cringe drama kings MGTOW

MGTOW: Men died in Stalingrad to defend men’s right to not pay for dinner on dates

Stalin would be so proud

Over on the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars are once again getting mad about the fact that some women expect men to pay for dinner on dates.

Someone called Intelligent_Ask713, who’s totally not a drama king or anything, urges his fellow men to look at all the sacrifices men have made over the centuries to protect the right of men not only to not pay on dates but to avoid dating at all.

I am starting to lose any sort of inclination to start a relationship and maintain it. I am not a court jester to dance to the tunes of Kweens, I am an independent male who values his sovereignty above everything else. There are men who died on the shores of Normandy and Gallipoli, in the freezing fields of Stalingrad, and the forest of Ardennes, because they knew the cost of freedom, and it's something that is taken for granted by most people of our generation, because they never had to struggle for their rights and hence don't value them. We men honour our ancestors, and vow to lead the way into the future. Gentlemen, we create the future, and for that alone, we should respect ourselves and each other as well.

I’m just sorry that he didn’t mention cavemen hunting the mammoth to feed their stay-at-cave wives.

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Pavlovs House
Pavlovs House
4 years ago

No, MGTOW doofus, women and men died at Stalingrad to defend their homeland, to stop Fascism, and for each other.

The actual “Pavlov’s House” had some women among the defenders, by the way.

As for myself, Ms. Pavlov’s House and I don’t get too concerned about who buys what – we are just glad to be together when we can during these difficult times. And I am glad when she is safe (she is a nurse and on the front lines of COVID).

Never once since the beautiful, brilliant and amazing Ms. Pavlov’s House and I came into each other’s lives did she expect me to pay for anything in particular (dinner or otherwise). We just share stuff.

Last edited 4 years ago by Pavlovs House
4 years ago

Well that was a take I wasn’t expecting. Of course, I think I know who the MGTOWs actually would have sided with at Stalingrad.

@Pavlovs House
Hey, good to see you again. Hope you and Ms. Pavlovs House are doing well.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

“There are men who died…in the freezing fields of Stalingrad”

Not all men.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago


Not all men.

I misinterpreted that … to hilarious effect … on first reading b/c I hadn’t read your link yet.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

Minor irritation time.

I’m Army. Have been so most of my adult life, luck of the draw stuck me in war zones more often than not.
These whinging pissbags have been nowhere in sight. Nary a one of them.

“But historically …” the Miggie squeals.
“Historically, you’d have been dead in a ditch in the first five minutes, mate. Put there by your squadmates.” I reply.

They can fuck off using MY life and career to justify their shittiness.

4 years ago

I get the feeling any MGTOWs who join armed forces would drop out very quickly once they realize that they have to obey the higher ranked.

4 years ago

Imagine their whining if they got stationed at some FOB out in the middle of nowhere with no internet to endlessly talk about going their own way on…

4 years ago

So date a feminist who prefers going dutch.
Problem solved.

Last edited 4 years ago by Trying
4 years ago

@ Alan

Those high scope mounts look like they’d be an awful pain. The photos clearly show the snipers are being forced to use a chin weld. I have enough trouble with a consistant cheek weld myself, so… yeah, that’d be a pain.

Delurking this once
Delurking this once
4 years ago

Leaving this here, because I read an article about her years ago, and her story stuck with me. Essentially, her husband died and she became a tank driver to kill as many nazis as possible to avenge him. She died from shell fragments to the head because she jumped out of her tank to repair it in the midst of battle. Wikipedia didn’t mention whether she ever paid for dates, though…

Maybe they didn’t consider it all that important in the grand scheme of things?

Critical Dragon1177
4 years ago

Yes its so “obvious” that throughout history men risked their lives to not have to pay for their dinner date. Yeah its that “horrible” that people “should be” willing to die to not have to do that. These people are such babies.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It never fails to crack me up that MGTOWs hate feminists more than anything and claim pre-feminism women were so superior. Yet the reason they have to always pay on dates is because they seek out only woman who are future trad wife types and view paying for dinner as a mans place.

4 years ago

How interesting that these MGTOW’s making this particular argument appear to intentionally ignore that women also fought in the Battle of Stalingrad and the Eastern Front.

