Today’s dose of recombinant paranoia comes from the Incels.co forums, where one inventive fellow has managed to combine anti-masker paranoia with fears of “incel genocide” into one unholy mess.
“People who wear masks during quarantine are the same people who will gladly commit incel genocide,” warns a commenter known as BummerDrummer.
When the government outlaws incels and inevitably attacks us and sends us to camps people who today wear masks in public are the ones who will gladly do it because daddy government told them to.
wearing a mask already implies you are on your knees for government power.
Weird. I wear a mask because I don’t want to get COVID or accidentally give it to anyone else, not because “big daddy government” says I should.
You bow to government Jewish trickery and power. The people that do this will follow the governments orders no matter what they say. Antifa self hating whites can say they hate drumpf all they want but at the end of the day they still wear a corona mask in public.
You realize that Trump doesn’t wear a mask? And that this is probably why such a huge percentage of Americans also refuse to wear the mask, at great risk to themselves and their older friends and relatives? It’s almost as if they’re the ones in an authoritarian cult, not those who wear masks.
Whenever you go outside the people in masks all would have no 2nd thoughts on shooting you if the government told them to.
The mask-wearers aren’t the ones with the guns.
They are Mindless bots. If they could be fooled by a hoax (corona) then that just shows how stupid they are and how easily manipulated they are by the government
if, through this, the government can take away your rights and ORDER YOU to wear a mask, then who says down the line they won’t be able to order killings?
Yes, because wearing a mask for your own good is somehow equivalent to murder.
Wait, they’re going to make us wear bigger and bigger masks?
TDLR: wearing mask in public=government is your daddy=you would have no issue partaking in the inevitable incel genocide ….
Normies are COMPLIANT in having their rights taken away. They will be compliant when your rights are taken away as well.
Dude, do you get this mad about seatbelts, which take away your right to be flung through the front windshield in a car crash? Do you think that stop signs are a plot by the Jews? Do you rebel against the tyranny of expiration dates on food by defiantly eating beans that have gone bad? What exactly is the point of “rebelling” against a simple health precaution like wearing a mask that will help you to avoid getting a horrendous disease and passing it along to others?
And by the way, dude, “incel genocide” isn’t a real thing any more than “white genocide” is. Incels are obsessed with playing the victim, but their victimhood is entirely imaginary.
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Minor nitpick: genocide refers to the killing of an ethnic or racial group, so if incels were killed it wouldn’t be a genocide since incels aren’t an ethnicity. It would probably be considered a democide. Of course, no one is killing incels, so they probably think that it’s genocide not to fuck them, and that’s definitely not a genocide or democide.
Comments policy. I also hate incels, but we shouldn’t wish for killing people.
I think I know why this is. Fascism revolves around victimhood and the idea of somehow both being the “master race” but also under attack by some imagined oppressor. Since incels face no real oppression but want to claim the victimhood, they have to make up oppression.
Just because you blindly do the opposite of what the government commands, doesn’t mean we blindly do whatever the government commands.
One of my favourite things right now (and by “favourite things” I mean “my head has worn holes into all the walls and desks”) is right-wingers being perplexed by all the Republicans who have been getting Covid-19 in greater numbers than Democrats so they’ve started weaving all sorts of conspiracy theories instead of accepting that masks and social distancing just work.
Some people have seriously weird takes on masks. There’s also Alex Jones’ English mini-me, Paul Joseph Watson, who’s tweeted more than once that “men who wear masks enjoy being pegged by their girlfriends”. To which the only logical replies are “Huh?” and also “So?” Dude, just put something in your butt. You’re obviously so obsessed with the idea that everything makes you think about it.
PJW is a strange dude. He also likes to tweet pictures of gross looking food that he’s made and caption it with things like “liberal tears.” Which is just confusing. Because people feel owned if he wants to eat salmon with a pile of shredded cheese on top apparently. Although to be fair, posting gross food pics to own the libs seems to be an entire subgenre of conservative tweet and I’ve never seen an explanation for why they do it.
Well, of course. How else are they to, as they like to put it, “break you down and rebuild you into a soldier!” The colloquial term for BITE is ‘brainwashing’, and the general principles have been known for ages and chronically employed by the unprincipled.
So…a tautology then.
Wait…are they trying to define refusal to have sex with a given dude as a war crime? They are, aren’t they?
Well, it provides plenty of fodder to mock so it’s fine by me. One of the more harmless types of conservative tweets.
My favorite PJW moment was that time he posted a picture of himself with no one else in frame and the caption “at the club.” Sort of the unironic version of that Nathan Fielder joke about “my friends are laughing with me, they’re just out of frame.”
I’m getting really, really tired of these sorts of jerks. Do they really think that if they scream loud enough and throw enough of a temper tantrum, reality will bend to their wills? Do they really think Antifa is some government suck up group? Do they honestly believe that if they just wish hard enough, COVID won’t be a thing? Done, I’m so done. If they weren’t out causing real harm, I’d just point and laugh. But nope, they love to spread disease to prove they’re not simps or something. The stupid here ought to be criminal.
Is it possible it mutated from that time whatsername at Fox News tried to drink a lightbulb-studded steak through a straw, also to own the libs?
Given that they seem to seethe with genuine rage at the thought of people consuming soy products, or pumpkin-spice lattes, I’m not that surprised they think it works in reverse and they can Own the Libs by performative eating?
Performative eating keeps cropping up around here. Don’t forget those MGTOW meals. Or Jordan Peterson …
And about half the time, a certain weirdo shows up to explain how real men can digest raw meat and demonstrate extreme projection.
