In the wake of the attack on the Capitol on Wednesday, a wide variety of people, from FBI agents to Antifa activists, have been poring over photos and videos of the incident looking for familiar faces.
Two teenage girls spotted family members in the mob and outed them on Twitter, inspiring a story on Russian propaganda outlet RT denouncing these “teenage touts” for their “Stasi-style snitching.”
Andrew Anglin of the neo-Nazi rag the Daily Stormer saw this article and decided to take RT’s, er, critique of the girls a couple of steps further.
After announcing, in headline-sized letters, that “[b]lood comes before everything else,” Anglin blames the “snitching” on the fact that the “snitches” are female.
“But of course: all of these snitches are women, because they have no loyalty to blood,” he writes.
They have no loyalty to anything other than themselves, and that typically translates into loyalty to the system, which they view as their protector.
His solution:
We have to stop women.
But how? Anglin imagines scenes of extreme brutality:
The appropriate thing would be to beat them up badly, including breaking their ribs, and then rape them, brutally, and then lock them in cages.
Then he takes a step back so that (in his mind at least) no one can accuse him of explicitly advocating violence.
But we of course can’t do that.
Instead, he suggests a more palatable “boycott” of women, MGTOW-style.
Don’t talk to them. Don’t make eye contact with them. Treat them with total disdain.
This is more powerful if you’re handsome, well dressed and in good shape. And you should be handsome, well dressed and in good shape for yourself, anyway.
That’s it. That’s his whole plan. But I’m all for this boycott of his. Somehow I doubt the women of the world will be heartbroken if Nazis — even well-dressed handsome Nazis — start ignoring them.
Unfortunately, as with the MGTOWs who seem to be Anglin’s inspiration here, the men who talk the most about ignoring women tend to be the ones most obsessed with them, comically unable to “go their own way.”
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@Pie : if you compare it to Gab, then you indeed have a point that it could have been a successful psy ops from whoever want to destabilize America.
Admitely, I am blinded by the fact objectively Twitter and Facebook have done a thousand time more for the cause of the far right, and thoses two don’t look like psy ops.
Also, the requirement of personal infos and stuff like that make my default assumption be “conservative affinity fraud”, but it could be that *and* a side project of the KGB.
Sometimes before the election I read some interview with a bunch of yokels, and one said something along the lines of “Trump did so much for us, no it’s our time to help him.” I thought “What? What did that swine do for you except talking? How did your worthless and shitty lifes improve thanks to him?”
If faith needed any logic or reason, no one would believe in sky excuses, and Trump has long ago become a god to these cretins.
I don’t know why I even type this. I just wanted to say that despise them all.
All these miserable shits who can feel only something when they make someone else miserable.
The only good thing is that under a fascist regime none of them would fare any better. They are tools now, they would be tools then. Useful idiots to die on some battlefield for a cause their useless brains can’t even begin to fathom.
They deserve no benefit of a doubt anymore, no love, no understanding and no forgiveness.
A lot to be scorned and hated, because that’s all they gave in life, and it’s all they deserve.
I’ll just say, if it’s true that women lack some innate loyalty to their native family/tribe, that’d have been handy in the Olden Times when upon marriage, women usually moved from their parents’ household/village to their husband’s. Particularly in paleolithic times, neighboring bands of hunter-gatherers were essentially foreign nations to each other, with occasional violent conflict, but frequent intermarriage was necessary to avoid inbreeding. More recently, same applied to the uppermost socioeconomic crust of large hierarchical states. Sometimes, women were very much non-consensually kidnapped of traded off from their natal communities, with the expectation that they’d adapt to a new foreign community.
@Herbert West
Whilst I’m not in favor of the sort of “forgive and forget” that certain republicans (and, depressingly, democrats) are asking for right now, I will say that it bears remembering that these people have been on the receiving end of some weapons-grade psyops for decades, from church and state and neighbours and industry, and you are not going to bring them back into the reality-based community talking like that. Nobody is going to countenance “getting rid of them”, and they make up such a substantial proportion of the population of the US that they can’t simply be ignored, no matter how much you might despise them.
Nobody will thank you for using elitist and ablist slurs, either.
There are three responsible for that debacle, each who are fully responsible :
The fact we will have to reinsert the dupes into society is true, but that should not come at the expense of being too liberal in forgiving them. Punishing them without excruciating them is indeed a difficult ropewalk, but a necessary one.
