Men who retain their semen think that the practice gives them almost magical powers — increased energy, concentration, and charisma, to name just a few of the things these guys think they get from simply not jerking off for a month or two. The Semen Retention subreddit is filled with testimonies from guys claiming that their non-masturbation hobby has made them superior men.
There’s just one little problem: there’s no real scientific evidence proving any of these claims; the results that dedicated semen retainers supposedly get could all be the result of the placebo effect — or just plain delusion.
One semen-retaining Redditor thinks there’s a more sinister reason there’s no research: it’s because scientists know that the semen retainers’ results are real — but they don’t want to report that because they know it will make women mad.
“I BELIVE,” Sopranoo8 begins,
that the scientific community is walking away from this field, SR, due its effect on women being single and lacking the control over men whose on SR.
When a man is on SR his mind and goal is clear, and no women will change or affect that fact, and this make them scared of the BEAST that he became, he is so dedicated to achieving that goal.
I guess SR can fix almost everything except basic spelling and grammar.
Women will lose the power to seduce a man as they used to. This will result in a relationship where the man is dominant in that relationship, and [women] do not like that.
They will not do research on this field because they are afraid that they will attract more men to SR, where they will be so powerful that most women CANNOT compete with them in the labor market and they will not have the power to CONTROL them as they do now to most men.
Uh oh.
When a man is on SR he will not be wasting his time chasing women, NO he will be dedicating his time and effort to achieve high paying jobs living the life he wish to live.
This will result to a labor market that is dominant by men as it used to be, and men will be in control again, but they don’t want that!
Men will be the MASTERS of skills; they will be more powerful than women. This how men are made, they are so powerful that LUSTS have no control on their decisions.
Pretending you have control over your LUSTS isn’t the same thing as being without them.
I know that certain people hate seeing you succeed, they will tell you to stop trying so hard and $hit like that, don’t mind them. Losers will be losers and they want to drag you down the pit with them.
Brothers, we are now facing a very strong storm of lusts. Only strong men will stand to fight and overcome this storm. The weak who is a slave of his lusts who quit his principles, beware you will be taken down by that storm.
He might be onto something here. If you don’t ejaculate for a month and then give in to your desire to crank your hog you could very well find yourself facing a veritable tidal wave of semen.
Yes, I know it doesn’t quite work like that, but please allow me my little joke; I’ve just spent an hour going through the goddamn Semen Retention subreddit for you people for Christ’s sake.
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So … getting old is a SR superpower then?
I’m scared for her, and for Omar and Tlaib and the others. There’s no way Trump’s goons aren’t going to try again. And even if the inauguration goes through on the 20th as planned, every Democrat in public office and especially the women and POC among them are going to spend years or longer with giant targets on their backs. Warnock and Ossoff too. They’ll be hated by a lot of the white-grievance types for taking the Senate away from them.
I don’t know what can be done. There’s no unringing a bell. The people who have been radicalized with election lies, QAnon-sense, and assorted other bullshit will be with us for a long time and there are a lot of them. Some even here in Canada. They’ll be like landmines left over on the battlefield, and every so often someone will lose a foot or a leg or their life to them. And I don’t know what can be done.
On a more positive note:
I think the best we can do is to try to force the far right out of the public square. Make it so their views are completely unacceptable, shift the Overton window away from them as far as we can. We can’t get people to change their ideas, but if an idea is seen as unacceptable fewer people will act on it or publicly profess it.
Those feelings of grandiosity and super accomplishment sound more like the byproducts of coke or amphetamiine use. Scientists might want to screen test subjects for substances before doing any kind of sr study.
I’m reminded of General Jack D. Ripper.
‘I do not avoid women, Mandrake. But I deny them. . . my essence.’
Unfun fact: during the filming of “Dr. Strangelove”, Kubrick told Sterling Hayden that he would not be needed on set the next day. Hayden, as Kubrick expected, got roaring drunk that night.
The next morning, Hayden was called in to film the famous ‘precious bodily fluids’ scene. Acting through the pain and disorientation of a thumping hangover, he gave exactly the performance Kubrick wanted – a man who had lost his grip on reality but didn’t realize it.
Also, the semen retention sub explicitly discourages nofappers from contributing. I feel sure that there’s a truly lolworthy backstory to that.
I’d guess they don’t think that the nofappers are radical enough.
I think if hundreds possibly thousands of testimonies of the same series of events, semen retention and not using pornography followed by manifold benefits are recorded, then one should consider that it might have validity and not simply cherry pick the least reasonable comments and use them to ridicule the practice.
SR does nothing. Fap as much as you want.
That doesn’t refute my point. Neither me nor you have perfect knowledge. But in the absence of that, I think there is reason to take the claim that excessive masturbation or porn use is healthy seriously. There are many testominories making the same assertion that not tapping or using porn improves their lives and essentially all religions argue that masturbation is harmful. Even if some of the people who practice SR or Nofap make ridiculous statements, that doesn’t mean we should discount everything they say. And if their claim is correct that porn desensitizes people to sex and that masturbation decreases male vigour then mainstreaming these practices will be a positive for women. I don’t think women want men with ED and porn addictions.