chad incels whaaaaa?

Women only breastfeed their male babies if they’re hot, incel insists

Not cute enough

I learn new things on every day. Today I learned that only Chad babies are breastfed.

Foids can't stand the idea of a subhuman touching their bodies, even if that creature is their own son. When a foid takes her son for the first time, she instinctively does a quick check, and if she detects any anomaly, she will not breastfeed him. Think about it. Why do you think they make so many baby formulas when everybody knows the best thing for the newborn is the milk from his mom? I guarantee you that most of you weren't breastfed, or probably you were only for a couple of days until your mom gathered enough money to buy the baby formula. Oh, imagine her torture of seeing you sucking her sacred breast reserved only for Chad! She still has nightmares of that, I guarantee you that.

Uh, what?

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Why do you think they make so many baby formulas

Haven’t a scooby mate.

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Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

Okay so my cousin’s baby was the ugliest baby I had ever seen in my life. He looked like a piglet when he was born, to her he was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Now he’s like 4 and he’s a cuter kid but I didn’t know a baby could be ugly until I saw him. My point is is that a mother doesn’t see her child as ugly even if it is. The rest of the world can see a baby that looks like a piglet hybrid and she will see the beautiful little human that he is. that’s why the saying “has a face only a mother could love” exists. Incels, if your mother is ashamed of you it’s probably because your a winy little entitled shit and she can’t understand where she went wrong in raising you, has nothing to do with what you look like.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
3 years ago

Yes. This is 100% true. That’s why girl babies are never breastfed ever and probably why they always end up subhuman, from lack of breast nutrients and special boob vitamins during infancy. It’s a sad, but natural, self-reinforcing circle of subhumanity. The only humans that ever break out of this loop are the naturally beautiful Chads who get breastmilk and Stacies who…

… you know I’m not sure how Stacies ever break out of the no-breastmilk doom spiral. Maybe their mothers are too stupid to realise they are girls and mistake them for Chad babies? Someone help me out here, I failed incel biology, straight 0 points F in that class. 🙁 I blame it on the lack of breastmilk in my uggo infancy.

Last edited 3 years ago by Big Titty Demon
3 years ago

This is beside the point, but I’m finding it rather disturbing that incels are assuming that mothers may find their sons sexually attractive. It implies that incels find newborn babies attractive and are projecting, which is really creepy (though not unexpected).

she instinctively does a quick check, and if she detects any anomaly

While I imagine many parents look at their children after they are born, I don’t think it’s “checking for anomalies” so much as seeing their new child. The phrasing makes me imagine they’re looking for distortions of space-time around their child, which potentially could be an issue.

Also, wouldn’t this imply that male children of lesbian couples are never breastfed? Though I’m guessing incels avoid this question with their theory that lesbians don’t exist.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


It’s very common for a new mothers milk to simply dry up after a baby is born as well. The body is a strange thing and reacts to stress strangely. My friend’s milk did that as she went through postpartum depression. It didn’t help at all that the depression just made her feel more like a faliure for that happening.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

Jesus fuck.

That’s all I got. A blasphemous/profane response that makes exactly as much sense as this idea.

@Naglfar: Nobody in their right mind would breastfeed a baby who’s manifesting space-time anomalies. You might lose body parts to a parallel universe. Grab a bottle and a quantum physicist, stat.

3 years ago

@Big Titty Demon

Girls get breastfed because their dad (or the mother current Chad) recognise through subtle hint in the wrist size and jaw line that the baby will turn into a Stacy or into a feminist landwhale and tell mothers if its okay to breastfeed or not.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
3 years ago

I can’t believe it’s necessary to point out that babies are neither hot or not hot. Because they’re babies. But here we are.

Keep incels away from girl babies. They probably somehow are evaluating baby hotness and are projecting that shit onto women.

Ugh. Barf.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Elaine the Witch:

It’s very common for a new mothers milk to simply dry up after a baby is born as well. The body is a strange thing and reacts to stress strangely. My friend’s milk did that as she went through postpartum depression. It didn’t help at all that the depression just made her feel more like a faliure for that happening.

If lactation were such an automatic, trustworthy, and foolproof process, why are sources like Culpeper’s full of old wives’ recipes to increase breast milk?

3 years ago

If the ancestor of the Platypus hadn’t nabbed all those black market Evolution Tokens…

3 years ago

I’ve had this hypothesis for a while, and I think it’s ripe enough to share it: The whole incel philosophy is based around the idea that all affection is and can only be sexual.
Think about it… women pet dogs ergo women have sex with dogs, women breastfeed babies ergo women find babies sexy, women like horses et cetera.
It seems to me that Incels have put sex on such high a pedestal that every form of positive interaction can only be explained through it.

Seth S
Seth S
3 years ago

As a man who’s given birth and tried to breastfeed, shit’s not as easy as it looks, bro, especially for first timers. That’s why hospitals usually offer consultants who return again and again to tweak technique to make sure baby is latching right and getting enough and make sure the ducts are being emptied properly to prevent discomfort, and ensure good output is maintained and you’re not getting too chafed (one of the most common uses for lanolin over the centuries, I believe).

