Dunning–Kruger effect hypergamy MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW Bingo Party!

Hey, everyone! Are you ready to play? Get out your (imaginary) MGTOW Jargon Bingo card and take a look at this lovely comment from a Redditor called VeritasDitum in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

Polyamory, infidelity, hypergamy, a body count in triple digits by the time they hit their 20s with their ability to pair bond screwed to hell (literally), telegony and micro-chimerism although heavily disputed by everyone propagating the female agenda, but not disproven and all this backed up by feminist forced PC culture, women voting only with emotion with the exclusion of logic, laws straight out forged by infiltration from the School of Frankford designed to destroy the Western family by targeting men and literally cutting their testicles off (metaphorically but no less effective than a scalpel).

Well, that was quite a sentence, huh? It’s sort of like reading lyrics to songs by The Fall, if Mark E. Smith had been a creepy MGTOW instead of whatever it was he was.

Did any of you get “telegony?” I didn’t know what that was, but it turns out it’s not really a thing so never mind.

But I am a little worried about the feminists literally, yet also somehow metaphorically, cutting off balls.

And I’d sure like to know more about this School of Frankford, which I’m guessing is the safety school for those who can’t get into the Frankfurt School.

Ahyhoo, our brave commenter continues on in slightly more readable prose.

No guys, Western women are the fallen and the only way for us men to win the game is not to play until the current system guts itself or is gutted by force and even then, the biological damage to our women is done.

We might just have to enjoy the sunset over the west with only our own company but at least by our own choice in the destiny that befalls us.

The West has had a good ride folks, but it has fallen victim to it’s own misplaced compassion and naïveté, rushed to its death by the spirited help of our immoral and frankly stupid women.

But we as men are not blameless, collectively we allowed the infiltration of Jacobin forces into our culture and were collectively too spineless to put a stop to the movement in the Overton Window until it reached this untenable position we find it at at present. We need to look in the mirror and accept our part of the blame for the looming destruction of this once great civilization.

That wraps things up for now. Did any of you get a bingo?

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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

Still waiting for MGTOWs to go their own way, and enjoy their woman-free hobbies and intellectual pursuits. Are we there yet? Nope, looks like we’re still in the “obsessing about women” phase.

Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
4 years ago

I did not, sadly, achieve a Bingo.
I did, however, achieve UNO, finish the Times crossword, and get Yahtzee (twice).

I have no fucking idea how I got the UNO or the double Yahtzee, inasmuch as both are numerical in nature, but that piece of psudoliterate drivel was a gold mine for the crossword.

Correction Automatique
Correction Automatique
4 years ago

Well, those are all words. Mostly.

4 years ago

Alternative game: take a deep breath in and try to read the first sentence as far as you can in one breath. I made it to the end, but barely.

Polyamory, infidelity, hypergamy, a body count in triple digits by the time they hit their 20s with their ability to pair bond screwed to hell (literally)

I’m picturing this being screamed by Alex Jones or similar at a rally somewhere.

telegony and micro-chimerism although heavily disputed by everyone propagating the female agenda

Translation: heavily disputed by reality.

all this backed up by feminist forced PC culture

Damn feminists stole my MacBook!

women voting only with emotion with the exclusion of logic

As opposed to the super rational MGTOWs who voted for a fascist because they were insecure in themselves.

laws straight out forged by infiltration from the School of Frankford designed to destroy the Western family by targeting men and literally cutting their testicles off (metaphorically but no less effective than a scalpel).

Wait, so the laws literally cut off testicles, but don’t use a scalpel? Is this some sort of state mandated anti androgen regime? If only getting feminizing HRT was that easy.

the only way for us men to win the game is not to play until the current system guts itself or is gutted by force and even then, the biological damage to our women is done.

I assume that WarGames comes up on MGTOW movie night following The Matrix, Fight Club, and The Great Gatsby. That’ll give them plenty to misinterpret.

We might just have to enjoy the sunset over the west with only our own company but at least by our own choice in the destiny that befalls us.

So, is it a choice or is it destiny? Make up your mind.

the movement in the Overton Window until it reached this untenable position we find it at at present.

When you’re right but in the wrong way for all the wrong reasons.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
4 years ago

Do these guys really think that average teenage girl is able to sleep with a hundred different guys by the time they reach 20. Like maybe slept a hundred different times between two guys maybe, But I can’t imagine anyone can be that stupid to think someone has slept with a 100 Different guys by the time they reach 20, at least not willing.

Full Metal Ox
4 years ago

@Policy of Madness:

Still waiting for MGTOWs to go their own way, and enjoy their woman-free hobbies and intellectual pursuits. Are we there yet? Nope, looks like we’re still in the “obsessing about women” phase.

A monastery might not instill respect for women, but it might at least teach these guys some constructive activity like winemaking, kung fu, or choral singing.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

@some misogynist:

Polyamory, infidelity, hypergamy, a body count in triple digits by the time they hit their 20s

A little math and knowledge of population numbers shows that this amounts to a claim that the adult women of America have murdered the entire population of the planet twice over.

Oddly, I see no evidence that this has occurred.

But we as men are not blameless, collectively we allowed the infiltration of Jacobin forces into our culture

Eyaaaaaagh! Reds under the bed! Run! Run! And ask the cinema proprietor to find more modern fare! Giant ants, the Blob, stop-motion fifty-foot lizards and women, and reds under the bed are sooooo 1950s.

And after you die, if you meet Joseph McCarthy in Hell, tell him I said fuuuuuuck you!

