bad anatomy bad science incels misogyny rape

“Femoids are naturally designed to be raped,” incels insist

There’s a guy on the incel-centric Black Pill Club forums who posts what he calls a “Daily Femoid Hate Thread.” They’re always bad, but on Monday he really outdid himself with a post on how women are “designed” to be raped.

Daily femoid hate thread #112
 Thread starterLiveFromInferno  Start dateMonday at 6:41 AM
Watch the world crumble.
Monday at 6:41 AM
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Femoids are naturally designed to be raped.

The wider hips that they have are not just for childbirth, they are also grab handles for the man. The thigh fat deposits as well as generally smaller skeleton make it so the femoid cannot run as fast as a man, nor can it fight back.

The holes in a femoid are many and at least one of them is always prepared to secrete lube so that the dick goes in and out more smoothly.

In case you think these are side effects of adjusting the femoid to its other "original" purpose, recall that statistically femoids orgasm from rape more easily that from "consensual" starfish. Also there is a reason why all of them have rape fantasies (about chads mostly).

The reason why rape used to be vilified is because it was a crime against man's property and fair enough; now it's only vilified as the last way for a non-chad to really get sex, which is ridiculous and needs to stop.

[citations needed]

He’s not the only incel to feel this way. Someone called ATF replied with this:

Like it or not, rape is the most natural form of sex. If humans were stripped of arbitrary and 100% artificial moral rules and reverted to acting according to our natural drives and instincts, men would all be raping women and girls left and right. Consent wouldn’t exist.

And someone called King of Suifuel Threads took it a step further:

This justifies previous threads I made about Foids..mthey have NO tangible value except for being receptacles we dump our cum into. This society has become extremely cucked and it’s clear we need to revert back to an extreme dictatorship where women are forcibly chained to the wall and raped (in Final Fantasy 7).

This is what they’re teaching each other on these incel forums, just pure hatred.

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3 years ago

This is the second or third time I’ve seen a reference to the notion that women are more likely to orgasm from rape than consensual sex (or consensual “starfish,” whatever that means). Where does this claim originate?

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

Yeah dude, I can tell you right now when I was raped there was no “special lube” from my vagina, it only got wetter because that was blood, not lubrications. Real rape isn’t your porn fantasies

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
3 years ago

It’s a real mystery why no one wants to fuck these dudes

3 years ago

The holes in a femoid are many

Does he realize that men have many holes as well? There are some other comments I could make here that would probably violate the comments policy.


What is a dancecel? An incel that dances? Probably an awful dancer.

rape is the most natural form of sex

Zoology would suggest this is not the case. Setting aside questions about human nature and what is “natural” for a moment, given that most animal species have evolved ways to fight off unwanted sexual advances it would imply that rape is not the most natural form of sex.

I don’t know, but I would imagine it’s a distortion of the existence of rape fantasies. Some misogynists probably think that the existence of rape fantasies = more orgasms from rape or wanting to be raped or something.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Elaine the Witch:

Real rape has even less in common with women’s porn fantasies; whatever you might think of Christian Grey or Sheik Ahmed Ben-Hassan, they’re imaginary and a reader can close the book when she’s done with them.


”Starfish” refers to a woman who lies passively spread-eagled and unmoving.

3 years ago

This society has become extremely cucked and it’s clear we need to revert back to an extreme dictatorship where women are forcibly chained to the wall and raped (in Final Fantasy 7).

Part of being an adult is realizing that there are people who enjoy the same hobbies and activities as you that are churlish, despicable people who would harm you if they had the chance. I am tired of (in minecraft) insert here softening of violent rants. Say what you want to say, no need to bring in beloved video game series into this mess.

Now, please excuse me as I crawl out of my skin.

Tabby Lavalamp
3 years ago

Nothing to see here. *waves hand at world in general* Just an increasing number of people being more and more vocal about wanting mass murders (sorry, “executions”) or mass rapes.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Someone named gigaslayer seems to object to this line of thinking:

nobody gives a single shit about these trash threads, go write more essays to brainwash yourself further about a whole gender being inferior while first world NEETs [not in education, employment, or training] make more than your salary

Gigaslayer also said this:

go jam a fork into an electric socket you cringey [ableist language deleted]

I’m kinda amazed that this post has yet to be deleted.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

@Kat: Welp, “Gigaslayer” is rude, but at least closer to reality than the MGTOWs/not-so-in-cels.

And, yes, these boys have almost as many “holes” as women do. Which means they too must be “naturally designed” for larger, stronger men like Chads to rape.

@WWTH: I can’t figure it out. I mean, they can’t figure it out.

3 years ago

I bred guinea pigs as a kid. My first, a nice male, understood consent, and would spent a fair amount of time being friendly and chatty with the “femoids” first. He was quite the father in the end, and loved by both human and fellow guinea pig alike. I imagine you can buy his descendants from numerous pet shops today.

So… yeah, a next to mindless eating machine of an animal is better than these guys. Way cuter too.

3 years ago

Ugh. Another day, another realization that a decent amount of people believe my gender is nothing more than barely human rapemeat.

I see there’s a ‘Report’ button. I sure hope you clicked on it as many times as you saw something while there, David.