I try to shy away from saying of them they are “cretins” or “worthless” not just for ableist reason, but also because it lead to underestimate them. They are not the (ableist) cliche of the village idiot ; they are full supporters of an authoritarian coup.
More on police and military complicity in the coup attempt:
If that stuff was retrieved, it was by a separate group using other tools.
According to the author of this piece of work, https://nitter.snopyta.org/donk_enby/status/1348666166978424832
Given the shockingly bad opsec of everyone involved, and the fact that parler didn’t bother stripping the exif metadata from uploaded images (which includes, but is not limited to, gps co-ordinates where the image was taken) it’ll probably be trivial to establish where all the users live and probably work, what they look like and who their friends and family are.
Ghouliani might be about to be disbarred:
Thank you so much for telling me abuot Parler getting mined. It’s cheered me up.
[OT] Is some mobile advertising company trying to revive the old idea of subliminal messaging again? I keep seeing very quick flashes at the start of (some) mobile ads with black text on white at the top of the screen, only for a frame or two of the video. Way too quick to read, but I get an impression of a word and it’s something like “ironsource” as all one word.
The affected ads themselves are for disparate products, usually games. I don’t think they’re all from one manufacturer, which is what makes it particularly weird. Either there’s multiple businesses trying something similar all at once, or the would-be subliminal messaging is being inserted at the level of the ad broker (who would be Google in this case, as this is happening on an Android device) rather than the individual advertisers.
The idea that Google might be attempting some sort of subliminal messaging campaign is … disturbing. Even though I’m pretty sure the idea that such a thing could be used to hijack and control people against their will is hogwash. Again, brains are unlikely to have uniform or widespread susceptibility to any remote hack (as opposed to ones requiring direct physical access to the “hardware”) as a result of prehistoric predator/prey arms races.
Congratulations Nazis! Once again, you show the world what sick, depraved people you actually are. Andrew Anglin, I hope you understand that you are not above the law, and if your attempt to enact your depraved fantasies, there will be consequences!
An interesting thought: that the terrorist attack might have been cover for a heist, presumably of sensitive documents.
Now where have we seen that plot before?
And what will happen with the stolen documents now, or in the near future?
O/T: The Department of Defense has stated that the troops deployed to guard Biden’s inauguration will be background checked to make sure they aren’t sympathetic to white nationalist groups. I can only hope that the checking is thorough enough to weed out any.
If I had to guess, I’d imagine they just took things randomly. They probably didn’t know what to steal of value and were just trying to cause trouble.
I hope that nothing bad of the sort will happen to these two girls. I have no idea what they were “snitching” on their family about, but it certainly wasn’t murder or child rape or something, so they do NOT deserve to die.
And thank you, Futrelle, for not blaming the Men’s Rights community on these lunatics! It’s a welcome change, for once.
And so for that, I commend you.
Ooh, an old-school MRA troll! For your information, they were “snitching” on their parents for participating in a fascist putsch.
@Mabret the Virile Maiden
Ah yes, because the entire existence of MRAs is to be trolls. Mm-hmm. /s
Anyway, I think it’s good that the kids were reporting the “fascist putsch.” I absolutely hate fascism. I’ve certainly been silenced, or there was at least an attempt by fascists, to silence me before, whether they be republican, democrat, independent, or other!
Whether they don’t like my Men’s Rights Activism, my LGBT activism, or just don’t like me being an atheist. Who knows? It could be all three!
So if they’d been snitching about murder or rape they *would* deserve to die? Yikes.
Re the coup attempt: it appears to be modelled after a common way to run a coup. Under cover of a public uprising (whether for you or against you), send in the troops to restore order … and install a military dictatorship.
It’s a risky move because the troops show up and then need to decide what side to be on; it might not be the side of the putschists. And indeed Trump doesn’t have the support amongst the troops (and particularly amongst the officer ranks).
He tried the tactic prematurely in the summer, calling in the army to crack heads on BLM protests in DC. The day the troops refused to go into the city and instead went back to their barracks was when I felt reassured a coup was unlikely to succeed. Given another couple years he probably could have replaced enough of the leadership — but he only had a few months.
Can you link to this artist please? It’s awesome!
Qanon the Breitbartarian
Some guy drops f-bombs on the putschists like a whole squadron of bombers leveling 1945 Berlin:
That’s Corey “Buttercream Dream” Forrester. He’s a comedian who plays off of stereotypes about southerners.