PUA red pill

Wot’s all this then? Red Pill romancer plans to pull the birds with a fake British accent

Romance and fake British accents don’t go together like beans on toast

They are seriously running out of ideas over there on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit.

Oi! Piss off, mate!

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3 years ago

I am curious where he is living in the UK. There are many different accents there. My husband has a mostly public school accent with a strong dose of Hong Kong & Midwest USA. Then again, every accent is sexy to someone I guess.

3 years ago

There are several good reasons to learn accents. If you enjoy speaking in different accents. If you are an actor. If you like being able to blend in in different cultures.

Picking up girls does not seem like a good reason to learn an accent.

3 years ago

I can just imagine it now: guy with a really bad fake British accent reciting canned pickup lines. This is not going to end well.

(20+ but I don’t count)

Sure, that definitely happened. And then the whole double decker bus clapped.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

Sure, he’ll get more girls, if by “more girls” he means female speech therapists or doctors who worry that he’s had a stroke. But he doesn’t talk to people like that, so I’m going to go with “nah, best stick with your Jodrell Bank.”

@Naglfar: and then the Queen gave him a pony!

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

Something similar worked for a friend of my mom’s, but it was a matter of making lemonade of a lemon life handed him: surgery to correct a cleft palate and subsequent speech therapy left him (a native English-speaking white Floridian) with a vaguely Dutch/Swedish/German accent; apparently he had the panache to parlay that into the image of an International Man of Mystery and intrigue girls.

But speaking of which…@Naglfar:

I can just imagine it now: guy with a really bad fake British accent reciting canned pickup lines. This is not going to end well.

Last edited 3 years ago by Full Metal Ox
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

A fake accent? What an original idea! There’s no possible way he’d slip up after a couple of drinks!

Crip Dyke
3 years ago


I am curious where he is living in the UK. There are many different accents there. 

Uh, I think he said it would be the British one, so the one from Britain, not just any accent in the UK, obviously. That would be silly.

Also, he’s a totally real person who actually lives in the UK and not some vain whack job just posting random bullshit so that he can read other people praise his crafty chick-pulling wiles.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

He’s totally been living in the British part. Absolutely. The part with the cool accent.

@Full Metal Ox: I have been meaning for a few days to wish you a Happy Year of the You.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

Okay, I have to ask, what the fuck is that picture for the article. Is that baked beans on toast? what kind of food crime is that. What kind of cursed image did David fine.

Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
3 years ago

@Elaine The Witch:
That is, in fact, exactly what it is. Beans on toast– preferably Heinz, out of a can, and branded Heinz Beanz. Yes, spelled with a Z. Yes, it’s simple beans in tomato sauce, and it’s a thing you put on toast in England.

For breakfast. In fact, if you order a “Full English” breakfast, that’s usually the kind of beans you get. You’ll also get bacon, eggs, fried tomatoes and mushrooms, fried bread (or toast, but fried bread is more traditional), and sausages. The beans aren’t universal, but very common, as are black pudding, bubble and squeak (look it up), and once upon a time grilled kidneys (rarely found as an option these days).

Hey, you asked…

3 years ago


Is that baked beans on toast? what kind of food crime is that. 

As a British person, this hurts me.

I’ve got some tips for this guy! I have a East Kentish accent, which is truly like music to the ears. You simply drop your Ts, but in a slightly different yet nearly undefinable way to someone from Essex and East London. What could be simpler!

If he wants to puzzle any potential US conquests into bed, he also has the option of using obscure regional terminology. Just say she’s proper ansum and should give him her number dreckly. Then they can jump northwards 350 miles and pop to the offie for some bifters.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
3 years ago

While I can’t get behind beans on toast (or someone who’s eaten some, hur hur) and find it an incredibly odd concept of food, some time ago I’d realised that my aversion is entirely cultural, seeing as I have no problem scooping up hummus and fūl (fava beans) with a pita. Ends up fairly similar when you think about it.
Now the chip butty on the other hand, that is truly a travesty of the lowest order. 😉

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
3 years ago

Oh, and as for the content of the post, there was a similar plot line in the movie Love, Actually, although there it wasn’t someone learning an accent, just a guy travelling to the US to use his existing one. It was intentionally silly and porn-y, and quite funny in that way. I don’t think trying to emulate it will do much good, although it might be a different sort of funny.

