conspiracy theory coronavirus incels

Incel: “People who wear masks during quarantine are the same people who will gladly commit incel genocide”

Today’s dose of recombinant paranoia comes from the forums, where one inventive fellow has managed to combine anti-masker paranoia with fears of “incel genocide” into one unholy mess.

“People who wear masks during quarantine are the same people who will gladly commit incel genocide,” warns a commenter known as BummerDrummer.

When the government outlaws incels and inevitably attacks us and sends us to camps people who today wear masks in public are the ones who will gladly do it because daddy government told them to.

wearing a mask already implies you are on your knees for government power.

Weird. I wear a mask because I don’t want to get COVID or accidentally give it to anyone else, not because “big daddy government” says I should.

You bow to government Jewish trickery and power. The people that do this will follow the governments orders no matter what they say. Antifa self hating whites can say they hate drumpf all they want but at the end of the day they still wear a corona mask in public.

You realize that Trump doesn’t wear a mask? And that this is probably why such a huge percentage of Americans also refuse to wear the mask, at great risk to themselves and their older friends and relatives? It’s almost as if they’re the ones in an authoritarian cult, not those who wear masks.

Whenever you go outside the people in masks all would have no 2nd thoughts on shooting you if the government told them to.

The mask-wearers aren’t the ones with the guns.

They are Mindless bots. If they could be fooled by a hoax (corona) then that just shows how stupid they are and how easily manipulated they are by the government

if, through this, the government can take away your rights and ORDER YOU to wear a mask, then who says down the line they won’t be able to order killings?

Yes, because wearing a mask for your own good is somehow equivalent to murder.


Wait, they’re going to make us wear bigger and bigger masks?

TDLR: wearing mask in public=government is your daddy=you would have no issue partaking in the inevitable incel genocide ….

Normies are COMPLIANT in having their rights taken away. They will be compliant when your rights are taken away as well.

Dude, do you get this mad about seatbelts, which take away your right to be flung through the front windshield in a car crash? Do you think that stop signs are a plot by the Jews? Do you rebel against the tyranny of expiration dates on food by defiantly eating beans that have gone bad? What exactly is the point of “rebelling” against a simple health precaution like wearing a mask that will help you to avoid getting a horrendous disease and passing it along to others?

And by the way, dude, “incel genocide” isn’t a real thing any more than “white genocide” is. Incels are obsessed with playing the victim, but their victimhood is entirely imaginary.

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Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago


I remember coming across the phrase “Toxic Individualism” to describe the kind of mindset, “so called” rational and values of persons who adhere to that exact mindset, like a sort of hyper self centered, self aggrandizing chauvinism that can and even is used to enforce, enable and justify a form of pathological and partisan self interest regardless of cultivation of world view, consideration of others or even ones own self preservation or best interest towards oneself.

I think there’s an older and more common name for this than “toxic individualism”: “conservatism”. Particularly the “libertarian” stripe.

Consider that every single person who votes Tory/Republican/etc. and isn’t a billionaire is doing so “regardless of cultivation of world view, consideration of others or even ones own self preservation or best interest towards oneself”.

4 years ago

In that case I agree, incels are by far their own worst enemy.

4 years ago


He’s in the “biological males who consider themselves women” school.

IRL I do feel like a lot of women’s spaces benefit from rules of thumb re people who have or may have male privilege, and I don’t have a problem with AFAB-only spaces. But acting like there’s a huge conflict of interest here, and thinking trans women don’t belong in women’s spaces period, is just gross IMO. Even those of us who don’t pass easily or at all deal with issues of misogynistic violence, abuse, and harassment, and tend to need a lot of the same resources (even if we luck out as far as reproductive oppression). And the risks increase for every year transitioned.

Like, just now I was out on my porch grabbing some packages and a takeout delivery, and one of my dude neighbors greeted me from behind, and because it’s dark and his voice was pretty generic I didn’t realize at first it was him. My heart’s finally slowed down now, but I still haven’t stopped twitching, flinching at loud noises; thinking back to that feeling that I was surprised from behind on my own porch, by a guy who I didn’t recognize but who recognized me, and what could have happened if it was someone with worse intent.

