anti-Semitism incels infighting misogynoir misogyny rape

Incel “sexual communists” want to “seize the means of reproduction,” which, if you’re a woman, is you

Incels, if they think about politics at all, tend to lean right — pretty far right in some cases. But there’s a distinct, if relatively tiny, bunch of incels who claim to be leftists and even Marxists. Let’s just say their version of Marxism bears little resemblance to the original flavor.

Meet TheIncelRepublic, a self-described “Sexual Marxist and Incel Revolutionary” who posts regularly on the BlackPillClub incel forums.

In a post titled “I think I got brainwashed into accepting the communist ideology through the most weirdest ways,” TheIncelRepublic offers his own supervillain origin story, which involves, among other things, an unused air conditioner and a sucky boss at PizzaHutCuck.

Back in the old days, he explains,

I actually fairly liked Capitalism and was not a commie.

That changed when I starting preaching “sexual communism” and calling for the redistribution of the means of reproduction (foids).

Slowly I started going down the “left wing rabbit hole”, I started listening to commie music and eventually got brainwashed a bit by the comment section.

Then my boss stopped using the A/C in the Pizza Kitchen in the middle of Summer (because he wanted to save bills) and started cutting many wages as possible. (I work as a wageslave at PizzaCuck).

Then I started reading history about the 20th century and found how based Stalin and Tito were. I started reading more history and got even more brainwashed.

Then while I deliver pizzas at Pizzacuck, I started delivering at rich places were Chads and Stacies were having parties.

I also was lurking in Tankie [Stalinist] forums such as /leftpol/ and found how based they were.

All this with other shit turned me into a commie. Although I am more of a nazbol, social democrat, strasserist or mutualist at best, I wish the Soviet Union came back and destroyed degenerate America to the gorund.

These days his posts on TheBlackPillClub are a mixture of incel obsession and weirdly repurposed Communist slogans. His vision of the socialist utopia involves women being treated as little more than “commodities that are for exchange.”

He and his allies, he promises, will

seize the means of reproduction (foids)! We have [nothing] left to lose but our virginities! Down with Sexual Bourgeoise (Chads) and the Sexual Kulaks (Cucks and Simps)!”

To be a truly convincing Marxist one should probably be able to correctly spell “bourgeoisie.”

He dreams of a “planned sexual economy” in which there is a “foid” in every man’s dacha, doing all the chores.

This is why Sexual Communism works, simply put, women are commodities. The more women a man can score, the more he will spread his genes and win the game of life. By having a planned sexual economy, the state can provide every male with a fit fertile woman for them to breed with and do all the shit for the men like cooking and cleaning. There is enough women for everyone and Chads are hoarding all the women.

Time to seize the means of reproduction!

TheIncelRepublic believes that the “(((sexual capitalists)))” — that is, the Jews — have been experimenting on the black community in order to see what happens when women have too much power over their own lives — that is, they have the same basic rights as men.

The African American communities are a good example of what happens when you let your women go out of control. We know the (((Sexual Capitalists))) tested free market dating to see what will happen and it fucking worked. Now they are trying it on everyone else. …

If you remove feminism from black communities, thug culture and crime will disappear overnight.

Most incels, while generally on board with the idea of “sexual redistribution,” don’t see themselves as communists of any kind. Indeed, one incel has written out a detailed “rebuttal” of TheIncelRepublic’s incelcommunist manifestos. It’s quite possible it will be the worst thing you read all day (or week). According to LiveFromInferno,

When you find out that fembots [women] are nothing but means of reproduction, a resource, and also happen to be incel, it can be tempting to embrace “sexual communism” and wait till gfs belong to everyone. I’m going to make a case that it’s no solution to inceldom.

Communism is what you get when private property is gone, with production and consumption of resources socialized; everyone gets their equal “free” share.

In case of cumdumpsters, private property is demonstrably gone because this is what culture (=patriarchy) was about. The cultural coverup for it was that we as a society were giving the holes the right to choose for themselves, but it was doomed to fail for lack of hole agency, which it did as fembots base their lives around the top 1-20% of men (chads). …

Another major problem with communism applied to rapemeat [women] as means of reproduction lies in the name: they do not produce sex, they produce babies. In our stage of development as a species we do not equate babies with sex. As such, for a lot of men sex isn’t means to an end which would be reproduction; to them sex is the end …

This alone for me is enough to say that sexual marxism doesn’t solve inceldom in that it doesn’t guarantee ascension at all, at times making it way harder, and also it skews the reasons why we see incel as a problem in the first place.

