Imagine how far your head has to be up your own ass to ask a question like this.

Nothing’s stopping you from starting up your own OnlyFans, dude. Maybe you could find yourself a nice sugar daddy, if that’s what you really want.
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I guess this answered the question no one asked of “what does a guy who doesn’t know the first thing about women think his life would be like as a woman?”
I think I know what this means.
Interesting that they think the only point of getting an education is to be a politician. I’m guessing they are projecting based on their cult-like support of Donald Trump. I’ll also bet Hillary Clinton is the only woman politician they know they name of.
I think this is more about capitalism than anything else.
Here we go again.
Since I’m guessing his idea of what women should look like is from models and porn, his idea of these is probably physically impossible without surgery. I also doubt any red piller would have the dedication to do anything to aim for this goal.
It’s interesting you post this today, given how a few days ago the Wall Street Journal ran an extremely misogynistic op-ed about why Dr. Jill Biden shouldn’t call herself “Dr. Biden.” It’s in the same vein.
What’s an RMV guy? Do they make you stand in line forever before you can take a driving test?
I’m pretty sure that MV stands for “market value,” not sure about the R. Maybe “rich” or “rank”?
Surely, if your big butt was natural then, by definition, you wouldn’t need to work to get it?
Strong underpants gnome energy here. Pretty much every step consists of ???.
Also, where are the fast food restaurants that are paying $20 an hour?
Does this question assume that no “girls” exist that this man would not rate as a 9 or a 10 out if 10? Like, even ignoring that his plan for those women is just pulled right out of his ass and also sex work is work so “why pretend to care about work when you could just do sex work” is incomprehensible.
Edit: (The long edit window is really good for my tendency to just want to go on and on and on, btw)
The answer to the question in my particular case is a) I don’t think this guy would have rated me as a 9 or 10 in my 20s, so I guess I don’t real and b) I don’t want to do sex work even if I was guaranteed to have the results he assumes all women would. It doesn’t seem like a thing that I would enjoy more than the work I already do, even when considering that I would likely make more money. Sometimes some women don’t want to do things that other women do want to do because sometimes women get accidentally rebooted and can’t reestablish our connection with the hive mind.
Shorter redpill dumb ass : why isn’t the world just as shallow and lazy as i am
Strangely enough I’ve had men say things like this very similar to me. They tell me I’m to pretty to be a waitress when i work there. I’ve been told I’m to pretty to be going to college. That dude really couldn’t wrap his head around that i want to be aj archeologist. That’s why I’m doing this
It’s not new for these type of asshole men to think that all beautiful women are just stupid and shallow.
Wow, so much wrong in such a small space.
Don’t these guys think women are naturally lazy bon bon eaters? Then again, hamsterrationalizing when reality blatantly refuses to match their “theory” is their thing….
Is it a giant projection of his own laziness with a side of envy and not knowing shit about women for dessert? I’m betting yes.
I do find the mention of Hilary Clinton particularly amusing, not sure exactly why. I agree with Naglfar that she’s probably the only woman politician they know by name. Also, maybe because they are implicitly admiting that politics is hard work?
But in the end I’m thinking all boils down to decision making. How dare women not want to be sexual objects and take part in the debate in which the destiny of a nation is decided? Especially since us men have been doing such a wonderful job at it hurr hurr.
Bottom line, he seems desperate to uphold his bullshit “smv” theory while it lies shattered on the floor.
For a moment there I though he was talking about *age*… which made the whole thing even more terrible. Kudos for not being the most disgusting redpiller ever, I guess?
Would you call having a sugar daddy *sex work*? Isn’t it supposed to be some kind of personal relationship?
Don’t get me wrong, I do think being a sugar babe is a hell lot of work… I just never thought of it as “job”.
I would in the aggregate, and I would respect how any individual sugar baby referred to themselves and their relationship. In any case, though, he’s talking about starting with an Instagram or an OnlyFans to attract one of these many extremely rich men, which I interpreted as a reference to sex work.
Women who rate below 9 are probably invisible to him, except for when it’s advantageous for him to complain about them.
I have no experience with sex work so my opinion is of very little value, but I would consider it to be sex work because it involves the presumed provision of sex in exchange for money. I’d be interested to hear the opinion of someone who is or has been a sex worker.
It absolutely is sex work, and one of the more laborious forms of it. People who’ve done both had usually rather be escorts, it’s much better money for a lot less hassle.
Thanks all for your answers!
I didn’t mean to imply sugar babes (or anyone, for that matter) deserve any less respect. It seems to be a trend for young girls here (and I’m guessing, everywhere). I’ve seen them debate their experiencies in plenty of online feminist groups I participate in.
I just never saw them refer to it as work/a job, but more as (non romantic? But sometimes romantic as well) relationships. From what I’ve seen they don’t usually consider it sex work (which dosant mean it can’t be).
Just to be super clear, I’m not syaing it doesn’t take work, just that I haven’t seen it refered to as a job.
