MGTOW misogyny

“If you can train dogs, you can absolutely train women,” MGTOW Redditor declares

Dogs don’t want to be trained by MGTOWs either

Over in the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars are again discussing the nature of women, as they are wont to do. Are women innately slutty and evil, or do they just not know any better?

One gentleman called mrcl_hrz comes down on the “they don’t know any better” side of the question, suggesting that women can be taught to overcome their slutty instincts.

“If you can train dogs, you can absolutely train women,” mrcl_hrz writes.

They are human after all, and not less intelligent than men.

I mean, it’s not like women are evil by nature or something. … The problem is that here in the west, women are raised to be degenerate subhumans, while men are becoming more and more servile and are exploited through and through.

In the world of the MGTOWs, this would be considered a moderate position on the “Woman Question.”

This society REWARDS women for undermining civilization. It cheers for “emancipation” (translation: being degenerate cumdumpsters), makes them non-accountable for destroying relationships (especially marriages), then gives them everything men own after a divorce AND they even get to keep and raise the children.

I’m sure MGTOWs would make such good fathers.

The problem is not the biology, but our current society. And most of those bad influences come from america, because all those degenerate subhumans who weren’t welcome in europe fled to america 200 years ago, and now, they brought their degenerate subhuman culture back to us. And in a few days, the degenerate subhumans will put on of them in the most powerful office in the world.

I’m not what you’d call a big fan of Joe Biden, but I had no idea he was a degenerate subhuman. I poked around some more in mrcl_hrz’s posting history and learned that the US is run by “a giant coalition of leftist fools, feminist landwhales and other subhumans.”

If only.

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4 years ago

When i was little I was really though quick sand was dangerous because episodes of Scooby doo used to show it being really dangerous and we’ll Velma said it was and she was the smart one so obviously i had to listen to velma.

4 years ago

@Naglfar I haven’t made that connection before but that’s really true! Not to shame anyone’s tastes (I love a good paint-by-numbers movie) but I imagine the MGTOWs response to any films with more depth or that do not directly cater to them would be confusion and anger, so their horizons never get broadened on that front.

4 years ago

AFAIK, quicksands are about as dangerous as bears. I.E. on most encounter you won’t even notice some were here, with proper preparation you can survive a dangerous encounter, but if you’re unprepared or panicking odds are not in your favor.

4 years ago


AFAIK, quicksands are about as dangerous as bears. I.E. on most encounter you won’t even notice some were here, with proper preparation you can survive a dangerous encounter, but if you’re unprepared or panicking odds are not in your favor.

I recently watched a youtube video on the subject, which talks about how the popular idea of quicksand is largely a myth, and how to survive it. It also mentions the quicksand fetish Angiportus Librarysaver referred to (I guess rule 34 even applies to colloids).

4 years ago

It’s true! You can train women! Many women get “vocational training” so that they can get JOBS, which must be terrifying to the MGTOWs.
4 years ago

Wasn’t “we can train dog, we can train woman” a joke in the original Borat?

4 years ago


I imagine the MGTOWs response to any films with more depth or that do not directly cater to them would be confusion and anger, so their horizons never get broadened on that front.

Whenever they try to interpret movies with more complexity they usually seem to miss the point entirely. For instance, their hilariously wrong interpretations of The Matrix, Fight Club, or other films.


I guess rule 34 even applies to colloids

Now I must determine whether slime girls are colloids.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Fight Club

Fight Club is just Calvin & Hobbes now they’ve grown up.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ Angiportus Librarysaver

In view of your username, you might find this interesting.

For anyone else who might be up for it; it’s this:

Burning the Books: A History of the Deliberate Destruction of Knowledge 

Richard Ovenden OBE, Bodley’s Librarian, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford 

and author of ‘Burning the Books: A History of the Deliberate Destruction of Knowledge’ 

In conversation with Dr. Raquel Ukeles, Head of Collections, National Library of Israel

Oh, it’s on Monday. 6 in the evening UK time.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@Naglfar Ha! Yes I remember reading a Return of Kings review of Ex Machina that was probably the least thoughtful or perceptive thing ever committed to print.

4 years ago


Whenever they try to interpret movies with more complexity they usually seem to miss the point entirely. For instance, their hilariously wrong interpretations of The MatrixFight Club, or other films.

It isn’t just the “complicated” stuff they miss. In The Matrix, they all missed the fact that the literal function of the red pill is that whoever takes it “gets woke!”

They also spent two years screeching about how “Rian Johnson wants to let the past die and kill it if you have to!” And I’ve heard a handful who think that the main theme of The Incredibles was “if everyone is special, then no one is special.” They couldn’t even figure out that the characters who say those two lines are the villains.

4 years ago


It isn’t just the “complicated” stuff they miss. In The Matrix, they all missed the fact that the literal function of the red pill is that whoever takes it “gets woke!”

Oh, I know. What I meant is that The Matrix isn’t a teen comedy, so they completely missed the main point: that it’s an allegory for being trans. Which always makes thread discussion of “taking the red pill” somewhat entertaining for me, since the red pill represents estrogen.

4 years ago

And most of those bad influences come from america, because all those degenerate subhumans who weren’t welcome in europe fled to america 200 years ago, and now, they brought their degenerate subhuman culture back to us.

I am confused. Which European colonists is he referring to here? I know my own ancestors were German Baptist Brethren at the time they settled first in Pennsylvania and that was a known abolishonist church by 1845.

Oh, wait. No, I think I know why he’s upset.

