Apparently Milo — the disagreeable human, not the comforting chocolatey drink — has seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest too many times.
Over on Parler — the Twitter clone for people banned from the real Twitter — the once-infamous, now just-sort-of-pathetic Milo is having a little bit of a meltdown over, of all things, nurses, or at least those of the female variety. At a time when nurses are risking their lives to care for COVID patients in the midst of a deadly pandemic, Milo thinks they need to be knocked down a peg or two.

I will leave it to the psychoanalysts to figure out what is really going on with Milo here.

Milo has been in a pretty cranky mood for some time. It seems like every few days I read about him lashing out against some new enemy on Parler. Including some you might have thought were his allies.
He’s not exactly happy about Trump or the Republican party these days:

We should note that it wasn’t his support for Trump that cost him his career; he was abandoned by many of his supporters for suggesting that pedophilia was sometimes a good thing.
Anywhoo, he’s also pretty darn mad at the North (of the US).

Ironically, though, the thing he’s the maddest about is Parler itself. Apparently he misses the good old days on Twitter, when a single rude comment of his directed at a particular person could unleash an entire army of his supporters on them.
Also, he’s now willing to admit that at least some of the people he’s allied himself with over the years are actually a bunch of dunderheads.

Wow. People on Parler are treating him like his fans used to treat people on Twitter. What goes around, comes around, I guess.
H/T — thanks to @parlertakes, @Mikanojo and @PurpleGimp on Twitter, from whom I borrowed the above screenshots.
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Let me just fire up my nano-violin over here…
I once spent 10+ days in the hospital. The best thing about it was the nurses. They’re the ones who interact with the patients the most, know how all the machines work, and make sure patients get the proper medication. I barely remember seeing the doctor at all. And of course, Milo thinks that getting a nursing degree is easy; his type always thinks any job that is predominately done by women is easy. He dropped out of college the first time he went and got expelled the second time, but sure, nursing is easy.
So what’s Baby Milo’s degree in? He sounds like a thoroughly lovely person.
Poor, poor Milo, starved of attention.
“Destroy the GOP to own the libs” is becoming a common sentiment among the right these days. I can only hope they are completely serious about tearing their own party down.
Isn’t Milo British?
As for the last few posts, all I can say is, he reaps what he sows.
@Katherine the Adequate
Nothing. He dropped out of the University of Manchester before graduating, then was expelled from the Wolfson College in Cambridge
I suppose he’s one of those Sussex Nationalists, quite a rare breed in the last millennium or so.
So this is just his latest attempt to stay relevant and keep his “brand” in people’s minds, right? At least in the mind of whoever will listen to him.
This has the same energy as a cranky 8 year old who got mad at his nurse at the hospital when told he couldn’t have pizza right after his combo tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy and has to choose something from the soft food menu instead.
Humble brag bullshit: I once considered adding some of the appropriate classes and electives to a couple of my Associate’s Degrees to get a Nursing Degree of some kind or another, but didn’t because it would be merely be for bragging rights, as I had no intention of actually engaging in such a high stress job (and this before a pandemic). My hat’s off to whoever is hardcore enough to do the job.
Seriously though, nurses have one hell of a job right now and are putting their lives on the line, and this jackass wants to say this kind of crap about them? Wonder what he’ll be saying if he ends up struggling to breathe in some understaffed hospital… or maybe he did that and didn’t like feeling powerless, so blame them?
He started his Contrarian Gay act for fame and money and instead destroyed his reputation so badly that he’ll always have trouble finding respectable employment. Now he’s typing anything that he’s thinks might get a rise out of someone somewhere because it’s all he knows. He may go full fundy and ex-gay next.
One thing conservative tokens never learn is, their new bedmates aren’t their friends. The minute those new bedmates cease to find them useful, they will be thrown out instantly, and usually their original community will no longer want them back after what they’ve done. Milo is a notable example of this, but he’s far from the only one. If he goes ex-gay it wouldn’t surprise me at all, it might be the only way he can keep the flow of cash at least temporarily. IIRC he’s millions in debt.
I love hearing about Milo! Not because I’m a fan {shudder}, but because I feel about him the way this website feels about him 🙂 Plus it makes me feel youngish again, like in yon olden days when we used to read about RooshV and Paul Elam, et al.
Speaking of rotten people we’ve been introduced to on We Hunted the Mammoth, does anyone else remember this guy>>> https://lawandcrime.com/crazy/pedophile-white-supremacist-who-once-ran-for-congress-recently-kidnapped-12-year-old-girl-deputies/
^^^Pretty sure anyone here who’s heard of Nathan Daniel Larson only heard of him because of WHTM. Maybe this time he’ll get a reasonable sentence, since this time he followed through. (An earlier crime was blatantly threatening to k*ll the Pr*sident in an email to the White House in December of 2008.)
Does he know that there are male nurses? Are they vicious control freaks too?
One of the easiest degrees to get?
For your practical experience you’re expected to work your ass off.
Poor, poor Milo. He’s so sad. But that Santa hat makes him look downright chipper.
@Nagflar : the drawback is that it mean the republican party would be replaced by something even more unhinged. I know it’s hard to envision something being worse than the current conservative, but I believe it’s actually doable.
Well, Milo is right for once. He is worthless, lazy, brainless, cowardly trash.
I know that’s possible, but if the GOP is taken over by infighting, that could buy us crucial time to undo damage and prevent future issues.
@ naglfar
Maybe he’s worried about glacial rebound?
During the ice age all the weight of the ice sheets pushed the north of Britain down and made southern Britain rise up; like a see-saw. Now the ice has gone, the south is sinking again. That is causing increasing flooding. So it’s a legitimate concern.
I watched first-hand while my wife, who already had an undergrad degree, spent another three years getting a second one to become a nurse. Then I look at how this chucklefuck, who dropped out of one university and got expelled from another, has the cheek to say that a nursing degree is one of the easiest ones to get. Of course, if he’s that fucking stupid, no wonder he can’t quite make the connection to what he’s saying about himself… ah, the curse of arguing with the colossally self-unaware.
It couldn’t happen to a more deserving schmuck.
Well, maybe it could. We got a lot of deserving schmucks.
Fair enough. The next time Milo needs to be hospitalized, he can put in his own catheter, change his own bedpan, fetch and clear away his own meals, keep track of his own medications, put in his own IV, monitor his own vitals, do his own blood draws, self-administer CPR, change his own sheets, and make his own acute health care decisions. Nobody should check in on him to see how he’s doing or offer any words of comfort. That’s Milo’s job and nobody else’s. He may suffer needlessly as a result and die all alone, but the important thing is that women won’t have made him feel inadequate.
It’s pretty hilarious watching him beg for validation from people who hate him. Does he actually think there’s a place of honor for gay men in the alt-right Confederate Trumpist utopia?
I’m pretty sure he does. He’s been told there’s a flagpole with his name on it.
Edit to add: Don’t diss nurses, Milo. Ever. Soulsavers for the sick, they are.
I think he thinks he’ll slide by as one of the good ones, as he doesn’t realize that that will only save him temporarily.
I remember watching a presentation on the first electronic drug ordering system. The implementors assumed it would reduce prescription errors but in fact they went up. It turned out that they had removed nurses from the process with prescriptions going straight to data entry people. And apparently nurses caught a huge number of prescription errors made by doctors.