But guys like Bancroft still say I’m not a woman, and don’t deserve access to women’s spaces. And sure to be fair there are some you shouldn’t find me in, but like… the fear is real. The paranoia is real. The abuse has been real. The exhaustion – of having to measure my every word to men, of tiptoeing around their anger, of pushing them to acknowledge anything from me, of having to perform sex and sexuality I didn’t want to for partners of all genders – has been real, even in the short time I’ve been transitioning. And this is what most trans women will tell anyone.

So, yeah. It gets pretty exhausting.

(Oh and to be clear I have no grievance with you! Just… kind of venting a bit here. Being trans in this world is an exhausting shitshow, basically.)

4 years ago


I can’t stop laughing at the idea of someone with a phd calling hypno kink vids “highly sophisticated mind control”. Or I would laugh, but sadly people are gonna take him seriously and fuck us all over.

Also, looks like TERFs are lovebombing him in the comments

tim gueguen
4 years ago

Off topic, but amusing if you’re a guitarist. An image is circulating in Italian speaking areas online. It clams to show a 5G chip that’s being put in vaccines. But a keen eyed viewer realised it was actually the circuit diagram for the Boss MT2 Metal Zone guitar pedal.
Mario Fusco ?? on Twitter: “Here in Italy people started to share this figure claiming that this is the diagram of the 5G chip that has been inserted in the covid vaccine. In reality it is the electric circuit of a guitar pedal and I believe that putting it in the covid vaccine has been an excellent idea ?” / Twitter

Last edited 4 years ago by tim gueguen
Crip Dyke
4 years ago

since inceldom is not an innate trait I still don’t think it would qualify for the definition.

Religion is not an innate trait. Inceldom is arguably religious since it’s arguably a cult.

Acts to destroy a religious community as a community of followers of that religion (even if you don’t kill the people, if you forcibly convert them, take their kids away to raise them as another religion, etc.) are acts of genocide, even according to the rather formal, limited UN definition.

Lorem ipsum demonstratum, the fact that incel ideology is not innate is a barrier neither to us reasonably recognizing the hypothetical (not the actual, for which there is no evidence) destruction of an incel community as reasonably analogous to genocide, sufficient to simply call it genocide in most conversations, nor even to a UN official to formally designate some hypothetical destruction of an incel community as an act of genocide under the more formal, rigid structures that define the legal boundaries of genocide.

None of this is to say that incels aren’t full of shit. We can even reasonably say that emotional abuse of children can justify removing kids from a home, and that therefore it’s at least possible that kids could be removed from an incel home or homes specifically because they’re being taught toxic incel crap and that would not be genocide as anyone originally intended the word to be used.

But your statement about innate characteristics is wrong, and to a lawyer the argument that incels could, in theory, be victims of a genocide is frighteningly plausible.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago

I saw that, with the comment “it will give the vaccine the ability to shred.”

4 years ago


TBH I’ve seen some pretty fucked up stuff under the guise of “consensual kink” at this point, and really do think a lot of people need to take a step back and critically examine why they’re into whatever and what it’s doing to them (and to those around them). And also, regardless of my views on kinks themselves, the lack of consent culture in a lot of kink positive spaces is damn scary. So like I’ll kind of give him that. And especially as a survivor of prolonged grooming, I really do look at people basically flashing their brain firmware as a form of sexual play and ask: “What the fuck are you doing?”

For trans people at least I know what the answer to that “why” is, and I understand it, but still… that’s some heavy shit to be into. I wouldn’t trust anyone with that kind of direct control of my mind. Not my soul mate, not my therapist, and definitely not some anonymous rando posting videos on a porn site.

And yeah I know this is probably going to be a super unpopular opinion. I can deal with it (for once, LOL).

Anyway, I think we can all agree that taking super niche kink videos as a fair sample of what transness is like is pretty screwed up.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


That sucks. I didn’t know that about him. It’s disappointing as his book is so often recommended as a resource. As a cis woman who has no problem with trans women in women’s spaces, I really hate when cis men use “protecting” me as a shield for their bigotry.