The right way to tackle inceldom and many more social issues is to recognize private gfs as the human right that it is, repeal fembot suffrage and restore the property rights on fembots.

In this battle between “Sexual Marxists” and “Sexual Capitalists” both sides are so transcendently awful that I can only hope they both lose, the more ignominiously the better.

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4 years ago

Hi, long time.
This reminds me of those dark enlightenment people, theorizing why if you think you can redistribute wealth you can’t redistribute sex? All or nothing.
They don’t consider you need to dehumanize and treat some people as a mean relative to others who are the end, the women being for the men. As if they were inanimate objects like money or resources.

Btw OT but, I noticed a recurring sentence, probably a meme in comments below songs, women song, to be precise, Miley Cyrus, Ava Max, is where I noticed, but probably Lady Gaga and the like as well, a man commenting an apparently praising sentence “This song/singer makes me feel like I’m a strong independent woman. And I’m a man.” the comment is first in popularity, this is an interview not even a song.
Replies are really fucked up and the OP continuously jokes about his newfound femininity. Some thoughts?

Last edited 4 years ago by Ingmar
4 years ago


all husbands of aging women were faithful.

I don’t think they believe that, since that would be a responsibility for men and incels (and the right wing as a whole) don’t like having responsibilities for men.

In this sense, they are socially rightwing, while economically they may be all over the place, and mostly uninterested in politics.

Most of the incels I’ve seen are economically right-wing as well, Mr. TheIncelRepublic is a bit of an aberration. Most seem to be ancaps, US-style Libertarians or similar.


if there was a body that gave women to men, their understanding of ”fit and fertile” might not please this guy’s sensibilities, and then where would he be?

Given the nature of incels, this is pretty much a guarantee. They’d get assigned a woman that had some minor flaw and we’d never hear the end of it.


This reminds me of those dark enlightenment people, theorizing why if you think you can redistribute wealth you can’t redistribute sex? All or nothing.

The other thing they don’t consider is, if they think women can be redistributed, what’s to stop the redistributing of men (for sex or for other purposes)? They probably wouldn’t like that.

rabid rabbit
rabid rabbit
4 years ago

@Lukas Xavier

I guess that means testicles should be redistributed as well. Some people have two and some people have none. It’s so unfair.

And the redistribution would be so much easier! After all, since about 50% of the world population has two testicles while the other 50% have none, it would be fairly simple and logical to arrange for everybody to have just one. The people losing one testicle wouldn’t even have grounds for complaint, really, since last I checked you don’t actually need both, even if you’re hoping to breed.

4 years ago

I didn’t initially bother to wonder what (if anything) “fit and fertile” might mean in this context. However, Masse Mysteria’s comment reminded me of what seem to be common incel/manospherian rationalizations for a fundamental problem: are there really enough (reasonably hot) women for everyone?

One common idea seems to be that all women are hot when they’re sufficiently young. This also sort-of explains how Chad is able to fuck literally all the women all the time. The number of women on dating market is much smaller than the number of men, because women only functionally exist some 10 years of their lives. The fundamental problem is that modern liberated women spend their precious youths having sex with Chad, or (possibly, some of the time) not having sex at all.

Then there’s the idea that all young women are hot as long as they aren’t too fat. I think this is what the “fit” part refers to. If only our society guided young women into healthy lifestyles, then their full hotness potential could realized for the benefit of mankind. Unattractive women everywhere are rhetorically dubbed as “fat” first and foremost, and any female ugliness that can’t be cured with a little gym exercise is erased.

As for the “fertile”, it may be variously used as a code for hot (sort of like in the original evopsych sense) or young (most likely in this case) or just a vague positive qualifier conventionally associated with women as sexual objects.

4 years ago


The other thing they don’t consider is, if they think women can be redistributed, what’s to stop the redistributing of men (for sex or for other purposes)? They probably wouldn’t like that.

For the purpose of their conversations about rights, men are persons, women are non-persons. All men believe this deep down, what women believe don’t matter because any rights they have are solely at the discretion of men, whether most men understand that or not. Might makes right, real men freely exercise their might.