@Full Metal Ox:

A monastery might not instill respect for women, but it might at least teach these guys some constructive activity like winemaking, kung fu, or choral singing

I’m not sure we want these churglegoomphs knowing things like kung fu. Someone might get hurt.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

No bingo, just a headache.

@Full Metal Ox

They’re already grand master level whinemakers.

Last edited 4 years ago by Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

@Surplus : an european monastery is ideal. Vows of chastity, can never see a woman, no dangerous side activity, provide cheese and beer who can be of use.

I like how he say litteraly and then clarify he mean metaphorically. I know that litteraly is an auto-antonym, but still.

4 years ago

So this is way OT, but

Kellyanne Conway distributed revenge porn of her own daughter, Claudia Conway, as punishment for going public about her abusive parenting.

If you can make time to call NJ Gov. Phil Murphy’s office, please do. This needs intervention.

4 years ago

Wow, the things I learn (?) – and which I now can’t unlearn – reading this site. I had no idea that the term “Jacobin” meant anything in the US. Reading that originally I thought they were referring to the British monarch James I…and wondering what the hell I was missing with a reference to British people from the 1600s.

It’s too early for this shit.

4 years ago

I didn’t get a bingo, mostly because I didn’t understand a single word of the diatribe above. But that’s the thing about delusions. They only barely have to make sense to the sufferer.

4 years ago

I knew Kellyanne Conway was an awful person, but I didn’t realize she was that awful. I’ll call today.

Seth S
Seth S
4 years ago

all this backed up by feminist forced PC culture,…
laws straight out forged by infiltration from the School of Frankford designed to destroy the Western family by targeting men 

But we as men are not blameless, collectively we allowed the infiltration of Jacobin forces into our culture

Boy…. you gotta love when they bemoan the downfall of our civilization and the conclusion they basically came to is “we blame ourselves because we should have misogynied EVEN HARDER”….

4 years ago

That revenge porn thing is one of the vilest act I have seen. Won’t call because I am french, but the daughter seriously need protection and/or foster parents oO

@Elizabeth : Jacobin come from revolutionary french politics. It’s linked to the Terror, and of course here it’s deeply misused. If anything, the americain republicans are way more on the jacobin side than their opponent.

(albeit it’s one of theses political movement where context is key, so really any attempt to talk about modern jacobins would have to distort the original meaning a lot. It would be like claiming Trump is a bonapartist ; you can draw comparison but that would be just as much of a stretch)

4 years ago

So obsessed with telegony myth. In their creepy warped minds it’s not possible is it that some cishet women might be polyamorous and kinky and actually prefer other sexual expression besides intercourse.

4 years ago

Polyamory, infidelity, hypergamy, a body count in triple digits by the time they hit their 20s with their ability to pair bond screwed to hell (literally)

Hey MGTOW creeps:

Polyamory: yes, and how dare you question it.

Infidelity: I don’t have to be “faithful” by your patriarchal standards. I choose the men I want, when I want.

“Body count” yes, I not only count the beautiful bodies kneeling before me but admire them and the souls that accompany them.

“Pair bond” that’s your code word for a relationship controlled by you. Fuck you MGTOWs in my relationships I’m in control.

4 years ago

@Seth S
What I like is how they claim that men bear the responsibility, but somehow that means men should continue to be in power. Then again, these are the kinds of people who think Trump should still be president despite losing the election by 74 electoral votes and 7,000,000 popular votes, so that tracks.

There is also a contemporary left-leaning magazine in the US called Jacobin, they may be referring to that.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I like how he believes telegony is disputed, not because it’s complete and utter bunk (with the exception of one specific fly species), but because shadowy people with white coats and beakers want to advance the feminist agenda. As if science is some sort of zero-sum tug of war between men’s rights and women’s rights.

Of course, if you’re talking about the Greek epic poem, no one disputes the existence of that.

women voting only with emotion with the exclusion of logic

When I think “emotional voters”, QAnon supporters and explosively angry white supremacists are the first things that come to mind.

Last edited 4 years ago by Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
4 years ago

I don’t think any human is capable of making a choice without emotion being a part of it in some way.

Seth S
Seth S
4 years ago


I saw it more as the usual narcissist’s act to garner pity in their collective misery-wank. If a narcissist can’t have the admiration of their target, and doesn’t have the ability to manipulate others to attack their target, pity is usually their next choice, even if they’re just wallowing in it as a group and it’s mostly self-aimed. These guys, like most narcissists, don’t even know what actual personal responsibility is. Most of MGTOW is really just patriarchy-flavored narcissism.

4 years ago


IIRC the supporters of King James were Jacobites. The Jacobins were Robespierre’s party in the French Revolution and its aftermath.

4 years ago

I’m a feminist, and I literally did cut off a pair of testicles (not metaphorically)

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
4 years ago


Was it a steer?

Full Metal Ox
4 years ago

@Elaine the Witch:

I don’t think any human is capable of making a choice without emotion being a part of it in some way.

Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio backs you up: people with damage to the emotion-generating parts of the brain often find themselves in a state of decision paralysis (the old parable of the donkey starving when confronted with two identical and equidistant bales of hay comes to mind):

(And then you have Ayn Rand, who resolutely held that any choice whatsoever had one rationally-mandated answer; for example, she happened to like James Bond, Rachmaninoff, and tap-dancing, and you had to share those tastes to qualify for your Rational Card and be part of her Objectivist clique; the more I read about her, the more she comes across as a high-school Queen Bee with a smokecloud of philosophical self-justification: all the cool kids will wear pink cat hoodies on Friday, because that’s the rational aesthetic course of action.

Oh, and I forgot smoking. That was a Rationality Litmus Test, too—rationality required you to imbibe of the Promethean Flame.)

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