incel misogyny rape culture

Incel has a brilliant plan: Why don’t we just date blind women?

Helen Keller wants nothing to do with your sorry incel ass

Incels think it’s the way they look, not the terrible things they think and say, that is driving women away from them. But over on, one new member has what he thinks is a brilliant end run past the looks issue: what if incels decided to date blind women?

It’s a couple days i’m having this idea: should we start seeing blind/deaf-blind feraloids? I mean, my idea is that by being blind and possibly deaf, they won’t notice out horrible subhuman face and voice. And that they would be easier to assault, since they can’t see and possibly hear. Not sure, what you think about it?

Well that escalated quickly.

Ignoring the bit about rape, one commenter suggested that the real problem with Joystr0’s plan is that blind women only like men with huge dicks. According to gigacel123, blond women

have ridden their fair share of normie-chadlite-chad cock over the years. They are probably the biggest size queens if anything because they are more touch oriented than normal.

Er, what?

This has been today’s broadcast from Planet Incel, which is clearly vastly different from the planet you and I live on.

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4 years ago

sigh,they still haven’t figured out its not their looks that repulse Women and decent people in general.

4 years ago

Dangerous thinkin’ in the echo chamber.

This simple workaround (which I pondered about myself about 5 minutes after learning about incels) puts their primary tenet to the test.

It’s like a “let’s talk about our telepathic powers” club suddenly decided that they should take the James Randi million dollar challenge.

4 years ago

*Starting out* “Well, this isn’t a bad idea if you really want to test this out in good faith…”


4 years ago

4 years ago

Incel: *jumps from date to assault in the span of 46 words*

Incel: “Why do women not like me? IT MUST BE MY LOOKS”

No, my ducks. Women do not like you because women do not like that weird feeling that their date is CALCULATING THE DIFFICULTY LEVEL of causing them bodily harm.


weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
4 years ago

Feraloids? I haven’t seen that one before.

Crip Dyke
4 years ago

I’m with WWTH: “feraloids”?

4 years ago

Tried to google “Feraloids” but all I got was a WoW character on the Malfurion server.
Now, trying my expierience in incelese, I guess that’s just another layer of spite against women. Not just “foids” but “feral foids” -> “Feraloids”. Like an alternate universe Dr. Seuss book.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
4 years ago

I was going, “Ok, ok, this one seems internally consistent at least” and then whoops, he said the quiet part out loud. I’m sure it’s this guy’s horrible subhuman face that’s off putting to women, not his horrible subhuman rapist soul.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

Oh look, the OP is a mafiacel. I guess those are the criminal incels. Ha, ha. Actually, all incels either are or are plotting to be criminals.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
4 years ago

Wow, I didn’t expect him to just come right out and say it.

4 years ago

I note “feraloid”. That’s a new one, but I guess the euphemism treadmill also work in reverse to make more and more bizarres and insulting euphemisms.

4 years ago


“Well, this isn’t a bad idea if you really want to test this out in good faith…”

I feel like the issue is that incels never do anything in good faith. Bad faith is a key part of how they and the alt right as a whole operate.

I keep thinking it would be pronounced as “feral Lloyd’s” so I keep picturing a forest full of wild insurance bankers. I assume it actually means women who they perceive as less “civilized,” ie “feral,” and apparently that’s what they think of blind or dead women.
4 years ago

Anyone else read Red Dragon by Thomas Harris? Or seen the 2002 film based on it?

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ banned @ 4chan

Anyone else read Red Dragon by Thomas Harris? 

I’m a bit of a fan of Manhunter; it’s such a stylish film.

You raise a relevant point. Dollarhyde is obsessed with the thought he’s ugly; yet when he dates the blind woman, she points out that all her girlfriends think he’s pretty hot and are quite curious about him and envious of her. But that doesn’t detract from his own delusional self image. Apposite.

4 years ago

O/T: there appears to be a new incel forum for a specific subset of incels who are NEETs.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

The hell’s a NEET?

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
4 years ago

OK, there is so much wrong with this… Ugh.

Look, blind people tend to use their other senses more extensively so things like voice or body odor can be a lot more important when it comes to attraction. (It’s not that they have ‘stronger senses’, they generally use them more consciously). The way you look isn’t a factor, true, but that means the other factors carry more weight. And then there’s still a lot of differences based on personality etc. Because, you know, people.

Oh wait, he’s talking about assault. Well, in that case I’d advise him to snort 5 kilograms of Carolina Reaper.

4 years ago

Not in Employment, Education, or Training. In the case of incels I’d imagine they mean something similar to hikikomori.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
4 years ago

I keep thinking it would be pronounced as “feral Lloyd’s”

Apparently I don’t know how to link images correctly.

Last edited 4 years ago by Lukas Xavier
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago


Not in Employment, Education, or Training. In the case of incels I’d imagine they mean something similar to hikikomori.

Cheers. Don’t see what’s wrong with calling them idle layabouts and scroungers, like we used to, but I guess an acronym’s OK. 😛

4 years ago


apparently that’s what they think of blind or dead women

That typo reminds me of this:

4 years ago

Oops, didn’t notice that when I was typing.

4 years ago

@threp : initially, NEET designate something a bit less actively evil, which is youngster who just stop trying to get a job or a diploma.

I have known well three different (french) people who were basically NEET. All three looked heavily depressed when they were in that phase. Two out of the three were extremely unpleasant and had common points with the average MGTOW, even if not quite as extreme.

4 years ago

That one little comment effectively captures the whole incel journey into about two sentences.

Incel: “I’m so sad and lonely because I’m too ugly and shy to ever find a woman.”
Me: “I can definitely sympathize. There have been times in my life where I wasn’t in a good place and had difficulty making connections. It’s a tough thing.”
Incel: “My solution is rape.”
Me: “Nevermind. Sympathy obliterated.”