conspiracy theory coronavirus incels

Incel: “People who wear masks during quarantine are the same people who will gladly commit incel genocide”

Today’s dose of recombinant paranoia comes from the forums, where one inventive fellow has managed to combine anti-masker paranoia with fears of “incel genocide” into one unholy mess.

“People who wear masks during quarantine are the same people who will gladly commit incel genocide,” warns a commenter known as BummerDrummer.

When the government outlaws incels and inevitably attacks us and sends us to camps people who today wear masks in public are the ones who will gladly do it because daddy government told them to.

wearing a mask already implies you are on your knees for government power.

Weird. I wear a mask because I don’t want to get COVID or accidentally give it to anyone else, not because “big daddy government” says I should.

You bow to government Jewish trickery and power. The people that do this will follow the governments orders no matter what they say. Antifa self hating whites can say they hate drumpf all they want but at the end of the day they still wear a corona mask in public.

You realize that Trump doesn’t wear a mask? And that this is probably why such a huge percentage of Americans also refuse to wear the mask, at great risk to themselves and their older friends and relatives? It’s almost as if they’re the ones in an authoritarian cult, not those who wear masks.

Whenever you go outside the people in masks all would have no 2nd thoughts on shooting you if the government told them to.

The mask-wearers aren’t the ones with the guns.

They are Mindless bots. If they could be fooled by a hoax (corona) then that just shows how stupid they are and how easily manipulated they are by the government

if, through this, the government can take away your rights and ORDER YOU to wear a mask, then who says down the line they won’t be able to order killings?

Yes, because wearing a mask for your own good is somehow equivalent to murder.


Wait, they’re going to make us wear bigger and bigger masks?

TDLR: wearing mask in public=government is your daddy=you would have no issue partaking in the inevitable incel genocide ….

Normies are COMPLIANT in having their rights taken away. They will be compliant when your rights are taken away as well.

Dude, do you get this mad about seatbelts, which take away your right to be flung through the front windshield in a car crash? Do you think that stop signs are a plot by the Jews? Do you rebel against the tyranny of expiration dates on food by defiantly eating beans that have gone bad? What exactly is the point of “rebelling” against a simple health precaution like wearing a mask that will help you to avoid getting a horrendous disease and passing it along to others?

And by the way, dude, “incel genocide” isn’t a real thing any more than “white genocide” is. Incels are obsessed with playing the victim, but their victimhood is entirely imaginary.

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tim gueguen
4 years ago

I’m sure someone out there thinks stop signs and other traffic control equipment violate their rights. There are some libertarians who think seatbelt laws are a violation of their rights.

Last edited 4 years ago by tim gueguen
John Michaels
John Michaels
4 years ago

Once again, incel imagines a world where everyone wants him to die because

1) It makes him feeling like his continuing survival despite no achievements is actually an act of resistance, and

2) It would mean he matters to someone. Someone wanting to kill him means he’s important, him just being a nobody doing nothing cared for by noone is far more terrifying

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Well, incel genocide is just a really self victimizing and offensively overdramatic way of saying people aren’t having sex with incels. So, as a person who wears a mask in public, yes, I’m totally the kind of person who would commit incel genocide.

4 years ago

The projection is surreal.

When the government outlaws incels and inevitably attacks us and sends us to camps people who today wear masks in public are the ones who will gladly do it because daddy government told them to.

I’m not sure where this incel lives, but in America the federal government opposes masks and has done more damage to pandemic response than anything else.

You bow to government Jewish trickery and power.

I would imagine this is a reference to either ZOG conspiracy theories or “deep state.”

The mask-wearers aren’t the ones with the guns.

To be fair, I know a few leftists with guns, but they don’t go around shooting people randomly.


My mask doesn’t march, it mostly just sits on my face.

government is your daddy

At least I’ve never treated any US president as if they were divine.

What exactly is the point of “rebelling” against a simple health precaution like wearing a mask that will help you to avoid getting a horrendous disease and passing it along to others?

I think it’s a masculinity thing. They think that Real Men don’t get sick or that Real Men don’t wear masks, and therefore wearing a mask makes one less of a man. Ironically, one of the long term complications of COVID appears to be erectile dysfunction.