Of course breastfeeding is hard. That’s why wet-nursing used to be a well paying gig for people who were especially good at it. This is why we’re a social species that does a lot better in groups…. someone can get employed by a wealthy couple to nurse their little ones because mum can’t.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

It’s been a long, long time since incels or their brothers in hate could shock me. Sorry, uglyme — guy with the story about mothers allowing only their sexually desirable infant sons to breastfeed and forcing their sexually undesirable infant sons to drink formula — this story isn’t stupefying. It’s just stupid, something you pulled from your ass. Nothing, nothing an incel writes could shock me. That said, sometimes an incel does surprise me by using correct grammar and correct spelling throughout his entire post. But would an incel think to thank his (probably female) grade school teachers for teaching him these skills? Nah.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
3 years ago


Girls get breastfed because their dad (or the mother current Chad) recognise through subtle hint in the wrist size and jaw line that the baby will turn into a Stacy or into a feminist landwhale and tell mothers if its okay to breastfeed or not.

Oh duh, I didn’t think of this before but of course I immediately recognize the truth. Only a Chad would be naturally suited to pick up those subtle hints, a woman would be certain to make a mistake and breastfeed a future feminazi and who knows what kind of disaster would ensue if a baby like that got the champagne of infant vintages!

@Full Metal AOC

If lactation were such an automatic, trustworthy, and foolproof process, why are sources like Culpeper’s full of old wives’ recipes to increase breast milk?

It’s for the benefit of the Chad’s insatiable appetites, not the babies. You know boobs and milk are really for Chad.

Edit: Autocorrect typo’d your name but I kind of like the concept. I’m imagining AOC throwing out some sweet alchemy.

Last edited 3 years ago by Big Titty Demon
3 years ago

This whole screed reminds me of the Spartans throwing their babies over the cliff thing but somehow even conceptually dumber.

3 years ago

I for one would breastfeed my newborn son if space time warped around him. That look like a future cool kid, and any amount of bad thing that could happen with that also look fun.

@Naglfar : I think your hypothesis that they project their own sexual attraction to newborn is overthought. Rather, he simply express in incel term the fear of being rejected, or not loved, by its parents. In a gross way, because incel.

3 years ago

Maybe I’ve been buying too much shit off Ebay recently, but that “checking for anomalies” bit sounded more like unboxing a new purchase than any mother/baby interaction. Send that kid back for a refund, and don’t forget to leave negative feedback.

Jesus Christ. No matter how low my self esteem is, when I read something like this I think “I may be garbage, but at least I’m not as broken as this guy”.

3 years ago


Keep incels away from girl babies.

I’d say keep them away from babies period, they probably also will assault any baby they think will be a Chad to reduce competition.

@Big Titty Demon

Only a Chad would be naturally suited to pick up those subtle hints, a woman would be certain to make a mistake and breastfeed a future feminazi and who knows what kind of disaster would ensue if a baby like that got the champagne of infant vintages!

This would also tie back to their belief that single mothers are more likely to raise feminist landwhales: because a single mother wouldn’t have an available Chad to tell her about the baby’s looks.


I for one would breastfeed my newborn son if space time warped around him. That look like a future cool kid, and any amount of bad thing that could happen with that also look fun.

Well, it’s all fun and games until your nipples start experiencing Lorentz transformation.

3 years ago

What about all of us who happened to be born at a time, at least in the US, when breastfeeding wasn’t the ‘in’ thing to do? When my sister and I were born, there was the idea that only poor women breastfed.

It seems kind of dumb, to spend money on formula when a new mother’s body is supposed to produce milk. (I know that’s not always the case.)

Both my sister and I got formula. I’m told that my sister, as a newborn, looked like a plucked chicken. She was fowl.

3 years ago

Literally every new baby I have ever seen has looked like a pink or brown W.C. Fields.

3 years ago

They live in a realm of pure imagination.

3 years ago

And they don’t even make candy!

3 years ago


It seems to me that Incels have put sex on such high a pedestal that every form of positive interaction can only be explained through it.

That makes a lot of sense (and very well put).

I think it isn’t only affection and positive interaction, though. Sex is also the only lens through which they can understand a person having worth. They don’t even want sex for the physical pleasure (let alone enjoying giving and receiving pleasure with another human being): they want it because of the status they perceive it will grant them (even if in their eyes it would only take them from “subhuman” to “normal”). Evidently they even think a child’s worth to their own parent is based on the child’s (eventual, I hope) sexual attractiveness.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago


Let’s not forget that some babies aren’t brought up by the people who bore them; I was adopted at the age of two-and-a-half months.

@Big Titty Demon:

Edit: Autocorrect typo’d your name but I kind of like the concept. I’m imagining AOC throwing out some sweet alchemy.

Your autocorrect has paid me a generous and unwarranted compliment.

3 years ago


I think it isn’t only affection and positive interaction, though. Sex is also the only lens through which they can understand a person having worth. They don’t even want sex for the physical pleasure (let alone enjoying giving and receiving pleasure with another human being): they want it because of the status they perceive it will grant them

I think this exists beyond incels, too. A lot of men see sex as a status thing because of toxic masculinity, and I think this is the motivation behind things like PUA. They don’t want connections and it’s not about pleasure, it’s just about status and how they wish to be perceived from the sex they’re having.

Last edited 3 years ago by Naglfar
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