Incels think it’s the way they look, not the terrible things they think and say, that is driving women away from them. But over on Incels.co, one new member has what he thinks is a brilliant end run past the looks issue: what if incels decided to date blind women?

Well that escalated quickly.
Ignoring the bit about rape, one commenter suggested that the real problem with Joystr0’s plan is that blind women only like men with huge dicks. According to gigacel123, blond women
have ridden their fair share of normie-chadlite-chad cock over the years. They are probably the biggest size queens if anything because they are more touch oriented than normal.
Er, what?
This has been today’s broadcast from Planet Incel, which is clearly vastly different from the planet you and I live on.
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@Threp: As far as I know NEET as an abbreviation started life as piece of jargon used by unemployment offices etc to describe a particular demographic they were trying to target with job and training programmes, rather than a slur (though it has rapidly became one). It can equally apply to someone who is far from a layabout, but has nevertheless been unable to get a job after leaving school.
@Fabe: And most of them never will, either.
@Threp I know an awful lot of disabled people who would be classified as NEET. Nice to know we’re considered ‘layabouts’ by so much of the population. People are quite honest about considering us lying scroungers, because PIP and ESA are soooooo generous.
@North Sea Sparkly Dragon : I had read Threp’s comment in context as him talking of the MGTOW neets, but re-reading it, it’s at best ambiguous
Also, while I don’t succeed to quite put it into words, NEETs isn’t just people who don’t have a job, it’s more specific than that. The closest would be “people that could do stuff, but don’t”. Saying of someone who is permanently bedridden that he is a NEET would be a misuse.
@North Sea Sparkly Dragon.
I apologise. I was unclear and I did mean just the Miggies, but that is irrelevant – intent ain’t magic.
It was hurtful, and I am sorry.
@Threp, Thank you. I am a bit sensitive to it, what with the government making it clear they want disabled people dead.
Ohlmann: yeah, nah. NEETs/shut-ins can and do include disabled people. NEETs aren’t bad people in general.
I have always held that if one doesn’t know what something means, one ought not drop it into conversation.
Damn, wrong thread
@mouse : I agree ?
I guess the misunderstanding come from the fact that disabled aren’t more likely to be like the stereotype of a NEET, but can be.
The specific NEET I have known were more liklely to be entitled and more toxic than average. They also were apparently depressed, and they were white and male, which probably are factors too.
That being said, the main link I see is that NEET seem to often be depressed. As in, a society that create a lot of NEET probably should double check if it isn’t creating dispair and hopelessness, and why people try to retreat from it. It can be for innocuous reasons, but it also can be because of big internals problems.
I can’t see “feral Lloyd” without thinking of Mari Lwyd roaming the Welsh countryside.
@Ohlmann: The subset you’re describing are that way because of a broken social contract. Let me guess, mostly late genX/genY? So they grew up being told that a university or college degree would entitle them to a decent, full-benefits salaried professional job that did not involve asking people if they would like fries with that, but when they did graduate, it was after the 2001 recession (and possibly the 2008 one) and a lot of people with fresh degrees were not offered, or accepted for, any of those white collar jobs they were promised. Some of those people got burger-flipping jobs or are driving for Uber or whatever anyway, but some (rightly, IMO) refused to acknowledge the one-sided rewriting of the social contract and said “give me a white collar job with decent health care and etc. or I refuse to work”.
So yeah, they felt entitled, but for a good reason.
The disabled sub-subset have the added justification that they probably couldn’t hack it in any sort of manual labor job, but could have handled office paper-pushing just fine had they gotten those promised white-collar jobs.
Society invested in them and then just threw them away. Of course they’ll feel bitter and in many cases angry. I expect a fair fraction of them became Trump supporters, not out of any real ideological attraction to the right wing but simply as a hoisted middle finger. Shut out of the social circles and decent prospects they had been promised, they would as soon burn that whole system down if they won’t be permitted to enjoy its benefits.
Not all of these NEETs will have gone that route, though. Ones with decent levels empathy for other people would not throw women and minorities under the bus because of something like that. They might also end up radicalized, but it’s likely to be left wing …
As always, the ultimate villain in all of this is capitalism.