4 years ago

@tim gueguen
I saw that making the rounds on Twitter. Would be funny if people didn’t seriously believe it.

@Crip Dyke
Apologies, I was not attempting to defend or suggest a genocide of incels at all, but was unclear about the formal definition and how it applied. I apologize for misunderstanding the definition of genocide.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
epitome of incomrepehensibility

But acting like there’s a huge conflict of interest here, and thinking trans women don’t belong in women’s spaces period, is just gross IMO.

@Cyborgette – agreed!

As a cis woman who has no problem with trans women in women’s spaces, I really hate when cis men use “protecting” me as a shield for their bigotry.

@WWTH – yeah, same here!

And it’s not that women TERFs don’t have the same lines, but it feels especially condescending coming from men, and kind of a self-own (thinking “men” are inherently dangerous, etc.).

@Naglfar, re the mask: thanks for the suggestion! It won’t take long to fix, I just get frustrated easily when I have to redo stuff (thanks, ADHD).

As for COVID-19 restrictions, I’m a bit worried because the premier of our province is supposed to announce new measures for another lockdown and it may include a curfew. I don’t like the idea of not being allowed to go outside after 9 PM, or not having buses running at night (but would buses be running? surely there are people with essential work who’d need them). The idea of being shut in, or not having access to stuff I might hypothetically need, frightens me (last week I started panicking because I was in my dad’s car, he was driving to a store more than 10 minutes away, and I wasn’t quite sure where it was – I talked to him about it and calmed myself down, but you see the ridiculous things anxiety does to me sometimes). 🙁

But it makes absolute sense to keep non-essential businesses closed until the virus numbers go down. Yes, to me it’s a loss of some work, but we’re talking about lives being saved.

This anti-mask BS misses the point hard. And while people like the OP whine about their freedoms being lost, they’re not paying attention to actual oppression from governments – e.g. I’m preeeeeeeeeeetty sure this guy wasn’t out protesting police brutality. Probably thinks black lives don’t matter and incels are the worst-oppressed group ever.

4 years ago


It really does 😐 TBH his book has been on my to-read list for a while due to Life Experiences, so yeah I was a bit extra annoyed when he turned out to be a bigot.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
4 years ago

The California implementation of Obamacare sent me a nifty mask with elastic ear loops and those thingies that you can use to adjust their length. And sewn so there’s a poofed out section in the front so it doesn’t lie flat on your nose and mouth. It’s an advert for them, so I’m sure this incel loser (but I repeat myself) would consider me a sheep. I consider it as saving me from MAGAts and representing that I can afford to see a doctor once in a while and afford my prescriptions. Barely, but still.

Many countries reported a lot fewer flu infections over their winter since people were wearing masks and washing their hands. That’s lives saved, and hours people didn’t take off work, and lots of general misery prevented.

Regarding masks, I was in a socially-distanced checkout line and the guy behind me had an “automatic rifle/cold dead hands” t-shirt on. I was a little worried. But he was wearing a proper mask and said he liked my kitty t-shirt. Maybe he’s a heavily-armed liberal, or maybe he’s a conservative who’s just not an asshole.

State-ordered killing includes not only the military, but the death penalty. Which Agent Orange is using as much as he can in the federal prison system.

I really don’t get the performative eating thing. They’re not pwning teh libs by posting gross food on their Twitter or whatever, because teh libs aren’t following them. I suppose it’s a way of showing how macho they are to their peers, though. Until they get hooked on pills and stroke out like Lobster Boy Peterson.

@Cyborgette: consensual hugs

I’m a straight cis white woman married to a SWM, not into kink, well-educated, living in “a great neighborhood to raise kids”. And yet… random men in the dark scare me too. I have experienced plenty of sexism. I know those feels, and can’t imagine how tough it is for you. Or for my friends and neighbors of differing sexualities, identities, races, etc.

I do attempt to use my “Karen power” only for good, like when someone tries to serve me and I point out the Black woman was ahead of me, or giving a hairy eyeball and a “Seriously?” when someone (usually a SWM) tells a racist “joke”. I do occasionally use it for me, because I’m well into middle age, and middle-aged women are too often invisible. But I try not to. (Then I text my enby friend “ugh had 2 karen”.)

