antifeminism lesbians MGTOW misogyny

“Feminism is the clumsy attempt of lesbians to increase the pool of heterosexual women that would become bicurious,” MGTOW explains

Lesbian feminists stealing our women

Men Going Their Own Way have traditionally had a lot of trouble understanding lesbians — or even believing that they exist. But one forward-thinking MGTOW gentleman thinks he’s got lesbians all figured out — and feminism too.

Let’s let him explain:

Feminism is the clumsy attempt of lesbians to increase the pool of heterosexual women that would become bicurious.

Go on.

Because lesbians are for the most part masculine presenting women that are attracted by feminine heterosexual women.

I don’t believe you’ve quite captured the rainbow of diversity that is the lesbian world, chief.

All the hate against men, sexual freedom, sluttiness, propaganda to make boys take hormon therapy …

I don’t believe that’s really a thing, dude.

… and toxic masculinity are used to lower the competition for heterosexual women that only look to the top % of menliest men.

Well, none of that made any sense. But that’s par for the course when it comes to MGTOWs.

This is episode 432,245,578 in the series “Dudes Pontificating About Shit They Know Absolutely Nothing About.”

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Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

MGTOWs have been mansplaining lesbianism again? I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
3 years ago

I once knew a person who described all bisexual people as “bicurious” and wouldn’t stop no matter how often you told her that bisexuality is not just a phase of curiosity. The term “bicurious” has as a result become a real pet peeve of mine. It’s bi-erasure and so offensive that it’s honestly not surprising to hear it out of a MGTOW.

Well, none of that made any sense.

What does it say about me that it actually did make sense to me?

3 years ago

Because lesbians are for the most part masculine presenting women that are attracted by feminine heterosexual women.

While I’m sure some lesbians fit this description, most I know aren’t attracted exclusively to feminine women. And most queer women don’t really want to date straight women, or at least I don’t (I’m bi, not lesbian, though).

propaganda to make boys take hormon therapy

What propaganda is this? One would think if this were real it would be easier to get on HRT.


The term “bicurious” has as a result become a real pet peeve of mine. It’s bi-erasure and so offensive that it’s honestly not surprising to hear it out of a MGTOW.

I think it’s definitely bi erasure if it’s forced on someone else like in the example you described, but I also know people who like using that label to describe their attraction or who genuinely are exploring their own sexuality. So I think that like any label it should be for the individual to apply to themself if they so choose.

Nicholas Kiddle
Nicholas Kiddle
3 years ago

Because lesbians are for the most part masculine presenting women that are attracted by feminine heterosexual women.

Mixing up lesbians and straight trans men again is it?

Seth S
Seth S
3 years ago


Whoa. Not a “masculine presenting woman”, pal. Trans men are men, we think of ourselves as men. Get it right.
(also I’m bi but I do have attraction to women, yes).

The term I hope to god you’re actually thinking of is BUTCH. Butch lesbians are not trans men. They’re masculine women, and think of themselves as women, providing the contrast to femme or “lipstick” lesbians who are the more girly girl lesbians. And it’s a whole spectrum rather than a binary, anyway.

Last edited 3 years ago by Seth S
3 years ago

@Seth S
Nicholas is also a trans guy IIRC, so I think he was suggesting that MGTOWs had mixed up trans men and butch lesbians, which is why the MGTOWs think that lesbians are trying to attract straight women.

Teagan Jeanne Andrews
Teagan Jeanne Andrews
3 years ago

Because lesbians are for the most part masculine presenting women that are attracted by feminine heterosexual women.

“Laughter!” Oh really?

The problem with MGTOW is that it’s entirely sex revolting, whereas feminism has the propensity for being sex positive and being supportive of women, even when it’s expressing itself more radically to counter this kind of red pill misogynistic drivel.

Feminism is the clumsy attempt of lesbians to increase the pool of heterosexual women that would become bicurious.

“Laughter!” You only wish…

“I call myself bisexual because I acknowledge that I have in myself the potential to be attracted – romantically and/or sexually – to people of more than one sex and/or gender, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way, and not necessarily to the same degree.”

Seth S
Seth S
3 years ago

I’ll be honest, I’m really not a big fan of using MGTOWs’ stupid false definitions for us, even in satire. Whenever they see that crap it gives them the impression that some of us believe the same thing.

And it doesn’t help when I already find my family’s lack of acceptance to be enough of a Big Red Button for me that I really hate hearing it anywhere else. Swallowing the anger every time is becoming a painful and embittering thing for me when there is no constructive outlet for it, but I have no choice.

