anti-Semitism block that metaphor MGTOW misogyny

Women are like beer improperly refrigerated by Jews, metaphor-loving MGTOW explains

Block that metaphor! In the MGTOW subreddit, a fellow called clownworld_pariah tries to explain the alleged degeneracy of contemporary women in the only way he knows how: by comparing them to beer.

“The way I see it, women are like beer,” he writes.

They share a couple of similarities. Aside from the fact they’re both full of estrogen, most men love them. Beer is abundant everywhere in the world in almost every refrigerator insofar as there are women in every society and town and suburb.

So far so good, right? But there’s a metaphorical problem with the metaphorical refrigerator.

The refrigerator has a thermostat that regulates the temperature of the beer insofar as society has culture to regulate the behaviour of its citizens. Now when you get a particular minority group fuck around with the thermostat …

I’m going to takea flying leap and assume that by “particular minority group” he means (((The Jews))).

… all of a sudden, things don’t taste the way they were before – this applies to women.

Work that metaphor!

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with the way they’re made… They just taste like shit now because culture has been dialled into such a shitting setting. I mean who likes drinking warm fucking beer? Simps will but not me.

Men! Always remember to properly refrigerate your women! Unless you’re a SIMP.

Edited to add: Some useful advice from Twitter.

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Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

I can report that Tesco own brand Tempranillo is definitely drinkable even though it dates back to 2018.

I make a fair bit of fruit wines. Missus had a bottle of strawberry wine last week that I made in 2002 – it were still just fine, judging by the speed it went down.

epitome of incomrepehensibility

MGTOWs: “I like my beer how I like my women…cold, ubiquitous, full of estrogen, and not tampered with by minorities.”

Last edited 4 years ago by epitome of incomrepehensibility
4 years ago

Is fruit wine made from substituting other fruits in place of grapes, or in addition to grapes?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

@epitome of incomprehensibility – I guess for these guys, tattoos and pink hair would be the equivalent of the Coors blue mountain temperature indicator.

@Threp – Heh! Haven’t visited CAMRA, but I do know people who are very…passionate about beer. Fortunately, they aren’t advocating mass shooting and demanding that the government supply everyone with free robot beer dolls. Yet.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago


Is fruit wine made from substituting other fruits in place of grapes, or in addition to grapes?

Bit either/or really. Depends on the fruit/veg you’re using – most of the time you can get away with just the fruit on it’s own, sometimes you need to add grapes or raisins to give it a little kick up in either sugars or cojoiners.

There are other wines where you need to supply most or all the sugar as sugar – tea wine is surprisingly lovely, but obviously there’s no sugar there to ferment. If you used grapes, you’d just get a high tannin normal wine.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

I wonder how these guys would react to the kind of beer found in ancient Egypt? If I’m remembering correctly, that stuff was thicker than the average British ale.

I have no dog in this fight; I don’t drink beer ‘cos health reasons. Mr. Parasol loves a good ale, though.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

that stuff was thicker than the average British ale.

“You’ve got veins in your bodies; we’ve got Boddies in our veins…”

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago



Funnily enough, I heard about ancient Egyptian beer from a Welshman who was an amateur Egyptologist. I figured if HE considered Egyptian beer to be thick….

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ Vicky P

 I heard about ancient Egyptian beer from a Welshman

The pyramid builders got a beer allowance. Around 4 or 5 litres a day.

I like that the researchers have been reproducing the beers and getting hammered.

“It’s called experimental archaeology,” McGovern explains.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
4 years ago

@GSS ex-noob:
My first thought was about the ‘women in refrigerators’ concept as well… I mean, it’s something that I and many of my friends know about, but it’s always hard to tell how wide-spread knowledge of certain ideas is, especially when you’re dealing with a group that has locked itself into its own little subculture and devised its own slang.

(I know someone who does a webcomic that jokingly titled one day’s page ‘Bechdel failure in progress’, because the page had multiple women talking together, but they were mostly talking about the one main male character, who was admittedly the new arrival at the time so it made sense to talk about him. This page happened to be posted online while I was attending a convention where the artist/writer was a guest, so I walked up to her, grinned, and quoted the title. We both shared a laugh, and she was glad that somebody had actually understood what she was referring to.)

With regards to beer being kept cold, well, I know some people who would say that the reason your standard mass-produced beer is served cold is because that’s how you deaden the taste enough to make it drinkable.

And for wine… fruit wines can indeed be made entirely without grapes. My father actually tried making rosehip wine once. It was sweet but rather thick and a bit cloudy, and it took a lot of harvesting of rosehips to make a few bottles.

4 years ago

I know this really isn’t the point, but what about the beers that are made very specifically to be drank warm??

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Speaking of unusual alcohol, one of my lovely neighbours got me some Hemp Rum. It’s made locally up at St Ives. Where they’re very big on polygamy if the rhyme is to be believed. Maybe it’s the rum?

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GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
4 years ago

@Alan: Perhaps the dead man’s fingers come from the chap in the rhyme, when the wives got tired of him.

@Jenora: I have seen you around in places where everyone knows the term, but maybe under another name?

This guy probably is fine with WiR; likely elsewhere on Reddit, he’s complaining about Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, and Rey. Especially Rey.

My dad had a bottle that was part of the Afrika Korps stash, but he didn’t get it till the 70s (relabeled with a pic of Rommel), but it was a trophy more than a drink even then. Being in the desert, then traveling so much, yeah… not worth drinking. Probably vin ordinare to begin with, and not fortified.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago


Perhaps the dead man’s fingers come from the chap in the rhyme

If he had 341 cats and 2,401 kittens I’d be surprised if he had any fingers left.

(To bring things full circle, that puzzle seems to have originated in Egypt)

comment image

4 years ago

Well while we’re on improbable things to blame the jews for, Marjorie Taylor Green thinks they have a space laser to start forest fires.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

She knows???!!!!

Ahem … I meant to say How silly of her.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

She’s totally misconstrued the actual purpose of the NopeSat™.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
4 years ago

@Alan: I did not know about the Egyptian origin. That makes me one of today’s Lucky 10,000.

He probably made the wives take care of all those cats and kittens. Maybe they sicced the kitties on him. I run in circles whereupon meeting someone new and shaking hands (like we used to in the Before Times), a usual question is “And how many cats do you have?” thanks to the hand and arm wounds.

4 years ago

@Simon: A (((Jewish))) space laser, yet.

4 years ago

Re: Fruit wine. Using gooseberries, just…don’t.

4 years ago


Well while we’re on improbable things to blame the jews for, Marjorie Taylor Green thinks they have a space laser to start forest fires.

I wonder what happens when it’s used on a forest that been raked by Finns?

Last edited 4 years ago by NewtonThePlant
Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago

@ Nequam:
Mel Brooks is hard at work on a script for Spaceballs II as we speak.

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
4 years ago

Re fruit wine: I used to know someone who made a lot of fruit wine using just the juice. Apparantly a mate worked at the local yoghurt factory where they used fruit pulp and would sometimes throw out the juice. So the mate would give him, say, a gallon of black cherry juice and in due course get a bottle of black cherry wine as a thankyou.

You can also boil up certain flowers and use that to make wine. I have fond memories of the sparkling elderflower.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ moon custafer

Mel Brooks is hard at work on a script for Spaceballs II as we speak.

Mel was 40 years ahead of the game.

Come to think of it, maybe she saw this and thought it was real!

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
4 years ago

@Alan: Stephen Colbert made that exact same joke Thursday night.

I like the Twitter advice.