangentially related topic: at long bloody last, after only thirty-three years, I’ve finally succeeded in identifying the haunting spaghetti-westernesque leitmotif from the soundtrack of Five Shaolin Masters: it‘s “Omertà” by Gianni Oddi, from the 1974 album Style (and the title suggests that the song might have found use in, or been intended to evoke, a giallo.)
Welcome back Bookworm!
“that has nothing to do with your own personal genealogy, Legacy, or spiritual imprint you’re going to leave on this Earth, rather that of another man?”
Ok so biologically yes they aren’t your child, but much of a child’s very being is learned. They don’t pop out the final combination of mother and father.
I met my son when he was 2 he’s 7 now and is me, he talks like me and acts like me. If you didnt know he was adopted youd think he was my biological child.
Being unable to get over the kid being biologically another man’s doesn’t make you a strong liberated MGTOW it makes you a weak shallow shell of a person