From that point of view, “fairness” as most people think of it isn’t really a meaningful concept, but they’re also operating from the extremely immature concept of “unfairness” possessed by the kind of person who often cheats but usually gets caught or loses anyway. It’s unfair that they can’t be the one to always win, or can’t always get the biggest slice of the cake, or can’t get pushback for bad behavior, or whatever else their ego demands. In this case, their ego demands sex with the “best” women.

Their entire philosophy is devoted to justifying their feelings of “unfairness”. It’s really hard to make it work without a presumption that women aren’t people.

4 years ago

What the private-property side of this picture is counting on is that the girls’ Dads are going to like these boys better than the girls do, which is not guaranteed. What the command-economy side is counting on is that the government is going to like these boys better than girls do, which is (if anything) even less guaranteed. Short version: the boys haven’t solved their problem. Too bad.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

Something disturbing is happening with that Bernie Sanders meme.

It started innocently enough, with random photos having him photoshopped in wearing those large brown mittens. But now it seems to be evolving in a rather troubling direction. Increasingly I’m seeing ones that imply Sanders having met an unfortunate demise of some sort. One implied strongly that he’d been eaten by a python, another a polar bear. And inevitably someone photoshopped him into a Weekend at Bernie’s poster … whose titular character was, of course, dead the whole time.

Is this just tastelessness or is there something more sinister going on here, bubbling up from dark corners of the far right?

4 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit

since last I checked you don’t actually need both, even if you’re hoping to breed.

As far as I know, sperm count is usually sufficient for reproduction even if there is only one testicle functioning, but is often lower than it would be for someone with 2 functioning.
If anyone wants to redistribute testicles, I don’t like mine much and would happily trade for an ovary or two if such a thing were possible.


are there really enough (reasonably hot) women for everyone?

I would say not by their standards. About 70% are over 18. Assuming they only accept women between 15 and 25 (though they argue when the “wall” is), that leaves 7.5% of women. Since they always talk about “HB10s”, let’s assume that their scale of hotness is linear and proportional (i.e. 10% of women are 1s, 10% are 10s, etc), only 10% of those women would qualify. So that leaves 0.75% of women for 70% of men, or 93 men per woman. So unless polyandry is allowed, the numbers don’t work out at all.


It’s unfair that they can’t be the one to always win, or can’t always get the biggest slice of the cake, or can’t get pushback for bad behavior, or whatever else their ego demands. In this case, their ego demands sex with the “best” women.

This does appear to be how they see the world. It reminds me of how after the election, Republican politicians actually said it “wasn’t fair” to the 74,000,000 Trump supporters that Trump wasn’t going to be president, even though he lost by millions of votes.

I don’t think there’s any reason to suggest foul play, it seems like people are just making dark memes. Unless people are making fascist or bigoted ones, I doubt it’s the alt right.

4 years ago

That Black Pill forum……Jeeeeesus?. I happened to click on a post titled “Old Roastoids Enrage Me”. Old means over 20. I guess this person thinks they’ll be young forever.

Their jargon is funny at times, I’ll give them that.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
4 years ago

They’re completely ignoring another fact: many of the women they consider hot are in fact infertile because their body fat percentage is too low and they’ve stopped ovulating because of it. Take your pick, boys: either skinny or fertile.

I’d never thought of Stalin as having a pornstache, but now I will. Thanks? David.

I recall seeing propaganda posters of the New Soviet Woman being liberated from the kitchen and child care, working in factories or offices where there were babysitting programs, institutional kitchens, and clubs for the women to hang out with each other after work while the older kids went from school to babysitting.

Now, of course, it didn’t turn out so rosily, but it shows women’s lib baked right in to Soviet Communism at the start. New Soviet Woman didn’t have to get married and pop out sprogs, she could have a job. Or she could be married with children, but still not enslaved to the stove in her hovel, she could take the whole family to the cafeteria. (Where most of the workers were probably women, but still).

@Naglfar: I know some transmen who might take those testicles off you, if they’re still in working order. Beats injections.

@Lumipuna: No, the incels want a never-ending supply of hot young babes who are faithful. They can sleep around all they want, just like Chad. Incels want a hot 20 year old when they’re 20, and when she and they turn 30, they dump her for another 20 year old, and so on till they’re 90 and get issued another hot 20 year old.

Where the endless supply of hot 20 year old women is supposed to come from is never discussed. They just ARE, okay?!

