They are seriously running out of ideas over there on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit.
Oi! Piss off, mate!
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@Full Metal Ox: then extra felicitations to you!
@Snowberry; @Naglfar; @Surplus to Requirements:
Canned fish bones—as in sardines, salmon, or jack mackerel—are not only soft enough to be readily edible, with a gratifying slightly gritty crunch, but a nutritional perk for the calcium they yield.
Oh, and my bet is this miggie comes up with some unholy combo of RP and Dick van Dyke in “Mary Poppins”.
Reminds me of the time I met a college guy who was originally from China and learned his English in Glasgow. That was a… distinctive accent.
I live in NZ and am well familiar with the beans on toast thing but for added patriotism would have to get Watties, not Heinz. I have to object to the suggestion you’d let the toast cool a bit to improve structural integrity- cold toast is a crime almost on a par with the chip butty. Ewwwwww. Also, the kiwi newsreader circa 1950s did an accent that we would have considered was posh English, like the Queen, but would probably have given any genuine Brit heart palpitations
FlyByKiwi, aren’t Watties and Heinz the same thing in NZ? It’s been a while since I last bought baked beans but I seem to recall the labels have that same distinctive shape.
@moon clustafer
You get a bowl of chilli. You put a cinnamon role to on top. You dunk the cinnamon roll in the chili. You take a bite. It’s delicious. We raise our children on this. Winter time comes around ever kid gets that for a school meal and then you grow up and it’s as normal as breathing. I can’t eat chilli without a cinnamon roll.
I once asked a British coworker (with a very British accent) if her family back home said that she had acquired an American accent. When she said yes, I was pretty surprised.
As far as baked beans on bread goes, I loved this stuff when I was a child. It was my very own independent invention. I’ve heard that this combination was popular in the USA during the Great Depression.
re: subitizing
I knew this was a thing, but I’d thought the number was higher than five. Good to know I’m not defective!
I assumed I’d been able to recognize groups of six before, but now that I think about it, I may have just recognized them as two groups of three instead.
re: beans on toast
One of my English teachers presented beans on toast as a very low-budget thing that only students and such eat to save money. I knew to suspect this, since she said it was similar to how we Finns eat canned tuna with macaroni just because it’s cheap and no one really likes it, and I knew that was not a thing since tuna and macaroni was one of the staples we ate when I was a child and I loved it.
This is oddly apropos, but I just finished re-reading the erotic romance novel The Boss by Abigail Barnette (aka Jenny Trout). It was briefly discussed here years ago, as it is a feminist response to the infamous Fifty Shades of Grey clusterfuck. I very much recommend it if you like romance with wealth porn and truly consensual maledom/femsub kinky sex. See the links to the novel and its sequels on the author’s home page:
Trout Nation – Your One Stop Procrastination Shop (
The male romantic interest is this ludicrously attractive middle-aged billionaire guy whose very speaking voice makes the female protagonist’s pants wet (presumably, in any of the several languages he knows). He’s also from England, and when Americans bring up his accent, he might wryly joke about the supposed sexiness of his accent:
The home page is very interesting and I am intrigued. Is there amount of well written dirty talk in her books? That is usually something I like to know before hand with these kind of books before I buy them.
Re: spelling, pronunciation, and accents, there’s an illustrative joke:
A family from Texas moves up North, and enroll their child in school. Come the spelling lesson, the teacher asks who can spell ‘hail’. The Texan kid raises a hand and says “H-e-l-l, hail.”
“No, no, that’s not right, try again.”
“Hail. H-e-l-l. That’s what Daddy says when he hits his thumb with the hammer.”
Wannabikkit, oh noooooooo! They are from the same parent company. I feel betrayed.
It’s not the worst pick up strategy. Not an honest one, but not wholly ineffective.
I once worked with a number of performers at a tourist attraction. One of them was… well really nothing special in any category but he had just the right sort of Britishness that absolutely mesmerized some of the American ladies.
There’s a lot of pillow talk in The Boss, not really “dirty” stuff but more like witty banter on sex and other stuff. Some passionate declarations of lust and/or love, mainly on the man’s part. A lot of serious practical discussions on sex and the relationship.
Much of the sex is fancy and/or passionate vanilla stuff rather than kink. The kink is mainly orgasm delaying and spanking, with some bondage and pinching. There’s not much protocol, and the verbal play tends to be in style of “be a good girl” rather than “you dirty slut”.
Years after first reading The Boss as a freebie, I only recently got around to purchasing the whole Boss series for 10 bucks from SmashWords. Preliminary skimming of the second book reveals there’s a kinky MMF threesome, and some really fancy jewelry gifts (including a diamond-studded platinum session collar) for the protagonist. Overall, there’s a lot of fancy displays of wealth. Personally I really drool at the pattern of gifting platinum + gemstone jewelry. The protagonist is someone who works in fashion journalism and likes/knows how to dress up.
