There are a lot of people to blame for yesterday’s mob assault on the Capitol — from Donald Trump on down to your QAnon-loving uncle on Facebook. But over in the Men’s Going Their Own way subreddit, one imaginative commenter points the finger of blame at a rather different villain: the suffragists of the early 20th century.
“Maybe women voting wasn’t such a good idea,” writes the commenter known as SammySilver09.
This is only happening because women have voted us into a Corrupt Socialist country. And it’s tearing us apart.
Sammy here has a rather unique notion of what socialism is, I guess.
Women overwhelmingly vote for more government and higher taxes to pay for programs. Women always vote to put resources in fringe movements like Trans rights and they use emotions when voting on immigration and economic policy.
God forbid anyone let their emotions color their politics.
And I’ve never met a woman that didn’t vote for Obama. I’m not talking his politics but women voted for him because he’s a guy they wanna fuck, not because of his plan or policies.
So why did women vote for Joe Biden then? I mean, there aren’t a lot of 78-year-olds on anyone’s to-do list.
It only took a few generations of giving women power to destroy the greatest country in the world, just like it only took eve 1 day to destroy paradise.
Sammy isn’t the only MGTOW Redditor blaming women’s suffrage for our current political mess. Someone called roflcopt0rz_returns had this to say in another thread on the MGTOW subreddit:
Every group of people will point to another to explain the problems with society. For example, the left will point to white men or straight men or republicans or christians or whatever. Meanwhile the far right will point to jews and some point to blacks.
The REAL root of the problem however is women. Or more specifically, women’s suffrage. Or if you want to make it gender neutral, universal suffrage. Stupid people voting with no skin in the game will create a system that is rigged and corrupt and they will be too stupid to realize what the problem is. A simple example would be stupid people (majority women) will vote in more welfare and then simultaneously vote for open borders to bring in unlimited migrants who do nothing but leech off the welfare system which causes everyone to go bankrupt. They are too stupid to see the connection.
Mr. Dunning, meet Mr. Kruger.
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So’s Ben Garrison. Such a shame.
So, Twitter has said this is a personal ban against Trump and they’e looking at what would happen if he tried to use the official White House account.
Also, Apple have given Parler 24 hours to clean their act up, or they’ll disable the app from iPhones.
Does anyone know who hosts Thedonald.win or any other pro Trump sites? Now might be a time when some pressure could have an effect.
A summary of actions taken by social media companies as of now (Cut and pasted from the Grauniad)
Saw something yesterday about TheDonald.win – they’re losing their current host. They’ve sadly already set up alternates though.
Trump just tried to tweet from the official White House account but Twitter took the post down.
I know the RWNJ hate most furrin’ places and talkin’, but there’s a word from a place/time they like that I’ve been using to describe what happened Wednesday:
Would have been nice if the tech platforms had found their metaphorical balls a few months or years ago, but at least it’s something.
@Surplus: Big stupid Christmas/New Year’s gatherings are at just the right time spacing to be producing a bunch of new cases. Add in lag between symptoms, tests, and test results, and you’ve probably got one or two more weeks of a spike as the infections move through the dumbass population. Stay safe.
Right now Twitter is playing whack-a-mole with Trump on various government accounts. So far the Team Trump account, Gary Coby, and a few others have been banned after Trump appears to have used them.
The official POTUS account seems now “empty” (?) rather than suspended. The last time I checked, it was just selected retweets from realDonaldTrump and some from WhiteHouse. The latter account is still up.
My guess is that @POTUS is being kept for archival purposes, so it’s locked rather than suspended.
@Simon : I sometime think about making a satirical article called “Sociology : human behavior found to be a statistical artifact” but I fear that it would be too true.
In a sense, that give more weight to the concept of free will, so I am happy with that.
Go figure!