Today’s incoherently angry rant comes from the MGTOW subreddit, written by a man who, for some reason, wants us to know that women aren’t the primary focus of his anger. I mean, he definitely doesn’t like women but there are other things that get him even more pissed off.
You may have to read some of his ramblings twice because he is definitely not what you’d call a great writer. I’ve removed some of the least coherent bits because no one really deserves to have to read them even once.
“Despite how women think the world fucking revolves around them,” JimProfitSkeleton begins,
and all the shit I won’t put up with involving them and their stank pussy …
No, no women you aren’t that fucking important. My day was going bad even before you opened your whore mouth to say something incredibly stupid and selfish.
Well, aren’t you a little ray of sunshine.
Before the slut at work could beg me to do something for her she was perfectly capable of doing herself, my day was already going bad because get this… I don’t like having to work so many hours I only have enough time to sleep and shit.
Yet somehow you manage to have the time to post long rants on Reddit.
Before the thot could post another generic selfie on Facebook and get 10k likes, my day was already going bad because I can’t even bully you to get some attention myself because I’m on a 3-day ban over something I said like a year ago because Mark Zuckerberg is just that petty of a k*ke and is smart enough never to leave his house where I can put a bullet in his head.
Boy, I can’t imagine why Facebook would feel the need to ban such a wise and eloquent commenter.
Before a woman on Reddit could poorly argue with me and get her harpie friends to either downvote or reportfag me, my day was already going bad because Reddit has become a toilet of SJW counterspeak where the people who cry about rights and equality the loudest respect neither.
Perhaps you should consider shutting up and going away?
Women are not the centerpiece of my life, it just further proves how none of this is worth cooperating with society over. Society doesn’t give me SHIT. And I can’t even say “well at least I have a loving wife, some kids, and a family who make me a proud man”. No… because that ship sailed a long time ago for our culture if it ever existed in the firstplace. So no money, no bitches, why am I not part of Isis again?
Because even ISIS wouldn’t want to put up with your bullshit?
Oooh, maybe I can squeeze an hour of week into a hobby that will undoubtedly get me called a loser anyway assuming I’m not just banned from all it’s subreddits first. I JUST LOVE THIS MALE PRIVILEGE GUYS. I FEEL SO FREE.
You could always take up model trains and somehow figure out how to post about your new hobby without using the word “whore” or threatening to kill anyone.
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I think this has more to do with capitalism. You know, that thing MGTOWs love.
A lot to unpack here:
1. Mark Zuckerberg is a man. Some men’s rights activist you are if you want to kill men.
2. Does he think Mark Zuckerberg personally chooses who to ban?
3. Admits to attention seeking behavior, which makes the previous sentence seem a lot more like projection.
I thought the point of MGTOW was to not do all that. Bitter?
This should be easy. Have you tried not being a raging bigot?
The manosphere terrible at organizing because none of them want to listen to each other as superiors. That’s why most of their attacks are lone wolf stuff and not organized group actions. They wouldn’t do well in ISIS.
Yeah, I get why you hate that. Do you think maybe this woman you are talking about, the one who works with you in your same workplace, might also dislike having to work really long hours? You know, because she also has a job. With you. She works with you at your place of work.
You’re asking a lot of MGTOW. Perhaps the impossible.
How do people have this much hate in their souls? It’s clearly not doing them any good, or making good things, or even neutral things, happen in their lives.
“Women don’t have the power to ruin my day! My day is already ruined because of things women did.” That’s some A+ circular logic right there.
Sounds like 1) he has a female manager 2) he doesn’t understand how jobs work, or division of labor in general. He must be a delightful employee, between the laziness and entitlement.
It’s not society’s job to provide those things. It’s not those things’ job to redeem your existence.
See above, except now your complaint is even more invalid.
This reads more like incel than MGTOW but they’ve always been adjacent hatreds.
It might just be me, but it feels like over the last year or so MGTOWs have started sounding a lot more like incels. They didn’t previously use as much incel vocabulary but now they do (words like “Chad,” for instance).
@Naglfar and numerobis
I don’t think they ever were significantly different except Incels claim that they never had sex and never could while MGTOW claim that they did and realised it was horrible because something, something women.
All sexist groups dominated by men are very similar in m opinion. Hell, I think Roosh has been in all of them besides Incels. PUA, traditional patriarch, MGTOW, Incels, “creepy dudes who stalks their ex-gilfriend” (God do I hope these guys don’t create their own online community) have a mountain of resemblance for very little, often cosmetic difference.
That’s so depressing.
I mean, he hasn’t posted in four years, so hopefully he’s dead.
Honestly I think the difference is largely just a matter of how sour are an individual’s grapes. If they love being on their own because they hate women, they’re MGTOW.
If they hate being on their own because they hate women, they’re incels.
Of course, none of them appear to actually love being on their own, so I’m not sure my taste buds could even distinguish the micro-gradients of sourness we’re talking about here.
I thought “stank” was a noun? TIL.
Odds that ban was heavier than they deserved? 1 over Avogadro’s number.
Reddit has become a sewer where people speak against social justice, and those who cry about rights & equality the loudest respect neither?
My FSM, I think I’m in agreement with this guy for once.