Sounds good, vanilla kink is just as good to me. I love the “be a good girl” kind of stuff just as much at the “you dirty slut” kind. It’s really a mood depending on which kind I want so to have a book like that with the option is a great thing.
being into kink when your a rape survivor can be kind of messy sometimes. I’ve found books that even though they were well written consensual when they are more into the rougher kind of kink, it has triggered me. And it wasn’t necessary something that was rape related, it was just the male character did something or said something that reminded to much of my rapists and then the whole book ends up in a donate pile.
So it sounds like that will be some good books that will steer away from something like that happening.
Oh. I see it can be difficult to predict, even if you talk with someone who knows the book, and even if they know something about your triggers.
Yeah, triggers can be annoying like that cause they can be anything. It doesn’t even have to be anything violent, it can just be a word that’s bad.
@ Lumipuna
Re: Finnish orthography, regional speech variations.
Reminds me of how Irish and Scottish Gaelic drifted apart – it was at a time of low literacy rates though.
Generally speaking, languages are always developing regional variation, and often quite fast, but it doesn’t always result in separate daughter languages. If there’s enough communication between speakers of different dialects, they tend to remain mutually intelligble and may eventually blend back together. Seems that Old Gaelic broke up after spreading from Ireland to Scotland and Isle of Man because these regions were physically somewhat isolated from each other.
Of course, in modern time we have hugely more travel, electronic transfer of speech and of course written communication, so presumably languages aren’t going to break as easily as they used to. If our technological development had stopped at sailships, presumably UK English and US English would be well on their way to becoming different languages.
Growing up in Baltimore,MD, I could differentiate a dozen neighborhood accents, some only divided by a street. I’m sure it has homogenized over the years.
@ Lumipuna
You have hit the nail on the head, the formal (and written) forms of Old Gaelic appear to have been limited to the community leaders. Everybody else would have been mostly too busy with survival agriculture. That said, some dialects and languages on the same intelligibility spectrum as English can give a speaker of ‘BBC English’ trouble. I can’t easily follow Scots, (Scotland,) Guller (parts of coastal West Africa, tropical parts of the Americas) Strine (Australia) and Singlish (Singapore) is beyond me.
the ones who asked why would someone brainstorm to get better in the thing one is already good at: well, of course, you would want to. why wouldn´t you?
most people want to get better and better, in whatever they do.. to be proud of their work?
“elinikäinen oppiminen” in Finnish, lifelong learning, as encouraged by our government as a mantra.
also, from your personal circles, do you know has there been any women ever, who faked accent to seem more seductive to someone? I haven’t. I don’t think women need to, that they’ve even thought of it.
or other assertive things. “girl game” is more… passive? among the general population.
even in progressive feminist societies.
Some further notes on the Boss series, as I’ve been skimming and reading parts of the books 2-4.
The set I bought from SmashWords includes four books and one spinoff erotic short story, all in one huge 1300 page pdf you can copy for personal backups. IMO the books don’t work at all as standalone stories, so start reading from book 1. The whole plot is kind of meandering, with lots of family/relationship and medical drama. The ends of books 2, 3 and 4 have some sort of conclusion; apparently there’s also one or two spinoff books not included in the set.
The fourth book has a trigger warning for
There’s many detailed, often kinky sex scenes through the story, involving the main couple and occasionally some swinging partners. There’s near constant, detailed descriptions of fancy billionaire lifestyle (could be highly realistic, for all I know) and how it feels to someone joining the rich family from a non-rich background. The main thing I find implausible is the middle-aged billionaire boyfriend who works hard at his business but also somehow has time and energy for great sex and great romantic dating, other hobbies and a fitness regime. That he’s super hot and smart and a devoted partner (and overall very decent despite growing up extremely privileged) is par on course in this kind of story. Overall, it’s pretty uncritical treatment of extreme wealth as a concept.
(Somewhat amusingly for the WHTM community, this British billionaire’s personal lawyer is mentioned by the first name Alan)
@Lumipuma – That reminds me, I just finished Crazy Rich Asians – not erotica, but similar “wealthy, fancy people” stuff. And the rich guy is also kind and considerate, though he makes believable mistakes, e.g. he didn’t think to tell his American girlfriend that his Singaporean family is really rich.
Anyway, a fun read (despite two random twists near the end that seem rushed). I haven’t had the time/concentration to go for “serious” novels for, like, months, so I was kind of proud of finishing this.
Full Metal Ox, many felicitations on your birthday! I’m a fellow metal ox, and will be celebrating my birthday on International Women’s Day next month. I just spent the afternoon with my older son, who is a fire ox.
Then a reciprocal Grand Cycle Happy Birthday to you! (Hope you don’t mind my replying to an older post; David’s announcement of his father’s death seemed to be an unsuitable place to put this.)