4 years ago


And it’s not that women TERFs don’t have the same lines, but it feels especially condescending coming from men, and kind of a self-own (thinking “men” are inherently dangerous, etc.).

In my experience, male TERFs are always creepy as hell. Usually they’re misogynists who seem to have realized they could get away with more misogyny (and even claim to be feminist) if they directed it at trans women. And I’m certain they’re projecting whenever they say that “males” (or people they consider male) are dangerous. And their obsession with children’s genitals and the appearance of young AFAB people…ugh.

Crip Dyke
4 years ago

Apologies, I was not attempting to defend or suggest a genocide of incels at all,

Never thought you were. I just wanted to clarify that non-innate characteristics can be the basis for a genocide (both legally and colloquially). I find this to be a good thing, and so I just want people to know.

The current legal definition doesn’t include, say, all computer programmers, but what constitutes genocide is more flexible than people think & I wanted to share that.

4 years ago

More than “religion isn’t innate”, it’s “religion (and incelness) isn’t physically visible”. Maybe there’s genetic factor to be more trusting, more entitled, or more faithful, but it’s not visible like a different form of visage or a skin color.

As for removing children from incel home, I believe it should be evaluated household per household. If we removed all children from all incels home (based, say, on having one or both parents regular posters on incel forums), that would be a crime against humanity.

4 years ago


I really do look at people basically flashing their brain firmware as a form of sexual play and ask: “What the fuck are you doing?”

They’re not, though. Its just pretending. Most of that stuff isn’t even as sophisticated as hypnosis… its just swirly patterns or naughty pictures with “get boobies” drawn over the top in a pirate copy of after-effects, as far as I can tell.

Even hypnotherapy, which has worked very hard to improve its techniques and be taken seriously isn’t anywhere near firmware-flashing. 20+ years of analysis has failed to show any significant efficacy, and that’s with a lot more effort put in to working on people who wanted to achieve their goals. And mostly didn’t.

The closest anyone has come to it are things like “mind melting machine” on vr headsets which, if you’re really lucky, might give you an absense seizure. If you’re in to that sort of thing.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

I don’t find it at all surprising that hypnotherapy doesn’t work, or that they have yet to invent a working Langford basilisk, or etc., with inducing a petit mal seizure in a few susceptible individuals with flashing lights being the closest anyone has ever gotten to such a thing.

Think about it: if there was a susceptibility to a “brain hack” through the senses, some predatory animal would have evolved a way to deploy it to completely freeze and render helpless its prey from a distance. Call this a “gorgon”. Once there was a gorgon on the loose it would prompt very strong selection for defenses to its immobilization technique, and the “brain hack” in question would stop working. Such selective pressures have probably given rise to brains that are basically unhackable, and that moreover likely fold in a lot of random entropy when configuring themselves so that uniform susceptibility to a thing like that would be very unlikely to arise. The most you’d get is … a handful of susceptible people here and there. And one obvious defense is to have a self-monitoring circuit that reboots everything at the first sign of serious trouble. So the seizures that could be induced would tend to last for a limited time — still long enough for the predator to kill its helpless target, but sparing any random bystander who caught the gorgon’s gaze during the attack as well.

What we actually observe, in terms of lack of widespread susceptibility to any such “hack”, and those few “hacks” that work on smaller susceptible populations causing temporary symptoms rather than them keeling over essentially dead on the spot, is exactly what we would expect as the outcome of some past such evolutionary arms race.

4 years ago


Fair I guess. IDK much about hypnosis/hypnotherapy except what it looks like from outside.


That’s a really interesting thought. And sounds like the usual situation with computer bro intuition vs. biological systems. “Oh hey here’s a clever idea,” whoops nature already got there hundreds of millions of years ago.

4 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements

Think about it: if there was a susceptibility to a “brain hack” through the senses, some predatory animal would have evolved a way to deploy it to completely freeze and render helpless its prey from a distance. Call this a “gorgon”. Call this a “gorgon”. Once there was a gorgon on the loose it would prompt very strong selection for defenses to its immobilization technique, and the “brain hack” in question would stop working.

