We’re still waiting for a bunch of outlets to call this thing, but the Economist has called the Georgia senate races for Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff.
So let’s … celebrate?
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@ Paul Browning
Wow; that’s quite some job-share arrangement. How did you meet; LinkedIn?
“Hey Cthulu, can you cover for me for a few days?”
“Mglw’nafh fhthagn-ngah cf’ayak ‘vulgtmm vugtlag’n!!!”
Some outlets are saying it’s “still too close to call” (a phrase which has triggered my vomit reflex since the 2000 elections), but others are calling it for Ossoff, based on the fact that he’s slightly ahead and the still-uncounted districts are Democratic strongholds. Either way, that stupid grifting twat Loeffler is outta there. I’m sure she’ll be offered wingnut welfare someplace where she can scream for the next 20 years about how antifa BLM socialists and the ghost of Hugo Chavez stole the election from her.
Okay, great. Now we need to make sure we can KEEP the senate. Start by making DC and PR states. Then pack the electorate: give automatic citizenship to anyone who graduates from college in the U.S. (if Republicans oppose this then clearly they hate Job Creators), automatic citizenship to anyone with a green card (if Republicans oppose this then clearly they are against simplifying government), and a fast pathway to citizenship for all other immigrants. By “fast,” I mean one which takes less than two years so they can all vote in 2022.
Also, reform drug laws with the “Arsenic Test:” if using arsenic to do X is legal, then using a substance less dangerous than arsenic to do X should also be legal. Expunge the criminal records of everyone convicted under drug laws that the arsenic test repeals, so that they can all vote in 2022.
We need to make sure to get, as Donald Trump said, “levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again!”
Personally, I can’t wait to see Murder Turtle try to object to anything a Democratic senate does….
Bye, Mitch-Leica!
The government can’t make Puerto Rico a state. It’s the people of Puerto Rico who get to decide on that. Otherwise it would be annexation. But I agree that DC absolutely needs to become a state.
Thought the people had already voted in favour of statehood a few years back.
Being from Georgia and having voted both in November and now for both Warnock and Ossoff, to see it so close is tantalizing. I still feel like I did all night Nov. 8 2016 and all week election week 2020. I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep until both races are officially called.
Latest from BBC
As for Cthulhu my managers would probably agree that he’s less of a pain in the neck to manage than I am 🙂
Quite the opposite is true: only Congress can make PR a state, and they aren’t going to do that regardless of what Puerto Ricans do or say. This is because the annexation happened back when we made PR a colonial possession, that being rather what annexation means.
The short answer is no, they didn’t; that referendum only got votes from a quite small portion of the population, because the more popular option (not being a US possession anymore) wasn’t on the ballot, and because most Puerto Ricans know perfectly well that Congress is never going to grant them statehood or independence, so there’s no point in jumping through silly hoops about it.
White liberals must stop pushing Puerto Rican statehood for their own benefit. Let us decide.
Telling a nation you colonized that you know what’s best for them is no more progressive in this century than it was in the last two.
@all the puppet fans:
There’s a GZERO Media YouTube series called Puppet Regime, devoted to puppet skits satirizing U.S. politics:
Video on robot companies looking into….robot boyfriends for women! Comment section filled with manosphere whinging,ranging from “nuh uh, female robots will replace women long before that happens” to “any woman who wants a robot man is an ugly cat lady who can’t get laid (unlike men who want female robots, they’re just studs with high standards)” and of course the typical screaming about feminazis and genocides and women won’t buy one unless she can steal its money because women don’t even like sex.
There was at least one classic and beloved YA SF novel about a girl and her robot boyfriend: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.I.L.V.E.R._series
(The sequel, Metallic Love, is deliberately written as a Watsonian self-insertion fantasy; the original Silver Metal Lover exists in universe as a memoir, and a fan of the story finds love and adventure with an updated model of Silver; Lee died before completing a planned third novel.)
You’re right. I didn’t express myself particularly well. But yeah, we need to stop treating DC statehood and Puerto Rican statehood as the same.
Trump’s brownshirts are storming the White House.
Gunshots outside the House chamber.
What do you want to bet that if the protesters were Black, most of them would already have been killed by the cops?
Can my fellow Americans STOP being such [obscenity deleted] now, please?
Like my frontline and first responder cousins don’t have enough to worry about.
Off-topic, but are you folks keeping track of the chaos going on at Capitol Hill right now?
So native Americans try to protest a pipe line that will poison their water sources and go through sacred land, but a bunch of white people extremist storm the capital and try to cause blood are allowed to stay there. Tear gas and rubber bullets would have been brought in for the native Americans by now.
Make DC a state, make Stacey Abrams a saint.
Vlad’s cool with the coup, but he isn’t going to be happy with Mitch.
@Demonhype: The incels are unaware of the long existence of vibrators? Figures. Not to mention Jude Law in “A.I.” and romance novels. Women like sex fine, they just like satisfying sex, which they know they won’t get from incels/MGTOW.
@Battering Lamb: thanks for the laugh. Much needed today.
@Paul Browning:
my cuddly plush Cthulhu is at my parents’ house. And it is easier to deal with than my mom.
@Full Metal O
Read that one! But just the first. It was a pretty fun read.