Hey, everyone! Are you ready to play? Get out your (imaginary) MGTOW Jargon Bingo card and take a look at this lovely comment from a Redditor called VeritasDitum in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
Polyamory, infidelity, hypergamy, a body count in triple digits by the time they hit their 20s with their ability to pair bond screwed to hell (literally), telegony and micro-chimerism although heavily disputed by everyone propagating the female agenda, but not disproven and all this backed up by feminist forced PC culture, women voting only with emotion with the exclusion of logic, laws straight out forged by infiltration from the School of Frankford designed to destroy the Western family by targeting men and literally cutting their testicles off (metaphorically but no less effective than a scalpel).
Well, that was quite a sentence, huh? It’s sort of like reading lyrics to songs by The Fall, if Mark E. Smith had been a creepy MGTOW instead of whatever it was he was.
Did any of you get “telegony?” I didn’t know what that was, but it turns out it’s not really a thing so never mind.
But I am a little worried about the feminists literally, yet also somehow metaphorically, cutting off balls.
And I’d sure like to know more about this School of Frankford, which I’m guessing is the safety school for those who can’t get into the Frankfurt School.
Ahyhoo, our brave commenter continues on in slightly more readable prose.
No guys, Western women are the fallen and the only way for us men to win the game is not to play until the current system guts itself or is gutted by force and even then, the biological damage to our women is done.
We might just have to enjoy the sunset over the west with only our own company but at least by our own choice in the destiny that befalls us.
The West has had a good ride folks, but it has fallen victim to it’s own misplaced compassion and naïveté, rushed to its death by the spirited help of our immoral and frankly stupid women.
But we as men are not blameless, collectively we allowed the infiltration of Jacobin forces into our culture and were collectively too spineless to put a stop to the movement in the Overton Window until it reached this untenable position we find it at at present. We need to look in the mirror and accept our part of the blame for the looming destruction of this once great civilization.
That wraps things up for now. Did any of you get a bingo?
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Lumipuna, they don’t live dangerously but like to think of themselves as doing so. The idea of the hacker rebel, the pirate against the society, is pretty deeply ingrained among geeks, or at least among the one that I know. (also, male heroes in movies pretty much alway are on the “rules are meant for other” camp. The average heroic geek is a computer pirate or a genious that nobody understand, not a scientist that peer-review his finding)
As for silent leader, it’s a weasel word that anyone can easily apply to oneself. It’s self contradictory (if you’re silent you don’t lead much), and it can be interpretated as being a leader that actually act, or as being someone who inspire other through their action, or generally as a positive spin on not liking to communicate.
I started being sexually active at 19 and was a slutty mc slut face throughout my 20s. I barely made it to 50 (unique with no repeats) sex partners by my 30th birthday. But I had a job and that cut into my slutting around time, I guess. Or maybe I was just a poseur?
I was in the military for most of that time and changing duty stations regularly and going TDY (while everyone else was doing the same) while every place I was stationed had a majority of cis/het men helped my “body count” quite a lot. I really don’t know how cis/het women in the civilian world would manage over a hundred!
Oh cool, we’re inventing new ways that wolf sociology doesn’t actually work!
You seem like you were thinking kind of like I was. There just aren’t enough guys who I’m physically attracted to *and* who enjoy what I require for me to ever get into the hundreds. It’s taken nearly a year and a lot of work (and even harder because of COVID restrictions) for me to find and select the five I have now. It’s just not that easy. I really want six because that number works for a performance art piece I have in mind and also I just want that number but suitable ones aren’t easy to find. And it’s not like I could just go to a casting manager or talent group like regular performers because my art is intertwined with my life and each of my guys has to be trained intensively. I have an assistant now that does the actual training but I still have to devote a lot of personal attention to monitoring the training and step in personally sometimes for correction. That all adds up to a lot of effort for one guy for him and I to be good partners for each other, even when I do find one. I am grateful for the five I do have. They are rare. Hundreds is hard to conceive except in the wildest imagination.
Notice how MGTOWs complain that we are so “unreasonable” in our standards and yet we still have all these hundreds and hundreds?
A variation on “the enemy is simultaneously weak and strong”?
Yes, that’s exactly what it is.
Re: the first post: What?
Hint, hint: we’re not “your” women, and sex with lots of people doesn’t damage a woman’s DNA (if that’s what he means by the pseudoscience stuff).
For the record, my number of sexual partners ever: 1.
Note that in my 20s, I was sort of looking forward to being a 40-year-old virgin. My reasoning: I thought it’d be funny because there was a movie with that title, except I would be different by being a woman, albeit with a similar eco-nerdy aesthetic. Main character in it always biked to work (I’m 32 now and I wish I could, but it’s too far away to be practical).
You see, as a writer, I am inspired by great art! but not enough to maintain my precious chastity! THE WEST HAS FALLEN!
“Misplaced compassion”.
I, and presumably most moral human beings, wholly reject the notion that compassion can be misplaced. Compassion is one of those things that drives humans to be social, and our social, cooperative nature is the reason we still exist and stuff.
Also, triple digit body counts? I’ve been actively trying to be sluttier and I’m at seven. Also just a few years ago I’m pretty sure they were saying it was double digit counts. Man, they think we have a lot more sex than we do.
@ sandra
I’m not so sure about that. I can think of situations where compassion would, to me at least, be misplaced.
For instance when people seek sympathy for offenders rather than victims.
A common example perhaps being the ‘me too’ fallout; when people are more sympathetic to men whose “life has been ruined” than the women who dared to speak out.
I know quite a few people who’ve had sex with a hundred or more people. Mostly, there were times in their lives where they and their social circles had sex with most new people they met.
I wouldn’t be surprised if telegony actually makes it into their ever growing lexicon complete with its own definition since these goofs have so much time on their hands to come up with something this immature.
Get a real hobby ya goofs!!
I did get a headache. Does that count?