Most MGTOWs have their heads so far up their asses that their hairlines are practically touching their spinal cords.
Strangely enough I’ve had men say things like this very similar to me. They tell me I’m to pretty to be a waitress when i work there. I’ve been told I’m to pretty to be going to college. That dude really couldn’t wrap his head around that i want to be aj archeologist. That’s why I’m doing this.
And yet Hollywood evidently requires female servers, college students, and archaeologists alike to be pretty as a basic qualification to belong to the human race.
Most of the manosphere is pissed off that some women make $ on Onlyfans, but this guy is pissed if women make money doing something other than sex work? It’s almost like women can’t win with misogynists!
Speaking of, did everyone see how the NY Post (Murdoch trash) decided to post an article outing a NYC EMT for having a side job on Onlyfans to make ends meet? Because apparently it’s vitally important news worth getting some random woman fired because some creepy ass writers decided they think she’s a slut. I mean, I knew the NY was a shit excuse for journalism, but this is a real low. I guess they were jealous of all the attention the Wall Street Journal was getting for telling Jill Biden she shouldn’t refer to herself as Dr. Biden in the most condescending and misogynistic way possible.
Normally, I’d advise guys to imagine what it’s like being a woman. It’s a useful exercise in empathy. Of course, it does require that you’re marginally in touch with reality or it just turns into an exercise in projection.
It’s clear his only experience with sex workers or sugar babies is having watched one of those grifting “how to be a sugar baby” YouTube videos meant to appeal to adolescent male fantasies and nothing more
He can’t comprehend any “rich market value” man, or with any “mv” of any kind, wanting to be with a woman for any other reason than looks; pathetic on multiple levels- at best it’s demonstrates a particularly specific form of self-sabotage.
Still, I wonder why he doesn’t take his own advice and start a big booty only fans- since it’s sooo easy. Barely an inconvenience
I think they probably see Clinton as an archetype of a highly accomplished professional woman, who’s also unlikeable* and relatively unattractive**, and they feel it’s all connected somehow. It fits the common “looks or brains” stereotype for women. Besides, they basically only ever notice or remember an older plain-looking woman if she’s politically important like Clinton. So naturally they assume that being professionally accomplished (as a woman) makes you an ugly beech and/or vice versa.
*That’s what many people are said to feel about her; I wouldn’t personally know enough to judge. Obviously, I do understand the gendered double standard in play here.
**In part due to being older than the average Instagram model, which is in fact related to her being a nationally important politician. Presumably, if you do use your looks to catch a rich man, your future is secured and it doesn’t matter if you eventually grow old – just ask Donald Trump’s wives.
I think as well that so much of their ideals about female beauty rests on extreme youth and perceived virginity/purity that simply being more worldly/knowledgable makes women less attractive. I mean, Hillary is 73 and in fairly good knick, to them its her personality and career that makes her notably ugly. I imagine the thing the 9+ girl can do to be a “total bitch” is not be a complete pushover.
@NewtonThePlant RMV seems to be a tacit admission that the guys a young woman attracts from IG/TT/OF are unlikely to have a SMV to match her own.
For guavaberries3, RMV seems to boil down to money when he is in career counsellor mode. He twice mentions that such women can score a ‘rich guy’.
But if he were they, she would be chasing the guy with the highest SMV while working OF for income.
It seems guavaberries3 would rather live in a society divided by chads and chad-nots than one where women as old as Hilary Clinton make more money than attractive twenty-somethings on Instagram.
Or perhaps he secretly fears his economic rationale will oblige him to become Dianne Feinstein’s toy boy if Richard Blum visits OF.
r/asktrp has already moved on to “Why is the average girl so boring yet entitled? They literally do no self-improvement.” The top answer is “Social Media. Dating Apps. And simps”
Redpiller: “Women don’t contribute anything to society! They just sit around on Instagram eating bonbons all day!”
Also redpiller: “Why do women insist on contributing to society rather than sitting around on Instagram eating bonbons all day?”
I did do something like this but insta/ only fans wasn’t around back then
as a pretty young woman who studied in a highly competitive field that is very exploitive I fell into a bit of nude modeling and managed to get a group of followers who would buy me food/ drinks/ days out in exchange for my company. In my experience it is very unstable and not the best option.
(I am now 39 working as a cleaner and married to a working class guy and I have never been happier)
That’s why it’s so laughable that this guy imagines he could snap his fingers and be a 9+ woman (all it takes is not eating junk food!! Who knew?). The second he opened his mouth to lecture everyone on How the World Works, he’d immediately be downgraded to negative/imaginary number territory by all his dudebro pals who really aren’t interested in hearing women speak, and then by all the other men who really aren’t interested in endlessly inane redpill drivel.
I know he doesn’t think personality is important, but he would quickly find out how repellant incel whining is, and how much less seriously the world takes women. He’d have to give up his position of assumed authority as a man. That would really sting, I bet.
But when firefighters do a beefcake calendar as a fundraiser, they’re praised for being creative.