Feminists: Toxic masculinity exists. It is a recurring constellation of traits that combine masculine chauvinism, misogyny, and stereotypic thinking into a worldview that promotes behavior that increases harm to self and others.
MGTOW: There’s no such thing as that. Men are just inherently better than you b*s who all think alike. That’s why I feel more kinship with terrorists who hate women than I do with the average game reviewer who gives my favorite game 4.5 stars out of 5.
@Crip Dyke
I think a lot of the difference between MGTOW and incels also has to do with self loathing. Incels seem to hate themselves more than MGTOWs do.
Immediately my head started playing “The Merry Minuet” by the Kingston Trio:
The French hate the Germans,
The Germans hate the Poles.
Italians hate Yugoslavs,
South Africans hate the Dutch,
An’ I don’ like anybody verra much.
Yugoslavs? Google “Trieste.” Mostly they needed something to fill a line.
They blame women or feminism for things that are really caused by corrupt politicians or capitalism.
Now that I’m retired, I’m designing a garden scale (1/32 scale) outdoor model railroading layout. Spent 14 years designing full-size trains, now im’a have some FUN!! 🙂
For the rest, my daddy thought me basic carpentry, how to love music and basic human decency.
Wasn’tthere a guy who got kicked out of a MGTOW community after expressing confusion over why everyone was taking about woman instead of all their cool hobbies?
@Weird Eddie
That sounds really cool. I’ve considered getting into model trains before, but never seemed to have the time or money.
Are you referring to this incident?
yup,thats the one
@Nagflar : I don’t have the impression that ISIS is in any capacity significantly more organized than MGTOW. In western countries, the terror attacks are made by small group of lone wolf with little coordination ; when they control a territory, they tend to be a bunch of warlords rife with petty conflict and little administration.
In fact, the horror stories of the ISIS controlled territory in Syria is what I expect to repeat if they succeeded in doing a coup in any country.
On other news, the situation in the england/french border is now catastrophically bad because of the intersection of COVID and brexit. I am very worried for english and quite a bit worried for northern french 😡
I’ve fought them. On their “home” turf. Listened to a fair few prisoners, too – I understand both Arabic and Pashto well. Speaking – not so much, my accent isn’t terribly flexible!
All I’m going to say about it is: the impression that they’re not organised and more of a loose rabble is both convenient for propaganda purposes and deliberately cultivated by Western media. It’s about as accurate as propaganda usually is.
@Weird Eddie
I’m jealous, I’d love a garden railway. I know someone who has one, an acquaintance obsessed with trains, who also has a very kind mother who let him put one in the garden, where he moves her plant pots around with his engines.
@Ohlmann, I’m worried about us all too. The food situation might get messy after Brexit. The border is still closed at the moment, but it might re-open soon. I’m concerned that this new variant of SARS-CoV-2 will spread too, so I can understand why the borders have been closed, but it’s come at a really bad time. The tabloids and our terrible government could easily twist ‘borders closed to prevent disease spread’ into ‘Europe is punishing us for Brexit’. It’s bad enough that the agreement could have been sorted if it wasn’t for the fishing issues the government are being stubborn about. It could fuel the xenophobia.
@Threp : while your description is short, I would also remind that the MGTOW and adjacents aren’t *that* desorganized to be qualified of “loose rabble”. They aren’t just the butt of our jokes, they are also an actually threatening organization who is deeply integrated with the far right in general, itself not a “loose group of rabble” either.
Still, nothing I have seen so far make me even remotely think that ISIS is a well oiled machine. At the very, very, very best they are on the level of the Nazi state, and that’s not a compliment. Most of what I have heard and read is more that they definitely aren’t an superorganisation able to coordinate tons of issues.
Remember propaganda *also* try to cast ISIS (and the nazis and WW2 japanese for that matter) as an evil empire of nearly infinite capacity, where things instantly just work and everyone immediatly start to efficiently create weapon and train soldiers for the new regime. Apparently I am more exposed to the one that used to say that ISIS were the future instigator of WW3.
Welp, the masks are finally off, gentlefolk! Turns out MGTOWs (and likely most other extreme manospherians -is that a tautology?) are actually just garden-variety misanthropes* who hate everything and everyone, but chose one easy target to focus on so they could get both a sense of belonging with their fellow misanthropes and so they could fake not being assblasted about absolutely everything!
RE: “Doing stuff for a woman at work that she can do herself”: I do a lot of stuff at work for my accountant colleague that she could do herself, but that’s pretty much basic decency, courtesy and work ethic. I see her running herself ragged day in, day out (she’s the sole accountant for what’s basically two companies), so whenever I can lighten her load (mostly by doing drudge work like filing, copying, printing, digitizing, stamping, etc.) I do it because like most Aspergers I have some level of empathy and compassion and have no desire to see a colleague burn out.
*I should know, I’m myself an existential nihilist. Bit of a weirdo in that I don’t see it as an excuse to be a hateful asshole (after all, it’s not like that would have any meaning).
MGTOW are pretty much just incels who said, “You can’t fire me. I quit!”
I feel you. It’s more of a ‘we’re all we got so let’s make what we’ve got better, right?’ type deal for me.