Over in the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars are again discussing the nature of women, as they are wont to do. Are women innately slutty and evil, or do they just not know any better?
One gentleman called mrcl_hrz comes down on the “they don’t know any better” side of the question, suggesting that women can be taught to overcome their slutty instincts.
“If you can train dogs, you can absolutely train women,” mrcl_hrz writes.
They are human after all, and not less intelligent than men.
I mean, it’s not like women are evil by nature or something. … The problem is that here in the west, women are raised to be degenerate subhumans, while men are becoming more and more servile and are exploited through and through.
In the world of the MGTOWs, this would be considered a moderate position on the “Woman Question.”
This society REWARDS women for undermining civilization. It cheers for “emancipation” (translation: being degenerate cumdumpsters), makes them non-accountable for destroying relationships (especially marriages), then gives them everything men own after a divorce AND they even get to keep and raise the children.
I’m sure MGTOWs would make such good fathers.
The problem is not the biology, but our current society. And most of those bad influences come from america, because all those degenerate subhumans who weren’t welcome in europe fled to america 200 years ago, and now, they brought their degenerate subhuman culture back to us. And in a few days, the degenerate subhumans will put on of them in the most powerful office in the world.
I’m not what you’d call a big fan of Joe Biden, but I had no idea he was a degenerate subhuman. I poked around some more in mrcl_hrz’s posting history and learned that the US is run by “a giant coalition of leftist fools, feminist landwhales and other subhumans.”
If only.

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I know better, I just choose to be slutty and evil, doing such evil things as having a job and going places of my own accord.
This is somewhat of a radical thing for a MGTOW to say.
…and there we go again.
Weird, I checked the dictionary and that’s not what that word means. Maybe he needs a new, less horny dictionary?
I feel I know what he is alluding to here.
But how do you train. Like with dogs you give them a treat when they do something good? Or because these mgtow their probably more fans of thr “beat it till it submits” kind of “training
<blockquote>gives them everything men own after a divorce AND they even get to keep and raise the children.</blockquote>
Either this jackalope had a shitty lawyer or he hasn’t actually gotten divorced.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but if someone wanted me to do something, rewards would probably be a good way to persuade me.
I’d put money on it that he’s never gotten divorced, the idea of losing everything in a divorce is a common bogeyman among MRAs/MGTOWs despite none of them seeming to have any experience with divorce.
I mean yeah, My husband can basically get anything out of me with like the promise of a back rub or a booty rub afterwards. Normally that’s how he gets me to lift weights with him. He is without a doubt the bigger slut between us though. He gets excited when he see’s my calfs. So maybe I should be the one training him.
I doubt thoses guys are able to train a dog anyway. They may make the dog fear them, but teaching them anything without empathy ?
These guys seem to have built their perception of women entirely from the porn they like (but also hate), Real Housewives style reality TV and that one girl who was mean to them in high school. Either that or they are divorcees who appear to have treated their partner like crap and can’t believe they had the temerity to leave.
I an divorced, and it will shock you to know that these guys are, in my humble experience, completely full of shit.
Whoa. This is a MGTOWINO (a member of Men Going Their Own Way in Name Only).
Yep, me too. I feel like it’s actually kind of historically inaccurate, though. Like some midcentury events couldn’t have happened if this version was correct…
Someone would have to marry him first. I imagine it would be difficult to persuade anyone once he brought up the “subhuman cumdumpsters” part of his philosophy.
Well, that’s a disturbing spin on the “America originated from brave, resourceful immigrants with the courage to seek a new life elsewhere” story. Though it is true that America was once attractive to dissenters, troublemakers, and religious nonconformists (such as the Puritans and Quakers, who did not get along once they arrived here). Which group of degenerate subhuman immigrants is this guy descended from, I wonder?
Translation of translation: unfair that women get to have sex and I don’t
Translation: unfair that I can’t enslave and abuse women
Translation: unfair unfair unfair
MGTOWs waste so much time and energy worrying about things that will never happen for them, like marriage and losing everything in court. They’re like kids who are convinced quicksand is a bigger problem than it actually is, and vastly overestimate its prevalence.
They also seem to take heavy influence from teen comedy movies. They’re like those people who peaked in high school, but they didn’t actually peak and just are convinced that life should resemble those movies.
@Big Titty Demon
My guess is he’s avoiding those events because he secretly thinks those events were a good think, but doesn’t want to admit it.
Are children often convinced that quicksand is a big problem? It doesn’t appear to be all that common.
Yes, I’m a slut. Also, I’m the one doing the training.
@ buttercup
I’m planning a post lockdown walk along something called The Broomway.
My friends think I’m underestimating the quicksand risk.
But whilst 66 casualties sounds bad; that’s since 1600, so it’s not exactly Thunderdome.
@Naglfar – Maybe not so much nowadays, but a few decades ago quicksand was a common trope in movies and TV shows (Princess Bride, Blazing Saddles, Swiss Family Robinson, Lawrence of Arabia, The Hulk, Gilligan’s Island, Lost In Space). Us kids spent a lot of time worrying about it. A lot. Also killer bees.
@Alan – Still, 66 deaths is an unusually high murder rate for a pedestrian path. And that’s just the bodies they’ve found.
@ buttercup
I’m not sure the quicksand is actually sentient.
Then again, the island is a military testing site; so who knows what they’re coming up with.
@ Buttercp Q. Skullpants
Well, prior to the American Revolution, there was a proportion of convict transportees among the settler intake.
But can sentient quicksand be trained???
I seem to recall there’s quicksand fetishists out there…
Read up on the Broomway before going near it. I think Robert MacFarlane had some things to say about it. Good luck.
@ angiportus library saver
Thanks for that. Had a read of an article he did and it was very interesting.
I worried about cobras and leprosy as a kid. I did not live in an area where either of those things were commonplace problems. I saw quicksand and dangerous swamps, etc. a lot in movies and on tv (most memorably at the end of the Grenada adaptation of The Hound of the Baskervilles, but don’t recall worrying about it much in real life, although maybe I should have as I once lost a pair of sneakers to the low-tide mud of the Bay of Fundy.
^^^Sketch in which David Byrne talks about being scared of volcanoes while growing up in Baltimore
IIRC real life quicksand is very different than how it’s shown in movies. I’ve never seen it in real life but I’d imagine it’s less frightening.
@ moon custafer
When I was a kid, I had it in my head that Dartmoor was this uniquely dangerous place, and merely stepping onto the moor was a guaranteed sentence of doom. I think a lot of that is the reputation of the prison.
As a, sort of, grown up I’ve spent many a happy weekend on there. It’s truly delightful; and next to the infamous prison there’s a really nice tea shop.
Ah, the imagination of youth. Although I probably would avoid a cobra.
These guys remind me of the guys that day their wives cheated on them because she slept with someone after getting a divorced. They really think they have the right to own a woman and since they can’t own a woman like they can own a fridge they get upset and say they don’t even want one if they can’t have it their way.
Also the reason I only trust guys that say they got cheated on half way and ask them to tell me what happened because I’ve ran into way to many guys who decided that cheating was
A. Slept with someone after they broke up got divorced
Or b. Slept with someone to quickly after they broke up so they also count that as cheating.