MGTOW misogynoir misogyny racism

The only people MGTOWs hate more than white women are black women

A MGTOW’s worst nightmare?

MGTOWs — most of them white — spend more time talking about white women than they do any other demographic group. And what they have to say is not exactly flattering:

In his “gagging” post, templesthataum spelled out his case against white women:

The entire lot of white women are repulsive. From destroying the nuclear family in both their own and African American communities to openly admitting to selling their children for drugs – white women have become the worst of all women.

Go ahead and say that black women or Arab women or even Hispanic women have their issues, I guarantee that they do. However, there is no way in hell those problems hold even a poorly lit candle to the ones white women have caused. Every last one of them is disingenuous as all shit, lacking in both authenticity and respect. A white thot (reduntant, I know) will lie cheat and steal to get whatever she wants. She’ll sell out her family, her friends and anyone who stands in the way of her immediate gratification.

The only saving grace is that white men are slowly waking up to this fact, and are leaving these rats to the cats who are low enough to get with them. Really, I have no clue why any man of any race wants a white woman, especially after all the shit we all know they’re prone to do. Go your own way.

In a post titled “White Women — The Karen Epidemic,” a commenter called Magnolia0008 sets forth his not-altogether-dissimilar complaints about the fair sex:

Currently, most of the rioters, protesters, occupiers are WHITE WOMEN. When is somebody going to call this out with consequences? I don’t think Metoo is the problem. I don’t think BLM is the problem. I don’t think the COPS are the problem. I don’t think COVID is the problem. The problem has always been women. white women. women have proven over time that they lack accountability and self awareness for their actions, that the rules DO NOT APPLY TO THEM … .

It’s pretty clear from these and countless other posts and comments on MGTOW forums that MGTOWs absolutely hate white women.

But they’ve got plenty of complaints about black women as well.

Most of the commenters on these and other anti-black-women threads reply with a combination of racism and sexism.

sardinemanR has this to say about black women:

They are generally disgusting and very aggressive, and in the US mostly obese so they’re usually a lot bigger than you. You could still probably handle them with effort, but they have the law on the side as well as black men that will run up to white knight them too.

Very dangerous as a result. Best to not be around these animals.

A commenter called ForestHobo885 offered up a racist explanation as to why black women get into “cancerous: ideologies:

Black women are easily brought into extremist ideology … becuase objectively, they are the least desirable women on the planet. Imagine being a woman and having a large, masculine frame, undesirable skin tones, undesirable hair, loud, obnoxious by default, etc. And then, seeing your female counterpart of every other race as exponentially more desirable. That would drive you mad.

In another comment, he added that the (black, female) inventor of the #MeToo hashtag “literally looks like a silverback gorilla.”

Even black MGTOWs — yes, they exist — think that black women are the worst. As OhioDiver explained,

I’m a black man, I grew up in a black family, any group of 2 or more black females talking start making me pissed off, they yell and scream, their need for attention is beyond any reasonable limit, their bullshit is extreme, I know that AWALT, but I can say clearly looking at my family, mother, aunts, cousins, black wymyn are the fucking devil. They are always up to some shit, they can’t just live in peace, they are magnet of problems, they are always fucking up shit.

When MGTOWs compare white and black women head to head, they generally agree that black women are worse.

According to one anonymous commenter

Black women are just the most blatantly worse part of shitty women overall.

White chicks aren’t much better. Best to just ignore all of them.

Anonymous-Samurai contends that

It is a confirmed fact that black women are the worst kind of females. They are the most disrespectful and destructive among females

Even templesthataum, author of the first long screed against white women I quoted above, the guy who can’t look at white women without gagging, agrees that white women are “[n]ot as repulsive as black women, but a close second.”

Still, there are some who think white women are worse. “Not to simp for black women, but on their own they couldn’t accomplish much,” wrote Guitardude70. “All waves of feminism and the destruction they’ve caused are the products of White and Jewish women primarily.”

Jewish women? MGTOWs don’t much like them either, but I think that will have to be the subject for a future post.

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Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
4 years ago

@Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile):
Of course, there are men, even white men, with naturally curly hair as well. (One fellow I knew in University who was primarily of Danish ancestry still had hair that could pass as an afro.) It’s often a bit more of a cultural issue for them due to macho attitudes. Not everybody can pull off the Bob Ross look.