4 years ago


To be fair the villain from the incredibles was a whinny nerdy fanboy who couldn’t let one rejection go so he obsessed over it and decided to try and kill many innocent women and children just to hurt the person who rejected him and also kill everyone that would be proof of his mediocrity. It’s not surprisingly at all if they look at him as something other then the villain. He describes the mra/ mgtow types perfectly

Full Metal Ox
4 years ago

@Naglfar; @bcb:

Consider also the Sisters Wachowskis’ Speed Racer; a major character has been surgically altered, is living under a new name and identity, and has to conceal his secret from his birth family—sound like a metaphor for anything?

(Unpopular opinion time: That movie is a fucking masterpiece—precisely because the Wachowskis had the brass monkey gonads to translate the cartoon tropes faithfully into live action, crank them up to eleven, and play it all perfectly straight. Cringeworthy character names! Psychedelic color schemes! Car Wuxia! Ninja battles for the whole family! The Mach 5 carrying more passengers in the trunk than the seats! Chim-Chim not only included but played by an actual honest-to-Caesar chimp! Various unnamed Wacky Racers as competitors! Even the dialogue meant to replicate stilted English dubbing managed to convey the air of a highly stylized acting convention like Kabuki.

I will die (hyperbolically) on this hill.)

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

I’m not sure the quicksand is actually sentient.

Then again, the island is a military testing site; so who knows what they’re coming up with.

In that event, I’d submit that the far likelier risk is of an unfortunate encounter with some unexploded ordnance that decides thereupon that it would prefer its name to be one word shorter, and the Broomway’s to be one letter shorter.


To be fair the villain from the incredibles was a whinny nerdy fanboy who couldn’t let one rejection go so he obsessed over it and decided to try and kill many innocent women and children just to hurt the person who rejected him and also kill everyone that would be proof of his mediocrity. It’s not surprisingly at all if they look at him as something other then the villain. He describes the mra/ mgtow types perfectly

“Incel” is an even better fit. “I was rejected so I’ll destroy the world!” seems like it could have come right out of the Elliot Rodger playbook, erm, manifesto.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ surplus

I’d submit that the far likelier risk is of an unfortunate encounter with some unexploded ordnance

Yeah; they do mention that.

Apparently though the biggest danger isn’t the unexploded ordnance. It’s the craters left by the stuff that did go off. The craters fill with very loose wet sand and that catches people out.

I am tempted though to make the pun-ish modification you mention to the sign. And I can also correct the grammar on the MOD one.

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Last edited 4 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

I guess thoses debris are MRAs, given that they explode and try to kill you if you so much as brush them.

4 years ago

@Full Metal Ox, I am with you 100% on the brilliance of Speed Racer. The way I like to put it is: The movie knows how silly it is, but the characters don’t know they’re in a silly movie, so we get the best of both worlds–total cartoon zaniness AND heart-rending sincerity.

4 years ago

@Full Metal Ox

Consider also the Sisters Wachowskis’ Speed Racer; a major character has been surgically altered, is living under a new name and identity, and has to conceal his secret from his birth family—sound like a metaphor for anything?

Interesting ,I never though of looking at Rex Racer/Racer-X like that before.

(Unpopular opinion time: That movie is a fucking masterpiece—precisely because the Wachowskis had the brass monkey gonads to translate the cartoon tropes faithfully into live action, crank them up to eleven, and play it all perfectly straight. Cringeworthy character names! Psychedelic color schemes! Car Wuxia! Ninja battles for the whole family! The Mach 5 carrying more passengers in the trunk than the seats! Chim-Chim not only included but played by an actual honest-to-Caesar chimp! Various unnamed Wacky Racers as competitors! Even the dialogue meant to replicate stilted English dubbing managed to convey the air of a highly stylized acting convention like Kabuki.

I will die (hyperbolically) on this hill.)

I’ll will join you on that hill anytime.

Also on the subject of the Matrix I’m not 100% sure but I think the upcoming 4th movie might feature a character whose gender changes when they’re plug into the simulation.

Last edited 4 years ago by Fabe
Angiportus Librarysaver
Angiportus Librarysaver
4 years ago

Alan Robertshaw: Thanks. Surplus to Requirments: I had forgotten about the unexploded ordnance, or else I would have suggested that the Broomway is what you take to wind down after kayaking the Strid.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ angiportus

That bloke who rolled was pretty lucky. Can’t be many people who go in there come out again. When it comes to swimming in the Wharfe I think I’ll stick with Bolton Abbey.

epitome of incomrepehensibility

@Fabe –

Also on the subject of the Matrix I’m not 100% sure but I think the upcoming 4th movie might feature a character whose gender changes when they’re plug into the simulation.

I don’t 100% remember but I think one of the ideas for the original movie was a character whose gender changed when they went through the Matrix.

As for mrcl_hrz, the part that confused me was his take on the States. I’m guessing he’s from somewhere in western Europe (with his mention of “the west” and Europe). Maybe the UK? But I don’t know how he’d get on with pro-Trump Americans who are all “hey, we’re super-patriots” even when invading and vandalizing the Capitol building. He’d have to convince them “hey, I mean the Democrats are degenerate, you guys are all right.”

Eh, let them fight among themselves. 🙂

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

“The upcoming 4th movie”???

Angiportus Librarysaver
Angiportus Librarysaver
4 years ago

Okay, here’s what we do. Somebody convince this creep who talks about training women like dogs, and all the rest of his kind, that walking the Broomway at spring tide will reinforce their manhood–extra points for seeking other trails thru the tideflats. Don’t tell them about the UXO. The 2 problems will solve each other! Unless, of course, the quicksand resents the intrusion of such creatures….