@tim gueguen
Sovcits think that being punished for traffic violations is against their rights, so they probably do think that.

4 years ago

So after comparing incels to the BITE model, they’re definitely a cult. A death cult at that. They need to feel persecuted to justify their own twisted world view. Heck their conviction that they’ll be banned is basically identical to the doomsday cult mentality of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Where they cling to the idea that they’ll be banned as some sort of holy justification for their disturbing and unhealthy belief system. Which would be less abhorrent if it also wasn’t such a pathetic existence that they enforce on themselves.

Now quite a lot of people own guns. I’d say enough of them are also sensible and responsible to wear masks. Since a lot of progressives own and even carry guns in the US, never mind what Marx and Engle had to say on the subject. Being a responsible gun owner isn’t an instant badge of being a fascist. Especially since fascists are well known for restricting access to guns.Unless it’s among their chosen favored demographics.

Either way… I’m less worried about the typical American gun owner, compared to virtually any incel. Since incels have a history of enacting lone wolf terror attack mass shootings.

As for the arguments for heavily restricting guns in the US. On a purely practical level I just don’t see it happening in the foreseeable future.Since the even the Democrats are llargely unwilling to take that kind of stance. Just due to the fact how fervently the concept of gun ownership being a fundamental right is. Is serious gun control a good idea? Almost definitely. It’s just not going to fly.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

Since a lot of progressives own and even carry guns in the US, never mind what Marx and Engle had to say on the subject.

“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” ― Karl Marx

They’re in the clear.

4 years ago

The mask-wearers aren’t the ones with the guns.

Of course not, because government confiscation of our guns was several steps behind kill drone conscription in our citizen obedience training program. Usually, when the government orders you to start liquidating external or internal enemies, they at least give you a gun for that job.

4 years ago

Oh, yeah, Antifa sure is a group of people known for unquestioningly doing whatever the government tells them to, why do you think they suck up to cops so hard?

4 years ago

Oh noooooooo, this genius incel has discovered (((our))) plot or at least one facet of it. Whatever shall we doooooo.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
4 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger: Thank you for explaining that. I was just about to ask what “incel genocide” was.

4 years ago

To be honest, if *this* is the kind of shit ‘incels’ bring to the table (and fuck knows they’re not trying to bring anything else; most of them are actively against being useful and productive/functioning members of society) then why should some hypothetical future tyrant feel any compunction against wiping them out? They are self-described leeches. They are proudly and vociferously parasitic. They are festering boils on the asshole of society. Their removal could only yield a net good.

Anon Get-It-On
Anon Get-It-On
4 years ago

Those inches are terrible!

And, I’d rather not bring this up but a manosphere neo nazi website is now advocating violence.

(Trigger Warning-really bad stuff, don’t sy I didn’t warn you!)

4 years ago

Radar guy: He’s all over the place! 900 feet up to 1300 feet…what an asshole!

4 years ago

@tim gueguen

I’m sure someone out there thinks stop signs and other traffic control equipment violate their rights. There are some libertarians who think seatbelt laws are a violation of their rights.

I remember coming across the phrase “Toxic Individualism” to describe the kind of mindset, “so called” rational and values of persons who adhere to that exact mindset, like a sort of hyper self centered, self aggrandizing chauvinism that can and even is used to enforce, enable and justify a form of pathological and partisan self interest regardless of cultivation of world view, consideration of others or even ones own self preservation or best interest towards oneself.

Honestly; Toxic Individualism is an apt word to describe not only these kind of people but also the mindset and dangerously unhealthy perspective they are operating under this ideological praxis.

Incels, MGTOW’s and Libertarians and others cut from Neo-reactionary cloths like this seem to nominally operate under this framework.

Last edited 4 years ago by TacticalProgressive
4 years ago

In relation to my previous comment,

I thought it odd that this incel envisions some highly hypothetical scenario of random people being ordered to shoot the enemies of the state. Instead of, you know, military conscription, which is basically the same thing but also involves extensive surrender of your personal life and autonomy, so you can be a cog in a complicated machine of state violence, and which actually has plenty of historical and legal precedent.