And then there’s my family, with such straight hair that when my mother tried to get a perm it would be pretty much gone in less than a week no matter how she tried to reinforce the look.

Tabby Lavalamp
4 years ago

It did not take long for misogynists to jump all over “Karen” as an insult they level against any and all women. Racist misogynists REALLY shouldn’t be using it ever.

4 years ago

Asian women are notably excepted, especially the long-haired submissive “hawt” ones of their pornographic fantasies.

4 years ago

Should add they like them especially when they look underage.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

Thinking some about this, it seems that it may relate to the five-factor personality model. Each factor has an opposite of sorts.

Extroversion <-> introversion;
conscientiousness <-> narcissism;
openness <-> closedness;
agreeableness <-> stubbornness;
neuroticism <-> phlegmatism(?).

Guilt would obviously strongly drive conscientiousness; the opposite of conscientiousness, which involves concern for the impact of an action on other people, would be putting oneself first, which taken to the extreme would manifest as narcissism, linked to shame.

However, my own personal experiences suggest that there may not be a simple see-saw here, where if one trait goes up the other must decrease and vice versa. I myself seem to be strongly affected by both guilt and shame. When able to think about and consider a matter in a non-pressing situation, I lean strongly to conscientiousness and to liberal and left political positions. I have a strong moral compass about harms and fairness, but also about freedom regarding choices that don’t demonstrably violate fairness or cause harms. I find any outside obstruction of free inquiry or consensual relations by individuals to be downright offensive, though I don’t extend that to large organizations, so am not opposed to privacy and antitrust regulations that would limit the free inquiry and free association of giant megacorps. That’s because I recognize a fundamental distinction between sophonts, such as human beings, and mere things, tools and such, into which category organizations like business firms fall.

Yet when my own interests are directly threatened I am quick to anger and to feel aggrieved, and much more likely to be willing to rules-lawyer and exploit loopholes if necessary to secure my own position. This especially is the case if my access to basic necessities (e.g. shelter, or my food supply) is under threat, there is a threat or the actual fact of withholding something from me that I have earned fair and square (i.e., the “other side”, such as it is, has moved the goalposts; I have indeed earned it under the rules that were communicated to me in advance, but when I held up my end of the bargain, the other side of it nonetheless reneged or is threatening in some way to do so), or there is any attempt to portray me in any way as either stupid or incompetent (whether to an outside audience, false-light defamation, or back to me, gaslighting).

These seem like traits of a more narcissistic, shame-dominated personality, whereas the rest of the time, a conscientious, guilt-dominated one.

It’s not that the latter is just something I tell myself to feel better about myself. I do walk the walk there, when not feeling under threat: I recycle, even carrying recyclable waste all the way home if need be to ensure it doesn’t just get tossed in the landfill waste stream; I vote left, or strategically to keep the right out of power; I will spontaneously, without expectation of reward, fix broken stuff I find that I have the knowledge and tools to fix, and pick up litter and suchlike, to leave things a bit better than I found them. Including when there are no witnesses and there is some inconvenience involved, at least up to a point.

Perhaps, though, as someone with an ASD and assorted comorbidities, I’m an exception to the rule? The article is likely based predominantly on neurotypical people, and outside of that subset of people maybe all bets are off.

4 years ago

Both mgtow and mgotw2 just need to go already. It’s so tiring to read over and over and over again how women shouldn’t be considered human like being able to vote, own a home/land and work because mgtows want to own sex slaves that are forced to stay in the kitchen.

How do they keep this energy saying the same things about women so much over and over again?

Also this reminded me how intertwined mgtows are with white supremacists

“All waves of feminism and the destruction they’ve caused are the products of White and Jewish women primarily.”

so… Countdown to when mgtows begin to fight each other? because like with every group that begins on hatred, it’s only inevitable. There are mgtows of different races, religious backgrounds and ethnicities, and with how closely a majority of mgtows like to mimic nazi jargon, it’s just a matter of time.

Dana C.
Dana C.
4 years ago

If black women are so unattractive, why is there such a long history of white men raping them?

4 years ago


I get what your trying to say, but rape has nothing to do with attraction to someone. It’s about power and wanting to hurt someone in the most intimate way they possibly can.

4 years ago

I feel bad for black women. 🙁 They are beautiful but are treated so badly.

4 years ago

I knew it. Raaaaaaaaaaaaacists!!!