I kinda wonder about the setting described; is the dude supposed to be an American living in the UK? Because describing his accent as “the standard American accent on TV” sounds odd if he is (I’d expect someone who’s from the US to say something like “I’m originally from [state/city/region] but have been living in the UK for [X] years”), but talking about learning the UK accent is somewhat odd if he isn’t. Unless he’s from a third place, and then why not attempt to use that as the attraction?
Figure out your premise better, before you write your story!

Last edited 3 years ago by Penny Psmith
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Yeah, you should definitely use an accent to try to “pull girls.” Your idea is, by far, the least harmful thing I’ve ever heard of from the manosphere. You sound like a dork, not a killer. Yay!

3 years ago

I hope other Brits get offended badly enough by his attempt to have a convincing British accent that no one wants to be near him.

3 years ago

Christ what a wanker.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ Elaine

what kind of food crime is that

Beans on toast is the food of the gods!

I have noticed this revision though with American friends before. One thing we put that down to, was that American beans are really sweet compared to Brit ones. There are historical reasons for that. It was common in the US to do beans in molasses; so that set the sugary trend. Whereas the savoury tomato sauce variant caught on here.

@ Penny

Now the chip butty on the other hand, that is truly a travesty of the lowest order.

How do you survive winters!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ lollypop

Just say she’s proper ansum and should give him her number dreckly.

“Where’s that to me lover? Right on.”

3 years ago

Ugh. No no no. While I’ve made (and liked) many dishes involving both tomatoes and beans, that ungodly abomination which is baked beans in a can is nauseating at best. Maybe because it usually has sugar in it, as some particular combinations of sweet+sour don’t sit right with me (I don’t like most ketchup, for instance), or maybe baking beans just totally ruins them somehow, maybe both, or the canning process ruins it, or something else, but I’m not particularly inclined to experiment with homemade versions to figure out exactly why.

Incidentally, redpillers aren’t any better.

3 years ago

@Penny Psmith

describing his accent as “the standard American accent on TV” sounds odd if he is

Yes, it certainly does. Either he really doesn’t know anything about accents or he’s making up his story out of whole cloth, or both. In my experience, when people from other countries are asked to describe or imitate an American accent they usually go for a southern or Midwestern one, but generally are aware that there are multiple American accents.

As for chip butties, I kind of give the UK a free pass on sandwiches, since the modern sandwich was invented there.

3 years ago

I don’t come here to have people disrespect the food of my people!

As for accents, there used to be ads on the London Underground from (if memory serves) Las Vegas, saying “come holiday where your accent is an aphrodisiac”. I think there ought to have been small print saying “unless you’re a Brummie”.

3 years ago

“20+ but I don’t count”

Sure, mate. Absolutely no bollocks in that figure.

3 years ago

I remember seeing a comparison of how different british accents are perceived (of course I don’t remember where I saw it (>.<) and iirc Yorkshire and Scottish accents were rated joint first for trustworthiness and honesty, while Scottish came out ahead on intelligence (others e.g. Essex and Brummie got a lot of negative reactions).

Yes, I know it’s all stereotyping and prejudice … (except, well, in evidence one might mention that the Scots haven’t voted tory in over 60 years) :-s

Last edited 3 years ago by opposablethumbs
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ moggie

I think there ought to have been small print saying “unless you’re a Brummie”.

There’s some interesting stuff about advertising and accents. Like how they use the West Riding accent to sell basic food staples like bread. We’re supposedly more trustworthy.

But they use the Brummie accent for financial products aimed at the general public. Apparently the idea being to emphasise that they’re not as complicated as people think, so even a Brummie could understand it. I would say that’s a bit harsh; but I have actually been to Wolverhampton. *Ducks*

British accents are very popular with US law firms though for courtroom work in the States.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Re: accents generally

I went to a lecture once by some forensic dialect experts. We got chatting afterwards and they were able to tell where I’d grown up, where I’d moved to and when, and how long I’d lived in various places; and what sort of education I’d had. They were spot on.

This was the team that analysed the ‘Wearside Jack’ tapes. They were able to pin down the suspect to one particular street. Which gives an idea of how variable accents are here. (They also accurately predicted his dental history and tooth appearance.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
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