Hey, everyone! Are you ready to play? Get out your (imaginary) MGTOW Jargon Bingo card and take a look at this lovely comment from a Redditor called VeritasDitum in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
Polyamory, infidelity, hypergamy, a body count in triple digits by the time they hit their 20s with their ability to pair bond screwed to hell (literally), telegony and micro-chimerism although heavily disputed by everyone propagating the female agenda, but not disproven and all this backed up by feminist forced PC culture, women voting only with emotion with the exclusion of logic, laws straight out forged by infiltration from the School of Frankford designed to destroy the Western family by targeting men and literally cutting their testicles off (metaphorically but no less effective than a scalpel).
Well, that was quite a sentence, huh? It’s sort of like reading lyrics to songs by The Fall, if Mark E. Smith had been a creepy MGTOW instead of whatever it was he was.
Did any of you get “telegony?” I didn’t know what that was, but it turns out it’s not really a thing so never mind.
But I am a little worried about the feminists literally, yet also somehow metaphorically, cutting off balls.
And I’d sure like to know more about this School of Frankford, which I’m guessing is the safety school for those who can’t get into the Frankfurt School.
Ahyhoo, our brave commenter continues on in slightly more readable prose.
No guys, Western women are the fallen and the only way for us men to win the game is not to play until the current system guts itself or is gutted by force and even then, the biological damage to our women is done.
We might just have to enjoy the sunset over the west with only our own company but at least by our own choice in the destiny that befalls us.
The West has had a good ride folks, but it has fallen victim to it’s own misplaced compassion and naïveté, rushed to its death by the spirited help of our immoral and frankly stupid women.
But we as men are not blameless, collectively we allowed the infiltration of Jacobin forces into our culture and were collectively too spineless to put a stop to the movement in the Overton Window until it reached this untenable position we find it at at present. We need to look in the mirror and accept our part of the blame for the looming destruction of this once great civilization.
That wraps things up for now. Did any of you get a bingo?
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If you know of someone with a body count in the triple digits, you should call the police. That is one prolific serial killer!
On Kellyanne Conway, Claudia put out a video a few weeks ago saying that when the police visited the house when she (or maybe someone else? Idk) called regarding the abuse, the police took Kellyanne’s side and recommended she confiscate Claudia’s phone. So that adds another level of ACAB fuckery to it.
I don’t think so either. We have emotions for a reason.
@Seth S
Fair, I read it as them calling out themselves yet asserting that they should still be in power.
@Full Metal Ox
That’s a good way of putting it. Objectivism is based in the idea that the world revolves around her, and anyone either agrees with her or is wrong.
Wat the f is “micro-chimerism” ? All I get is odd birth ..thing
@Cyborgette: That’s really beyond the pale, Kellyanne doing that to her own child. I thought she was an attorney…if nothing else, doesn’t she realize what she’s doing is a crime? Or, she realizes, and she’s so arrogant she thinks she’ll get away with it?
Related: I read somewhere that one of the Capitol rioters threatened to shoot his kids, if they dared to turn him in to the police for his part in the riot.
@Elizabeth: I thought Jacobin was a furniture style?, or maybe an architectural style. It may be.
RE: Micro-chimerism. I started to research this term, then decided it wasn’t worth my time.
I’m guessing that Kellyanne expects her political stature to protect her. This is someone who spent 4 years in the Trump administration and just now might be realizing that actions have consequences.
Semi related because doofy MGTOW terms. Look at this hilarious description of “Sigma Males”
@Dormousing_it, I mean she might very well get away with it, judging from how well connected she is. Elite criminal impunity is the name of the game here.
Talking with friends who have some experience with stuff like this, I’m increasingly unsure if anything can be done, at least by strangers on the Internet. It sounds like reports to authorities wind up coming back to Kellyanne and leading to further coercion, so… IDK. It makes my blood boil but I just have no idea what would help, other than people providing Claudia with continued listening and emotional support where possible.
And yes, it really is far beyond the pale… and yet it’s also so disgustingly normal. We live in a culture that basically considers children to be their parents’ sexual property – mostly daughters of their fathers, but not exclusively. A culture where men ogling their nieces is normalized, where men sexually abusing their stepdaughters is epidemic, where teenagers and young adults who complain still get Freudian victim-blaming trotted out at them; and that’s just among the general public. Among the rich and powerful, well, I can quote Sarah Kendzior for instance:
(And most of you already know this stuff so I’m just preaching to the choir, but… IDK. It’s just so bleak. The US really is the new Rome, and it gets to me. Even our new White Male Savior President is a known rapist… Shit is so exhausting.)
I can’t stop thinking of the Sigma Male as the sum of all males.
Micro chimerism is a real phenomen where a pregnant women is partially chimerized with cells from her unborn child. Thoses cells usually persist for the rest of the women life, and seemingly help to make sure the immune system don’t reject the baby.
Now, AFAIK, the amount of cell is tiny. It’s not certain that microchimerism have any purpose or impact, and it’s pretty much certain that it don’t do what thoses bozos think it do.
@WWTH : the “sigma trait” from your link are rather visibly made to apply to the self image of most males, especially the younger and geek one. I agree that it’s so over the top that it’s funny, but it’s also chilling. It’s a reminder that manipulation isn’t subtle, and don’t need to be subtle as long as it say what people want to hear.