@TB Tabby – Well said!
I’m having a frustrating moment with a mask right now. It was too loose, so I got together a needle and thread to tighten the elastic straps, but it turns out I tightened them too much so I have to undo all the stitches. Grr.
Praying? Metaphorical fellatio? Either way, I could do it from a more comfortable position 🙂
I assumed they were referring to it as a generic gesture of submission, but anti maskers do seem to be a bit obsessed with fellatio. I recall seeing pictures of a shirt saying something like “if your government told you to stand 6 feet apart and wear a mask and you did it, aren’t you glad they didn’t tell you to suck a dick?” It seems to be a very specific image.
As for masks, I know some come with sliding clips to tighten the ear loops, maybe it’s possible to improvise something similar?
List of things mask wears probably won’t do:
Pull off a condom during sex.
Long time lurker here. So I guess I’ll do the adequate thing and first thank David for his work. I don’t know how you do it but considering that misogyny always turns up to be at the underbelly of pretty much any sort of hate movement… it’s a service to humanity.
Also: Hi everyone! My name is rusalka and I’m not a mermaid.
The thing that finally made me comment? Incel genocide… I know it’s ridiculous, I know this guy’s drivel is pure projection and I know other commenters already put into better context why it’s offensive and also how incels in general would even come up with the idea, but for personal and out of professional reasons this is just… it just really makes me wanna bake a plate of cookies for this guy, then pour some gasoline on them and light the whole damn thing on fire…
Also aside from my whole frustration with a dumbass likening his own inability at procreating caused by his own rotten character to freaking genocide… Isn’t “extinction” and/or “dying alone” the alleged natural outcome for incels anyway? Isn’t that the reason why they call themselves that stupid term in the first place? Why the heck would “mask wearers” have to shoot them? Ah well… why am I even asking myself that question? None of this stuff makes any sense. It’s always just an expression of what these people feel at any given moment…
It takes a special sort of fellow to combine casual anti-Semitism with believing that the gummint wants to put him in a camp due to asking him to do something to save his own life.
As a left leaning fella with plenty of guns, but no particular inclination to shoot anyone, I’d suggest this incel is full of something, and I don’t mean rhetoric skill or good ideas. In fact, of the gun owners I know, those who are most excited about the idea of shooting people are Conservatives who support Trump, surprise, surprise.
TLDR Version: Masks lead to mindless shooting? See also: Slippery Slope Argument.
Re: Steven Hassan
It’s worth noting that he recently jumped on the “transness is a cult” bandwagon. Based on, uh, viewing some extremely niche kink material on Pornhub?
Not unlike Lundy Bancroft. IDK what the deal is with these cis dude experts, but it’s exhausting how this keeps happening.
Military organizations do employ a lot of authoritarian control. At which point taking the BITE model all on it’s own is insufficient. You have to look for motivations and methods. For militaries, especially in the first world/west, you have look at the influence continuum. Most militaries tend lean more towards the constructive and healthy side. For a couple of reasons, while they are authoritarian, they also get and are expected to be thrown into a lot of extreme situations. So that requires a lot of organizational coordination, group cohesion, and discipline under extreme stress. So the key goals are survival and maintaining functional operations under said stressful situations.
Granted not all militaries hold themselves to these standards. Many use purely destructive and unhealthy influence. This is especially true in nations that both have disproportionately large standing militaries and compulsory service. Although this completely leaves out how national powers tend to use their militaries in blatantly unethical ways.
That definition of genocide is a lot more narrow than the commonly accepted official definition of genocide. Which in and of itself is kind of narrowly defined. The United Nations Genocide convention defines it thusly:
One thing to note is that LGBTQ+ identities are among the identities not included as “stable” identities and innate traits. When they legitimately are, especially compared to religion, where people convert all the time. So that’s not at all innate. Still being trans* and not straight, seeing that kind of bigotry is still globally the norm is depressing. Especially since us LGBTQ folk can be the victims of genocide legitimately. We’ve been systematically murdered and prevented from reproducing/having families in the past, plenty of times.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide (TW: Talks about genocide and the like.)
What is kind of strange is that you could say that incels are committing a genocide. Just on themselves, or rather each other, not an outside group.Which is both fascinating and disgusting.
I knew about Hassan, but hadn’t heard about Bancroft. That’s unfortunate.
Fair enough, but since inceldom is not an innate trait I still don’t think it would qualify for the definition. Regardless, incels think that it’s genocide that women aren’t fucking them, so they’re not very concerned with definitions.
Wait, what’d Lundy Bancroft do?
My point was more that incels are effectively committing genocide on their own community. It’s not that women aren’t having sex with the in this case. It’s their own toxic internal culture, twisting each other in to hateful toxic people via peer pressure. Which ironically is the biggest reason they can’t find love.
Keep in mind this is in absolutely not to justify them. Simply pointing out that they’re their own worst enemies. Also, yeah it doesn’t fit basically any definition of genocide. It just strikingly similar. So if anyone is going to cause the genocide of incels? Well it’s incels going to be doing it to each other. Honestly though to be more accurate, it’s not genocide, but more a death cult.
I wish more people WERE wearing masks. It’d make my job less stressful. The other month I had to cancel a project for a clinic trying to do COVID-19 testing because the other vendor didn’t have capacity. Which means I don’t know when that clinic will be able to do COVID-19 testing. Which means I try not to wonder how many people won’t get diagnosed or treated before they get too sick to leave their beds.