Of course their whole name is wrong — they aren’t involuntarily celibate. They just have such terrible personalities that no one’s interested in them, and they could change their thinking.

4 years ago


I guess this person thinks they’ll be young forever.

They appear to believe that men age differently than women (I’ve heard misogynists use the slogan “women age like milk, men like fine wine”), which, in addition to the obvious, there’s the fact that as we discussed in the other thread, past a certain point wine doesn’t age all that well.
It’s also not true, at least in my opinion. I might be biased in some way, but I can think of a lot more women in their 60s and beyond that I’d consider attractive than men in the same age group.

@GSS ex-noob

I know some transmen who might take those testicles off you, if they’re still in working order.

Since I’m not on HRT yet (pandemic got in the way), they should be. I’ve always thought it would be great if people could trade organs like that. Maybe in the future.

4 years ago

The more women a man can score, the more he will spread his genes and win the game of life.

Huh. I thought there were a whole bunch of ways to win the game of Life.

As for the post, not much to say that hasn’t already been said except: do incels compete with each other to see who can come up with the most offensive ways to refer to women? If so, I sincerely hope who thought of “rapemeat” wins, because if there’s a term that’s even more horrific and disgusting, I don’t wanna hear it. Ever.

4 years ago


They’d get assigned a woman that had some minor flaw and we’d never hear the end of it.

Hopefully neither would the agency or whatever, and then they’d revoke the whiner’s rights to a partner. Cue complaints about how only Chads and simps get women.

(I know this has nothing to do with what OP had in mind, but I find myself with a headcanon where young men going to get their assigned women would be warned by older fellows about how spurious complaints would get them blacklisted and bumped permanently to the bottom of the waiting list, but this wouldn’t help incels and their ilk, since they’d never view their own complaints as anything but 100% valid.)


Unattractive women everywhere are rhetorically dubbed as “fat” first and foremost, and any female ugliness that can’t be cured with a little gym exercise is erased.

Maybe this ties in with the what some people think of makeup? I’ve ran across rants where mean complain about how much harder it is for men to be ugly, since women can always put in makeup, which apparently is magic or something.

Last edited 4 years ago by Masse_Mysteria
4 years ago


I’ve ran across rants where mean complain about how much harder it is for men to be ugly, since women can always put in makeup, which apparently is magic or something.

Well, if incels think makeup is that magical, why can’t they wear makeup too? I can’t imagine they’d have the patience to get good at it, but if in their minds it’s so easy and makes you look flawless, they ought to try.

4 years ago


For the purpose of their conversations about rights, men are persons, women are non-persons.

Yeah, exactly the very point, that’s why they talk about women as commodity and not about the same think from men’s point of view.

All men believe this deep down, what women believe don’t matter because any rights they have are solely at the discretion of men, whether most men understand that or not. Might makes right, real men freely exercise their might.

All male incels believe this outright, many men, all if not most strasserists and “red brown” “brocialists” could well believe this not so deep down, but not so cosciously, which shows how ingrained it is socially as environmental and cultural messaging despite all the “cultural marxism” they claim to be haegemonic.
I guess you mean all men as in that’s what they believe all men are hardwired into seeing women when using that as naturalistic fallacy, like “you’re virtue signaling, I, instead non hypocritically asshole – vice – signal to my group, that you like all men are not better than us and are just simping and white knighting to be better deluding yourself into fucking pussy cuz your nice, when it’s well known they get wet for rich, confident assholes or chads, you can’t go against biology”

Then there’s the idea that all young women are hot as long as they aren’t too fat. I think this is what the “fit” part refers to. If only our society guided young women into healthy lifestyles, then their full hotness potential could realized for the benefit of mankind. Unattractive women everywhere are rhetorically dubbed as “fat” first and foremost, and any female ugliness that can’t be cured with a little gym exercise is erased.

True, although you probably know incel believe that it’s easier because apparently many more women are considered attractive by men than men by women.
Despite all contrary evidence, they like to believe that, women can have flaws they can easily correct and that men are not picky at all in that, while women can fixate into minor details like height being a big factor, that can’t be helped.
Now it’s true that heightism is a problem, not to be easily dismissed, but it’s society in general not just women and I don’t think it’s such a deal breaker as they say to many women, it’s just statistically less likely that a guy is shorter. For many it’s a preference not like a rigid bar, like breasts for men. Many women are not confident for this reason but they shouldn’t and in fact many feel sexy and confident anyway.