Is there any precedent for the government just ordering people to kill their local dissidents, or something like that? AFAIK sometimes hatemongering populist leaders (and more commonly media influencers) might incite mob violence succesfully enough to make that violence actually happen to some significant degree. The vigilantes who respond to this call may take it as an “order” but it’s not legally binding or officially enforceable in any way. It’s basically a volunteer thing, and perhaps driven by social peer pressure and/or opportunity to loot. The government may or may not take some token effort to try to legally suppress this vigilante violence, while socially encouraging it.

Then again, this whole discourse is apparently based on the assumption that compliance with orders relies very much on people’s willingness to obey, rather than any government force. This dynamic actually applies to masking and other Covid-19 precautions, since they are mostly difficult to enforce, but easy for responsible people to follow anyway. People who care tend to take even recommendations as “orders”, while people who don’t care tend to take even orders as recommendations and get away with it. Of course, the latter might still cry persecution on any feeble attempts at social or institutional enforcement.

4 years ago

We will gladly kill off incel ideology with our masks!

This reminds me, I saw an anti-mask poster saying that more specialized masks that were clear and covered the eyes were more effective. They are less cost effective though.

Masks plus physical distancing and hand washing are the easiest and cheapest way to stop the spread. I encountered someone who wore masks for fashion and didn’t catch a cold with it on.

Notice too how it’s often white people and particularly white men who refuse to wear masks, as someone I came across put it, it’s down to their medical superiority complex when Africa and Asia (with the notable exception of India) have managed the pandemic quite well compared to Europe and North America.

4 years ago

Jane – Incels may be genuinely detrimental to society, but they don’t deserve liquidation. Nobody does.

Besides, despite what they claim, they aren’t widely hated or persecuted, and likely wouldn’t be among the first liquidation targets of some hypothetical future dictatorship.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago


The “BITE model”?


To be honest, if *this* is the kind of shit ‘incels’ bring to the table (and fuck knows they’re not trying to bring anything else; most of them are actively against being useful and productive/functioning members of society) then why should some hypothetical future tyrant feel any compunction against wiping them out? They are self-described leeches. They are proudly and vociferously parasitic. They are festering boils on the asshole of society. Their removal could only yield a net good.

To a dark place, this line of thought will carry us.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
4 years ago

Projection is the right wing’s second favorite thing, after hatred.

Also, I thought people who wear masks are cucks or whatever term they’re using now, and cannot get laid? IOW… incels!

And yes, I do know of people who seriously think seatbelts are an infringement of their constitutional rights.

If my mask starts marching, I’m gonna figure I’m hallucinating, which means I probably have a high fever, and need to be tested for COVID.

People are actually using their masks to express their creativity and personality, like t-shirts and Halloween costumes do. I’ve seen some really neat ones. Mine largely express my taste in music.

4 years ago

As a trans person, I can’t understand why someone who, by all objective measures, isn’t part of a marginalized community *chooses* to convince themselves that the government is going to round them up into camps.

Heck, something I’m looking forward to come Jan. 20th is being able to *stop* worrying about that, at least for a little while.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
4 years ago

@Surplus: A checklist to examine cult-indoctrination. Developer’s Wiki:

@Weirwoodtreehugger: They certainly don’t do a good job arguing why this supposed genocide is bad. They just seem to be getting less creative about everything.

4 years ago

@Anon Get-It-On

And, I’d rather not bring this up but

Its the only site you ever come on here to bring up. Are you just really bad at SEO or something?

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

if, through this, the government can take away your rights and ORDER YOU to wear a mask, then who says down the line they won’t be able to order killings?

The government can and does order killings. It’s called war. Where have you been.

4 years ago

The “BITE model”?


The BITE mode; is the pretty definitive set of standards used to identify cults and other authoritarian control. It stands for Behavior Control, Information Control, Thought Control, and Emotional Control. You can read about it in depth here:

Also check out the influence continuum there as well. It makes a good companion to the BITE model

Last edited 4 years ago by Natsume
Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago


Two observations about this BITE thing:

  1. It seems to fairly well describe one-on-one abusive relationships as well as the many-to-one abusive relationship of cult membership (with the cult leader as the abuser).
  2. Military organizations tick off an awful lot of the boxes. Consider how many of the behavior control items apply to, say, the US Army.
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