Haven’t these jabroini’s ever heard of the 588th Bomber Regiment “Night Witches”, Mariya Soviet tank driver Vasilyevna Oktyabrskaya, Soviet Tank Commander Aleksandra Samusenko or Soviet Sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko (credited with 309 kills)?

Last edited 4 years ago by TacticalProgressive
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

Wow, your_mom_is_a_whale has quite a gotcha:

You can tell the waiter that it will be separate orders right from the get go. And watch her reaction

If that happened to me, it would be the very worst moment of my life. (Like all other women, I’ve led a sheltered life, a privileged existence.)

4 years ago

Also, a significant portion of the soldiers in all thoses battle did it because the governement asked them to or purely to survive, not to defend liberty or by ideological opposition to whatever the other camp did.

Generals and governements are much more about ideology than rank and files. But there’s pesky books and studies exposing their goals, while you can pretend that soldiers died for anything you want, it’s much harder to debunk.

4 years ago

Phew, it doesn’t really differ so much from what in Poland politicians and priests had said at Warsaw upraising anniversary. It turns out people fought nazis and died to prevent gay marrygies and sex ed at school…

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
4 years ago

Somehow I’m guessing OP doesn’t know that Gallipoli was in WWI and not WWII.


I dated a guy for a couple of months that would regularly complain about having to pay on dates, but if I offered, he’d accuse me of insulting his manhood. One time I finally just gave the waiter my card to shut the guy up. He told me he didn’t want to see me again 2 days later. Then, whenever I saw him after that he was either trying to get me to go out with him again or punishing me for “cheating” (I had been fully honest with him that I’d just gotten out of a 13-year relationship and didn’t want to commit to anything and was going to be seeing other people).

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

I love these stirring St. Crispin’s Day speeches by people who spend much of their day staring at screens and eating snacks. “Once more into the breach, my valiant band of brothers! Who’s with me?!? *type type clickety clack*” Misogyny becomes a noble quest instead of a shared tantrum.

Given a choice, I’ll bet the vast majority of men on the front would much rather have been back at home, having a quiet dinner with a beloved companion. Only people who have never been in battle think it’s glamorous.

Sheila Crosby
4 years ago

@ Anna

It turns out people fought nazis and died to prevent gay marrygies and sex ed at school…

WUT? Prventing sex ed maybe, but surely any doofus knows that the Nazis weren’t in favour of gay marriage. And they were quite friendly with the pope, but somehow I think that the current Polish government would be downplaying that.

Last edited 4 years ago by Sheila Crosby
4 years ago

Ah, but that would require MGTOWs to actually learn about some of the things they talk about instead of ignorantly running their mouths (or in this case, keyboards).

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
4 years ago

yeah I’m sure the people who died in these battles really would love it you comparing their sacrifice to you not having to date or marry. They’ll just love it. Not that a lot of them were probably under the age of 22. Not that a lot of them didn’t have a wife/ girlfriend/ boyfriend at home they wanted to get back to.

Nope, they did it for mgtow selfish asses that are cowards and would run away the second someone looked at them in a slightly aggressive way. Pathetic.

These are a post that really leave a bad taste in my mouth as a marine wife.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
4 years ago

@Sheila Crosby:

No, actually, they don’t. There’s a contingent of right-wingers who have tried to blame nazism on gays.

Last edited 4 years ago by Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
occasional reader
occasional reader
4 years ago

Claiming the success of others for oneself, typical. Still done in sports nowaday, alas.
And the example being people killing other people, i do not see where the “respect” has a place here.

“It is something that is taken for granted by most people of our generation”

SELECT shitty_argument FROM mgtow_argument WHERE topic = ‘freedom’

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago


I get the feeling any MGTOWs who join armed forces would drop out very quickly once they realize that they have to obey the higher ranked.

From what I seen of them both online and in the wild, it’s rather the other way around. They follow orders just fine, under their bullshit and bluster, because they’re wee conformists at heart. Half the manosphere seems to be looking for someone to tell them what to do and how to behave.

Where they’d fail badly is the Eichmann test.

4 years ago

That’s interesting, I wouldn’t have expected that. It seems a lot of them resent authority, so I had assumed that they would dislike being told what to do. Maybe they only resent authority they see as feminist?