Will women with deep voices be the ruination of western civilization? The folks at the Daily Stormer seem to think so.
Stormer writer Pomidor Quixote (not his real name) recently came across a BBC article from several years ago about a study showing that the pitch of women’s voices dropped noticeably over the five decades stretching from the 1940s to the 1990s. The researchers found this out by comparing archival recordings of women speaking in 1945 with recordings from 1993, noting a drop from “an average of 229 Hz (roughly an A# below middle C) to 206 Hz (roughly a G#). That’s a significant, audible difference,” as the BBC noted.
The reason for the drop? As the BBC explains,
the researchers speculated that the transformation reflects the rise of women to more prominent roles in society, leading them to adopt a deeper tone to project authority and dominance in the workplace.
Sometimes, it’s safe to say, this is unconscious; other times it’s deliberate. The BBC points out that Margaret Thatcher worked with a speech coach to learn how to project gravitas with a deeper voice. In our own time, we have Theranos founder (and serial fraudster) Elizabeth Holmes, who reportedly adopted her famously deep voice in an attempt to impress potential Silicon Valley investors.
Over at the Daily Stormer, Mr. Quixote is having none of it. “The psychological implications of women having a deeper voice and men having a high-pitched one are terrifying,” he warns.
It is destroying the natural dynamic of male and female energy.
If women become “more dominant,” then men are less dominant and less powerful, because power is a zero sum game.
If men are less powerful, women are repulsed.
If women are repulsed, they cease to reproduce.
Uh oh, not enough white babies, I guess.
But Quixote doesn’t blame feminism for women’s deeper voices. He blames — one word — plastics.
Plastic is the number one threat jeopardizing our environment and our biology.
It appears to be the key ingredient in the transformation of the biology of Western humans. This transformation has resulted in a reorganization of traditional sex roles, in a way that is dangerous for society.
The normalization of plastic resulted in the normalization of men with high-pitched voices and women with deep voices. It is messing with people’s endocrine systems and producing all kinds of aberrations.
Indeed, Quixote thinks that the chemicals that leak off of plastic have caused even more fundamental changes that go well beyond deeper voices for women.
[I]t isn’t just women’s voices that are changing.
Women’s faces, jaws, and bodies are also changing. Their appearance is becoming increasingly masculine, while men’s appearance is becoming increasingly soy-like.
Now, Quixote isn’t completely wrong in blaming plastic for changes in human biology. Chemicals in plastic are lowering men’s sperm counts and their testosterone levels — to the extent that some scientists are beginning to seriously worry about the future of human fertility. But plastics aren’t making men’s faces more feminine or giving them high-pitched voices.
And there’s no evidence that plastic is causing women to become more masculine. It might even be doing the opposite: one component in plastic lowers middle-aged women’s testosterone more than it does in men. Other endocrine disrupters in plastic increase the risk of breast cancer.
Plastic is bad for our bodies, that’s true. But it doesn’t affect our gender roles. The real reason for women’s deeper voices seems to be feminism, not the chemicals in our water bottles.
H/T to all of those who answered my Twitter query earlier today
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@Alan Robertshaw – huh, I didn’t know this had been studied! For singing, it’s harder for me to reach high notes earlier in the day.
For speaking, I think sounding “masculine” or “feminine” has to do with intonation and speaking patterns as well as pitch. And definitely it’s cultural. A while ago I listened to a radio interview where a young choir singer, a trans guy, talked about worrying how his hormones might affect his singing voice. That story had a good ending – he could sing bass and his choir was very accepting – but he also mentioned being more self-conscious about his speaking voice sounding masculine enough.
I’m a cis woman, but I’m also self-conscious about sounding “too high” and potentially annoying or whiny. For the whiny bit, yeah, it helps to be calmer in general (working on the anxiety part currently, fingers crossed) but about it being too high, that’s probably just insecurity. Most people don’t think my normal speaking voice is too high, afaik.
ETA: I sing soprano 2/mezzo-soprano. Not professionally or anything, just in a choir (or so I did before COVID…)
I recall a similar story about trans opera singers in the New York Times a few years.
I don’t sing much and am not very good at it, but my natural range falls somewhere around 2nd tenor to 1st baritone, if I push it I can sing baritone, tenor, or alto. When I do sing I usually do extreme vocals (e.g. screaming, growling, shouting).
When I was living in Italy & trying hard to learn Italian, friends noticed that I spoke Italian at a higher pitch than I did English. It was notable to them especially when I was code switching. It’s because I was learning by mimicking my Italian friends, women who tended to speak in rather high, slightly Minnie Mouse voices. When I started speaking Italian at my natural pitch, which is fairly deep (I sing alto, but I can sing quite a bit lower) I realised I was feeling comfortable in the language.
@Alan Robertshaw
Omg, that’s hilarious! We make cigs just for women because they’re biologically superior–so they’re presumably hoping to level the playing field with toxic cancer sticks keyed just to women? That’s the only way those two ideas make any sense when put together like that.
If more women get to sound like Karen Carpenter, I see that as an absolute win. If you hadn’t noticed how deep her singing was then listen again. Beautiful.