3 years ago

Sometimes I wonder whether the incel mindset and ideas are the result of unchecked privilege, mental illness, some neurological deficiency, or all of the above. In their world, they know the real truth, and the only necessary proof is … having a penis, it seems.
For some reason, I doubt that anyone using terms as “femoid”, “chad”, “hole” and “cuck” are capable of having a healthy relationship.

Last edited 3 years ago by Teabug
North Sea Sparkly Dragon
North Sea Sparkly Dragon
3 years ago

That’s disgusting, and so are they.

3 years ago

The thing that make women unable to defend themselve is entirely cultural. While being smaller is a disadvantage, it’s far from a big one, and there’s plenty of smaller people who are dangerous as fuck.

That guy have absolutely 0 idea of what a woman is. I wouldn’t bet he know what a human is, period.

3 years ago

Wow, he looks like a winner. A Joker avatar always seals the deal.

3 years ago

I didn’t notice the report button, so I guess I’m surprised there is one. My guess would be that it’s just part of the forum software that didn’t get deactivated, and probably doesn’t do anything, or it allows the reporting of things that aren’t incelish and horrible enough.


Sometimes I wonder whether the incel mindset and ideas are the result of unchecked privilege, mental illness, some neurological deficiency, or all of the above.

Can we not armchair diagnose incels as a product of mental illness? Mental illness doesn’t make people into monsters like this.

3 years ago

Grooming for violent terrorist acts.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

Somehow, when proposing to return to a state of nature unencumbered by morality, incels conveniently overlook their own soft fleshy bodies, slow reflexes, and slow foot speed.

 If humans were stripped of arbitrary and 100% artificial moral rules and reverted to acting according to our natural drives and instincts, men would all be raping…

”If you removed everything that separates us from animals, we’d all be animals.”

Same big-brained logic as “Trump won the election, if you throw out all the votes from California and New York and Arizona and Pennsylvania and Michigan and all the other blue states.”

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

@Buttercup: This seems relevant for most pontificating on a ‘state of nature’.

Also, seriously, are we sure incels aren’t running a ‘be the most awful kind of individual’-competition?

3 years ago

@Buttercup : also, it’s wrong. Not all animals rapes – in fact AFAIK few do that – and our base instinct are much more to not harm other human and cooperate than to be the Epinal image of an alpha predator they think of.

Not that “alpha predators” are that ruthless. There have been cases of lions adopting other species babies.

They don’t get that the “natural instincts” are already quite complex, and that if we developed nations and continent-sized groups, it’s *because* of theses instincts, not despite them.

3 years ago


The thing that make women unable to defend themselve is entirely cultural. While being smaller is a disadvantage, it’s far from a big one, and there’s plenty of smaller people who are dangerous as fuck.

While I agree to an extent (and certainly a very well-trained person is going to be able to get the physical advantage over pretty much any untrained average joe) I do think in this context it isn’t the whole picture.

The problem in any situation involving physical or sexual assault, is that you are dealing with a person who is both psychologically capable of heinous acts and determined to inflict violence – which simply isn’t true of most humans and is extremely hard to counter. Furthermore, when it comes to physical fights generally, strength pretty much wins out every time – so if you are faced with someone stronger, you are at a immediate real-world disadvantage.

So I don’t think victims are unable to fight back because of culture in these scenarios – but I do think where culture comes in most strongly is in creating vulnerability for cis and trans* women, and in stopping them from listening to their instincts and disregarding situational awareness because the idea that we must placate men is so strong. Like when someone is giving you the heebie jeebies but you find yourself trying to be polite instead of getting the hell away from them.

3 years ago

@Full Metal Ox
Thank you for the explanation. Also, ew.

3 years ago


They don’t get that the “natural instincts” are already quite complex, and that if we developed nations and continent-sized groups, it’s *because* of theses instincts, not despite them.

It’s a similar paradox to that found in Peterson’s lobster stuff: presumably if it were natural for humans to act in a certain way or organize in a certain hierarchy, we’d be doing it already without pseudointellectuals having to tell us.

Some Chick
Some Chick
3 years ago

I know this is a huge side point that doesn’t actually merit any real consideration. But it’s bugging me. Re: Gigaslayer How can a NEET make more than someone who is actually employed? Illegal activities? Parents’ money? Imaginary internal fantasy life? I really need to know how this works.

3 years ago

@Lollypop : while physical strength is a factor, I believe the main one is intending in actually doing grievous harms, which as you correctly say isn’t the normal state for a human. Men are however *much* more trained at overcoming that than women. And that play doubly : not only are women less likely to straight up kill attackers (or maim them, or resist in a way that inflict harm), but men know that and target them more knowing there’s less risk to themselves. While there’s a ton of bravado on them men who say they would kill a would-be rapist, there’s also the simple fact they are more likely to actually do it.

As anyone who have restrained drunk people can attest, physical strength don’t matter nearly as much as you think. Or rather, effective applied strength matter, but psychological state unlock a lot of it. Even a quaint 1m50 women is perfectly able to break bones, which mean *any* fight with a human have the potential to be fatal.

It’s because of cultural norm that the average fight end up with a “winner” and a “loser” (aka the one who flee or is robbed or raped) and not with a dead body and a severely wounded person.

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