3 years ago

If sexuality worked that way, awful men would be turning women gay.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Feminism is the clumsy attempt of lesbians to increase the pool of heterosexual women that would become bicurious.

Clumsy? Ha, joke’s on you. It’s deft, artful, graceful — and it works every time.

3 years ago

The stupid is strong with MGTOW today.

3 years ago

OT: LonerBox on the “Sigma male”, a new bullshit category I imagine we’ll be seeing more of. (CW for the video: guy trying to force a women to kiss, when she’s clearly not interested):

3 years ago

I don’t think women would need The Lesbians to construct an elaborate plot to make them question their sexuality – surely everyone does at one point or another? I remember as a teenager thinking about it a lot, especially as friendships between women can get so intense and all-consuming, and there isn’t the physical distance men in our culture seem to impose on each other (my husband told me this is not the same world over, as men will hold hands with their friends in Indonesia).

But even that being said, I don’t think I could be tricked out of what turned out to be my really rather paint-by-numbers heterosexuality by “propaganda”. The fact this MGTOW believes this is possible suggests to me that he is so frightened by the idea he hasn’t spent any time thinking about his sexuality, and sees it as a fragile thing which could be attacked and subverted.

3 years ago

If changing one’s sexuality were possible, I’d wager so many straight women would become gay with the click of the fingers owing to how shitty men can be and typically are. It isn’t so this whole conjecture is a farce.

Last edited 3 years ago by rv97
Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
3 years ago

question their sexuality – surely everyone does at one point or another?

I’ve never questioned my sexuality. It is not uncommon for someone to do it, but it’s not a universal experience either.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

It’s really telling how much mating is conflated with deception and trickery in these guy’s minds. Lesbians apparently are some sort of combination Venus fly trap and angler fish who have joined together in conspiracy, and these poor men just can’t compete with them.

Meanwhile straight women are dimwitted plankton, or something, just drifting aimlessly into the nearest trap. What a cheerful view of humanity.

the top % of menliest men

He didn’t even specify a percentage of menly men. 100 is a percentage?

3 years ago

@Moggie:. RE:. Sigma males. I agree with one of the comments on the video – How many letters of the Greek alphabet must they defile??

I’m a self-confessed Pasta Female. My life wouldn’t be worth living without pasta.

3 years ago


Lesbians apparently are some sort of combination Venus fly trap and angler fish who have joined together in conspiracy, and these poor men just can’t compete with them.

Of course they can’t. Who could compete with something that is both a Venus flytrap and an anglerfish?

I’m a π female, I like desserts.

3 years ago

Well it wouldn’t be the manosphere if they didn’t have to mix homophobia AND transphobia into their toxic misogyny. They wonder why they see lesbians being more successful than them at getting dates…. Without realizing that its their amazing stupidity and phenomenal toxicity that chases women away.

@Moggie: I really should have opened that one in a incognito window, shouldn’t have I? I think it would be a good idea if we all could remind others to do that, when we post links.

3 years ago

You know, I wish lesbians and feminism were all so onboard with trans folk as he thinks. Would make my life simpler

3 years ago

@Bakunin, yeah. You’d think they’d know better with how eager so called “gender critical” FARTs are to agree with manospherian/alt-right misogyny. Even the ones who identify themselves as lesbians.

Last edited 3 years ago by Natsume
3 years ago


Lesbians apparently are some sort of combination Venus fly trap and angler fish who have joined together in conspiracy, and these poor men just can’t compete with them.

Of course they can’t. Who could compete with something that is both a Venus flytrap and an anglerfish?

Sounds like something you’ll find in one of the deeper biomes in the game ‘Subnutica’

Last edited 3 years ago by Fabe
3 years ago

Of course they can’t. Who could compete with something that is both a Venus flytrap and an anglerfish?

Maybe a Venus flytrap and butterwort hybrid that gets retconned into an alien in the stage adaption?

3 years ago

Re: Sigma Males

I “love” that these Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Omega and now Sigma screeds come from the same people who complain “I can’t keep up with all these made-up genders and pronouns!”

Really? Because it’s easier to learn the lexicon of a White Wolf game than that of the manosphere. At least Vampire: The Masquerade has real-world roots for most of its made-up names that relate to their VTM meaning somehow.

Nicholas Kiddle
Nicholas Kiddle
3 years ago


Nicholas is also a trans guy IIRC, so I think he was suggesting that MGTOWs had mixed up trans men and butch lesbians, which is why the MGTOWs think that lesbians are trying to attract straight women.

I am, yes, and that is what I was getting at. I guess I didn’t express it very well because my brain can no longer work out which is day and which is night. Sorry for any confusion.

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