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Rough night for Mitch: Senate Open Thread!!

We’re still waiting for a bunch of outlets to call this thing, but the Economist has called the Georgia senate races for Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff.

So let’s … celebrate?


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Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

I’m up watching CNN; it’s the only TV I can get online. There’s a lot of maths in these elections!

“This county has X% of the voters, there’s Y% of the vote to count, and the Dems are ahead Z%…”

Would it kill you to use finger puppets!

Last edited 4 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
Patty Thinkerer
Patty Thinkerer
4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Yeah, we want the puppets! Give us a puppet show!

4 years ago

This must be pretty embarrassing for the Republican Party. Anyway, I’m very glad that we’re taking the Senate, but at the same time trying to keep realistic expectations. It will still be important to hold Democrats in all branches of all levels of government to do what we need them to do. The GOP won’t go away, nor will the millions of angry Americans they have radicalized, and we need to deal with that threat.

4 years ago

Seems a bit early to be celebrating. Ossoff is currently down, and even with mostly Democratic areas left, its still going to be close.

Longest time lurker
Longest time lurker
4 years ago

I have family in Georgia – at least one of whom has been spending all her leave and free time since June working to sign up democrats and help them vote. I’d love the democrats to take Georgia, not just because it’ll mean avoiding four years of lame duck presidency, but (far more selfishly) I’d like for my family to be able to feel a little pride in the place they grew up in and still love.

4 years ago

I’ll go to bed hopeful!

A tied senate still has Joe Manchin in it. It’s not going to be a progressive body; it just won’t be quite so aggressively regressive.

4 years ago

A bit ot but I had to share this somewhere on here, kind of hoping it will become a post. Wasn’t sure where else to put it where it might be seen.

Video on robot companies looking into….robot boyfriends for women! Comment section filled with manosphere whinging,ranging from “nuh uh, female robots will replace women long before that happens” to “any woman who wants a robot man is an ugly cat lady who can’t get laid (unlike men who want female robots, they’re just studs with high standards)” and of course the typical screaming about feminazis and genocides and women won’t buy one unless she can steal its money because women don’t even like sex.

Couldn’t not share such hypocritical manly tantrums with this group! They’re just too tasty!

Crip Dyke
4 years ago

I’m a finger puppet.

4 years ago

Eat Sand Mitch.

Also well now to complain about Joe Manchin. Looking forward to tomorrow. Also Proud Boys losing hard to cops. What Chaos.

4 years ago

And it looks like Ossoff has pulled ahead. Now I can go to bed easy.

4 years ago

One race is already called for democrat. Let’s hope the other will work out too, so that Moscow Mitch can become Powerless Mitch.

rabid rabbit
rabid rabbit
4 years ago

Personally, I’m hoping that the House forwards D.C.’s request to become a state to the Senate on the 21st, because I can’t wait to watch Mitch call it an unprincipled power grab on the Dems’ part.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

I keep searching for results of the Ossoff race, but so far, nothing. I’m really happy that Warnock won. I listened to his post-win speech, and he closed by saying, “God bless these United States of America” (emphasis his). Yes! Let’s make sure that the Civil War is finally and truly over, over, over — and that no new civil war breaks out.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
4 years ago

The puppets-comments made it impossible for me not to share this:
comment image

Anyway, here’s hoping the poor turtles will finally be able to rid themselves of the association with the gravedigger of democracy.

4 years ago

Mwahahaha! Suck it, you turtle-faced shitbag!

Wim Lauryssen
Wim Lauryssen
4 years ago

I wonder what this means for the number of idiots who are going to be babies during the electoral vote count. Also the amount of violence.

North Sea Sparkly Dragon
North Sea Sparkly Dragon
4 years ago

I see Trump is already claiming that it’s all a big, big lie. I’d laugh, but his shitbag second son is threatening people too.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago


That made my morning.

4 years ago

Perdue is doing what it seems all Republicans will do from here on out: talking about “legal” votes, threatening lawsuits, claiming victory, etc.

Haven’t seen a response from Loeffler yet.

Paul Browning
Paul Browning
4 years ago

@SpecialFFrog last i saw she was claiming it wasn’t over, lots of votes still to be counted and there was “a path to victory”
So keeping the door open to milk funds from the deluded for “recounts”

4 years ago

Update from 7:45 AM EST: Warnock is up by over 53,000, Ossoff by about 16,000. With about 73,000 votes remaining, Perdue would need a miracle to win.

Paul Browning
Paul Browning
4 years ago

Back in Nov when it became clear there would be 2 runnoffs I didn’t think the Democrats could even win one, let alone both – a GOP stung by losing the presidency throwing a unified effort into keeping the Senate and stymying the Biden administation seemed all too likely.

And yet here America is….

4 years ago

@Paul Browning
I thought then that Warnock would likely win against Loeffler because she is very unpopular and was appointed, not elected, but that Ossoff would lose to Perdue because Perdue is from an established GA political dynasty. While it was closer for Ossoff than for Warnock, it is now clear that Georgia will be sending its first Black senator and its first Jewish senator to Washington.
This is the result of on the ground organizers in Georgia, such as Stacey Abrams, who have worked extremely hard. I think the other thing this shows is that most (or at least some) of the southern states aren’t red so much as purple with a lot of voter suppression.

O/T: Is that a plush Cthulhu in your avatar?

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
Paul Browning
Paul Browning
4 years ago

I’m a Brit so my view of what happened on the ground is limitted but it really does look like the organiser did an incredible job of getting the vote out.

Proof that the vote is there, you just have to work to mobilise it (and if you spread lies about voting being rigged they can come back and bite you in the arse).

So congrats to everyone who’s worked to delivery this.

And yes that is Cuddly Cthulhu. Sadly my real one is still on my desk at work, so I wont be seeing it for a while 🙂

4 years ago

Yes, the ground work was amazing as far as I can tell. I particulary love that the final nail in the coffin of the GOP was due to the hard work of a black woman.

Now, the next step is to pressure democrats to act at least centrist and not right wing with a bit of tolerance sprinkled on top.