Weeeeell, maybe.

We already have a huge range of examples of sensory “hacks” in the form of lures, camoflage and mimicry that work on some quite complex and intelligent animals, and these techniques might reasonably be expected to be at the very least tens of thousands of years old and some of them probably millions of years old (IANA paleontologist, so I’m not sure how old the oldest known examples of this stuff might be).

There’s strong selection pressure for tasty species fooled by these techniques to not be eaten, and yet they persist, because evolving around your own blindspots is hard.

There also various kinds of actual brain hacks, mostly in arthopods but again even in more complex species… look at the studies of the effects of toxoplasma on humans, for example (and give your cat the side eye, if you have one).

That said, you don’t see cordyceps-like bodyjacking in mammals, other than in fiction. I’ve read some interesting stuff (which I can’t find links too right now, sorry) that the hideous complexity of the human brain and mind and the enormous amounts of effort psychologists and psychiatrists go to in an attempt to understand the way it works and goes wrong and how to fix it are perhaps themselves an example of an evolved defence against brain-hijacking parasites.

That would imply that things like depression are to “the last of us”-style zombies as sickle-cell crises are to malaria. Quite how plausible the idea is I don’t know, but it is certainly interesting.

4 years ago

@surplus : counterpoint, some animals completely do have hacks in their brain. Like when you take a cat by the skin in its neck it’s helpless. Some mushrooms hack ant neural system to make them act as they want. Some parasites hack mice and rat brain to get them eaten by cats. That’s three basic example from pop culture, I guess a proper biologist could probably find more.

Not to mention that camouflage and mimicking is basically animals hacking the visual brain of their predators.

Outside of that, there’s a pressure to remove hack that are actually activable by predators. The comic book hypnotist show, for example, isn’t something a predator can really do ; it would need the prey to already cooperate by staying put and looking at it for a long time, and that’s just harder than ambushing the poor sap. Similarly, a smell-based hypnosis method would be very costly and specific for a predator to develop, and might very well not have a clear evolutionary path to it.

If you want a more concrete example of adaptations that don’t happen because there’s no clear evolutionary path to it, look at how known vertebrate have evolved the wings three time, but all three time by repurposing legs and never by creating a new member ex nihilo. It’s not that a gryphin is fundamentaly a flawed body plan, it’s that the path imply form with useless partial wings that would get selected against.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

I would have thought incels would embrace masks wholeheartedly. With a mask on, you can’t tell who has a suboptimal maxillary angle. Everyone’s a Chad.

Too bad masks can’t cover up rancid personalities.

Re: genocide, does the definition cover inaction, as in refraining from actions like dating and fucking that lead to greater reproductive success for incels? Nobody’s actively trying to eliminate them. We’re just not interested in being around hateful people who want to subjugate us. It seems to me you can’t compel people to behave in a certain way towards a particular group in order for it not to be labeled genocide. In fact, one could argue that forcing women to date incels and bear their children would be a form of genocide for the women.

I think the word they’re looking for is self-Darwining.

They are Mindless bots. If they could be fooled by a hoax (corona) then that just shows how stupid they are and how easily manipulated they are by the government

“I’ll take out the trash when I want to, not when you tell me to!” *trash piles up for 7 weeks and attracts rats*

These guys are permanently stuck in You’re Not The Boss Of Me syndrome. Nowadays, that can be fatal.

4 years ago

re lundy Bancroft
that sucks his books are really good. I found my copy very helpful. I have also heard baf things about his associate ( former student/ employee I think) Michael kimmel

4 years ago


These guys are permanently stuck in You’re Not The Boss Of Me syndrome

Unfortunately, they seem to have found a fellow person stuck in that situation, and have decided he is the boss of them. And they insist we’re the ones who blindly follow leaders, because they have IMAX level projection.

Yes, Kimmel has been accused of sexual harassment and transphobia as well.

4 years ago


There’s a quote I heard (I forget where or from whom?) to the effect that, paraphrasing, the way a man treats trans women in public is usually how he treats any woman in private. Does seem to hold true pretty frequently, doesn’t it.