I do think about that sigma when reading that :
He isn’t evil enough to be a MGTOW tho. He just want to genocide his opponent, he don’t want to make them suffer before, and that place him as morally superiors to theses bozos.
I mean, it kind of is
@Full Metal Ox,
Only if said monastery was staffed and occupied only by other MGTOWS. Let’s not force the guys who genuinely went their own way from the world to put up with a bunch of whiny posers who’d complain constantly that there’s no pizza and burgers to eat when they want, no WiFi to game with anytime they want, and forced to follow a tight sleep schedule all the time. The miggies can keep themselves company, like they do on their forums already.
@ Cyborgette,
Been a while since I last heard of anyone using actual Morse Code to send out an SOS. Though more seriously, the more recent posts in that thread (that I saw, anyway) seem to indicate that the girl’s best option right now is grab some cash and a change or two of clothes, and get the heck out of Dodge. It doesn’t sound like any of the services who are supposed to help her in her situation are wanting to get involved with this mess.
Microchimerism is a real thing:
Though how this MTGOW is using/defining this term I have no idea. Maybe he thinks micrchimerism is the way women achieve telegony?
ETA: ninja’d by a few folks here. Oops.
Cheating, poly amory, failed pair bonds, hypergamy
Body counts, microchim’, telegony
Frankford School, balls ravaged, no logic, bio damage
Jacobin, Overton, force-fem PC
I think he means the manosphere theory that women somehow take on the traits of men they have sex with (see here and here), which is nonsense.
I’ve gotten too used to deciphering how these idiots think. I’m pretty sure that “triple-digit body count” is not a reference to serial killing, but slutting around like the slutty sluts some misogynists think all women are.
While there do exist women with more than 100 lifetime casual partners, I’m wondering how anyone manages that. If you don’t count sex work, my “body count” is only about 20, if you do count my time as a sex worker, I never kept track, but I’m pretty sure that the total is considerably less than 100. (I had a lot of repeat clients.) Unless most women are lying to me, I’m pretty sure that’s mostly not a thing.
I’m wondering if the phrase “body count” as used here is in any way related to the term “virgin killer”, which is a messed-up fantasy idea of women/girls going around stealing boys’ precious virginities. It’s probably just this particular idiot thinking of sex entirely in terms of sex as using other people’s bodies, but I have to wonder anyway.
Unfortunately the term ‘body count’ is in common use in many circles. I genuinely don’t know how many people I’ve had sex(ual contact) with, but probably less than 100, and I’m notable promiscuous.
I expect she means GRS.
IIRC according to surveys the average is about 4 for women and 6 for men over a lifetime (though these figures may be off because men tend to inflate their totals while women are likely to reduce theirs because of patriarchal standards). As a result, I’d imagine there are very few women who do have 100+ partners. I can, however, think of a few ways it would be possible:
To be honest I think it’s rare for anyone of any gender to have 100+ partner. first of all you’d have to find 100 people to being with that you get along with, and then you have to be sexually attracted to all those people, and then that makes it even less when you consider the amount of people that are only attracted to one gender. But you want to also put that into the context of having all of that before you reach the age of 20! no, a good chunk of people don’t even have their first sexual encounter until their later 20’s anyways!
@Naglfar: I’m not sure that orgies/group sex is a particularly realistic way to get that many sex partners. As far as I’m aware, such things happen almost entirely within semi-closed communities of a few dozen people; even if a large chunk of them are bisexual, you’re going to run out of people you haven’t been with fairly quickly, and new/replacement members will come in only as a slow trickle.
Also, yikes on the twins. I did the math, and even if that’s just sex-for-pay transactions and not distinct individuals, that’s an average of 9.2 people per day, every single day. I assume they had days off, so higher on days they actually worked. While I did enjoy doing sex work, that would have been way too much.
Telegony…isn’t that the new Microsoft 2-in-1 computer?
Fair enough, I’ve never been to an orgy and don’t really know how much orgy groups intermix with each other/with outsiders.
As for the twins, another thing I find notable is that one is still working (the other retired due to arthritis), which a) probably makes her the oldest active sex worker and b) completely tears down the manosphere idea of “The Wall,” as this implies that there is a market for septuagenarian sex workers. I do imagine she’s slowed down somewhat, it must be very hard on her body at that age.
About the “Polyamory, infidelity, hypergamy, a body count in triple digits” stuff, maybe this person is as bad as i am in english and this person believes the old proverb “You can lie (down) one time with 1000 persons, but you can not lie (down) 1000 times with one person” ?
Ohlmann, on “sigma men”
When I look in the mirror, I see a tall dork stranger.
More seriously, I thought most of those traits were ambiguous, or perhaps described in slang I’m not familiar with. Though possibly it was actually made to just fit the author’s self image and appeal to many other men is coincidental?
Ambiguity is indeed a feature for that kind of “cold read”-like characteristic. There’s still difference between people so the goal is to let the target fill in the blank.
That being said, things like “being antisocial” or “risk-prone” are way more targeted at young, geeky males, because they are thought as qualities in that demographics, while for other peoples and especially women it’s seen as strange and unnerving.
I never thought “geeky” males are the ones who aspire to live fast and dangerously, even when they’re young.
Also what does “silent leader” mean and how does it square with various notions of being socially self-sufficient?