4 years ago


Well, if incels think makeup is that magical, why can’t they wear makeup too?

My (extremely limited) understanding is that that’s just not how it works.

My three best guesses are 1) that the magic works only on women, 2) the magic makes everyone who uses it look like a woman (which understandably would not be for everyone) or 3) they assume everyone can always tell when someone is wearing makeup, and since it’s viewed mostly as a feminine thing, a man with makeup would be ridiculed.

4 years ago


They appear to believe that men age differently than women (I’ve heard misogynists use the slogan “women age like milk, men like fine wine”), which, in addition to the obvious, there’s the fact that as we discussed in the other thread, past a certain point wine doesn’t age all that well.

I guess they men it has a chance to age well becoming balsamic and the like, but then milk can become a great seasoned cheese or yoghurt :).
Then there’s the notorious slut shaming anthem “a lock that can be opened by many key is a crappy lock and a key that can open all locks is a master key” poetry.
They don’t realize that this way they are making the sex an anthagonistic act between men and women where women have to gain from resisting, I can’t understand how people who complain women being too picky might want to perpetuate the same reason which contribute to make women less proactive and more cautious about it and men so eager, aka being something for which you’re admired vs something for which you can be dissed at least from the most backward sectore.
Then they default to “but it’s women who do it mostly to other women”…

4 years ago


I guess you mean all men as in that’s what they believe all men are hardwired into seeing women when using that as naturalistic fallacy

Yes, conservatives project their own beliefs onto all people generally. As a result, they’re convinced we are just as repulsive as they are and just don’t show it.

Now it’s true that heightism is a problem, not to be easily dismissed, but it’s society in general not just women and I don’t think it’s such a deal breaker as they say to many women, it’s just statistically less likely that a guy is shorter.

I’m not a man, but I presented as one for most of my life. I’m also shorter than the average man (I’m about 5’6″ (168cm), US average men’s height is 5’9″(176cm)). The only people who ever gave me shit about my height were men. I understand that some women may prefer or only date tall men, but in my experience that’s definitely a minority of women.

“a lock that can be opened by many key is a crappy lock and a key that can open all locks is a master key”

They’re also forgetting that a lot of locks are designed to be opened by many keys. For instance, many buildings have locks designed to be opened by all tenants/users on the front door, then with more restricted access to subsections.

4 years ago


Man: subject, woman: object, of course. Because women are never the ones who seduce and “unlock” men… oh wait.

Misogyny makes superhero comics look downright internally consistent.

4 years ago

Also, keys that open a lot of door tend to be criminal or law enforcement tools.

So are chads all bandits or policemen ? I mean, 100% of chads are both, but mostly because they don’t exist.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
4 years ago

Somewhat tangentially, this reminds me that I once heard a description of sex being like lock picking – not because of that old lock&key thing but because apparently in lock picking (I have no personal experience but that’s what I’ve been told) you need to be very attentive to various cues to figure out when to go fast or slow, hard or gentle, etc. I rather like this comparison, even though it still depicts sex as something being done by a subject on an object (which I do not like), both because attentiveness is always sexy and because it is essentially gender neutral in what it’s trying to teach, and thus better than the “vaginas are locks and penises are keys” crap.

Some Chick
Some Chick
4 years ago

Honestly, how can you, with a straight face, claim to be involuntarily celibate when you spout nonsense like this? They actively hate and wish to harm half the human population (at least) and don’t see that their own behavior is the problem. Seriously, flames, flames, flames on the side of face.
Also, they even get their own stupid take on political theory wrong. It’s like they go out of their way to be as wrong as humanly possible.

4 years ago

I read this and I realize that I shelved a whole scifi novel I was working on because it was a post-apocalyptic fiction in which some city-states would turn to specifically enslaving women in order to control their male population. I decided this was unrealistic.


Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Totally O/T; but I know there are people here who like dormice.

4 years ago

@TehWondahKitty : the unlikely part is that MGTOW aren’t organized enough to create a city state, and are too useless to require people to control them.

(ok, ok. enslaving / taking prisoner the women to control their husband is actually something that happened historically. I guess depending on the small print your novel could be realistic enough)

@Alan : I didn’t know what they were, but they are awfully cute. Don’t they also sleep in flowers ?