Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!
It’s been a rough fucking year for all of us except for the billionaires who somehow managed to become even more billionairy. So take a few moments to reflect on the things that have gone right. And let’s hope the new year is better.
Open thread.
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Happy Holidays to everyone! David, I am grateful for what you do with your writing!
I am grateful for all the wonderful commenters here. A lot of amazing things have happened in my life during the time that I also started reading this blog.
I am grateful for my sponsors and the financial backing they provided me to do amazing things. The pandemic put a big hit in my plans but I am back on track and have an actual physical space as a temple where I hold court now. I am grateful most especially for my beautiful and handsome and amazing subs and their brilliance, patience, creativity, strength, love, devotion, wisdom and gorgeousness.
Love to everyone!
I lost my mother the week before Christmas. She’d gone in to the hospital the beginning of the month due to diarrhea and blood loss… then they found the low blood count… then the chronic lymphatic leukemia… then the mass the doctor thought was advanced colon cancer. Nine days after I talked to her from the hospital for the last time, she was dead. At least my brother was there for her at the end, but the snowball was hellish.
I can’t wrap my head around it. My heart is still sore, and my rage at the petulant shits that have made it impossible for me to fly to say goodbye to her and to mourn properly is burning hot. My husband and I are high-risk for COVID for various reasons, and right now I’m living in an epicenter of a pandemic that might have been over or at least far less widespread if there’d been less whining about freedoms and if the fucking so-called president hadn’t fostered it. Getting on a plane in these situations is playing Russian roulette with mostly loaded chambers.
The hell of it is that Mom herself had autoimmune disorders that made her high-risk and was rightly terrified of COVID. It might have delayed her going to a doctor to check up for this kind of thing. Maybe nothing could have been done, because she’d seemed fine just six months before and that denotes a highly aggressive kind of cancer, but… I don’t know.
I just know that the trip back east to see her in a year or two will never happen now, and that I won’t ever be able to call her again. And it hurts.
@Banananananana dakry
I’m so sorry for your loss.
Thank you. It means a lot. Grief is a hell of a lot of emotional labor.
@Banananananana dakry
So sorry. There’s not the words.
Be well.
Sorry for being late for that, i was on holidays, but happy anything you celebrate for those days !
And thank you David and you all for this year of articles and discussions.
In my region, christian persons usually made a crib of Christmas. This year, i discover that there is another special one which is made in Provence and which is called “la crèche blanche” (the white crib). It is one tradition inspired by a jewish text (which proove that when you are not an extremist, you can share with other religions on a good basis) : it is generally done after the christmas crib, either by covering it with a white fabric or by replacing it with a white prop, and then changing the characters. The white prop is supposed to represent the Jerusalem temple, and the characters must be : the High Priest, Simeon the prophet holding the child Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and Ann (mother of Mary). And the scene is supposed to represent the presentation of Jesus to the High Priest.
Even as a non-religious person myself, i am enjoying this kind of harmless traditions, especially if they can bring more people together.
Have a nice day.
Banananananana dakry – My condolences.
@ Banananananana dakry:
I’m so sorry
Banananananana dakry: Oh, that’s horrible. My condolences.
@Banananananana dakry – I’m so sorry about you losing your mother so quickly, and you’re definitely right that Trump and others fucked up the pandemic response. Wishing you all the best to get through this difficult time.
Thank you all for the condolences. It’s been rough. In this weird limbo of not sure if I should be crying or not, if I can or not, and if it would make me feel better to or not. Cold comfort, but at least my sibs, aunt, and I all seem to be on the same page regarding her estate. None of us really could hack fighting over stupid shit like that right now, I think.
Not helped by that right at the same time Mr. Dakry’s mom, who’d just moved to a retirement living community last month, was dealing with problems with memory problems, confusion and dizziness. Fortunately in her case they got her moved to assisted living to keep an eye on her. (Coincidentally the same day my mom died.)
She’d tested positive for COVID some time ago, but the only symptoms she noted at the time were loss of taste and smell. Yesterday, the dizziness got so bad she was taken to the ER. And that’s when they discovered the COVID lung damage. She wasn’t getting enough oxygen. And that may have had everything to do with her symptoms. She’s now getting supplemental oxygen and last I heard is doing much better now. Which is good as my MIL is pretty awesome and I’m not sure I could hack losing another mother figure right now, and I know Mr. Dakry couldn’t stand losing his mom too.
Also that the moral of this story is the morons whinging about 1 percent mortality rates conveniently ignore both those of us that would be in the one percent and the lasting devastating aftereffects. Like I said, there were no other visible symptoms in my MIL’s case than the loss of taste and smell but the silent damage this monster of a virus did to her lungs was hellacious.
Had to unload. *wry grin*
@ Banananananana dakry
Really sorry for you both and hearing your news. Really tough to go through. Best wishes and hopefully you find some respite.
@ Banananananana dakry
I am so sorry for your loss. My condolences.
@Banananananana dakry, I’m so sorry. I hope you have lots of love and support around you (and that Mr. Dakry’s mum gets great care too).
Glad to see what you said about you and your sibs et al being on the same page; that means a lot with such a huge loss to bear. My condolences.
Oh, you and your capybaras ❤